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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Just use the search function (magnifying glass icon in the upper right [although if you're on the mobile version, I have no idea where - or even if - it is]) rather than going through the thread yourself. S
  2. I had a lot of fun hearing Scully yelling in my head every time I updated the puzzle. You're up, M.F. Luder.
  3. I'll put up another one that may require group effort: There were nineteen taglines other than “The Truth is Out There” used over the course of the series. Either name any ten of them or name any five along with the episodes in which they appeared.
  4. I'd say I'm waiting for a Male (or Men) Authors category, but not even if I was a real-life Methuselah would I live to see that. Maybe one of these days they'll manage to just call it Authors and include women, but I agree -- understanding the difference between a noun and an adjective is a welcome change.
  5. He had to change "What are reins?" to "What is rein?" in the horsey vocabulary clue about "keeping a tight this," and there couldn't have been more than a second elapsed before he did so, but for some reason I was annoyed Alex hadn't said anything before he had a chance to fix it. I didn't notice it initially, either, but I knew the title for sure (as opposed to a more "Hmm, that's what I thought, too," type of reaction when she answered with what sounded like the title), so I knew she had to have said something wrong, and forgetting the S seemed like the only thing possible.
  6. Even better, there was an episode where the HHs reacted positively to homes with stairs precisely because their little kid liked playing on them.
  7. As I said originally, but will reiterate here since you copied part of my post here, there a plethora of characters representing white people, so that some white characters are portrayed negatively doesn't say something about white people in general, just about that character, because there are so many other white characters positively represented to balance that out. The same cannot be said of people of color (or women, or LGBT people, or people with disabilities, or ...) so negative depictions do matter beyond that individual character, precisely because the negative depictions make up such a large percentage of the roles. If men of color were presented on screen as all the myriad things their white counterparts appear as, then some of them being thugs or drug dealers wouldn't matter. But they're not, so it does.
  8. Also, in one scenario you're doing it for reasons that are all your own, and in the other scenario one of your reasons is you think you're supposed to.
  9. Or when they hand the wine list to the man. Thankfully, I haven't had either one happen in quite some time, but it used to be routine.
  10. Dr-- ---r --a--n. --t -t d--n, S--ll-! N- -a-. - sa-d --t -t d--n. - sa-d n-! --r'-- s-tt-n- m- --. -'- tr--n- t- --l- ---. T--n --t ---r --a--n d--n and s-t d--n. N-t a --an--. --- sa-d --- --r-n't --r- t- --ll m-, S--nn-r, n-- -r--- -t. - d-dn't --m- --r- t- -a-- a --n s----d -n m- -a-- --t--r. Damm-t, S--nn--r! Season One: L, T, S, N, M, R, D, A Season Nine:
  11. This is the perfect description of why I hated House. That's appropriate, since he was the foremost example in my mind when I wrote it.
  12. You can use the Wayback Machine (with spotty results) for the forums. The recaps are still available at TWoP, as they were archived.
  13. Dr-- ---r -----n. --t -t d--n, S--ll-! N- ---. - s--d --t -t d--n. - s--d n-! --r'-- s-tt-n- m- --. -'- tr--n- t- --l- ---. T--n --t ---r -----n d--n -nd s-t d--n. N-t - ---n--. --- s--d --- --r-n't --r- t- --ll m-, S--nn-r, n-- -r--- -t. - d-dn't --m- --r- t- ---- - --n s----d -n m- ---- --t--r. D-mm-t, S--nn--r Season One: L, T, S, N, M, R, D Season Nine:
  14. It seemed to be like Lydia had a couple of dumb guesses, but this short time later I can't remember any examples, so I shouldn't talk. I like how we didn't know what the parts of a plant, roots, buds, and leaves categories were about until the first clue. Shop floor was a surprising TS, as was Hearts of Darkness since once the one contestant screwed up all someone had to do was add the S. The East Timor clue seemed over valued, and knowing that Sarah Ferguson was the Duchess of York should have been worth about $400. When there was only one category left on the board, the contestant who picked first recited the entire category name instead of just stating the dollar value of the clue he wanted. That bugged me!
