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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Yeah, it's a generic heartbreak song about the end of a romantic relationship - yawn - but at least the video shows a collection of women who will all be just fine, and the backdrop of Reba's band/crew members' deaths gives her recording a real extra oomph for the portion of the lyrics that could apply to much greater grief such as that and make the "I guess the world ain't gonna stop for my broken heart" despair and ultimately resolve so much more powerful: Clock's still tickin', life goes on Radio still plays a song As I try to put my scattered thoughts in place And it takes all the strength I've got To stumble to the coffee pot
  2. They don't even need to share an office to begin with. If I'm asked to accept this utterly ridiculous notion that Mallory was offered a job for which she is only slightly more qualified than my cat, and Brianna - being qualified yet having turned that job down rather than relocating - retains basically the same position despite the buyout (again, accepting the ridiculous, in taking the buyer's oh, nothing's really going to change promises as true), then any business in the free world would keep Brianna in her office and give Mallory another one - even if they had to create it by shaving existing space from surrounding offices into something new - to use when she's working in this office on visits from her home base in San Francisco. But, as dumb as this all is, and with the trepidation I have, I still hold out hope this will play out in a way where Brianna proves she plays the corporate game better than just about anyone, especially Mallory, and this very different, Barry-induced, strategy of hers is what works this time - but in a way that doesn't topple Mallory, who is realizing her shortcomings yet not her total ineptitude, but gives her a reality check and we settle back into the delicious conflicting styles between the sisters that gives Mallory her due without falsely elevating her. I think - hope! - Grace advising each of them separately, knowing their strengths and weaknesses and not rooting for one over the other but for both to succeed in a logical way, will continue. So I'm here for all of this, just a little cautious.
  3. That gesture absolutely makes the commercial for me.
  4. I can't believe they curated such a collection of guest hosts with great charities to finish out the season and get viewers used to seeing someone other than Alex behind the podium before the new season starts, and then decided to air some Alex episodes! I know they couldn't follow their usual routine of filling those weeks by re-running the previous season's tournaments, since this year we only had the ToC, no college or teen tournaments. And re-running the most popular guest hosts' games would have just invited continued criticism of installing Mike Richards as the new host. But I think that would have been better than going back into the vault and pulling out Alex episodes to fill in the two week gap before the ToC re-run.
  5. My flip phone with AT&T was no longer going to work, because it's 3G, but I didn't have to get a smartphone or switch to another carrier - they just sent me a new flip phone that's 4G.
  6. As someone said upthread, she was shown to be wearing a piece for extra volume, but the rest was her hair. I hated that, too. No show can make that funny. But other than that, I loved this episode, because of how the dynamic reverted to the two "us/we" units being Grace & Robert and Frankie & Sol. That was great at the table, and even better after everyone bailed and the two ex-spousal units sat around initially justifying their behavior, before heading off to apologize and return to Grace & Frankie and Robert & Sol pairings. And I love Robert's statement coming true, that Grace just re-washes any dish he washes anyway because she doesn't think he does it right. It was an interesting switch-up with Allison and Bud, too, where he's the one having neurotic medical episodes and she's applying balms, offering advice, and talking to the doctor. I love watching Brianna watch shit unfold, so her literally leaning in to find out the secret was great (even as my heart sank, because I knew the rest of "Grace killed Bud's..." was going to be a pet, because TV and movie writers think accidentally killing an animal is funny). I was finally able to watch Bud's girlfriend without seeing "Casey", the character she played in an awful episode of The Closer, so that was nice. I laughed at her asking if it was always like this and Barry saying it has been his experience, yes.
  7. That wasn't Gena Rowlands (although she is alive and, hopefully, kicking, she hasn't worked in a while), that was Debra Mooney (I had to look up her name, as to me she's "Meg Wellman" from Roseanne). Or maybe I'm totally off, as IMDb hasn't been updated, but I immediately recognized the voice, and she's actively working, so I'm pretty sure it's her.
