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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. It sounds like gyro (YEE-roh) to me, but that commercial bugs me because I love that song, and don't like having it interrupted.
  2. Something like that is my guess; all the voices sound similarly manufacture.
  3. I never watched Smash, but this from that essay jumped out at me for its glaring truth: I've heard horror stories from every profession, but never as consistently ugly as what I hear from women who are TV show writers or writers' assistants. The average writers' room is an absolute cesspool of sexism and even outright misogyny.
  4. Jared Rushton. He was also Becky's boyfriend Chip on season one of Roseanne.
  5. No, the hinges were in the bedroom with Becky, not out in the hall with Roseanne. (Which is how the doors are in my house, too, which is what made me double-check the layout in the Conner house, because I thought, "Wait, she can't do that, can she?" And, no, she can't. But it was still a funny scene.) Sigh. Without fail, if I post without quoting what I'm replying to, my post winds up at the top of a new page and thus has no context.
  6. Yep, really. As I said, I think we've illustrated the fundamental difference in our reactions to the commercial -- I don't think those child voices or phrases are cute in the first place, so having them come out of adult mouths only makes them even more annoying. Shifting gears, I also saw the razor commercial where a woman (played by either Piper Perabo or a look-alike) gets a text that her boyfriend is on his way, and bringing his mom, so she jumps out of bed to frantically put the place in order (well, sort of), all while shaving her legs. That one is stupid on so many levels. The text reads as if bringing his mom with him is news, which is a total dick move; she should text him back that it's not a good time and go back to sleep. But, okay, she decides to play host. Just put on some pants. Yeah, that razor has shaving "gel" built in, but you still need to get it wet, so she's flinging soapy water drops - not to mention little leg hairs - all over the apartment as she multi-tasks. And, lastly, as someone else commented, that dress she puts on is a really juvenile style, plus she does this "cutesy" little move when she opens the door. Ugh.
  7. Ah, well that's definitely the difference for me -- "cute" is pretty much the exact opposite of how I'd describe the voices. More like "nails on a chalkboard annoying." They'd be bad enough coming out of children, so hearing them from adults (especially that guy who says "gooder") is only worse. It seems like the commercial has been around for a while and I was lucky to never encounter it until last night, so hopefully I won't happen upon it again, but if I do I will be lunging for the remote to protect my ears. When I read a lot of comments about a commercial in this thread before seeing it, it usually sounds so bad that when I finally see it, it never quite matches up to what I had in my mind; I wind up thinking, "Oh, it's not that bad." This one I found almost stunningly annoying, and said out loud, "Wow, it's even worse than they made it seem."
  8. She couldn't get to the hinge from where she was in the hallway.
  9. Roseanne Conner used a screwdriver to take Becky and Darlene's door off entirely (we must just put aside that it would be impossible for her to do that, since the door was locked shut at the time via a slide lock on the inside -- which is why she was breaking in -- and that's not how it works anyway, because the episode was funny as hell). All my bedroom door lock ever did was slow my mom down; useless piece of crap (the lock, not my mom!). She didn't need much more than a toothpick to get past that thing.
  10. I know it has been much-discussed, but I just saw for the first time the Haribo commercial where all the people in a business meeting talk like children. Put me firmly on Team Hate. I've always hated the Haribo jingle, but with this commercial the preceding dialogue is actually far worse. Oh my god; I'm still cringing.
  11. That's revolting, particularly the second part. People lash out when grieving, but this is beyond the pale. Especially because this was written correspondence rather than a verbal conversation; she had time to think about what she was saying.
  12. I know this has been mentioned before, but it's not one I ever seem to catch in syndication and I didn't remember it from the original airing, but I just finally watched the episode where Rose's sister Holly visits, and, boy howdy, those of you who've complained about it were not kidding; this episode sucks! Let's review: Rose is one of their best friends of several years, Holly is someone they just met. Incident after incident occurs in which Rose is left out of an activity Holly arranges. Rose claims it's deliberate, Holly claims it's coincidence. Not only do they believe Holly (when buying the coincidence theory in some of those cases requires being more gullible than Rose has ever dreamed of being), but they get angry with Rose as if she's insulted their kids or something. Basically, Rose and Dreyfuss are the only likable characters in this episode.
