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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I get the year from my satellite provider's program guide while I'm watching. So if I post about it within a day or two, I can put it in the right thread. After that, forget it – it’s long gone from my mind.
  2. I didn’t tune in until after the first commercial break, and my introduction to Rena was her reading the entire TV shows category title, including the “blank & blank” part. Later, in the Lafayette category, she said “Same category,” and then went on to say the category. Grrr. In that TV shows category, I was surprised no one knew Rizzoli & Isles. I wanted to see a Cagney & Lacey clue. (I didn't know Parks & Recreation, but got the rest.) Lipton (tea) was a pretty surprising TS. Knowing the capital of Iceland is a DJ clue? Come on. Some of the Armed category clues were a bit easy for DJ. I didn’t specifically know that Target had failed in Canada – business news often goes in one ear and out the other – but the wording of the clue gave me the answer right away.
  3. Exactly. Something like Morgan & Wong's idea, where you take a season to set up the downward spiral and a season to explore the aftermath, can work. With this revival, they just don't have time to properly do some of the things being speculated about.
  4. In theory, I don't have any problem with them dating other people while they were taking a mutual break, and I'm going to assume there was never anything serious for either of them. I just have a hard time imagining anyone - other than some network suit, maybe - thinking these are storylines for XF ... especially a mere six episodes of XF.
  5. Regarding the episode, which re-ran last night, where Scott flips his lid because a contestant dared touch a fish with tongs, his meltdown is so ridiculous it sort of obscures the other huge problem with that episode, which is the judges all acting like total assholes because that contestant had been hired as an executive chef after only four years. Even Amanda is in on this nonsense. It's not as if this woman went out, bought a restaurant and appointed herself executive chef despite not knowing her ass from a skillet. Someone hired her to do that job at their restaurant. And she was quite reasonable and honest about her experience and skills, so the judges needed to get over themselves. So no one hired any of them as EC so early in their careers. Maybe whomever hired the contestant as an EC at this stage of her career shouldn't have. But they did, and the restaurant hasn't gone down in flames yet, so ... shut, up judges. Just talk about what she put on the plate and save the bitterness for when you go get drinks after the show.
  6. My favorite description was inadvertent: I had a friend who roomed with me for almost two years after college, and she was the pickiest eater I have ever encountered. (If she hasn't succumbed to malnutrition by now, I'll be impressed.) It would sometimes annoy me to watch her eat the same half dozen things over and over again, and it certainly boggled my mind. But it would never have occurred to me to try and persuade her to eat something different, or plop some of my food down in front of her. Whatever her reasons, she obviously knew what she did and did not want to eat. Nothing I did would change that, so why would I bother? Plus, it would be rude -- I wouldn't want her waving one of her nasty pre-made chicken tenders dipped in ketchup in front of me and insisting I try it.
  7. Oh goody, a whopping one thing I like (and I'll only like it if Scully is, too) so far. Okay, two things: I also like that, whatever the state of their relationship, they seem casual and comfortable with each other in those scenes from the first day of outdoor shooting.
  8. My dad's hearing was damaged by his time in the National Guard, which has led to some memorable incidents of mishearing things over the years. When a little kid at a campground introduced himself as Matthew, my dad heard it as "Biffy." Now, the kid was kind of mumble-mouthed as kids can be, but Biffy? So, to this day, when my dad gets a name wrong, my mom and I say, "Biffy?" Then a few years ago at a semi-fancy restaurant, I cannot for the life of me remember what my mom or I said, but my dad misheard it in a way that would make no sense and thus repeated back in a questioning tone, "He died a Baptist?" (The "he" was right, but that's it.) We laughed so hard and for so long, I'm surprised we weren't asked to leave.
  9. I have never made it through the Hunter episode. I’m not sure I’ve even made it to the entrée round. During the introductory footage, he seems quite babyish for 13 and a little annoying. Then comes “How’s everybody doing?” – repeated, mind you, despite the fact clearly no one wants to participate in his audition for his own show – and I spike all the way over to hate mode and stay there. Can you imagine the people that raised that kid?
  10. Oh, my ... the teen competition with that insufferable little turd Hunter. Unwatchable, except for that girl's, "I have eyes, if I want to know the time I'll look at the clock" remark.
