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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Eh, she wasn't saying she was struggling with it, but trying to understand, she was telling Kerry it was wrong, that who she is was wrong. When Kerry was struggling, it was with being out -- she feared the ramifications at work, mostly. It wasn't with thinking she was a morally defective person, or someone who was making an evil choice. Kerry asked if she could ever accept her, and Frances Fisher said, "I can love you," which means no; it's that "love the sinner, hate the sin" crap. As Kerry said, she wasn't interested in love without acceptance. I support anyone who gives no quarter to the "Pray the gay away" crowd. But her anger was gone; she'd gotten that out with her great series of questions about how, even if one thinks being gay is bad, how is that The One Bad Thing to get so up in arms about given all the other truly bad things going on in the world. It was just an acceptance of how things are, which showed her the only healthy thing she could do for herself under the circumstances. It took such strength, given how long she'd wanted to meet her, to walk away after such a short time, and also to genuinely say she's glad they met and give her a hug, given what she was spewing. First, my condolences on the loss of your father-in-law, and for what he (and your family) had to endure in the end. Second, I really liked that storyline, and appreciated that Pratt dropped his sanctimonious stuff about it being a doctor's duty to do everything to extend life, and dismissing that every time her dad was lucid, he begged her to end it, and just supported her, even signing the death certificate. There's potential for abuse that needs to be guarded against, certainly, but I am all in for the right to physician-assisted suicide. Ming-Na did a terrific job, not just with the scenes at home, but with the exhausted desperation when Chen was wandering the ER trying to find someone to cover her shift.
  2. It got dusty in here all of a sudden when Kerry said, "It was so good to finally meet you," gave her a hug, and walked away.
  3. Poor Kerry; she finally meets her birth mother after all that time spent trying to find her, and the woman is preaching at her. Frances Fisher was good casting, physically, on one hand, but on the other - um, hello, she's only five years older than Laura Innes!
  4. That's why I like annual wellness exams that include blood work and urinalysis; normal is just a range, and there can be a problem before something turns up as outside of that range, so it's nice to be able to track changes from year to year. If a value is still "normal" but has been steadily increasing or decreasing, that progression is a more important indicator than the number being within the lab's range. Most of my cats have drank at least some water, and we had one when I was a kid who was incredibly enthusiastic about it (to the point you'd have sworn to look at him drinking that he had kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, and diabetes, but he had none of them). My vet has five cats, none of whom she's ever seen drink a drop. My friend has one who'll only drink out of a fountain, one who'll drink out of a bowl, and one who has never let a sip of water past his lips. Another friend adopted two cats last year, and freaked out that neither of them ever drink water; it can be alarming to people when their cat doesn't drink, but it's common, so not anything to worry about unless she/he is dehydrated or suffering other ill effects.
  5. Mrs. Landingham tells Charlie about her sons Tie-breaker: In Excelsis Deo funeral
  6. Hey, it's Flo from Progressive. The story with Abby's med student is so fucking tiresome: Woman gives valid reason for not wanting to date a man, he refuses to take no for an answer, and instead of finding this creepy and telling him to fuck off, she finds it charming and gives in. There is nothing cute about telling someone she'll be going out with him, rather than asking her, and really nothing cute about him keeping at it after she says no. If he had just respected her decision, then that scene when he was no longer her student and thus they were free to act on their attraction would have been entirely different, but they wrote him as out of line all along yet treated it as if he was just being adorable.
  7. I'll bring the popcorn; what time should I be there? Hmm, Best Buy is in the same shopping center as Target and I need to go there ... off to order online for store pick-up. Thanks for the tip!
  8. And speaking of Chewy.com, they're having a big sale on cat condos. Those suckers can be expensive, so if you can't build your own, finding one on sale is the next-best thing. It doesn't look like there are many color options, but they have a pretty decent variety of sizes.
