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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. It's still doing it for me, too. Firefox (whatever the latest is), Windows 7 XP, desktop/laptop.
  2. I only got home in time to see FJ, and it was an instaget because I recognized his name. I'm trying to decide whether I'd have reasoned my way to it had I not, because there were so many great movies in 1939, but I think honing in on "group" would have done the trick in time. Scroll down to Theme at the bottom of the page and see if you got switched to a different one with the switch; there was a post in the Bugs, Questions, and Suggestions forum saying if your layout is different, check your theme selection.
  3. There's a pinned post re. the switch to Primetimer at the top of the forum pages:
  4. I just watched this last night - because of Dolly Parton - and initially thought it would have been even better without the romance with Bo, but then decided that would have been a bad look because any movie with a skinny girl in the lead role would have gone there, so it would give the impression the reason there was no romantic storyline was her size. I would not have wanted any more of their relationship - hers with her friends (old and new), with herself, and with her mom were all much more interesting and important - so I'm glad they pared down from what was in the source material. I had zero expectations going in, as I'd never heard of it (I just saw Dolly's name in the description as I was browsing Netflix while cat-sitting at my parents' house, and figured why not), and came away quite charmed by it. I don't buy that a beauty pageant - in Texas, no less - would really be so accepting of these non-traditional contestants, and I still hate beauty pageants, but I was happy to visit this alternate universe for a bit. I love that none of "our" girls won the pageant - and that Willowdean was disqualified altogether - because a lot of movies would force it. Millie is a character who would annoy me in 9 out of 10 movies, so kudos to the writer, director, and actor for instead making her someone I liked. Oh, and when Willowdean came in to see her mom (about being disqualified) and we could see that her mom's dress wasn't zipped up, I knew it wasn't going to fit and she was going to wind up in something from the drag queen, but the predictability didn't stop me from getting a laugh out of it.
  5. Q is quitting pot, which Roseanne didn't realize they'd done – she just thought they were out
  6. I'm making stuffed chicken breasts (mushroom, spinach, and Swiss cheese in my case) and asparagus tonight, too.
  7. The description of Good Dick sounded interesting, but that trailer made it look as if she repeatedly rejects him - at one point literally running away from him - but he pursues her. I do not find "man won't take no for an answer and that's so cute it wears her down" storylines watchable, so is the trailer accurate? Switching gears, if you put a gun to my head and told me I had to sit through either Titanic or The English Patient again, pick one, I might choose death.
  8. It's a couple of months too early here for watermelon - and, like I said, she prefers something with chips/crackers, so I'm looking for a dip - but I heartily co-sign that flavor combination on general principle; it's so good.
  9. I wasn't able to watch more than a few minutes last night, but I'm glad this show is back and hope to catch a repeat this week. It always includes more home life than I'm interested in, but I like the vets, and, of course, the animals, so I'm definitely in for the one show starring black vets. The story I saw was the dog attacked by a racoon; it was so cute how she/he perked up a little and gave a tail wag as if in thanks when getting ready to be released. And, having just finished a season of Dr. Pol, I enjoyed seeing an OR I'd actually allow my cat into. And everyone wearing masks (which is the one thing that bugs me about Dr. Jeff's show; Petra is the only one who routinely dons one for surgery).
  10. I do, but she's a vegetarian.
  11. Rusty’s driving lesson in “Year End Blowout” is one of my favorite things in the series. Every frame of it - Mary McDonnell can act just about anything well, but this is also clearly someone who's seen two kids through teenage driving - but especially a) signaling in L.A. is just asking people behind you to speed up (yep), b) “The way you drive is a life and death situation,” and c) the way Sharon says “It’s not” when Sykes says taking over sounds like fun. There’s a continuity error in editing, in that they use a take of Sharon putting her purse in the back as she prepares to get out of the car, a take of her with purse in hand as she gets out, and then a take of her without her purse when she’s out, so maybe not literally every frame, but I love it. The math on what percentage of the business Little Ted has is a little wonky, too (what his mom and uncle would have logically had to leave to him versus what he’d logically have wound up with based on the share his wife is said to wind up with upon divorce), but I love the episode. He’s a horribly unsympathetic victim, but his father’s grief – and regret at how the man he raised turned out – grounds it, yet they still make fun of the used car business, there are several other fun moments, and Rusty’s foray into an SIS operation is compelling. Sharon’s conflicting emotions over her decision to let Rusty participate are brilliantly played. She maintains an upbeat attitude with him when he’s assuring her he can handle it (and I love his “…or bleed out, whatever’s first” in recapping what to do if he hears gunfire), and then the moment Rusty walks away she tears up. And the combination of pride and fear on her face and in her voice when she helps him suit up for his first day is perfect. Sharon’s look of commiseration with Little Ted’s wife at knowing you’re done with a marriage, but part of you still wishing it would work out, is also well played, as I can see the genuine yep, been there connection to what Olivia is saying underneath the yes, keep talking stance. Little things: -Tony Denison says “Judge Ridgewood” rather than “Richwood,” which my ear always catches after reading the Richwood actor say McDonnell hates his character’s name precisely because she always wants to say Ridgewood instead and it trips her