  8. Me too. I loved everything with the kids, how one set knew about the dads and the other knew about Nick, and they kept asking, "Wait, what?" when someone from the other set would reference something. And then, of course, Grace's reaction to them, and them to her slow-speed escape up the stairs.
  9. I don't like the heels, either; I turn those into breadcrumbs. I'm not a big bread fan to begin with - I eat most sandwiches as a lavash wrap or pita pocket instead - so those end pieces are too much for me.
  10. It's frakking hot, so I had a cold soba noodle salad last night, tossed with chicken, cucumber, radish, scallions, and cilantro and a chile-scallion oil (this recipe). Tonight is my mom's birthday dinner, so I will have to slave over a hot stove - thankfully, at their house, which they waste ridiculous amounts of energy keeping cooled or warmed. I'm going to make the America's Test Kitchen version (more work than typical recipes, but well worth it) of shrimp scampi and serve with roasted asparagus, slaw with dill and corn, and a warmed baguette for which I made a garlic, parsley, and lemon compound butter. Basic yellow cake with chocolate frosting for dessert.
  11. I loved this episode, wacky court shenanigans and all. I love that Grace stood strong, and in the end was vindicated - being married doesn't work for her, but that doesn't mean she's leaving the relationship, just wanting to change it to something that does work. I love how everything shifted when she asked why she was the one being interrogated, why wasn't Nick being asked why he's unwilling to change. I also love Nick's lawyer, when she realizes he's going to be yet another client who screws up two words. Brianna helping Mallory by using Barry's strategy, I'm not sure; I'll have to see how that plays out, because I'm still salty about Mallory's ludicrous promotion. As soon as I saw that Frankie was giving the money to Joan Margaret, I somehow knew she was going to propose laundering it. I am rather frightened to be inside the mind of Joan Margaret. I'm trying to pace myself since there are only four episodes for now, but I'm so excited to have the show back.
  12. Amen. I'm so glad the show is back, but Mallory leap-frogging about 17 levels to a job she's not remotely qualified for continues to piss me off. The woman is excited she gets to sign something, for Christ's sake! I love how irritated Grace and Frankie are with Robert and Sol staying there. I'm so tired of rich people crying poor - none of the reasons Robert and Sol aren't in a hotel make any sense - but I'm going with it for the wacky hijinx of the four of them under one roof. I thought the dog was going to run off with the money and bury it somewhere, so I laughed pretty hard when he peed on it instead. I also laughed at Sol and Brianna taking a hard pass on her being the one to continue the healing ritual for his schlong, and then even harder when Bud was all in.
  13. Same here; I find them utterly devoid of couple chemistry, but Carter's crush the first time around was both understandable and harmless, and she was a good teacher to him. It was interesting to see them after she came back, the similarities and differences in how they worked together as equals. But dating? That's a big nope for me.
  14. My friend was a huge fan of the series, but I never got into it other than watching the ones parodying shows/movies I like - Twin Peaks, Clue, etc. I love the Friday the 13th one for how it turns into April Fool's Day instead. Very clever. Random trivia: Nearly ten years ago, when my cat was hospitalized, the actor who plays Shawn was there at the same time as me every day, visiting his dog. On the first day, I knew I recognized him, but it took me until the second day to figure out who he was.
  15. The video title is "Comet Commercial with Josephine the Plumber and Robbie Benson", so I assume it's Robbie Benson, but I have no idea who that is. (I looked him up on IMDb, and there are more than one, so I still don't know. This guy?)
  16. Sadly, they may not have been deliberate, just how the male writers saw the world. It was a huge problem (and still is a significant one) in social justice movements that the men were incredibly progressive - until the dishes needed to be done or a diaper needed changing.
  17. Mine is ancient, possibly first generation, and I have to restart it at least once a week because it claims the wireless router isn't working, but it is. In the right mood, I could be convinced Amazon is doing it intentionally, hoping I'll give in to those "upgrade to a new version" banners.
