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Everything posted by Lebanna

  1. I know it's probably not fair, but I judge celebrities' real life personalities by how they react to the puppets on El Hormiguero. Almost anyone can get through an interview with a human successfully, but not so many when they're dealing with hyperactive, naughty purple ants. Even more so when everything is in translation. People who take themselves very seriously or think themselves something special crash and burn. I bet Gubler had no problems with the ants, in fact they probably got on great. He seems like he doesn't have any difficulty finding the silly side of life, which is lovely. I have to track this interview down. Oh wow. The cuteness is almost too much to bear. http://www.azteca7.com/videos/elhormigueromx/216950/pichas-y-cachas-pusieron-en-apuros-a-matthew-gray-gubler
  2. http://tvline.com/2014/07/17/ncis-new-orleans-gibbs-dinozzo-crossovers/ Some new info on the show, including a new lab rat to work with the M.E. and that they're planning at least two crossovers with NCIS:Mothership. Seems like they're pretty keen to keep the lead in audiance. I liked watching Gibbs and Pride working together, so I'm looking forward to this.
  3. They can always keep Marisol relevant by having her hire one of the maids. After all, even with Nick in jail, she'd still have their great big house and all that money. I could see her having to deal with employing Carmen or Rosie and the whole friend/boss dilemma.
  4. Unlikely that anyone will be resurrecting it, as obviously Trip is still dead and the actor who played Archer is on the new NCIS at the moment. Much as I loathed Archer, he was pretty important to the show as a whole. (Also, I imagine that sadly the dog will have passed on by now, or at least be well into retirement, so that role would have to be recast!) I could never get into this show as I really enjoyed the actor in other things but hated Archer so much for his shouting and whining and general lousy attitude. Also because they tried to make out that the character had earned his role as captain, but it was pretty clearly nepotism all the way. My Archer hate made me avoid the show up until I started watching the French dub, where somehow the voice actor seems to bring a dignity and a rather ironic tone to Archer's lines (or maybe everything just sounds better in French). Suddenly there without the irritating fratboy element, the show was watchable and I mainlined all the episodes in a month. As far as I'm concerned, the show got much better as it went on, as is the case with many Star Trek show, except maybe TOS. I wish that they had used characters like Hoshi and Maywhatever better, but the doctor, Trip and T'Pol were all likeable as the show went on. Seasons 3 and 4 were the highlight for me, as the show seemed to be finding its feet and deciding where it was going, while using some of the imagination it had lacked until that point. I now think season 5 could have been actually good, and wish it had come about.
  5. I wish they'd lay off making Hetty make quite so many mistakes. Ok, she's a scary person, but if she keeps messing up as she has been last season, it's difficult to follow why the others treat her like an infallible omniscient. If not, then they at least need her to admit and pay for her mistakes. She's a strong woman, she needs to act like it. Otherwise I'll eventually start to hate her, and she's always been my favorite. As I said back on TWOP, I would really like there to be some point to Callen's girlfriend as she seemed great and then we never even saw her again (did we?). I want him to totally fall for her and then have her to turn out to be a badass Russian spy or a member of that Roma family playing a long game with him and give Callen something interesting to do. It would be fun to see him fighting someone he cares about, someone who may even be a perfect for him. But I'm guessing that she'll actually just turn into a Mrs. Columbo character, never seen and just mentioned in passing forever so that they can concentrate on the Kensi/Deeks pairing without other romantic storylines. Sam and Callen's buddy cop thing is awesome, and I agree with Bishop that last season they had fewer fun moments, which was one of the reasons I didn't enjoy season 5 as much as the others. Next season I want them to definitively show us Sam's (sure to be adorable) kids, so that we at least know how many of them he has. The inconsistency there is bugging me. I agree that Kensi and Deeks getting together and splitting up repeatedly while being jealous all the time will put me off the show permanently. It's so boring and hackneyed - just decide and stick to it, show. Also, their friendship is sweet and I love how supportive he is of her, but Nel and Eric have zero romantic chemistry, IMO. I'd love it if Eric got over his crush and they became a fantastic team without all the sappy mopeing.
  6. I think Spence will survive because if he marries Rosie she can stay in the country (yes, it doesn't really always work like that, but nothing about Rosie's immigration situation is very realistic). Not a good storyline, but who knows if this show is even coming back. Zoila should dump her horrible cheating, manipulating husband. After he donates the kidney. Marisol is the only person who's surprised by what's in the box. It's like she's not even watching this show.
