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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. Squeeeee and Squee! Buuut they told us Fikshun was an untrained street dancer! They probably also told us he was living on the street too. They like their narratives.... I don't listen well, but I never heard Konkrete, I only heard Kevin. When did they start calling him Konkrete???
  2. PLEASE PLEASE tell me that the recap of comments from the trump rally in WV last night, which just played at 8 :55, PLEASE tell me that a backcountry hoedown-style song was ACTUALLY playing in the background of the rally, and this was not a good idea of MSNBC to add it in? I can't even go there.
  3. And Les Twins piece was also really short! I just re-watched it last night. It was about 1/2 the length of K&M's
  4. Why doesn't he call him "Little Stephen Miller" anymore? Like from the good ole' days of January 2017, before everything was this nuts. Mika introduces the segment on Trump's rally in WV by saying, " and from Trump's campaign rally last night." Hee. I see what you did there, Mika. edited to add: Evelyn Farkas is making some great disgust/incredulity faces when talking about Jared Kushner and his "we don't need no stinkin' books" comment. She's usually really subdued.
  5. I have been hearing on this station (Can't remember if on MJ though) that non- Republicans are saying Trump really can win re-election. I just do not get it at all, whatsoever.
  6. Yeah, thank you for YOUR service. (not mine or my kids, thankyouverymuch) If she has 3 kids under 6, then WHOA! she has the right to be a size 14 or whatever. Nevertheless, any day now Trump will accuse her of hacking into the elections from her bed in New Jersey.
  7. HEE!! I wish sometime you would tell us how you really feel, Mumbles. And then a discourse ensued about when Trump does Trump, will Kelly put his foot down and stand up for himself/resign or go along with the flow? Can you think of a more USELESS conversation? Trump will do Trump (lie, obfuscate, get nothing done, Tweet, preen, threaten) and nothing will stop this shitshow carnival until Jan 2020 (or earlier I pray) You could always tell that Spicey knew he was lying and would almost frantically stumble over the lies. Sanders goes out and shovels the shit in a straightforward unassuming manner, not overly concerned that what she made up today contradicted what she made up yesterday. Her Mother must have had an intersting time with her as a girl.
  8. Kingaz-- bad idea--"Oh let's do a moody dance honoring our fathers in Vietnam". NO!!! you needed to have something showy and more energetic. That said, Swing Latino didn't have much of anything gimmick-wise this time, just the very pretty opening flag number. They aren't winning anyway. Keone and Mari--this was the least impressive of all their dances. Ginger and Fred is not different. And what kind of leggings and shoes was she wearing under her dress--that kept distracting me. Les Twins Always get a somewhat artificially--high score, and this time it was a pity vote thing I think. Diana P I disliked that dance. I disliked the costume, the props and she's supposed to be carefree and child like but kept making ansgty faces. Deserved about an 82. Eva was great, natch. She's got a great future.
  9. Oakville, in MS Word I am able to make an Auto Complete entry for phrases that I often type. Could you do this for the above 2 phrases, and then you could take 3 minutes off your recap time each AM!
  10. I remember her as being earnest, artistic, and having a mop of tiny ringlets. The Alison on this show looks like she's on Real Housewives of SYTYCD. There's nooo way Lex Ishimoto's not getting picked. Also that Kiki/Kevin thing is bull too. Jenna picked Kiki because he knows/is related to her boyfriend. Kiki screwed up big and she still picked him. Now Kiki has gotten national exposure, she will pick Kevin who follows the show !Untrained! Dancer storyline they like to push at us. I like to say the name "Kiki."
  11. Mika is on FI-YAH today, against Ivanka. Wow, it was blistering, in a Nantucket-South of France-former Government Bigwig's Daughter kinda way. Sam Stein calls Trump's administration "hamfisted." BEST phrasing to describe it I've heard yet. Jeff Flake seems to be positioning himself to run for the next Presidential election. Anyone agree? I gotta say something about Sara Huckabee Sanders. I kinda like her. She is so dry and deadpan and emotionless and humorless. It's a nice contrast to this fakakta administration. I also like that she is average looking and an average American woman size 14. She's not a bleached blonde scarecrow like KAC and 95% of the bobbleheads on Faux News. Her blatant lying is more palatable then the other folks in the Admin's blatant lying.
  12. Really? He should've made a chart on the pension plan and maybe that wouldn't have happened. That's for sure. In the beginning (Trump Genesis 1:1) both she and Joe said they knew her and she was a good egg, or very effective, something of the like. I only watch CNN or MSNBC so I never see her anymore. Is she ONLY on Faux News or does ABC and the like let her spew her filthy lies there?
