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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. It can work; my best friend had to move in with her parents for over a year quite a few years ago, and her dad has the strongest allergic reaction to cats I have ever seen. She had two cats (and two dogs). It was some effort by all parties, and the size and layout of their house made it possible where for others it wouldn't be, but it went fine. Not ideal for anyone, human or feline, but not an unreasonable burden on any of them, either, and worth it to keep the family together through the temporary situation. It's so situation-specific, which is why it's important for bystanders to resist the instinct to immediately condemn someone who finds a new home for their cat under those circumstances, and important for owners to research ways of potentially making it work and trying out those that may apply to their situation before automatically going to rehoming. But there's too much of the opposite going on, on both sides. My Nextdoor pet peeve is people who seem congenitally incapable of putting their posts in the correct category. "General" does not equal "I'm too damn lazy to think for half a second about where my post should go." Good grief! There are only a handful of main categories; it is just not that hard. Posting about something that has been lost or found? Here's an idea - post it in Lost & Found! Recommending a local business or service provider? Okay, maybe you can't find the right sub-category, but you can't put it in Recommendations at least?
  2. Passenger 57 "I don't hear nothing. What do you hear?" "Double negative and dog."
  3. Mark as the new Doug is not working for me. But, oh my god, how I loved when Chuny beat him to the punch by delivering the same exact break-up line he'd been planning to use on her. Not to mention him winding up on a date with Doug. Carter and Benton remain my favorite relationship on the series. "In that surgery, everything I did I learned from you." And Carter's sheer delight at getting to do Peter's appendectomy. He's also adorable at the firing range with Maggie Doyle.
  4. I've been at the head of that table for a while. I can't point to anything specific, because I can't watch them for more than a few seconds at a time and have never read up to learn anything about them, but I find them incredibly off-putting. Kind of creepy, really. Like if I found out they're cultists or something, I wouldn't have a moment's surprise. It's a visceral thing; they weird me out.
  5. A fish-based diet isn't a good idea for cats - it should just be a treat, like Sir Robin's tuna time - so maybe she's been reading feline nutrition literature in her spare time. It would be a nice twist from how cats usually read up on what they're not supposed to do and then immediately go do that. Riley likes chicken, tuna, shrimp, most cheeses, and, especially, salmon, so I'll sometimes give her some of mine as a treat, but she's very good and never tries to get into my food on her own. Way back when, one of my roommate's cats loved peas. This was convenient, as I hate peas. So if I was eating something pre-mixed that had peas in it, I'd just set them off to the side and put my plate down for him when I was done. Voila; no wasted food. I only eat egg whites, because I hate the yolk, and Riley used to eat some of the yolk for me, but she's now decided she doesn't like it (she'll probably change her mind back after several months; she does that), so I'm completely wasting the yolks every time I make eggs.
  6. Oh, I like that a lot better than the traditional stainless steel finish. White is still the best finish for how I do my kitchen, but if I ever had a kitchen where something on the dark end of the spectrum would be best, I'd go for that black stainless steel over black (and definitely over traditional stainless, which I just do not like even where it's a good color combination).
  7. Better than Little Susie! Kathleen Wilhoite also played a similarly awful character in an episode of Law & Order: SVU. From my limited exposure to her, she's fairly typecast, but damn good at it.
  8. I spend time there every time I'm in New Orleans. I haven't been in a while, so Toups' Meatery would be new to me; hopefully it's still there next time I go. His food sure did look good on the show.
  9. That was one of the few things I remembered about this show -- my reaction when I realized the mangled victim was Gant. That was shocking. (Little did I know they'd later double down with the Carter & Lucy get stabbed storyline.) I love the moment where everyone just freezes, then Carter's "Oh, sweet Jesus!" and then chaos as everyone resumes their efforts, with a new intensity. It drives me nuts, too. I love that "If that baby dies, it will be my responsibility, but it will be your fault" scene I talked about before, but otherwise I'm always hoping for her scenes to be short because I can't stand listening to her speak. I love when Mark - who had violated law and policy by accessing her medical records - told Jeannie she should have told him about her HIV status, and she said, "No, it's better that it happened this way -- now you know about me, and I know a lot more about you." The HIV and AIDS storylines make this something of a time capsule. It's nice to see the discussion that arises as Mark and Kerry attempt to hammer out a policy as they consult the various state and federal laws. It's also nice to see the tension now that Carol is management, even though she still feels like just another one of the nurses.