  13. I loved when Tag told Carol off after she confessed to cheating on him with Doug (in the past, and also kissing Doug recently), especially when he asked what she wants him to do, treat her like crap like Doug does? I know they wound up almost getting married, because I remember everyone partying after the wedding that didn't happen, but he should have known then and there that it wasn't going to work if she'd cheat on him, period, but especially with someone who was as much of a jerk as Doug was at that point. I think I wound up liking Doug and Carol together, since he treated her so much better than he had in the past, but I don't really remember. I definitely wasn't invested in it; I don't remember caring much about any romantic pairing on this show. I loved the crush Romano had on Corday, though.
  14. Jackie Brown. "Is he working on a case?" "A case of Scotch; pitch in and help him."
  15. Since a Super Star with cheese is one of the few fast-food offerings I like, I used to treat myself to it about once a year, but then the blatant sexism of the ads meant I couldn't justify adding even $6+/year to the Carl's Jr. coffers and went cold turkey quite a few years back. This "oh, we're knocking that shit off" campaign isn't enough to bring me back, even with the loathsome Puzder having retired. In an alternate universe, I might find that commercial semi-amusing. In reality, no.
  16. Carter had probably never knowingly encountered a transgender person before, and I think given his age, sheltered status, and the fact Peter didn't set any different example, his discomfort rang true. At least he consistently referred to her with the right pronouns as the day went on (better than the nurse who called her a she-male and laughed), and he was devastated when she jumped. I loved the story the patient told about her father's visit; perhaps if he hadn't died, and she had at least one person in her life who loved her as she was, things would have gone differently. Carol and the gang rape victim in the previous episode was moving, too.
  17. I just saw that Ferris Bueller commercial, and the hair ruined it for me. They went to the trouble to properly replicate so many things from the film, but all I could see was that hair. First, because it's like an entity all its own, but mostly because it made him look nothing like Ferris.
  18. A friend who lives nearby is a regular, and he recently emailed me while eating brunch there, in which he made brief reference to some new staff and working out the kinks, so maybe you got caught up in that.
  19. The specifics of the trajectory are lost to me, but I think it's generally that there was flirtation, and the beginnings of a romantic relationship, then pulling back, and them being friends with the potential for something more, and then casual dating, and they didn't start sleeping together until this season. And not that sex is the sole barometer, but it's pretty unusual (unless one has some sort of moral objection) for a serious, committed relationship to have formed before that comes into play. So they've had a relationship of various natures for a while, but only been in A Relationship (such that one would need to seriously consider the other person in pondering and discussing retirement and relocation plans) for a little while.
  20. Pizza topped with chorizo, jalapeño, onion, and cilantro. Jalapeño ranch dressing on the salad. Clearly I'm having a jalapeño craving.
  21. Oh my, really? That had been on my list of things that only happen on TV.
  22. I thought the disparity between the winner and the value pick was funny. Again, I'm not the audience for it, since I don't need anything remotely that large and don't want something out in the open, regardless, so this was just entertainment. Thus it was funny to see the first recommendation be spending nearly $200 on a TRASH CAN and the second suggestion to be spending about $20 on an ugly, bare-bones model -- either don't drop more than a few bucks on something that is merely a receptacle for rubbish or go hog wild and grossly over spend on something that is the best of the non-basic models. The difference between the top pick and value pick isn't often that vast.
  23. Mine does refuse. When my previous vet (who was active in the fight against declawing, long before I heard about it in larger circles) retired and I had to go interviewing for a new one (after coming up with a short list based on recommendations), that was one of my questions, because I wasn't going to give my business to someone who'd perform it.
  24. Some wasabi cheese. I don't know the brand, as I found a wedge of it in my parents' fridge while cat-sitting, but it is so delicious I will head to the local cheese shop where I'm sure my mom got it and look for it; I hope it's part of the regular stock, and not one of their one-weekend specials (they have a display table available on weekends for people to offer free samples and sell their product).
  25. As that scene unfolded, I wondered if he was going to take off after them (knowing by their mass exodus after looking at their phones that something serious was happening), letting the eager beaver understudy take over, and then coming back to reclaim the role in dramatic fashion; so many wacky hijinks had ensued around the play, I wasn't sure quite how broad they were going to go with the comedy.
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