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Everything posted by Bcharmer

  1. I'm in... just for Paul Giamatti alone, but Maggie Siff is a bonus. I'll give it at least three episodes before I judge one way or the other.
  2. I just finished it last night. Finally got around to watching it, after it's been in the queue for a year, or so. Really liked it. I also try to seek out shows from outside the US, when I can. Top of the Lake, and Les Revenants (both on Sundance) are two examples. I think there was a US remake of Les Revenants, but I didn't even bother. The French version was so good. Watched the second season of Broadchurch, which I also liked. Gracepoint, on the other hand... meh. I think, more often than not, it's better to leave well enough alone. US remakes are rarely, if ever, better. Don't even get me started on The Killing.
  3. Actually, the show blew it with the phone. The first missed call was from "Allison," but the other missed calls showed it with one L. Bad continuity. Really bad. During the first season, many people here were spelling it both ways, but what determined it for me, were those POV introductions at the start of each half of the episode. Since I recorded each episode to watch later, I was able to go back and see how it was spelled there, and it was always with one L, which is also how they show it on IMDB. I wasn't even paying attention to the spelling in the book's dedication... but if I still have that episode on the dvr, I may go back to check.
  4. Yes, it's spelled "Alison" - not only in the closed captions (and on IMDB), but also when they display on screen who's POV it will be. From the first episode, it's been spelled with one L.
  5. To help clarify, Audrey is the dark-haired girl who is a friend of Camille's. Victor's mother doesn't have a name. Her character is listed only as "Mère de Victor" on IMBD. I pointed this out last week, because I was pretty confused about there being two characters named Audrey (there aren't). Hope that helps. :)
  6. dbklmt wrote: "The story flashes to Audjourd'hui (Today) and is told by Audrey to Julie with Mrs. Costa, Sabrinet, standing outside smoking on the balcony. It's then when we learn that Victor's real name is Louis." and "Julie is with Audrey and Victor and we discover that Victor is afraid of his mother. Julie talks with Sabrinet about Audrey and finds out that she was not her friend but her husband's." and "Audrey is giving Victor a haircut when she discovers his drawings getting furious telling him that he knows he is not supposed to draw. Victor looks scared to death of his mom." I was really confused by this, because Audrey is the young girl who died on the bus with Camille. I don't think Victor/Louis's mother is named Audrey, too. I don't think her character has a name... does she? I tried to find it, but on IMDB she was only called "Mère de Victor."
  7. The erased files with the finger occurred before blond guy learned that Numan gave the files to the reporter. He must have been telepathetic.
  8. The music in the ocean scene was so beautiful, but it sounded extremely familiar. It was bugging me no end, until I finally figured out what it reminded me of. If anyone has seen the movie "The Legend of 1900" (original music by Ennio Morricone), there are two themes (built on the same melody) in that movie called "Crisis" and "Second Crisis" and it's those same four notes that keep repeating. It's so similar, it's uncanny. I'm just one of those people who remembers melodies like that (plus, I've seen that movie about four times). It's probably just a wild coincidence that the two pieces of music sound so much alike. But at least it finally came to me, so I thought I'd share, to see if it sounded familiar to anyone else, too.
  9. I've rewatched that scene between George and Trey a few times, and I still don't see where Trey taunted him to the point where George had no option but to commit suicide. They asked each other if the other one had killed Hanna, and both said no. Then George asked, "What are you going to do, Trey?" Trey said, "Tell the truth." Then George asked, "What is the truth?" And that's it. Trey didn't answer. He just left. And we saw George all alone, mulling things over. Until, at the end, he kills himself. What I want to know is, what even made Trey go back there to find his body? How did Trey know that's where he would be? How did he know that George just didn't leave the state, or something? That has always bothered me.
  10. I thought it was Daniel's daydream, too, while swimming in the ocean. But it could have been Tawney's dream. Kind of reminded me a bit of the "Ecotone" episode on Six Feet Under, when David and Nate seemed to share the same dream, just before Nate flatlined.
