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Everything posted by Stinamaia

  1. thank you for that informative post. Colorism, which comes from white is better in every way colonial propaganda , is rampant in India too. There is a spoof skin lightening cream commercial that some have thought was real that takes what I see as a light skinned Indian woman to a blond goddess in no time. It skewers the makers of the creams and the women’s motives for using them. I think Meka might not like her dark skinned husband
  2. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_Orthodox_Church_(Moscow_Patriarchate)
  3. Kyiv is downwind from Chernobyl. It’s only 84 miles south from Chernobyl.
  4. Usually prenups don’t address what happens to the estate upon death. That is handled by trusts and wills. The prenup states what the spouses get when divorced. The children could be affected because if the new spouse gets a huge chunk of the money, there is less for the children either as support or upon the death of the parent.
  5. Anna said she knew Murcel wouldn’t like it, but she wanted to wear what she liked on her wedding day. I feel badly for Anna because she seems to make poor decisions and doesn’t know how to remedy them. The reason I despair for these two is that neither one seems to have an interest learning the other’s language. There are many resources for foreign language learning.
  6. Does Tania know that the vast majority of potential eggs we are born with “disappear” by the time of puberty? Or even after that we “disappear” them at a lesser but steady rate each month? They don’t just go poof at age 30.
  7. I think people need to be responsible for their own actions. Just because someone is on a reality show, I’m still responsible for how I act and that is especially true for comments about children.
  8. Try Voices From Chernobyl. You’ll like it.
  9. I agree. Our care of mothers and infants is terrible and much of it is caused by lack of access to prenatal health care. Shameful that worry that someone is getting something “free” or that they don’t “deserve” results in death.
  10. Don’t watch it for accuracy because it is inaccurate about things large and small. Voices from Chernobyl is good. It’s a probably a bit embellished but tells a human story. The books by two unrelated people named Medvedev are good. One is very dense but scientific. The other is filled with human understanding but enormous outrage over the endless bad decisions in design, execution, communication, and preparation. The author was a key figure in the USSR nuclear program. There are a couple of other good ones too. back to regular programming.
  11. Per 100,000 live births Russia has 24 maternal deaths and the US 14. If I recall rightly, this puts them at 124 and 118 on the list of highest mortality rates. Greece, Finland, Iceland and maybe another country have the lowest with 3 per 100,000.
  12. I have a friend who grew up in India - Brahmin caste. Her mother and father did not have an arranged marriage. My friend has strongly discouraged her mother from trying to arrange a marriage. Her cousin met his wife at university in India and got married when they finished. Many people have “arranged” marriages but the participants can turn down someone they don’t like. And I suppose some parents are more controlling than others. Also the children are more disposed to valuing their parents’ decisions. I know my friend takes her mother’s advice very seriously and they talk daily on skype.
  13. This is all dependent on the family. Most young couples who have good jobs set up their own households. There are many different economic levels in India. Some families are more coercive in arranged marriages. Other families are “ go find your own damn wife.” India is #5 on the list of countries with more men than women so I don’t know why his wife’s family wanted a marriage with him or why his family advocated so strongly for Sumit to marry her.
  14. I think it’s quite possible Iris has received oral sex. I think it’s less likely she has performed oral sex on someone else.
  15. I’m bringing brownies - with and without nuts, and my own fluffy doggie. i love so much about Deonna. She’s lucky to have gotten a good patient man who worked with her to build a relationship. Think how many of these women would have gone into a tail spin in they said “I love you” and the man was silent. Deonna understood and it’s cute that Greg said “I love you” after Deonna showed she could be a calm help mate in time of need. I could go on and on about her cute sense of humor and how she perks up Greg and how Greg is the steady man she needs. Out of these women, she’s the one i’d like to have a cozy conversation with.
  16. It was my favorite part. I rewound to see it again.
  17. I don’t care if Keith is trying or not trying or direct or indirect. I just want his face on my TV and watch his lips move. Ot not move.
  18. People have blamed their parents seemingly since the beginning of human history and is memorably referenced in the Old Testament. It seems Amber’s mother left the family and established another relationship in a different state far away. Amber obviously needs help to resolve the issue. It’s not necessarily blaming, but recognizing the source of an issue.
  19. Amber, it was there all along. ‘Now it’s in 7 foot blinking letters and you still don’t want to believe it. You are doing this to yourself. Please get help.
  20. Deonna is beautiful. I didn’t think so at first, but as I watch her more I find her more beautiful. Maybe it’s her cute ways and graceful carriage. But also her delicious mouth and cheeks and soft figure. Its sad the ways racist thoughts burrow into our minds. I hope she doesn’t feel this way. I certainly don’t think Greg does.
  21. After the whole season where I was confused about Hannah’s choices, I’ve come to the conclusion that Hannah is drawn to difficult and superficial situations. She hasn’t had enough experience to appreciate or even judge character. I don’t judge her harshly because the pageant world puts emphasis on superficiality while pretending to be character building. And, Hannah is young. She is going to grow and learn in the next few years. She will have an opportunity to learn what she truly wants and what she thinks she should want.
  22. If Tyler is on DWTS, I’ll start watching again.
  23. I wouldn’t expect guests to open my refrigerator, but then again, I would have plenty of drinks and snacks out so they wouldn’t feel the need. I’ve always felt it was better to have too much food and drink than too little. The problem with the two drink maximum is that there will always be those who drink more leaving others with too little or none. Generosity and abundance is part of hospitality.
  24. We don’t know what may have been the background for Hannah’s rawness at the MTA. I do know that as one who has been through the gaslighting experience, it does leave one angry and raw, not just at the gaslighter but also at one’s self. It does replay in one’s mind quite a bit. One thinks it’s all gone and then a new memory pops up, and one thinks, Oh my god. That was part of it too! Hannah talked about her insecurity at the beginning, and I do think she hasn’t yet found her true strength. We learn so much with time. I have to remember Hannah and Luke are very young. I was stupid too when young, hence the gaslighting experience. It’s interesting to me how many times a man is censured for objectively bad behavior, and women rush to his defense and condemn the woman who has been badly treated. Regardless of religious beliefs, manipulations and lying and denying what actually happened are wrong. It’s a painful thing to get through and embarrassing. Whether someone likes or dislikes Hannah doesn’t alter this.
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