  7. I know! Maybe he just meant that he spied some sit ups in their future. Or push ups, maybe? Jumping jacks? But I seriously doubt it. Bad boy. YES to going to London (from the comments on your list). It would be a great excuse to bring back Emily. As long as they didn't hit too many UK clichés, that could be so much fun.
  8. Ha. He's expecting them to do some 'calisthenics' together? Somebody's hoping Reid gets laid this season.
  9. I just can't get past my horror at Zoila rubbing her 'chicken hands' on a dishcloth and then proceeding to touch other food products, surfaces and people with them. That is just so incredibly unhygenic. And this character was dating a chef! He really should have taken a moment to teach her food safety procedures. I imagine next week the police will be charging her for trying to kill her husband with salmonella poisoning.
  10. There are so few gay characters in crime procedurals generally. As far as I remember the Law and Order franchise only has one regular gay ADA (who came out literally ten seconds before she exited the show, in famously ridiculous style) and one regular gay psychiatrist. In more than twenty years. CSI have none, far as I recall. NCIS tampoco. I'm serious. It would be great if she were gay. And you're right, there's almost no chance. As for ' the gay one' - like what, 'the geeky one'? (He loves Doctor Who!) 'The eccentric one'? (She wears flowers in her hair!) 'The Italian one'? (He cooks pasta!) ' The Mom'? (You couldn't understand because you're not a parent!) ' The gorgeous one'? (We can all debate who that is). I don't believe this show has a problem with stereotypes on the whole.
  11. Annie Parisse would have been outstanding. Loved her in The Following and Person of Interest. And Sarah Michelle Geller would have been awesome too. And yes, some diversity in casting would have been great. Oh well. Hey, maybe they'll add a tiny bit of diversity by having the new character be gay. Probably all her relationships would be mostly off screen, but at least it would be something.
  12. Honestly, thirty-five would be about right for someone who has been recently working undercover. I guess she could have been doing that for five if not ten years. It's the characters in their fifties and sixties who are still running about in the field that are completely unrealistic (this is a show where they have a private jet to rush them where they can take over other jurisdictions' cases - realism isn't an issue I care about much here). I believe that forty-five is often the limit for dangerous active undercover assignments. Now, if the character is meant to be in any way younger than the actress, as is sometimes the case, that will be annoying.
  13. I have really no idea if this is a good or bad thing for the show. I don't remember the actress in anything else. Never watched the Ghost Whisperer. But the huge negative reaction amongst fans which seems to be happening has me worried. Still, there was a lot of generalized negativity about Blake and I loved her to bits, and at least she's not some starlet playing a baby cop with no experience. Both of these things make me a little hopeful.
  14. I like the character - he seems kind of like what the mothership's Gibbs could have been with less tragedy in his life - a bit less cynical and more hopeful. And as I said back on TWOP, Pride's nickname is King, Gibbs' name is Leroy (le roi, king in French, which they happen to speak in New Orleans). I refuse to believe that was an accident. But yes, that accent needs to go.
  15. Yes, basically it's up to the writers what happens. If they want Brian to never been seen again, the actor never comes back. If they want him to come back and tell Olivia that he can't live without her and he's realized that raising kids with her would be different to raising them with anyone else - that's what happens. If the writers decide to have Liv and Barba discover their heretofore unspoken passion for one another and screw like minks on his spacious desk (a girl can dream!)... well, that's what we'll get. Whether Olivia would have been better off a sticking it out with Brian in real life (I'd personally be sad to see her settle for less than true, romantic love, at this point) doesn't matter much, since the writers only care about drama, and that relationship was dull to watch last season, even if it was rather sweet. Right now, Liv's story is more interesting to the writers if she's a single mother dealing with a demanding promotion. Whatever we would prefer, even if that is never hearing about their romantic lives ever again, we'll just have to put up with it.
  16. I think because Hetty wasn't in the original plan for the show, they didn't really know what to do with her in the first few episodes of the 1st season. She seemed to be their costume designer/den mother in the first few episodes, and it wasn't even clear if she was really in charge or not. But I'm pretty sure the superspy stuff started around the middle of the first year. Which was good and one of the things I loved most about the show until they spoiled it a bit with her daffy actions with the Afghanistan thing this season. Although honestly, none of the characters have come out of that well, IMO.
