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Everything posted by Bcharmer

  1. I don't know about Minnesota, but out here in California, when you get newspapers delivered to your house, there's no mailing label with your name and address on it. At least we were spared from seeing Varga throw up all that ice cream. Thank you.
  2. Since I was bored, I kept an eye on that sliding glass door, and how the blinds were still swaying during the Alison/Cole conversation. I was waiting for them to be moving in one scene, and then not be moving in the next scene (this is how I entertain myself sometimes). Most of the time, the door was only open a fraction of the way, since Alison didn't close it all the way. But in the very last shot of it, before Noah comes back in, it's open wide enough that a person could have walked through it. Nice going, continuity department... and thanks for giving me something interesting to notice.
  3. Thanks for the comparison to Westworld. I gave up on that one after only a few episodes.
  4. Yes, I also now hate the pointless POVs. That novelty has worn off, for me. If nothing we see is the absolute truth, then the differing POVs are worthless, unless playing "spot the differences" is your idea of a good time. The writers can be sloppy about any detail, and justify it by saying, "Well, that was just so-and-so's point of view, and memories are flawed." Ugh. Sorry, but I need SOME truth. At this point, I struggle to find anyone or anything to like.
  5. I can't speak for anyone else, but I was obsessed with SFU. I've seen each episode several times. There may have been big things about it, but there were also many, many quiet things about it as well. It was mostly about family, and the way the characters related to each other, the dreamy-ness of many of its scenes, the profoundness, the humanity, the emotionality of it, and its dark humor, that I find similar between the two. They both made me *feel* something... where many shows do not. Few shows will get me to choke up like that. They both felt very real to me, and I mourned the ending of both of them... I was sad saying goodbye to characters I had come to care about. Not sure if that's what others meant when they compared the two, but that's what I meant.
  6. Like Six Feet Under, this show actually made me *feel* something throughout its run. I cried a few times during the finale. Sure, it wasn't quite like SFU's finale (nothing compares to that, in my opinion), but I thought it was wonderful, just the same. Daniel and Kerwin "driving" in New York just killed me.
  7. I believe that after the visit from the detectives, Alison had a second thoughts about that. Their visit made her think twice. She was holding the jar while talking to them, but after they left, we saw her look at the jar, then slide it aside... to show she was rejecting that idea. Not that I am excusing her for thinking about it in the first place, but I thought this showed that she didn't actually go through with it.
  8. How many times over the years, have I thought this very thing while watching a TV show? If only the truth had been told, "x" would not have had to happen. But without lies and misunderstandings, 90% of the silly plots/episodes throughout TV history (granted, mostly in sitcoms, but you get my drift) would never have been written.
  9. I've been on the fence with this show since last season... straddling between "this is bad, but fun enough to hate-watch" and "this is just bad... I'm out of here." I think this episode just pushed me over into the latter. Back in season one, I thought the differing POV's made sense, in the context of a murder investigation, as Noah and Alison relayed their stories to the detective. Once the detective was out of the picture, and those conversations ended, the different versions of the stories continued, but didn't really seem necessary. Now, to me, it's just a gimmick that serves what purpose? To see tedious events played over a second time (dinner party, for example). This show has ceased to be interesting to me. The characters are all unlikeable. But this episode had to be the worst. I don't care about anything that's going on anymore. Le shark, I believe he has jumped, no?
  10. I hadn't noticed the music being louder than usual... which is something I'm usually overly-senstive to. Nothing is worse than that Grey's Anatomy level of distraction and obnoxiousness. So annoying when the music drowns out the dialog. But maybe I was too engrossed in the story to notice it in this episode.
  11. You just knew the minute Teddy Jr said "All right, watch this" that something would go wrong. That's an old joke, of course (What did the redneck say just before he died? "Hey, watch this!"), but they went there... which made it both funny and sad at the same time. I didn't think Teddy Jr had any intention of killing himself after last week's episode. Wouldn't it be impossible to shoot yourself with a rifle, I asked myself? Of course, I could not have predicted he would inadvertently shoot himself this way. He's lucky the bullet didn't hit him in the head. Good thing he knew something about physics.
  12. Same here. Gave up on MoS a while ago. I'm giving The Affair one or two more episodes, and that's it. Life is too short. :) Truly, the only show I am 100% into right now is Rectify... and I will cry real tears when it's over.
  13. It didn't give me as much pause as a scene that was "one year ago", has Helen mentioning the "dickhead dad that voted for Trump". That was a headscratcher... Right! That really threw me, as well. How could that even make sense, unless the first episode supposed to take place in 2017? The samba comment was just lazy, and inaccurate, but voting for Trump? Were they talking about the primaries, maybe? Ehh.. who knows. Who cares. I'm basically hate-watching at this point, but so far even that isn't as much fun as it used to be.
  14. Helen to Noah: "Trevor's in a play... The Tempest, set in Cuba, so it's half in Spanish with samba music." Did that give anyone else pause, since samba is Brazilian, not Cuban? Or was it supposed to be wrong like that, on purpose? I couldn't tell. Took me way out of the scene, though.
  15. Funny... as I was watching the first episode, I thought of Eddie Izzard, too, during the rowing scene ("Row, you bastards!" - another bit from Dress to Kill). I was just waiting for the Queen to say, "You're a plumber? What on eaaaaahhhrrrthh is that?"
  16. For me, it was a toss-up between Hated in the Nation and Shut Up and Dance. I think I felt the most dread and tension during SUaD.
  17. The ending gave me "Silence of the Lambs" vibes. "I do wish we could chat longer, but I'm having an old friend for dinner." - as we watch Hannibal Lechter follow his prey through the crowded streets. End credits.
  18. Yeah, the kids were more tolerable this episode, which gives me hope. I loved Mel. Can he be MY boyfriend? I also hope we get to see more cameos of actors playing themselves, like with DD. That makes it fun. So far, this is becoming my favorite new comedy.
  19. Ugh, I know! I completely agree. Why do TV writers create teenagers (and their accommodating/enabling parents) this way? Is that the norm, these days? This is giving me bad "Dana Brody" flashbacks. <shiver> First episode, Dana Brody berates her mother for "fucking Mike." Woah... I get the willies from Paige on The Americans, too. Is it that hard to make teenagers realistic, respectful and likeable anymore?
  20. Yeah... I feel the same way. I certainly was raised differently. This is something that bugs me a LOT about TV teenagers. They can be complete assholes, and the parent(s) just cave. I reeeeeaaaallllly hate that. But I love Adlon, and will watch just for her. I can't get into any other comedies on television right now (I'm especially allergic to network sitcoms), so this is it for me, at the moment.
  21. I have had the book for a few years now, and haven't even started it yet. But I'm gonna. Plane trip coming up. :) As for humanizing Pablo? I know these are fictional characters, but Tony Soprano and Dexter were murderous monsters, and also loving family men (if you don't count TS's cheating and fighting with Carm). Dexter was very sweet with Rita and the kids. So, this isn't bugging me at all. I'm actually enjoying the scenes with Pablo and his kids... and I loved the scene with Pablo and Tata sipping tea together, or dancing. I appreciate that they are showing this side of his personality, too.
  22. Just started. Watched the first eposide last night. So happy it's back!
  23. Stone got his phone back, with the photos of the files on it.
  24. Maybe it will be like Murder on the Orient Express. They'll all take a stab at her.
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