  11. I guess I was wrong about what it meant when Ted said "not the same." When Janet said she didn't have a problem with Teddy staying at the house, I figured she was sort of implying that Ted had a problem when Daniel stayed there. His "not the same" meant (to me) the circumstances were different, and it wasn't fair to say that. But I'll have to go back and see it again. What a damn beautiful episode. That scene with Tawney and Daniel was everything. I was holding my breath... well, for pretty much the whole episode, but that scene in particular was lovely. Six Feet Under is still my all-time fave, but this one is coming real close.
  12. RECTIFIED! My dream come true!
  13. There are some good theories a-brewin' here. Hoping that a US deputy marshal from Miami gets transferred to Paulie.... and that it's Raylan Givens. Then we can call the show Rectified.
  14. Yes, on paper, Amantha does look like a typo. In real life, I know someone named Samanda. Kind of a cross between the two.
  15. When I first heard her name, I thought it sounded more like someone left the "S" off "Samantha" - Amanda didn't even cross my mind until Peanut mentioned it.
  16. Walton Goggins deserved it even more than Dinklage, who did very little this season. It just breaks my heart. This was one of the very best shows this year, and it gets nada. Same for Rectify. I have lost faith in those voters, to be honest.
  17. When the Senator's speech first became garbled, I actually thought, "What the hell did he say? Is something wrong with my closed captioning?" I leave it on all the time, as I find it helps in many ways, though my hearing is perfectly fine. I replayed it, and re-read that line a few times, then gave up. Then came the second garbled line, and it became immediately clear he was having a stroke. Yeah, Karma. Great episode. I am so grateful that this show exists, as there really is nothing airing right now that's anywhere near as good as this.
  18. Daniel is an anagram of denial. Hmmm.
  19. I believe I have exactly one friend in real life who watches this. I do what I can to get people to watch quality television, but sometimes it takes a while for something to catch on. I turned several friends on to Justified, who eventually became die-hard fans. Rectify is a harder sell, for some reason. Saddens me.
  20. What? How? Heroin is just another opiat. It makes you addicted faster, but that's about it. For one thing, it would be harder to obtain (as opposed to legal meds she could easily get in the hospital), and also, it would be harder to hide being high on heroin. She appeared fairly functional on pills... not sure that would be the case with heroin. I believe it would be far more obvious.
  21. When Jack dropped the ashes in the water and actually said, "Ciao, Bella," I thought to myself, they really used that line? Yes, of course, that was her name, but that's one of the most over-used lines in Italian (especially by non Italians). I just had to laugh.
  22. I believe she opened all three bags. There were tiny time-jumps, so we only watched her dump out the contents from one bag. But if you look carefully, there's one shot that shows three empty bags. That was way too much powder had it only been from one bag. And it wouldn't have been like Jackie to leave the other two untouched. This contributes to the idea that she knew what she was doing. And I'm also one who believes she died. Maybe not right then, but perhaps minutes later. I think it would have taken several minutes to die that way, not suddenly. I could be wrong, though. I also loved that they used Valley of the Dolls again. I remember they used the original version for the pilot episode, which I thought was genius. Glad they brought it back, as it was just perfect.
  23. Okay, thanks! I'll stay away from there, and will let it be a surprise. :)
  24. "A secret shocks Zoey." In my listing, it says "Zoey is shocked by Carrie's secret" - I'm wondering if she's still pregnant? Would that be possible? Did she fake a miscarriage to get rid of Coop? But, she's been drinking, and doing *other things*, so perhaps not.
  25. During that final shot of Jon's face, I couldn't help but notice how beautiful he looked. His dark hair, and fair skin, and handsome face. Don't laugh, but Snow White came to mind, and not just because they both have "Snow" in their names. While I was enjoying that lovely thought, I immediately found myself fearing his eyes would suddenly pop open, revealing an icy blue color. Shiver. Then the next thought I had is that he would then be a Snow Wight. A few seasons back, I learned that "wight" was the word for the re-animated corpses, which confused the heck out of me, because I thought it was just a nickname for White Walker (whites/wights... couldn't they have come up with a name that wasn't do darn close?). Then, the only thing I could think of was "Quick! Burn the body! Burn the body!" But then I found myself hoping and wondering if someone/something would bring him back to life ("Wait! Don't burn the body! Don't burn the body!). Aggghhh. All this took place over a few nanoseconds.
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