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Everything posted by mahree

  1. She research an article for Catco but Snapper rejected it and refused to publish it. Does that mean she has to garbage it and never use the information in any other form? How would they know what computer she blogged from? She sent it from her home. It seemed to me that she had written the article and submitted it to Snapper, who refused to run it because it wasn't properly sourced. If she ran the same article on her blog, that would have technically been copyright infringement, assuming that she is an employee of CatCo and not an independent contractor. The reason for this is that copyright law states that anything an employee creates that is within the course and scope of employment is automatically owned by the employer (the "Work for Hire" doctrine). I assumed that was what Snapper meant when he told her she used CatCo "resources."
  2. Yeah, I wondered about that as well b/c I remember being fascinated by the (AT&T?) phone store in the mall, which AFAIK was the only way you could get one. At&T (Ma Bell) breakup happened in January 1982. Here is a link to a Washington Post article that mentions purchasing phones from January 1983. So if the show takes place in Fall 1983 it is entirely possible fro Joyce to have purchased her phone(s). As stated in the article, you could purchase a phone pre-breakup, but only from a phone store. After deregulation, you could buy them anywhere. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/business/1983/01/31/ma-bells-breakup-means-big-changes-ahead-for-phone-users/185c55de-505f-4f1b-98e8-e1e2bf3b67b2/?utm_term=.624b48785028
  3. No kidding? Do you know the name of the movie? Breaking Away. Classic. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0078902/
  4. Probably they all decide to move (back) to Los Angeles.
  5. Was it too grimm to continue? (sorry.)
  6. LOL I must have blinked. Of course, I could have rewound when I was watching, but I just figured it was Steve's super special SEALness so I shrugged it off.
  7. I just want to know how they got the truck started without the battery.
  8. It's its own thing, called "Pound:" https://poundfit.com/
  9. On all the shows like this (Castle was another), they excuse it as "[X] works for the police, but isn't police", so if they find something and bring the "real" cops after, the trail isn't poisoned, because the "real" cops followed the rules. Except that is not how it actually works. If someone is a civilian but is working for the police, they are legally considered agents of the police force and are bound by the same strictures as police, even when they are not working under the direction and control of the police. As such, any evidence that is illegally obtained is indeed fruit of the poisonous tree and would be inadmissible. I suppose cops could argue inevitable discovery but that wouldn't work in all cases. Better to just handwave it, I suppose.
  10. Probably analogous to a conflict waiver or some such
  11. Good point. But that version is so bad it would definitely balance out the awesomeness that is the Eagles (like the great beer that's always served warm).
  12. The Eagles. And I'm surprised it wasn't an endless loop of the live version of Hotel California only. That would be HELLLLLL
  13. I really liked it. Did anyone catch the musical shoutout to North by Northwest when Jake, Cassandra, and Ezekiel arrived at Mount Rushmore?
  14. Represent! I work at CMU and my son is good friends with Izzy. We (I) am watching this show for the first time and thoroughly enjoying it.
  15. Its an old trend and not because of the trashy family (refuse to use their name) either. I said it on another thread about it. I was surprised to see it on her because its an older trend. Yet it used to be if you had points on the nails it was a sign you were a drug user. That was a different time though and not a "fashion trend". LOL
  16. I thought they might be indicating Latina heritage of his mom since her first name was Maria. Who knows with this crew, though...
  17. I'm pretty sure that's Daniel Handler playing the fish head salesperson in the town
  18. That would have been Ruthie Ann Miles, who won a Tony for her portrayal of Lady Thiang in The King and I on Broadway last year (year before last?) Great actress, glorious voice. And she was AMAZING in The Americans
  19. They (Felix Solis (adoptive dad), Manny Perez (drug kingpin), Maximiliano Hernandez (DEA Agent), Diana Chavez(adoptive mom)) are all Latino.
  20. Building, Antenna, Span, Earth. BASE jumpers will jump from any of these four things. Link: https://officialbridgeday.com/base-jumping/
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