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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Oh, man - I wonder if I never saw it the first time around, because I had no memory of Peter trying to save his nephew, and I just can't imagine that not sticking in my brain. The way he finally gives up, and goes out to see Jackie covered in blood. Khandi Alexander does a great job not just with Jackie's breakdown upon seeing Peter and realizing her son is gone, but before that, with the way her entire face changes in an instant when she sees the girlfriend and her homies. A little moment like that is an even more impressive piece of acting.
  2. Over-explaining things as the "it's what you do" for a ref is a funny enough concept, but I am completely distracted by the fact they're in a nice restaurant and he's ordering off the child's menu at Applebee's or something -- chicken tenders, tater tots, and nachos.
  3. C.J. and Danny C.J. and Simon
  4. The requirements to qualify vary by state, but most states allow for unemployment benefits in the event of constructive discharge (where one essentially had no choice but to quit given the working conditions).
  5. I can't stand Frank. Do we ever see Jerry or Randy at the front desk again? Watching Peter have to humiliate himself and go to Romano's office was so uncomfortable, I am ready for the helicopter to drop! The Luka/Abby thing doesn't work for me - I like them both individually (at least, I liked him until he killed that guy), but they don't click together for me - but I do like that she's the one to ask him out. I like the chemistry between Kerry and Dr. Legaspi, though. Corday continues to be my favorite; I like the way she initially does the whole, "I meant to you call you, I've just been incredibly busy" thing when Peter asks if she got his messages, but then - even though he wouldn't have called her on the lie - she immediately confesses that's not true, she's been avoiding him because she doesn't know what to say. (I love his big grin and hug when she gets him the job in Philadelphia.) I also like the way she rolls with finding out Mark signed up to play hockey when they'd already had plans for the night. Wasn't there an earlier episode that did the same storyline about a young gang banger coming into the trauma room to finish off their victim?
  6. I can't remember her name (contrasted with Unique, whose name I can't forget), but I remember her story. Especially the moment when she sat there recounting how stressed out she was by all she needed to do, and the parents shrugged that if she didn't work, they didn't eat, so ... It was sad, because I felt for their situation, they were probably embarrassed by not being able to be the breadwinners, and who knows how being on camera affected them, but they came off as so blasé about how their daughter was actually getting ill from the stress of trying to take over their responsibilities. Unique was the one whose siblings really pissed me off; one sister had gotten knocked up and moved the boyfriend in, and neither one of them had jobs or did much around the house, and when the kid was born it was just assumed by all that Unique was responsible for that baby, too.
  7. The recipe I use for tortilla soup is from a restaurant chain, too - El Torito, in my case (minus the potatoes and carrots). I also use its recipe for cilantro pepito caesar dressing (NOT the jarred version sold in stores; the fresh recipe used in the restaurants). The food is pretty "meh" in general - and it's very Americanized Mexican food, despite a few recent additions to the menu - but a friend loves it and they do make great Cadillac margaritas, so I've been there many times over the years and developed a taste for those two things and started making them at home from time to time. That taco soup recipe looks like a mess of jars and packets, and I join those who don't understand how the ranch dressing mix fits in, so I'm curious to hear how it comes out.
  8. When you read her recipes on the show's section of the FN website, and one calls for "good mayonnaise," it will general say in parentheses something like "such as Hellman's." So, nope, she's not making any secret of using store-bought mayo. I'm a Best Foods (same brand, just a different name in the western U.S.) fan through and through, to the extent I like it better than homemade.
  9. Aw, that's the late Christine Cavanaugh ("Amanda Nelligan" to X-Files fans, and the voice of Babe) as the patient Kerry helps evade the police. The introduction of Dr. Legaspi (Elizabeth Mitchell) -- that's who Kerry starts dating, right?
  10. That's Beth Nielsen Chapman's Sand and Water; she wrote it after her husband's death.
  11. The juxtaposition of the premature baby being allowed to die and the stroke patient being put on a ventilator against her wishes was pretty heavy handed (complete with musical montage), but it worked on me regardless; for a fictional character we never heard or saw, I sure worked up a good hatred for the brother.
  12. She puts on really good shows.
  13. Josh and Donna C.J. and Danny
  14. @Gigi43, there's no way for you to delete your post, but you can ask a mod to do it; just report the post and ask that it be removed. Thanks to all who reported season seven would finally be starting today; I forgot until 20 minutes into the first episode, but I'd have forgotten altogether if not for this forum. When I saw that Kay Lenz was playing the football player's mom, I figured for sure he was a goner; nothing good ever happens to her characters. The guy who played Van on Reba was one of the players.
