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Everything posted by xander874

  1. Thank God they finally addressed the burps. She's done it in every episode so far, so I like the continuity/callback/foreshadowing of it.
  2. I loved it especially when he was talking about Pacey's doughy boy body that would eventually become fit. That certainly came true. JJ was so hot on Fringe.
  3. Yeah, that Judd Hirsch cutaway was one of the oddest ones they've ever done. But, kudos they got him to voice it. Glad Cleveland was involved in a plot and has a job. Guess he didn't want to get into the deli business again and the cable company wasn't hiring. This was actually a pretty tame episode. The meaness was kept to a minimum (for FG anyway) and everybody got along. But I never want to think of Carter's weiner again please!
  4. Yeah, especially in later episodes. I don't mind swearing and think it's somewhat realistic, but cussing and a laughtrack is oddly jarring. I can see this after having watched all the episodes. Maybe Stephen Hyde (who would be in his 50s now) can be Debra Winger's long-lost brother and they can do some weird stunt casting or something in Season 2. I'm stretching I know. I grew to really like Heather and I like the actress playing her mom. I've had a crush on Brett Harrison since Grounded for Life, so I hope they develop the "world" more (assuming there is another season) and keep these other townies around. I'm not a fan of Debra Winger - I just don't think she has much range, but she has good chemistry with all the cast. And Beau has been hit-or-miss for me (even though I like Sam Elliott) but the look on his face when he saw the trailer gone was so heart-breaking.
  5. Yeah I agree the YouTube/Vine guys were not so good (although both have very nice bodies - I googled them). The last lightning round game was awful. I don't even know what it was supposed to be and couldn't understand half of what they said. Am I old? I feel like screaming "Get off my lawn!" for some reason now/
  6. I've watched the first 2 episodes. I will probably watch the rest, but I can't say I love it. It's very uneven between the funny and serious. I love Danny Masterson so I'll stick with it, but I hope it improves.
  7. Yeah, that plot sort of petered out and didn't really go anywhere. I usually prefer the B plots, but not this time. I just wish Smithers had gone to the steel mill at some point. We work hard and we play hard.
  8. I only feel mostly old when I think that Pat was a teen actor on Evening Shade and now is the father of teens on this show. But, I do like the dynamic between him and the sons. He loves them both and has his own relationship with them. I'm totally not religious, but I liked that Shannon's story didn't take her to a typical story of becoming an atheist or agnostic. It is weird that her parents are okay with her having a job at 14. In my state, you had to get permission from your parents if you wanted a "real" job before 16. of course, that was 100 years ago so...
  9. I noticed that too. It seemed like there was a pause for people to do it, but maybe they weren't 100% sure it was her and by the time they did, the scene had moved on. I did like the funeral episode, especially the scene between Jarrod and his dad. I do like that this show can switch to serious. It can be a little jarring but it was still effective. And the scene with Maxine and her mistaking the cousin for Jarrod made me laugh a lot for some reason. I like this show. It isn't perfect, but it's refreshing to me. And I agree that Jarrod is a weak link with his acting, he has improved to me. I think the worst is the brother. He is terrible to me. His delivery is awful and his range is so one-note. I don't mind the sister-in-law, but I would be fine if they would have the two of them reunite and run away and introduce a long-lost cousin or something to replace him.
  10. Did we know Pat was a cop before this episode? It was fun to see Phil LaMarr as his partner and I hope we get more of that. I'm glad they are branching out a bit and giving the other characters lives. I have such a little crush on Kenny (the actor is legal so I only feel slightly gross). And I love that Jimmy is not at all weirded out by the gay thing. He didn't even seem hesitant to look at gay porn (pornado!)
  11. The flashbacks took place in 2005, right? I always envisioned that Dean was a working actor long before the Grinder came around and made him a star. Nothing major, but some supporting roles and a few pilots under his belt. But, apparently he's only been famous for a decade and was a struggling actor before that. I hated the wig, because I felt they were trying to make him 20 years younger when it was only 10 and in reality the wig made him look his age. Fun to see Chris Klein though. I enjoyed him back in his American Pie days. I wonder if Jenna Fischer will come back as part of this malpractice story as the mastermind. I say this every episode, so maybe I'm a conspiracy theorist at heart but I want some big reveal at some point.
  12. Not sure if I was just in the right mood, but I laughed a lot in this episode. The show does farce well for the most part, so the Claire/Phil scenes were good. And I actually liked the Cam/Mitchell scenes. Jay is a grumpy old man and it made me laugh. Good to see his old nemesis again. It's funny because before he fell and they briefly showed the hot jogger, I was like - "hello!" and I said out loud to my friend Cam probably crashed checking him out.