up. -Mike translating the Bomb Squad guy for everyone else is entertaining, even though at least half of what he says is something they should all understand. I also love his excitement at detonating the second bomb. -I like Provenza’s “But we don’t love it” when Ray Winters is relieved by Sharon’s assurance it’s not a crime to lie to the police. As predicted, my station skipped the “Return to Sender” episodes because they’d be split over two weeks (even though that’s how they aired originally, but I know syndicators hate multi-part episodes), so I was taken right to “Flight Risk.” Same for everyone else who’d been on the same syndication schedule? I cannot figure out the timeline of Cynthia Logan and her cousin-lovin’. Sometimes it sounds like they fooled around as teens, stopped, and then had a one-off that resulted in her pregnancy, and sometimes it sounds like it was intermittently happening all along until a few years ago. That latter scenario is particularly interesting because Ellie (the kid he fathered four years prior) is her second child. Either way, she slept with him well after she married her husband, because the son is six. Showing only the camera footage and the detectives’ reactions is the perfect way of revealing the kids’ bodies stuffed into suitcases. This show has done several restrained shots like that, and I always appreciate it so much more than the shock value employed on other shows. The actors nail it every time. The trust her/don’t trust her elements of Cynthia Logan, and her frustration with their questions and their frustration with her answers, play out very well. Does she really think all that cash her husband got from flying drugs was tips from high rollers? Is she hiding her infidelity to protect herself or because she genuinely believes it’s irrelevant? It’s ambiguous; they’re right to be suspicious of her, but she’s not a flat-out villain. It all nicely sets up Sharon’s insistence at doing the notification herself, due to the trajectory those suspicions caused the investigation to take. And Andy’s offer to do it for her, given how much she’s helped him with his family, and then saying he'll wait in case he needs her afterward, is a sweet moment in their friendship and a nice way of showing us that has developed during the hiatus. As is Provenza backing off from telling Rusty he needs to tell Sharon about the other Sharon’s reappearance; he knows she needs to know, but can’t hear it right now, and his handling shows the respect he's long had for her as his commanding officer and Rusty's guardian has developed - in spite of himself, heh - into a genuine like. As set-up for, like the return of Sharon Beck, another storyline that plays out from here, I like that Julio’s freak-out on the killer, his initial ignoring of Sharon’s “That’s enough” admonishment, and Taylor talking to him about professionalism after the confession, sets the stage for finally dealing with his anger management issues over this season. It’s the first of many times Sharon yells at him, and I find it very interesting how it all unfolds. In that same vein, Provenza’s dear gods, please don’t tell me you’re gay attitude is perfectly in character, and makes even better his “just don’t come in here looking like The Village People” acceptance all the better when it comes; that's another arc that plays out well. Random thoughts: -Sykes in her date dress with combat boots is an amusing sight, but we’ve seen numerous examples of her going from work clothes to street clothes when called upon to roll out with her old crew from SIS; it’s unrealistic that she – like everyone – doesn’t have something to change into once she gets back to the station. But it's also fun to see her in something like that, since her work and street wardrobe is normally so basic; I like seeing a female character who dresses up when called for, but is otherwise simple (I’m dressier outside the house – though not at all a fashionista – but I like the representation and think the overall "look at what I do, not what I'm wearing" vibe works very well for her character). -I laugh at the husband sending the kids to a day camp when Cynthia leaves town for a short time because he’s nervous having them by himself. Typical. -The casting is amusing, since Cynthia is so much taller than her mom and sister (and cousin). -All this time, and tonight was the first time I noticed Andy’s grumble face at Buzz moving someone’s coffee away from his “No Beverages” station in Electronics. -Everyone springing into action – reading the card, calling the florist, etc. – when Sykes gets flowers is disturbingly hilarious; Cooper should have known not to send them to the office. -The shirt Sharon changes into for day two is ugly, and I’m glad she never wears it again.
  12. Do you have a favorite recipe for a cold dip that's good with chips and/or crackers? A friend and I have movie nights, and when she hosts, she just makes onion dip from the onion soup packet as our snack (or sometimes opens a bag of Cheetos Puffs, heh), so she's pretty easy to please (it just has to be vegetarian). I usually cook an appetizer when I host, but I'm not going to have time next weekend, even to heat something up on the stove; I need something I can make in advance, toss in the fridge, and then take out and serve cold when I rush in minutes before she arrives. I may make guacamole, because I have plenty of avocados and we both love it, or make the dill dip I usually serve with vegetables and include chips/crackers (her preference), or maybe a spinach dip I haven't made in eons (because I always make a hot spinach, artichoke & cheese dip whenever the spinach dip urge strikes), but I thought I'd see if any of your favorite chip & (cold) dip recipes spark my interest. No hummus; neither of us like it. No onion dip; I never make a homemade version for her, because I feel like it would be saying, "Here's how it's supposed to be done." I hate cream cheese, so nothing with that. (I don't like yogurt, either, but it's easy to sub a mayo/sour cream combo; with cream cheese, I always worry that substituting/omitting will result in an overall taste that doesn't quite come together because it was relying on that particular flavor being an element.) Other than that, let me hear it. We'll order in a late-night dinner, probably pizza, but this is very casual so no need to coordinate with that.