  17. I'm over here too, it's great to see all you familiar faces! Hoping for lots more discussion of the mess that is every character in this show at the moment except Finn and the ever awesome Barba.
  18. Opal being in love with Daliah is just yet another rip off of Rebecca. Some originality would be good, otherwise next week we'll discover that Opal is a twisted firestarter. I do like the Mandalay staircase in the library, though, it looks a lot like the movie. The way they dealt with Opal being gay was even worse than how they dealt with the sexworker who Zoila was dating the other week. At least she could legitimately feel like he'd been lying to her. Yes, ok, Opal's awful, but the level of homophobia and the oooh scandalous-ness of it all felt pretty nasty. Do better, show. Zoila's Argentinian boyfriend is going to be evil too, isn't he? All men are evil on this show, except maybe Remi. Rosie's new boyfriend is evil now, as well. What is up with that? Bring on the nice men. In fact, just bring back Sam. This show feels like it's going around in circles. I'm sure last year was more fun.
  19. Everybody knows this is a remake, right? The original show is cute, and probably about as ridiculous as this one will be, although possibly in a different way. It's hard to tell at this point. Messing is, of course far more glamorous and less Mom-esque than the original Spanish actress. And the character of Laura seems a bit more hard bitten in the trailer here than the original. It will be interesting to see how much has changed in the conversion. Anyway, if you're interested and want to practice your Spanish skills, it's an ok show.
  20. Munch was adorable this episode. It was so good to see at least one character happy and looking out for his friends on a sensible, sane level. So much love. Hopefully he shows up a few times next year in his new job. Rollins and Amaro sitting in a tree... she's got feelings for him, the way she fought for him this episode and the way she emphasized the word 'partner'. This cannot be good. I'm not happy about the burnt up corpse thing either. Olivia's lost, what, two or three possible foster kids she got attached to already? There was a baby that died, and Calvin? Can we just not go there this time? No more baby drama, please. Barba's the salt of this show. It's okay without, but you notice that something vital is missing that would make the whole thing better.
  21. The guy confronting Spence's nephew was Ethan the pool boy who is dating Valentina. There seems to be a real theme of lousy men in this show which is pretty depressing. Seriously, is there even one male character that we can root for? Even Remi seems to have treated Valentina badly in Africa. I agree - the wife is going to turn out to be the granddaughter and it will be disgusting. Nice to see some realization that perhaps everyone had a reason not to care much about the old man. He seems like he was terrible too. Rosie pretending to tell off her kid was amusing, but seriously, these people are living in California and don't know a single word of Spanish? Really? I guess they all took French. It just seems like you'd be taking a big risk pulling a stunt like that when you don't know how much someone can follow. Although last week with Spence it was even weirder, he seemed to understand the other maid speaking Spanish but couldn't understand Carmen's 'translations'.
  22. I really didn't want Blake to go, I wanted the writers to find a use for her and not leave her standing around like a lemon so often. They never seemed to find their feet with the character, but I liked her a lot. Now I'm wondering who they'll get to replace her. I hope it's another woman in her forties or older, and not another baby agent like Seaver. A bit of female gravitas is such an awesome thing to have in a show like this, and needed to balance García and JJ. I hope we get a woman who really knows where her towel is. A hoopy frood as it were. (Sorry, the 42 thing always sets me off ;)
  23. Really pleased about this. It would have sucked if the show had been summarily cancelled after such a long time without having a proper ending. I need my Law and Order fix. Here's to at least a year's more justice, snark, Amaro and Barba bilingual arguments in elevators, hopefully much less torturing of Benson and of course, the continuation of the glorious Chung Chung noise.
  24. The episode with the Russians was in season 2 and the Russian movie was in season 6. As Willowy said before, if they do their homework, a person of normal intelligence can learn to understand a Russian movie in four years or fewer. Yes, as character deveolpment, the writers probably pulled it out of an orifice. But it's just not actually inconsistent with what a person like Reid could do. Personally, I'm just relieved that, language-wise this show has not reached the ridiculousness of something like NCIS:LA, where all the characters suposedly speak everything fluently, and they make the actors pretend to speak everything from Welsh to Pashto on-screen and ear bleedingly badly. It could be worse!
  25. I just watched that episode last week (season 1, Machismo). Elle corrected his pronunciation, but also Reid didn't know the difference between casa and caseta, though he denied it. It was clear he hadn't learned more than basic Spanish.
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