  15. I'm so glad Piper wound up with you! I think it's perfectly valid to ask a potential adopter who's in the military (or married to someone in the military) what plans they have in place in the event of deployment, especially overseas, given how many people just "well, I'm moving, so while I'm packing up all my junk, I'm dumping my cat," and someone in that situation is more likely than the average person to move, but there's certainly a way to do that without interrogating someone, or coming from an assumption that they're going to be assholes. Different scenario, obviously, but it makes me think of when I volunteer to represent in their administrative appeal those who've been improperly denied their general relief benefits - some workers see their job, in reviewing applications, as making sure everyone who qualifies gets the benefits to which they are entitled, and some see it to look for any reason to deny benefits. Some rescue workers are looking to match the right pet with the right home, and some are looking to disqualify anyone who doesn't meet some one-size-fits-all definition of the perfect home. I'm stunned by how many rescue groups I've heard about that won't adopt a dog into a house where there isn't anyone home during the day. Seriously? That makes sense for a dog with significant separation anxiety; that's a special need that requires special circumstances. But for the average dog? And as a bright-line rule, with no consideration of how long the person will be at work/school, where the dog will be confined during that time, if a dog walker will be hired, the dog in question's temperament, etc.? That's ridiculous; it rules out most households, including some that would be a great home for a dog who needs one.
  16. That commercial is all kinds of wrong. At one point, they are in the same room, but instead of talking to each other, they're sending messages through their phones (or tablets or whatever they are; I'm not going back to look). In several scenes, they are each out with friends, but are being rude to those friends by typing away on their phones to each other instead of interacting with the friends. And then in the end, they exchange "I love you"s for the first time not in person, but electronically.
  17. Leo and Annabeth Toby and Andi C.J. and Danny
  18. I hate canned cranberry sauce, and have long been totally flabbergasted that something out of a can is a staple of a special occasion meal, but I've encountered so many people deeply attached to it - even to the extent they resent the real thing because it's not what they're used to - I don't react anymore. I wonder what the attachment is, though -- is it purely that it tastes like childhood, is it packed with extra sugar, what? And I am now suffering a serious craving for my friend's grandma's lumpia, which cannot be fulfilled as she's been gone a while now. I can go get lumpia at a restaurant, as I have a couple of good Filipino restaurants to choose from locally, but memories of those long-ago days every summer when she'd come to visit and I could join in on excellent meals - and ate what should have been an embarrassing amount of lumpia, but, oh my gods, it was so good - still tingle my taste buds. As for what to eat as an introduction to the cuisine, I second the adobo (usually pork) recommendation; also bistek (I've always had it with chicken), the soup sinigang, and the noodle dish pancit palabok.
  19. This sent me to IMDb to look her up, and, wow, she was quite gifted -- she had a very high IQ, started reading at two-and-a-half years old and was into Hemingway by age six, could still remember her lines from every movie she'd done, and when she had to learn to tap dance for a role, she wore tap shoes non-stop for a week and watched Gene Kelly dance in Singin' in the Rain; by the time she went to meet with a dance instructor, she was already adept enough that she learned the routines in a few days. (Her death at age 21 was by way of accidental overdose [heroin and alcohol]).
  20. Josh and Alex - I have no idea who she is Otto and Lou - I have no idea who they are Leo and Annabeth - Her voice bugs the ever-loving shit out of me, and the thought of Leo being tortured by it is awful (I'd been holding off on voting for characters I don't know, but now that they're showing up on other people's lists, I'll help get rid of them.)
  21. Bandit (my parents' cat) loves Chapstick and erasers, and will jump up onto whatever surface either items rests on (and he can detect them from 50 paces, it seems), toss his "toy" onto the floor, and go to town. @langway, congratulations on adopting Piper. She's adorable, and Piper is on my list of potential cat names (I almost went with it for Riley, but "Riley" just suited her and her circumstances so perfectly it won out). I've only ever adopted from municipal shelters, but I've heard a lot of stories like yours from people who've gone through a rescue. (I've also heard a lot of great stories about rescues, to be clear.) I'm glad things ultimately worked out for you and Piper.
  22. You've made me pull out my Hello CD for the first time in a long while; it's still great.
  23. Maddie had a clear plastic cap (which I named, quite creatively, Plastic Cap), over an inch in diameter and about 2-1/2 inches long that she carried around like it was her baby, including bringing it to bed with us. She liked to meow as she was carrying it, so I'd hear this distorted warble in the middle of the night and then she'd jump up on the bed and deposit Plastic Cap next to me and plop down so we could all go to sleep. She'd frequently lose track of it, and I'd have to look under and behind furniture until I found it and she could begin again. In her final weeks, I couldn't find it, and then just a couple of days after she died I came across it behind a piece of furniture, and it was in a pile of her fur (and a whisker), so she must have been lying back there with it.
  24. Nah, even Ina just pulls out the Hellman's (Best Foods).
  25. I freely admit to taking inconsistent stances towards the fact language inevitably evolves over time, choosing to get on my high horse about some changes and not caring a whit about many. It seems, though, that in the past decade or so, there have been an increasing number that have riled me up. I'm still annoyed by "nonplussed" shifting to be accepted as meaning its exact opposite, so "literally" doing the same is probably something I'll still be muttering about in the nursing home.
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