  13. About 7:15, Mika's making cringey-faces while a clip of KAC from Faux News is on. At first I'm confused, not really paying attention, I thought KAC was on MJ live, and I knew that she (and Paris Hilton) had been banned a long time ago. So KAC is wearing a neon lime sleeveless dress and 5 minutes earlier I saw that same dress, albeit slightly less neon, on a talking bobblehead on Faux News. Weird.
  14. I heard that too and was thinking that all the rubbing up against Joe she does nowadays has rubbed something else off on her. I agree, it sounded somewhat discordant, like she was trying to be all fair not not just anti-Trump (why bother, I say.) Seth Myers said that Mooch was a "human pinkie ring." I am stocking up popcorn now to watch when Trump fires him for getting more press and attention then himself.
  15. Maybe that's because Trump later softballed it by saying he was basically talking about saving money by not having the government paying for sex change operations. I got a kick out of the guy who was either on some military committee or was a General, talking about their concern really being how a person who just underwent a sex change being in combat, or even more ridiculously, the fretting over how they could administer daily hormones to those in combat. They already administer daily hormones to those in combat. It's called INSULIN.
  16. Luka--( Ike Barinholtz)- was super pissed. They don't dance, they do tricks. They should be in a Vegas or a circus. Derek, when he was demonstrating a 2 second dance technique with a gesture, did more dancing in the tips of his fingers than they did. Aren't they just some group off of Youtube? He's not related to Clint Eastwood, is he? Why do they keep highlighting him? (he is a teen heart throb, though) Have to keep saying that Mari has the ugliest haircut I've ever seen. Perhaps why Les Twins are so popular is that they are very beautiful physically?
  17. Do you mean a feces appointment?? I would TOTALLY go see them in concert!
  18. She looks so pretty today, the U.S. look really serves her well. Millenium, I think Kellyanne Conway would advise you to get a job with an employer ** sarcasm font**
  19. Oakville, Oakville, the United States government is a complete shitshow, and still you recap-on. This could only be done by a Canadian. I'll bet you don't even cross over the border to shop, do you?? It's the return of the Unitarian scarf!!!! Ok, first I didn't realize yesterday that The Mooch was Scarramucci. Second the best Mario Cantone deadpan line in SITC ever was: Charlotte: (eating lunch with Anthony and complaining about her impotent husband Trey)-- "Anyway, when was the last time YOU had sex?" Anthony: (without missing a beat) 9 Am this morning at the gym
  20. I thought I posted this stuff below at about 8 AM this morning. Anyway--now I'm wondering who is "The Mooch?" ---------------------------------------------- 1. Scientist 2. Hot Glasses 3. Scruffy Beard What's not to love? How frickin' cold is the temperature in the studio that Mika has to wear winter clothes in the hottest days of summer? It must be because she has like 5% body fat.
  21. Run Spicey, run!! Run and jump in the Potomac and wash off the filth of the past 6 months! I wish MJ was on tomorrow AM! Mika and Joe could report from a Nantucket bunker, with a green screen of tiny whales, sailboats and lobsters.
  22. Whatta oxymoron--like Jumbo Shrimp. Daily I read the Trump Bus Schedule, to see when KellyAnne's motorcoach is arriving......
  23. I forgot to mention that I want an law or Consitutional amendment that no one is allowed to dance contemporary to "Rise Up" anymore. I love the song but, Say No To Angst. The majority of Swing Latino do not speak English. It was so obvious when the critiques were being given. They were trying to be cool, but I could tell. We could get another 5 -8 minutes of dancing if we didn't have to see the scoring levers 2,000 times a night. Like Jo Lo wears black nail polish every single episode.
  24. I have a new life goal! I was in the shower enclave and I hear "Ty Cobb" mentioned twice and I know it's baseball season and Barnicle is on, but WTF?? So instead of lazily asking it here, I later googled it and low and behold--he's a lawyer. Kinda neat. So Trump is going to pardon Manafort, Kushner, Flynn possibly and himself for sure. So why are we even spending all this time and money? I know this is bitchy, but I blame Hillary (whom I voted for) for Trump's win, for being such a shitty candidate. I will be so pissed if after all of this Congress doesn't make a law that you MUST release your tax returns if you run for President. He may not have been elected if we could've seen all his Russian financial ties and zero-to-no charitable contributions..
  25. I forgot to mention--the Mihasecheck (spell?) sisters--WTF? they are told to "do something different" other than angst, so they jump on the couch. The biggest WTF was the high score they got!
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