  10. Esophageal cancer (according to his publicist's statement), but the article linked above cites a family source saying the cancer plus complications from heart disease.
  11. Chester only has one extra on each front paw (and one extra toe on each back paw, too) and he looks like he's wearing catchers mitts, so I can only imagine with two extra.
  12. Not to mention Philadelphia, a movie that left me sitting in the theatre after the lights had come on, because I was so emotionally wiped out I couldn't get up yet.
  13. Well, lots of vets got screwed, time and again, by not requiring the money up front, so I'm not automatically mad at that. There are so many people doing the best they can with what they have, who will pay what they can when they can until the bill is paid. There are also so many people who have the ability to put aside money for potential expenses and instead flit through life refusing to delay themselves gratification and then just don't want to pay when those expenses arise. Most vets who have an established relationship with a client and know them to fit into the former category will work with them. Those who don't have reason to be confident in that probably won't these days, given what goes on, and the majority of specialty/emergency vets don't have that relationship. Like Jeff, I have chosen to provide low-cost (legal, in my case) services. Like Jeff, I require a whole lot of dominoes to fall into place in order for that to be possible, and I must be willing to go without some luxuries I happen not to care about to begin with. I relate to a lot of what he says about providing low-cost services. I just think this show doesn't do a very good job of showing that it's not easy to do that.
  14. I was only (half-)listening to that one rather than watching, but you'd think I'd have recognized her voice and turned around; it's pretty distinctive. Sure, they just have to - like everyone else - use universal precautions. That was the law then, too, but like the other patient at the clinic told her, they'd transfer her, look for other reasons to fire her, etc. in order to get rid of her despite the law. Carter gets involved with Glenne Headley's character? All I can remember of that character is Benton, while working for her, getting cocky and doing a surgery he's not equipped to do, or something like that, and her telling him, "If that baby dies, it will be my responsibility, but it will be your fault." I love that line. I think it might be coming in the episode that's on now.
  15. Onion rings, because I hate potatoes. I will eat french fries if they are thin cut and crispy, and dipped in ranch dressing, so as to no longer taste like a potato. But onion rings are delicious. They're kind of a mess to make, but worth it.
  16. Three a day now; they added a third episode a couple of weeks ago, so it's really flying along now.
  17. Same here, especially given Grace's sarcastic response in which she sounded just like she does every time Frankie says something outlandish.
  18. Ugh, my brain fart is bugging me -- Bradley Whitford, Richard Schiff, Janel Moloney, and who's the fourth? I, too, am loving the game of spot the guest actor I've been playing. I know if I record them, I'll never actually sit down and catch up, so I have them on every day (I work out of my home office). I take the time to properly sit and watch one while eating, but the other two are on as background noise. I'm missing a lot that way, but at least keeping up with the general arc of the characters.
  19. The Hateful Eight I've been stupid, very stupid. Of course. You're a man.
  20. Ron Howard's tweet was included in the TVLine article you linked; it was probably added later, as this is a developing story. He said: Such sad sad news. RIP Erin. I'll always choose to remember you on our show making scenes better, getting laughs and lighting up tv screens.
  21. Yep. I think they were in a bathroom, and she was giving him a blow job (not that we see that, of course, but it's a pretty clear implication) and he put his hand against the wall and accidentally hit the help button, so the whole staff came running. The ER sex scenes make me laugh, because it's a reminder of how edgy they were being in the mid-90s. But now it's just, "Oh dear, you are trying way too hard."
  22. I think there are two overlapping things going on: the specific feeling, especially in season one, C.J. has of being separate from the guys, and the general patronizing sexism that rears its ugly head time and again. We know the first was deliberate, as Sorkin saw that's how Allison felt, and wrote it in for C.J. But the patronizing sexism - and the "Who, me, sexist? I think women are great" denial - and the recognizing overt acts of sexism but keeping his male privilege blinders on to systemic, daily, casual sexism, is just so very much who Sorkin is, so I think he writes the guys the way he is, which means sometimes they get it, and much of the time they don't. I think we can tell, based on how C.J., Andi, Abbey, etc. react, when Sorkin knows he's written one of the guys as being a sexist jackass in that moment and when he thinks he's written them as perfectly okay.
  23. They did, one of those "in memoriam" screens on a black background, giving his year of birth and year of death.
  24. It's going to be delicious. And we're all going to enjoy it almost as much as you do.
  25. That's exactly why I hate jelly beans, too, and all other candies that can be described that way. And since I don't like marshmallow, either, I really hate Peeps.
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