  15. -r-- ---r -----n. --t -t ---n, S--ll-! N- ---. - s--- --t -t ---n. - s--- n-! --r'-- s-tt-n- m- --. -'- tr--n- t- --l- ---. T--n --t ---r -----n ---n -n- s-t ---n. N-t - ---n--. --- s--- --- --r-n't --r- t- --ll m-, S--nn-r, n-- -r--- -t. - ---n't --m- --r- t- ---- - --n s----- -n m- ---- --t--r. --mm-t, S--nn--r Season One: L, T, S, N, M, R Season Nine:
  16. I ate a really late lunch, so the Swiss chard gratin I was going to make as a side dish for a grilled T-bone steak will instead be my entire dinner. I'll make the steak tomorrow night and heat up some of the leftover gratin.
  17. Oh, I love the tuna raw and the seeds don't bother me. I usually eat it plain (for breakfast or a snack), but I like it on a salad, too. I also like the nopales of the cactus, usually in soups or salads, but sometimes just left whole and grilled. Thankfully, my local market sells both with the spines already removed (as do most of the farmers selling them at the farmers' market, but at least one leaves them on ... for those who like the adventure, I guess, but unless I'm harvesting it myself I'd rather someone else do that step).
  18. It depends on where you're from. Them's fightin' words in some parts. (I have no dog in this race; I don't eat beans OR chili.)
  19. "Let her go to Morocco -- we're going to Marrakesh." ... "Alright, but as your mother, I cannot be held responsible for your well being." "It's legal here, so you can't disapprove. In fact, it's compulsory, darling." "If you could try to look a little less like a Christian missionary, we'd all be a lot safer." "That man pinched me!" "Don't worry, he's obviously very old and completely blind." And my favorite ... My mom is always nice enough to pick me up and take me to the airport, but she also always insists on asking me if I have everything even though I've doing my own packing for decades. Thanks to this show, it doesn't annoy me, because I get to say yes and then run about shouting, "Tickets, money, passport!"
  20. ---- ---- -----n. --t -t ---n, S--ll-! N- ---. - s--- --t -t ---n. - s--- n-! ---'-- s-tt-n- m- --. -'- t---n- t- --l- ---. T--n --t ---- -----n ---n -n- s-t ---n. N-t - ---n--. --- s--- --- ----n't ---- t- --ll m-, S--nn--, n-- ----- -t. - ---n't --m- ---- t- ---- - --n s----- -n m- ---- --t---. --mm-t, S--nn--! Season One: L, T, S, N, M Season Nine:
  21. Good choice. ---- ---- ------. --t -t ----, S--ll-! -- ---. - s--- --t -t ----. - s--- --! ---'-- s-tt--- -- --. -'- t----- t- --l- ---. T--- --t ---- ------ ---- --- s-t ----. --t - ------. --- s--- --- -----'t ---- t- --ll --, S------, --- ----- -t. - ----'t ---- ---- t- ---- - --- s----- -- -- ---- --t---. -----t, S------! Season One: L, T, S Season Nine:
  22. ---- ---- ------. --t -t ----, ---ll-! -- ---. - ---- --t -t ----. - ---- --! ---'-- --tt--- -- --. -'- t----- t- --l- ---. T--- --t ---- ------ ---- --- --t ----. --t - ------. --- ---- --- -----'t ---- t- --ll --, -------, --- ----- -t. - ----'t ---- ---- t- ---- - --- ------ -- -- ---- --t---. -----t, -------! Season One: L, T Season Nine:
  23. I think the William storyline was, pardon the pun, ill conceived, not just poorly executed. (And I love that, prior to filming IWTB, GA forgot they'd even had a baby.) I don't want to see him again for a lot of reasons, one of which is I'd like the biggest of Mulder and Scully's numerous sacrifices to have been worth it, with the kid remaining safe and happy with his parents. Especially after all this time.
  24. I know this is really long, but I don't think it will take a whole lot of letters to recognize the scene, and then it won't be as daunting to fill in as it seems. ---- ---- ------. --- -- ----, ------! -- ---. - ---- --- -- ----. - ---- --! ---'-- ------- -- --. -'- ------ -- ---- ---. ---- --- ---- ------ ---- --- --- ----. --- - ------. --- ---- --- -----'- ---- -- ---- --, -------, --- ----- --. - ----'- ---- ---- -- ---- - --- ------ -- -- ---- ------. ------, -------!
  25. You know that the government is not above the law. They cannot withhold information. I can hear Scully saying it, and know it's early on (it would have to be), but can't think of the episode.
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