  9. Chronic kidney disease is very common in older cats, and by the time you see symptoms the majority of kidney function will be lost (hell, by the time the BUN, creatinine, etc. show up as high values in the blood work, the majority of kidney function will be lost), so an annual senior blood panel and urinalysis is a good idea, to monitor kidney and liver function, thyroid hormone levels, etc. -- most of the common chronic ailments in older cats can be managed for quite a long time, but starting early helps. (Some vets and owners recommend every six months for seniors, but I don't find that necessary unless there's a specific disease being monitored.) A lot of cats don't drink water, getting all their water from food instead (which is how it is in the wild; you don't generally find cats drinking from streams); that can be a problem for cats who eat dry food, but many cats on a wet food diet stay perfectly hydrated without ever drinking extra water, because the moisture content in many of those foods is around 80%. Some cats who don't drink out of a regular water bowl will drink out of a fountain, enticed by the moving water, but Louis doesn't seem to get the allure of dripping water. No bother; as long as he's adequately hydrated via his food, he can just ignore the daily offering of fresh water to his heart's content. It's not like you can guilt him into drinking it by telling him there's a drought and he's wasting water.
  10. No, I only see what's posted here, so thank you for the link. I'm glad they were able to get him for at least one episode. I didn't like David the first time around, but when I re-watched the series a few years ago, I was much more open to him. And it would just be weird to never see him in the revival, especially if he and Darlene are still married.
  11. I don't even have to watch it; just looking at the screen cap hits "play" in my brain and I can see it all play out. "Imogene, get serious ... if God was giving out sexually-transmitted diseases to people as a punishment for sinning, then you would be at the free clinic all the time. And so would the rest of us."
  12. Jim Nabors died. In Hawaii, at 87, which ain't a bad way to go. I'm sure he's Gomer Pyle to most, but to me he'll always be Deputy Fred from The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.
  13. Toby hopes other vets come forward Jed scares Zoey
  14. Unless the Petco effect has already taken hold, Chewy's customer service should help you out if you explain the situation -- take it back, give you a price adjustment, probably whatever you want (within reason). They are highly invested in keeping customers happy (as an independent company, anyway - again, the Petco buyout may have changed that).
  15. Do you have Sprouts in your area? They always have a couple of varieties of chicken sausage in addition to Italian -- I can't remember all the ingredients, but one has basil and another has feta. They're both good, and I've used them - an equal amount of each - to make that recipe.
  16. Which they'd use to record the poor bastard's peril, so they can immediately update their Facebook status to "Ugh, trying to get my no-foam, half-caff, pumpkin spice soy latte, and some guy is totes dying in my way," rather than to call someone to help him.
  17. Yes. My house had it already, original to the late '30s build, but I installed it in the living room and dining room of my condo prior to that (at the same time I added molding to jazz up the boring-as-hell windows). Everything requires knowing how to do it; even painting would be difficult if one was clueless as to how to go about it. But there's not much of a learning curve, since one must simply understand miter saws, wood filler, and sanding. Barring that, it can always be outsourced; in the process of home buying, hiring someone to install crown molding is but a blip on the radar. Which is the point - whoever does it, it's not a big deal in terms of cost relative to the purchase price, so to act as if the absence of crown molding is a major issue when evaluating a home is ridiculous.
  18. My slow walking peeve is people who cross the street at a pace more suited to a nature stroll, when there are cars waiting to turn as they amble along. Get it in gear!
  19. Hee - now that's a link I will always click on. It would be a nice bonus if they're back together this season, but their relationship last season was great, so I find myself not caring as much as I once would have; that they love each other deeply and eternally was obvious at every turn, so that they didn't happen to be living together at the time, and maybe weren't even sleeping together at the time, wasn't important to me.
  20. It is a ridiculously-large bathroom! That's the one where Dorothy and Rose decided to install the toilet themselves, and then got the bug to do all sorts of repairs and renovations in there. Hijinks ensued, of course.
  21. Booster vaccinations are generally unnecessary, and annual doses are definitely overkill. Dr. Jean Dodds is leading the charge against over-vaccination of pets, and there's a lot of good information on her site. You can have a titer test done, to see if he still has adequate antibodies, but if he was just vaccinated a year ago, I wouldn't bother - that's something to do when it's been five years or so (or if you're in a jurisdiction that requires animals be "up to date" on rabies vaccinations and accepts titer test results in lieu of booster shots).
  22. I like Sam in general, but I especially like her today, completely exasperated with Luka and asking, "Are you in all seriousness, for the second time today, telling me that I'm not really mad about what I'm mad about?" I wish there'd been a little more to the scene between Kerry and Susan about being women in positions of authority, but what's there was nice.
