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Everything posted by Bcharmer

  1. Great season finale! Chuck and Wendy's argument was so intense, that at one point the force from Chuck's breath blew Wendy's hair out of place.
  2. I had "Nina is going to die" vibes the whole episode. So, I guess it came as no surprise. Like others have said, it was time. I thought for sure that Stan would find a photo of Martha and Phillip in her apartment. Didn't she have a wedding photo, or something, in a frame on a shelf? I kept waiting for that. Irlandesa: "I hate seeing people throw up on TV without warning" I was having dinner at that moment, so I could have done without it, as well. Last night it was Robert Kardashian, tonight, Elizabeth. Do we really need to see stuff coming out of their mouths to know they are vomiting? Just the noise is good enough for me, thank you.
  3. I can't even imagine. I don't remember the hot potato stuff, specifically, but I do remember how excruciatingly tense those long minutes felt before the verdict was read. Seemed like it took forever. Truly a nail-biting experience. Then, when the verdict finally came, I swear, I have never been as shocked by anything I've ever seen on TV before, fact or fiction, before or since. Except for maybe watching Jack Ruby shoot Oswald on live television. But I was only 11 then... so I think the OJ verdict was far more shocking to me. I just could not believe it. Rendered me speechless.
  4. I don't know... I kind of liked it. I thought the writing was good... I really enjoyed the conversation between Axe and Wendy. Too much Lara, though, yes.
  5. But Billionaire Bobby wears jeans, t-shirts and hoodies to work, in fancy restaurants, to meetings, etc. Not sure why Lara's clothes are unsuitable for the show, but his aren't. They're both assholes, but I have no issue with their wardrobes. Those boho chic blouses are fairly expensive (for example, Johnny Was peasant shirts are at least $200). If I were filthy rich, I'd still dress in a hip way, and wouldn't care one whit what anyone else thought.
  6. I keep waiting to catch a glimpse of a Los Pollos Hermanos establishment as one of the characters drives down the street. That would make my day.
  7. Every time I see Lara in those blouses, I'm like "Hmmm..... is that a Johnny Was? I wonder where she got that?" But, I'm an old California hippie. I like her clothes. I'd wear them myself (except that funeral outfit, uh...no). But that doesn't mean I like her. Weakest link in the acting lineup.
  8. I'm putting this in spoiler tags, just in case, but it's mostly speculation.
  9. Channel surfing today, and caught a bit of San Andreas, with Dwayne Johnson. I wasn't familiar with him, at all (don't watch wrestling), but the very minute I saw his face, my first thought was, "why didn't they cast HIM as OJ?" He would have been perfect!
  10. Did anyone recognize Kaylie's stuffed animal? The battery operated pig? I was almost as happy to see that as I was to see Krazy 8! A much more subtle Easter Egg, for sure. It was used on BrBa by Mike as a distraction at the front door, while he snuck around and entered from the back. Sorry, I can't remember the episode, but most of you will know what I'm talking about.
  11. Great! Hopefully the March 16 date is the more accurate, since it is a more recent post. Yay! Thanks!
  12. Does anyone have any idea when season two airs in the US?
  13. Well, I do remember one episode of Sex and the City, when Samantha got naked and placed sushi all over her body, as a surprise for her boyfriend. But I didn't know that it's done in public (ha.. I almost accidentally typed "pubic") places. Clearly, I need to get out more.
  14. Eating sushi off the bodies of strippers? Is that a thing?
  15. It's not great, but I've certainly seen a lot worse. If I'm going to watch a bad show, at least let it be with good actors. It's my new guilty pleasure.
  16. I just binged River over the past three nights. Brilliant. Highly recommended.
  17. I'm in... just for Paul Giamatti alone, but Maggie Siff is a bonus. I'll give it at least three episodes before I judge one way or the other.
  18. I just finished it last night. Finally got around to watching it, after it's been in the queue for a year, or so. Really liked it. I also try to seek out shows from outside the US, when I can. Top of the Lake, and Les Revenants (both on Sundance) are two examples. I think there was a US remake of Les Revenants, but I didn't even bother. The French version was so good. Watched the second season of Broadchurch, which I also liked. Gracepoint, on the other hand... meh. I think, more often than not, it's better to leave well enough alone. US remakes are rarely, if ever, better. Don't even get me started on The Killing.
  19. Actually, the show blew it with the phone. The first missed call was from "Allison," but the other missed calls showed it with one L. Bad continuity. Really bad. During the first season, many people here were spelling it both ways, but what determined it for me, were those POV introductions at the start of each half of the episode. Since I recorded each episode to watch later, I was able to go back and see how it was spelled there, and it was always with one L, which is also how they show it on IMDB. I wasn't even paying attention to the spelling in the book's dedication... but if I still have that episode on the dvr, I may go back to check.
  20. Yes, it's spelled "Alison" - not only in the closed captions (and on IMDB), but also when they display on screen who's POV it will be. From the first episode, it's been spelled with one L.
  21. To help clarify, Audrey is the dark-haired girl who is a friend of Camille's. Victor's mother doesn't have a name. Her character is listed only as "Mère de Victor" on IMBD. I pointed this out last week, because I was pretty confused about there being two characters named Audrey (there aren't). Hope that helps. :)
  22. dbklmt wrote: "The story flashes to Audjourd'hui (Today) and is told by Audrey to Julie with Mrs. Costa, Sabrinet, standing outside smoking on the balcony. It's then when we learn that Victor's real name is Louis." and "Julie is with Audrey and Victor and we discover that Victor is afraid of his mother. Julie talks with Sabrinet about Audrey and finds out that she was not her friend but her husband's." and "Audrey is giving Victor a haircut when she discovers his drawings getting furious telling him that he knows he is not supposed to draw. Victor looks scared to death of his mom." I was really confused by this, because Audrey is the young girl who died on the bus with Camille. I don't think Victor/Louis's mother is named Audrey, too. I don't think her character has a name... does she? I tried to find it, but on IMDB she was only called "Mère de Victor."
  23. The erased files with the finger occurred before blond guy learned that Numan gave the files to the reporter. He must have been telepathetic.
  24. The music in the ocean scene was so beautiful, but it sounded extremely familiar. It was bugging me no end, until I finally figured out what it reminded me of. If anyone has seen the movie "The Legend of 1900" (original music by Ennio Morricone), there are two themes (built on the same melody) in that movie called "Crisis" and "Second Crisis" and it's those same four notes that keep repeating. It's so similar, it's uncanny. I'm just one of those people who remembers melodies like that (plus, I've seen that movie about four times). It's probably just a wild coincidence that the two pieces of music sound so much alike. But at least it finally came to me, so I thought I'd share, to see if it sounded familiar to anyone else, too.
  25. I've rewatched that scene between George and Trey a few times, and I still don't see where Trey taunted him to the point where George had no option but to commit suicide. They asked each other if the other one had killed Hanna, and both said no. Then George asked, "What are you going to do, Trey?" Trey said, "Tell the truth." Then George asked, "What is the truth?" And that's it. Trey didn't answer. He just left. And we saw George all alone, mulling things over. Until, at the end, he kills himself. What I want to know is, what even made Trey go back there to find his body? How did Trey know that's where he would be? How did he know that George just didn't leave the state, or something? That has always bothered me.
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