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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. That reminds me of one of my UOs: While I like him very much as a person, I don't care for Sam Waterston as an actor. He has some mannerisms that bug me to the point of distraction, and I just never connect to his characters the way I expect to given the material.
  2. Since I was just thinking about this episode for one of my trivia questions, I know the John Gilnitz portmanteau is also used in Wetwired -- it's the name of Helene Riddick's victim (the neighbor she thought was her husband).
  3. If William is anything more than a brief reference (like he was in IWTB), I will barf. Taking one of the worst decisions the show ever made and making him the focal point of the last thing we'll ever see of the original XF? No thanks. I agree. He's a good idea man, but even at that he got worse as the show went on. He can be just terrible as a writer. It's one of the reasons I'd rather see a limited-run series than a third film.
  4. Nope (but I had forgotten about "Done One" so thanks for that bit of trivia).
  5. Are you continuing the "lines I hate" theme? E
  6. Okay, a third one finally came to me in a vision after I got in bed last night -- Little Green Men. Here's one that will be easy for those with fond memories of a summer spent scouring the internet for clues: Among the many attempts to keep secret any and all information about filming of the first movie was assigning it a code name. What was it?
  7. That puppy with kneecaps in the wrong place could not be any cuter if he tried. I loved the story with the homeless woman living with her dog in an abandoned hotel. I love that she didn't want to go to the hospital because she had no one to care for her dog, I love that the outreach organization promised to - and did - take care of that for her, I love that VRC sheltered him and then gave him back, plus offered to take care of his neuter and shots, and I love that the owner accepted and offered to come back as a volunteer to thank them for their help. The lack of judgment throughout was so refreshing, and Tia pointed out this woman who had next to nothing nevertheless had managed to provide food, water and a bed for her dog. The father, son and dog looking for a new companion after losing their pit buddy in a break-up were great, too. The dog settling right into the kid's bed was adorable, as was the father tearing up at seeing that.
  8. That's why it surprised me, too. I'll admit I didn't look at that painting and know for certain that it was a Grandma Moses work; American folk art is not generally my style, and I don't know a lot about it. But I looked at the painting and the clue and immediately said Grandma Moses based on J! history.
  9. Do you think only those who have served in Congress can complain about those who are doing so? Can only those who have been at the helm of a corporation criticize the policies and actions of other CEOs? Can only cops call out instances of police brutality, racial profiling, etc.? Are other lawyers the only ones who can complain about the poor conduct of some lawyers? Doctors about other doctors? I don't see why there should be a special rule for members of the military.
  10. Exactly, and how very low that bar is was what made Bechdel's point about the representation of women in film -- the test should have about a 99% pass rate (as it does if one checks to see if a film contains at least two named male characters, who have at least one conversation with each other, that is about something other than a woman), yet it doesn't.
  11. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Ugh, please no; I can't stand him. (Yes, as with just about any team, there are players on the Seahawks roster who have done things I dislike, but there's no one for whom I have general disgust.)
  12. I'd feel bad for Doug if the other two had run in there, looked at the ingredients, and immediately staked their claim. Instead they stood around tasting and talking, and then spoke up, while Doug didn't. Then he grumbled more than outright saying he wanted them to go back and do things differently. It would have been more sporting to pick one ingredient at a time rather than claiming both at the same time. But with no rules on how to decide who got what, it was all rather congenial.
  13. Ooh, I like that one. Never Again, Drive ... F. Emasculata, or is that just from the bloopers? I was thinking Humbug, but the more I picture it I don't think he's wearing shades in his GQ pose. So I may only have two. Must ponder ...
  14. Th-s -s n-t ----t ---, S--ll-. The-'re ---n- th-s t- me. Redux II: R, E, M, S, T, N, H, L Redux:
  15. I feel like there's even one more, but nothing is coming to me. For some reason I have it in my head there were three playing actual roles plus Vanessa Morley's cameo, but maybe I have that wrong and she's the third. "What about my men?!" That guy has been in just about everything. I like him.
  16. Jason Beghe will always be the cop Thelma and Louise locked in the trunk, but I like him as Larry, too. And, yes, the man is fine. He's friends with DD, which is how he got the role. I love this episode. (I can't watch it without cringing for GA having to be hoisted up in a tree and rocked around in a Jeep while puking her guts out from morning sickness, but I enjoy it anyway.) The growing tension is palpable, it's so well done. It's just a very interesting story all the way through. Definitely one of my favorite season one episodes. I was at my parents' house for the Super Bowl, and going around the dial in disgust after the game. Two channels I don't get but my parents do are showing XF, and one of them was airing this episode. I was too pissed off to enjoy it so I only left it on a few minutes, but my mom - who used to occasionally watch the show with me back in the day, but that's it - said, "I remember this one." It's just that good.
  17. Th-s -s n-t ----t ---, S-----. The-'re ---n- th-s t- me. Redux II: R, E, M, S, T, N, H Redux:
  18. I'm really surprised the middle contestant couldn't figure out the Tennyson clue; poetry is one of my weak areas, but I thought The Charge of The Light Brigade was one of those poems just about everyone knows. Of course, I don't have a lot of room to talk -- between 600 and blunder'd, I knew immediately what poem the clue was referring to, but had a total brain fart on who wrote it and barely spit it out in time.
  19. T--s -s --t ----t ---, S-----. T-e-'re ----- t--s t- me. Redux II: R, E, M, S, T Redux:
  20. I saw that last night, and it gave me such a smile. Animals engaged in inter-species playing and snuggling, a Roger Miller ditty ... can't go wrong.
  21. Yep. I didn't watch it, either, so don't ask me what episode or character, but O'Quinn showed up as Lt. Tillman in Aubrey, SAC Michaud in FTF, yet another character in a later episode, and a main character in Millennium. The three Gunmen, Bill Mulder, Bill Scully, Deep Throat, Samantha (I guess technically she never appeared when she was alive), Melissa Scully (her voice, anyway) In addition to Terry O’Quinn as noted above, another actor who had already appeared in the series showed up in FTF as a different character. Who, and what roles did he play in each?
  22. ---s -s --- ----- ---, S-----. --e-'re ----- ---s -- me. Redux II: R, E, M, S Redux:
  23. ---- -- --- ----- ---, ------. --e-'re ----- ---- -- -e. Redux II: R, E Redux:
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