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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I'm the opposite -- I don't know how any of them, even with all their training, do anything they do, but that particular move on the beam contrasted with the same on the floor is particularly impressive and I enjoy seeing it.
  2. I think it's appalling at any age, but particularly for little girls like that, as it can limit your playing options at recess (not to mention put into your head at an impressionable young age narrow gendered notions about dressing). I never had a uniform or a crazy-strict dress code. I liked dresses, skirts, pants, shorts, you name it; then, as now, my wardrobe had variety. If I was wearing something that wouldn't allow the freedom of movement I wanted at recess/after lunch, I temporarily changed into my gym clothes. It seems like you didn't even have that respite, always having to be decked out in "lady-like" attire, with all its limitations. That's some bullshit.
  3. Sometimes I just don't have the energy, but usually I say something.
  4. It was Harry Gordon Selfridge, an early 20th century business owner, and what he said was "The customer is always right, in matters of taste”, not the blanket statement of entitlement rude customers like to toss around by only quoting the first part.
  5. No almost about it (anywhere, but especially in a city the size of Miami); it's like they picked a job out of a hat, for all the sense it made.
  6. Oh, I felt like I was living in a parallel universe at the time; I was horrified by that entire thing - sending her out there to begin with, and then Creepy Coach hauling her like a trophy - and it was being hailed as one of sports' greatest triumphs. Women's gymnastic is so much less uncomfortable to watch now. I'm watching - and enjoying it - more in these games than I have in a very long time.
  7. Chicken a la king is on tonight's menu. Not my jam, but I'm still cooking for my parents, and I'd rather reserve a serving of something I find just okay (or, if I'm channeling Eleanor from The Good Place -- "Ya basic") rather than cooking something else. I also reserved a serving of an asparagus and peas dish I made for them; I'm not a huge fan of peas, but these are garden fresh (via a friend's garden), I love asparagus, and there's a sauce with white wine, onions, and garlic, so I'm happy with it. Basically, other than my side salad (mixed greens with avocado and tomato, dressed with lemon vinaigrette), I'll be eating things I wouldn't normally make.
  8. It's the most regenerative organ in the human body, too. But, while it is amazingly capable of repairing itself after physical damage - e.g. being able to regrow to a normal size after up to 90% of it has been removed - there are many diseases (as you noted) that can irreparably harm it. It's just that with cats, their liver ailments are more likely to be among those that can be treated or pretty easily managed for a long time, especially if caught early -- other than being uniquely vulnerable to the life-threatening condition of hepatic lipidosis, which is a secondary illness that (unlike in humans and dogs) can set in relatively quickly when a sick cat stops eating -- while humans are prone to a wider range of serious liver diseases.
  9. I don't remember which feed I was watching it on (via replay), but they showed the footage and explained what happened in extremely basic terms - runner was in the wrong place, official signaled her, runner got into place in time, avoiding disaster - without any mention of that possibly not being allowed, or being unusual, a nice gesture, or anything. If next-day coverage isn't even mentioning the official, perhaps there's no question they're allowed to help like that. (The only sport in which I'm immersed is NFL football, where the refs do not warn anybody they're in the wrong spot, they just throw the flag if they're still there when the ball is snapped, so I was surprised by the lack of "Can she do that?" or "There's no rule against that" reaction, because to me it was such a departure, but that may just be my limited reference causing my response.)
  10. I can't find a post explaining the underlying problem, but I'm glad to hear whatever it is has improved, and hope it continues. B12 injections have done wonders as a supplement to treatment for a number of conditions, so I hope that will give a great boost to the existing progress. (From another thread) Have you ever tried him on Denamarin? The liver is a highly regenerative organ, and that's something that can help it do its healing thing with a variety of liver ailments.
  11. Oops, wrong thread, but please post in Pets and keep us updated; those B12 shots can work wonders with a variety of conditions, so hopefully he continues to improve.
  12. About the men's synchronized springboard finals: Goddamn, I was rooting hard for Mexico. About the diving competitions in general: Goddamn, I might make more of a splash getting in and out of my bathtub than some of these people do hitting the water.
  13. I feel so heard -- so many people expressed hatred for the ad where a dad asks AI to create a fan letter his daughter can send to the athlete she admires, Google has pulled it from its rotation of Olympic ads.
  14. I paid so little attention to those seasons when I watched on Pop several years ago, I really don't remember him, so for me the one character who fits that description is Pratt. When he got over himself and helped Chen after she ended her dad's suffering, I softened on him. So of course they killed him.
  15. I think the NewsHour article linked above explains it better: Carini's reaction does not seem to be universal:
  16. That's something I would not watch if you paid me, but I will always agree about the attractiveness of Hugh Jackman.
  17. As someone who had the Netflix DVD rental service until the day it died, one of the things I miss about it is how many TV movies it had available. There were always terrible productions, and some that were awesomely bad, but for a very good stretch there we also got some enjoyable, well-made movies. Some are available on a streaming platform, more as unauthorized YouTube uploads which can, of course, disappear at any time, and then Netflix was this wonderful additional resource.
  18. In an interview NBC aired during its abysmal prime-time recap, she said she didn't think she had any chance at a medal after that beam rotation, so just decided to go out there and have a whole lot of fun on the floor.
  19. And almost all of them were watching Simone's floor exercise as captured by the camera lenses of their tiny phones rather than taking advantage of that opportunity of being in the audience. Presumably so they can post "I was there" footage on their social media and rack up likes? I will never understand this phenomenon of being too busy documenting one's experiences to actually live them. Look up and around!
  20. That's why not officially requiring women to wear bikinis does not erase the problem; if they're still strongly encouraged to because that's what brings in the viewers which brings in the funding, the choice of what to wear is not being made freely.
  21. Yeah, I had never used one in my decades of cooking, but when one was offered on Freecycle several years ago, I got it, figuring I'd pass it along if I never wound up using it. I only use it once every month or two, probably, but I do use it -- I obviously did fine without it, but it is a handy thing to have.
  22. I think it's an honest reaction, since she lists the things that didn't go the way she wanted them to; in her head, a lot went wrong, and she's up against people who make this sort of food every day and whose dishes look delicious (since she sees them, but doesn't get to taste them), so she figures the judges are going to find more faults with her dish than theirs.
  23. It always seemed like an inherently abusive system to me, so I enjoyed the athleticism but was uneasy with the whole package, and when the Athlete A documentary confirmed and expanded all my worst fears, I found it hard to watch at all. I have no illusions it's all hunky dory now, but I felt a lot better watching this year than I ever have. They're still in sparkly leotards, they still have to do the flouncy let me entertain you shit in between athletic moves their male counterparts don't have to do, but they don't look pre-pubescent despite being far from it, they don't all have glitter and bows in their hair, etc. -- they're not simultaneously infantilised and sexualised as they had been for some time, and hopefully the rampant sexual abuse at the hands of Nassar also exposing the other systemic abuses to which they'd been subjected means they have a degree of power they never previously did (which seems to be the case). Also, I love the Golden Girls team name, since they have an average age that is old, sad as that is, and won the gold.
  24. That's what I wondered. I don't much care for devil's food cake (too much chocolate; yes, it's possible!), but my mom used to make angel food cake and now I'm craving some (she has long since stopped messing with it, and I do very little baking, so it has been eons). It's a good summer cake, since it's light, especially with fruit.
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