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Everything posted by Stinamaia

  1. I’m driving to St George next week (from Moab). Maybe I’ll see them! :D Thanks for weighing in on this. I think many people are unaware of the strong Mormon Samoan community in Utah. You explained it well. I also think traditional Mormons don’t look down upon people having babies in quick succession, and some would applaud it. I think of the communities to the south of where I live as examples of this. Personally, I don’t think it’s good for the body, but I know women who have had 10 kids and look just fine. It seems odd to outsiders, but it seems more cultural than religious to me, an outsider.
  2. To me Colt and Larissa are in an abusive relationship. There is rage followed by a honeymoon and renewed affectio.n on both sides. Typically people think that there is an abuser who is at fault and a victim who is not. However codependent relationships tend to be more complicated where both are complicit to different degrees. Sometimes a victim enjoys exciting rage and violence. In a sick kind of way it gives the victim short term power over the abuser and the victim may enjoy the honeymoon period where the abuser is contrite and loving. Colt knows Larissa has anger issues. Yet he seems to be entranced with her. He seems to take enjoyment in making her uncomfortable as if that makes him somehow superior. He must know Larissa has mental health problems. They both need counseling, but I think Colt is too smug and self satisfied to benefit. Larissa is a question mark for me. She may get court ordered into counseling which could be good.
  3. Are they considering matching one of these poor women with a man who has no job? Just stuff he scrapes up from the Internet.
  4. It’s interesting to me that Danielle rarely cites her long commute as a reason for moving. That commute seems like a killer especially with a baby. If that were her reason, and not storage, it would make sense to me. Sometimes in a marriage, IF you love your husband, you need to attend to his feelings and his needs even if you don’t feel like it. Sometimes you can start off not wanting sex, but if you let yourself show your love physically, you find yourself enjoying it. But just being a martyr isn’t satisfying for either of you. It’s interesting to me that Bobby and Anthony are pretty specific about what they want and their wives reject it. I’m not talking about house buying, but their emotional needs.
  5. I had a friend who was an aggressive driver who scared me many times. She completely changed when she has a baby. Now her girls roll their eyes at her old lady driving. Sidenote: Her husband very much wanted a boy. He got two girls instead. He loves them so much. Fixed their school lunches every morning. Brought them hot cocoa on Saturday mornings while they watched cartoons etc etc. Now his oldest daughter has a boy and is expecting another. I think he will enjoy grandsons more than he would have a son. I am sure Bobby will be delighted by his baby girl, and maybe Danielle won’t get pampered so much because Bobby will be doting on the baby.
  6. Credit cards are convenient but need to be used w care. When starting out in my career and building a professional wardrobe, I charged ibig amounts, but I didn’t use the card again until it was paid off. I’m not some super financially responsible person, but credit card interest is ruinous. I had a secretary once who had 90,000 in credit card debt. She finally had to declare bankruptcy. Madness.
  7. My guess is Mia’s father bought the condo.
  8. It does seem she has some sort of mental health issue. Also she’s not being genuine.
  9. $15,000 on a credit card? The interest on that! I would freak out.
  10. A fugitive warrant goes to airlines, I believe.
  11. My problem with Sam is this: she primly and self righteously proclaims herself as a self empowered woman because she is a “lady,” but her definition of “lady” seems highly idiosyncratic. It includes smoking cigarettes and weed, intense cursing, drinking, loving men more than women, denouncing women for unladylike behavior, and probably some things I’m forgetting. Fine. If that’s her world view, I don’t care. However, she demands that others abide by ladylike rules of behavior that are vague and inchoate. She’s very preachy. There are some things to admire about her, but the hypocracy and idea that men are helpless victims of women’s wiles is too much for me
  12. It was a bad time. So many beautiful, dear people gone.
  13. Of course the physical disparity is different, and Haleigh expressed that he did not want it several times.
  14. She bought an iPhone through his Amazon account. How about that, “Thou shalt not steal” stuff?
  15. Ok,,Mea is a loony tune. Probably went on this show to make ex-bf jeaslous. No wonder her sister was so upset.
  16. If you only listened to what Ryan says about himself, you might believe he is a good guy. The problem is Ryan lies.
  17. Jon finally said it: I don’t want to be in an abusive relationship. The End
  18. Not Pepper looks like she’s trying to not to laugh when Molly is talking.
  19. Nunneries aren’t that into nails, hair, and make up
  20. You just know that immediately after taping the final decision Ryan went out drinking with the boys.
  21. What we learned from all of that is that not only does Ryan not listen to others, he doesn’t even listen to what he is saying. He’s like a bubble machine spouting out words instead of bubbles. The sound is the important thing
  22. I am sorry I ever liked Nate, and sorry I never understood Sheila’s tense, “You don’t want to have this conversation on camera” moments. I can’t understand why the show would have him on
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