  13. That was the tire stack on the left, but there was something over the opening of the one on the right. I couldn't tell if it was an affixed surface, or if they just perched a tray large enough to cover the hole (or if there was rope covering the opening and a tray or something sitting on top of that).
  14. I don't know how the designers refrain from asking, "Why the hell are you on the show?" People always freak out at the paint color, and then really lose it at every design element, acting like it's the most bizarre thing they've ever heard of. Just do the work, enjoy the experience, and see how it comes together. I wouldn't last, because I'd say, "If you or your friends knew how to design a room, your houses wouldn't be so damn boring. And if boring is what you like, don't apply for the show." Grrr. Ty's room was too on the nose with the tropical theme for my taste, but they liked it. The fabric on the ceiling looks nice, except that horrible seam in the middle. I think the headboard and the wall treatment compete with each other, so I'd have made that wall plain like the wall opposite it, and just done the treatment on the side walls. The motorcycle cave John designed might be cool if they upgrade it a bit - I like the general idea, and the art, but no to that nasty wood. (I liked Joanie's "ew" at hearing there would be OSB on the walls.) They can't do anything to it because of his artwork, but they could make a hat display case out of good wood and paint it an accent color, or even better wood and stain it to coordinate with the desk. And get a new couch to replace the slipcovered one -- if they fill the room with better furnishings, and weave in some rough finishes in decorative items, the wall treatment might work a little better. What did they put over the opening of that one tire of the "coffee table"? Not much of a table if you can't put anything on it. I wouldn't want either room, but I don't think they're awful, and the homeowners seemed excited. I love that Ty's first example of great partnerships was Cagney & Lacey. I also laughed at Brian begging them to edit out Keshia being all schmoopy.
  15. Yes, the originals worked fine, but I've heard several people report as @janestclair said, that today's bendable paper straws don't work very well (they tend not to hold the bend well, they can't bend as far, they may come apart at the bend, etc.).
  16. Inter-species friendships make me smile, and here's one between a cat and a horse:
  17. And thus fall into the "when actually necessary" category.
  18. A "like" is not enough. Amen.
  19. I love their attitude, and think their analysis of Hildi is probably pretty accurate. I also laughed that their kids loved the room, because, indeed, it would have been a cool design for a kids' playroom. I'd love to see a picture of the room now that they've repainted and put down hardwood floors, but kept some of the furniture. I wonder if they kept Hildi's artwork, because that looked really nice on the colored walls, but would look different with the taupe background.
  20. Wow, is that ass backwards. Needing a bendy straw to drink while confined to a hospital bed is a prime example of why plastic straws still need to exist and be available for those who need them, just not be handed out willy-nilly to the vast majority of us who don't. To take those away, yet switch to - not just continue to use, but switch to! - bottled water, which is a tremendous scourge on our environment and something else that should only be used when actually necessary, is ridiculous.
  21. A video clip of Loretta Lynn?! If they can’t get that clue based on "Coal Miner’s Daughter," they don’t deserve to get it. The Reba McEntire clip was bad, and the Taylor Swift/Tim McGraw clue probably shouldn’t have had one, either – I wouldn’t have known it without it, so be it – but Lynn was ridiculous. I’ve never had any interest in the James Bond books/movies, but I sure thought I’d picked more up through cultural osmosis over the years – I only got the secretary clue, and that was just because the wording made the job obvious, not because I recognized those names, either. Thanks to taking geography quizzes, especially ones about capitals, being one of my relaxation habits, FJ was an instaget. Varnish, Normandy, Charles de Gaulle, tremendous, and Miranda Lambert. All but the last one surprised me to some extent (varnish the most and tremendous the least).
  22. I wouldn't tell my worst enemy to go watch that awful episode. But, yeah, the answer to your question lies therein.
  23. I don't use straws, so my peeve is when I say "no straw, please" when ordering, yet my drink comes with a straw plopped in it anyway. It's not quite as annoying now that the straws are paper rather than plastic, but it's still waste that I specifically asked to avoid. Thankfully, as of this year it is a violation of state law (with some exceptions, like for to-go orders) to give customers unrequested plastic straws, so that ought to eliminate the forgetfulness.
  24. I was embarrassed for her, but I was listening more than watching -- was she frequently trying to ring in and beaten to the buzzer, or did she largely stand there seeming not to know? Because one of her two ring-ins was with a wrong answer to a clue I'd expect most contestants to get right, so I'm wondering if she was just out-buzzed or plain out-matched. Snake was a surprising TS; I’d never heard of a stiletto snake, but reptile and fangs in the clue pointed to it clearly enough I can’t believe no one guessed it. There were quite a few clues in DJ I thought had only first round value. On a random note prompted by the ballpark cuisine category, Nutella eggrolls sound awful.
  25. Shit on a shingle, I assume. I want no part of it whatever it's called, but I at least appreciate the alliteration in the traditional name.
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