  13. The actor playing Kenny sells this for me. He's a little over-the-top but his comedic timing is so good and he seems to be having a good time with this. Agreed that it's odd about the parents divorcing because they seem to get along. I figure they will reunite at some point. I think in the first or second episode, one of the parents said "your sister" when referring to her. I think she's Pat's sister. Oh, and a random complaint about after Kenny attached other Kenny. I hate it on shows when the characters are watching "footage" from a previous event and it's supposed to be something like security camera footage but it's got the multiple angles and high quality (basically just the previous scene). I know it's a cost thing, but I still felt like bitching a little. :o)
  14. Don't have much else to add except I thought the green screen in this episode was really bad. It was very noticeable in the car with Luci and Chloe but especially awful in the roof scene with Dean Pelton. They must've used up the special effects budget from the last episode.
  15. I agree. I didn't think the Live Challenge answers were very good either. Overall, this was kind of a week episode, but I guess they can't all be great.
  16. Did Jennifer Tilley sound more raspy than usual in this episode? Since Bonald (he he) only says one line every episode, maybe I just haven't noticed it until she actually has a significant role. I thought this episode was a retread of things we've seen before but I actually liked the Meg/Chris subplot. Don't know why but I would've preferred that to get more airtime.
  17. I thought this episode was much better than the first couple. The cast is gelling a bit. I liked the Pat/Shannon story line a lot mainly because they didn't play the stereotypical "periods-are-gross" trope. Also, the dance between Kenny and his date was so funny. It was sad it was all over so quick, but he's growing and that's good. From the lack of interest here, I don't think this show will be long for the world.
  18. Yay for the 10th Kingdom. That's always where I go with him. As for the first part, I was confused too. Suddenly he's not so bad? This was another example of poor long-term planning for this show. They made the "ghost" of Satiani's husband so bad that it makes his not-so-badness unbelievable when he actually shows up. Same thing for Jake/Laura. They made Jake such a long-term cheating pig and it doesn't work that Laura (and everyone else) want a reunion.
  19. It's a little sad that I didn't hate this show and that is the bar with which I measure my enjoyment. There were some good bits. Very disappointed in the murder mystery sketch though. I was excited when it started and then devolved into a big poop joke. And I don't generally mind pre-taped bits but they seemed in abundance tonight. I didn't see why the loser athlete skit needed to be pre-taped. With a little effort it could've been done live. There wasn't really anything that required the pre-taping.
  20. Last week, I thought "OK, they are setting this up so Stewart will prove himself right and next week it will all come together." Nope. This week I thought the same thing. If it isn't resolved by the next episode, I may bail. I'm okay with Stewart being shit on a bit, but this is too much. Sure, he's annoying at times, but I feel like everyone dismisses anything he says immediately and it's sad. I want more Deb/Stewart bedroom scenes and less everyone-dump-on-Stewart scenes. I like Maya Rudolph, but unless her character is revealed to be evil and part of this malpractice case, this storyline makes no sense and seems so far-fetched. And I also like William DeVane, but hate his character. It seems like he actively hates Stewart sometimes. His dismissals of Stewart stands out more to me than the others. I get he worships his famous successful son, but it's way too unbalanced. Would it kill them to have a bonding scene between the 2. I can only hope that this malpractice story will come to an end and reset some things.
  21. Killing Santiani was dumb. No reason for it. Maybe they want a story where Laura gets offered the job or something (next season if there is one) but otherwise, it really didn't advance the plot other than to make me mad. And I didn't even love the character. Maybe they can bring Penny Johnson-Jerald in as her Castle character. That would be funny. (Not gonna happen for many reasons I know).
  22. Can we add "2 in the pink, 1 in the stink" as well? So tired of that.
  23. This show has issues with several characters. Greg started off okay, but now he has veered off into some weird bitter place and only pops up randomly to dispense snark. I need more development on several of these characters. Besides Rebecca, Josh and Paula, I don't think the others are getting their due (although Daryl is getting some now). Regarding the WhiteJoshFeather (love that name) pairing, I don't think it's weird at all. As a gay man who has dated quite a bit, there are all types who are attracted to all types. Maybe WJosh has a thing for daddies? It's very common in the gay community. And I think Daryl is attractive. I don't know how old Pete Gardner is, but I imagine Daryl to be in his early 40s and Josh in his late 20s - not some huge age gap in the grand scheme of things. That being said, I thought Daryl's "awakening" was a bit rushed, but I enjoyed the story, especially WJosh's nonchalance at the whole thing. I think they are cute and I don't necessarily see it being some great romance, but they could have fun and I'd like to see that (much more than Rebecca's lie of the week).
  24. Yeah I recognized Natalie Maines voice and it was pretty different from Kate's speaking voice. I liked the A-plot because of the voice acting not because of the actual plot. Although the NPR thing was funny. I actually preferred the silly B-plot and loved that Marge knew the whole time what was going on.
  25. Yes, that's correct. They didn't really explain it well, but I assume in their intense passionate lovemaking, he dropped the cufflink and she picked it up and just dropped it in her purse meaning to give it back at some point. I thought it was a bit of a stretch, but Laura is never wrong you know.
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