  23. My stars, the rest of this season took forever to get through. But I did it, even Fight Club, so I have now finally seen season seven in its entirety. Fight Club is every bit as stupid as people said. Even the music is bad; it's like the bad writing infected everything. And I don't know why I try to make sense of something stupid, but: Why doesn't anything happen when one of the Kathy Griffins comes to the wrestler dude's apartment when the other one is there, in the bathroom? Every other time they were that close to each other, chaos ensued. Mulder and Scully's first scene in the office, when she correctly predicts what his theory is going to be and he tells her not to expect him to start doing the autopsies is cute, though. Chimera isn't bad the way I'd expect a Scully-lite episode to be, because her stakeout scenes are funny, but it's definitely not good. So Ellen Adderly finds out her husband is cheating on her - with two women, mind you, one of whom is her supposed best friend - and instead of just tossing his ass to the curb, she suppresses her anger, which builds up and turns her into some sort of clawing monster? Pass. And the comparison of Mulder and Scully's "not in the conventionally-understood definition of the word" relationship with one in which a Stepford Wife does nothing more than bears children and dotes? Please. all things and Hollywood A.D. -- gods, please just stick with acting, you two. Self-indulgent crap with bits of interesting characterization. all things is the Scully version of Mulder's Closure, I guess -- a fairly bad episode, but one that brings the character an important moment of acceptance about their lives; Mulder finally accepts Samantha is gone, and Scully finally accepts her professional choices worked out for the best. And I love that M&S walk off holding hands in Hollywood A.D. But otherwise, I just roll my eyes a lot. (Or in the case of the skeleton trying to put itself back together, ask my cat, "What the actual fuck is happening right now?") Brand X is another "Eh, it's fine" MOTW, but holy cow is it crawling (heh) with "Hey, it's that guy!" guest stars. The Morley scientist is Dennis Boutsikaris, who has been in just about everything, the Morley bad guy has, too (he'll always be the gigolo author from Remington Steele to me), the creepy guy has been the creepy guy in a bunch of other stuff (and the guy Kramer and Newman scheme to sell the old man's records to in Seinfeld), and there's another guy I just saw on ER. Je Souhaite is such a fun episode; it's so nice to see Scully happy! Her increasing giddiness as she dusts the invisible corpse is downright adorable. And, yeah, in many ways it's just the typical genie tale, where people make wishes that go wrong, but it has that Vince Gilligan heart to it that elevates it. It's just a purely enjoyable way to spend 44 minutes. Requiem is better than I remembered it, but I still mostly just like the conversation they have while he's curled around her. Even if they'd left out the "I'm pregnant" had that wound up being the series finale, that would have been one whopper of a cliffhanger to end the show on, with Mulder having gotten himself abducted as part of a group of people who were being abducted and not returned. But if the whole deal was taking everyone who could talk about the project they were going to re-start, why on earth would they have rejected Scully and only wanted Mulder? They'd have wanted both of them. But, noooo - it's always Mulder, Mulder, Mulder. And why didn't Scully call Mulder (and Skinner) once she realized the force field that had just shook her around and dropped her was going to zap him in? And if she did, and we just didn't see it, then Mulder knew what was going to happen when he stuck his hand in there, and thus got abducted on purpose. The ultimate ditch. But I guess there just wasn't time - she passed out right after voicing that realization, and if the Gunmen were all focused on getting her to the hospital rather than one of them making an "Oh, by the way dude, stay away from the energy field; it wants you, not her" call, then no one would have called Oregon until it was too late. Nice scene between Scully and Skinner when he has to tell her he lost Mulder, though; he's so emotional, but she already knows, so her first response is to comfort him.
  24. Aw, now I'm bummed before the season even starts; Jen was one of my favorites, and I can't stand Marcel. I really like Kwame, though, both his food and his personality. I don't remember much about Lee Ann's cooking, since it has been so long.
  25. Yeah, she just told Pratt she'd go to China and bury her father next to her mother, so if I'd just waited, I'd have known she was dead. But I thought that when the three of them came back after the accident, the mom was just fine, so all this time I was thinking she'd left rather than died.
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