  11. I was hoping for one about Sunshine Cleaning, since it’s the only film other than Julie & Julia in which I’ve seen Amy Adams (plus, I love it). I knew American Hustle from commercials and chatter, but I think that’s the only one I got. That was not my category. For Trouble With the Curve, I could picture the promos with Clint Eastwood, but had no clue on the title.
  12. He did nothing for me, so you don't have to worry about one more person fighting over him. I thought he was cute in his talking heads during the introductory portion, but his floppy hair during the show itself ruined it for me. The plating that one chef did during the appetizer round was beautiful! The champ’s appetizer probably would have looked decent had she allowed time for the fish to rest before slicing it (or just not sliced it under the circumstances), but it still would have been a tad overdone. I got such a craving for ginger ice cream watching that round. If the champ said "awesome" one more time, I was going to throw something. And, no, "sando" isn't short for sandwich.
  13. I'm the same way. And I really don't want hot food touching cold or, worst of all, sauce touching anything other than the item it goes with. I'm twitching just reading that.
  14. Angela getting upset about someone sticking their nose into her business ... that's rich. They've quit bothering to give reasons for Jane to be at Maura's, haven't they? It really stands out in the morning scenes. During both airings tonight, my cat interrupted me so that I missed how the killer got on their radar in the first place -- what was his story?
  15. Since my sick kitty is finally eating, I am finally eating -- just some baked salmon and roasted asparagus since both cook quickly, but it's going to taste so good ... about five minutes to go. Since Saturday morning, I have forced down a total of eight chicken wings, a little bit of roasted cauliflower, and four wheat crackers with some fontina cheese on them.
  16. Yes, it is. That Minions commercial is so ubiquitous (or maybe there are several of them), I finally had to look up what the hell Minions are.
  17. Thanks for the info; so this person isn't saying how they got these details they're posting, but has a history of posting accurate XF spoilers? DAMN.
  18. That link takes me to the nice little "Why Mulder and Scully Not Living Together is Actually a Good Thing ... For Now" piece you posted a few days ago -- is it supposed to go to something different? How is the person posting these spoilers to Haven supposed to be getting their information -- seeing scripts/sides, hearing from someone on production, etc.?
  19. These contestants were terrible about repeating the entire category name and adding “please,” “Let’s try,” and such. Dr. Atkins was ridiculously overvalued as a DD. Naming Blanche DuBois would have been overvalued anywhere. That whole theatre category was too easy, especially for DJ. And are they kidding with FJ? I cannot believe one of them missed it. I really can't believe Nixon was a TS. The dwarfs category was kind of fun, but probably should have been in the first round instead. The Love Boat category was fun, too.
  20. What's the context for this alleged champagne in a limo scene -- a date, or something else? And who/what is the source?
  21. I love this “Play vs. Musical” thing they’re doing tonight, but wish they’d gone with a pair other than The Philadelphia Story/High Society as the second set of films. The former is on a lot, and the latter is crap.
  22. Seriously, because that would be about 17 kinds of stupid (18 - I forgot to add a point for naming one Einstein). This is supposed to be a revival of the old show, not a back-door pilot for a reboot.
  23. There was some stupid line (I know, the whole movie is stupid lines) about all being forgiven - meaning no lingering charges against Mulder for his supposed crimes or escape - if Mulder helped with the case. Mulder, of course, had a they forgive me? response, but did work with them. So, yeah, IWTB cleared the way for reinstatement -- setting aside logistics, like Mulder being close to mandatory retirement age and both of them needing to re-qualify. Since fiction plays fast and loose with pesky details like that, my guess is it will be a scenario where if they want to return, they can.
  24. Yeah, I've been seeing that for quite some time, and I can't get behind it, either. I suppose it's a play on the maple syrup (on pancakes, etc.) and bacon flavor combination, but that has no appeal to me -- I've had a lifelong rule that my syrup cannot touch my bacon.
  25. If they are living separately at the outset, my guess would be Mulder stayed in that sad house from IWTB and Scully took an apartment near the hospital (which is hopefully not the Hospital of Perpetual Darkness and Gloom from IWTB).
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