  18. I do that (I think everyone does), and my biggest proofreading problem is I probably only spot 75 percent of my errors on a screen; I need a printed version to catch all or close to all of them. I hate the paper waste - even with e-filing, we still generate a lot of paper in the legal field, and it pains me to print something I know is headed for the shredder and recycling bin - but my eyes/brain aren't going to get any better about it after all these years. I almost always print only one draft, and double-sided, so it could be worse, but I wish I didn't need to.
  19. The Boeing TS surprised me a bit, although I had totally forgotten about that buyout until the clue reminded me. I was also a little surprised no one came up with "hug it out" (I've never seen the show, but a three-word phrase for hug made it jump to mind). I only knew three Chadwick Boseman clues, and the two I missed were the low-valued ones. Well, I knew the $400 clue was his character in Black Panther, but I've never seen it so had no idea on the name. But I take it from Joe's response that if I'd just said "the Black Panther" (instead of "whoever he played in Black Panther"), I would have been right. (I know virtually nothing about superhero comics.) I ran 1850s (thanks to a couple of good guesses - one educated, and one lucky), but that was it in the first round; in addition to the two Boseman clues, I missed three each in think big and no egrets, two in parent companies, and one in idioms (my completion of "I've caught you with your..." was "pants down"). So I was off to a poor start like yesterday. I did better in DJ, though; I ran Q (well, probably; I'm not sure what I spit out as my it's gotta be quadsomething guess of quadragenarian came out quite right, but I think so) and lost (well, maybe - I deduced "lost tribes", which I assume would have prompted a BMS, and I think I might have guessed "of Israel", so I'm giving myself credit for it - because it's Friday, and I've had a frustrating day). I missed three in foundries, two in novel vocabulary (which annoyed me, because I generally do very well with vocabulary categories, but I'm only so-so on novels), and one each in canals and Helens. I named all three for FJ; it's too bad there's no extra credit.
  20. Only if I can't avoid it; I'm pretty dedicated to minimizing food waste. My cat eats a little, but mostly I give them to a neighbor who does a lot of baking and ice cream making (so I get goodies in return). If she's gone or overloaded when I have some to give away, I'll post on Nextdoor and Freecycle offering them to anyone else in the neighborhood.
  21. I found a can of evaporated milk in my pantry - I can't remember what I bought it for but didn't wind up making - so I'm going to make tallarines verdes (basically Peruvian pesto, for anyone unfamiliar) tonight with chicken milanesa and linguine. For the salad, mixed greens, tomato, cucumber, and onion with a chile lime vinaigrette.
  22. I don't like yolks, and only use the white when I'm making fried or scrambled eggs (I use the whole egg in baked goods, as a binder in meatballs, and stuff like that, but to sit an eat an egg, just the white), so I'd be pretty bummed.
  23. While we're asking questions of the universe: Why are the people who tell the most jokes the ones with the most painfully sophomoric senses of humor? And how many times do their jokes need to go over like a lead balloon before they catch a clue and stop? If I have to endure one more conference call with this guy, I'm going to lose it. Also, let me re-state my peeve about the demise of brick-and-mortar stores. I spent an hour sweating away in my garage troubleshooting what's wrong with my garage door opener this time (this will be the third different thing I've fixed on it in the eleven years since I installed it - and it's a Genie, it's not like I cheaped out with some unknown brand), concluding I need new limit switches. Except I can't physically go get them anywhere locally, I have to order them online, and they won't be delivered until Wednesday. And, of course, this happens during a time I'm leaving twice a day to take care of a friend's cats, when normally I easily go a week without going anywhere in my car. So I have to either keep operating it manually or just leave the car in the driveway, with either scenario bugging me in this heat.
  24. Aw, damn. I love so many of her songs, particularly "It's a Hard Life Wherever You Go", and saw her perform at a few folk festivals over the years. She was tremendously talented, especially as a songwriter.
  25. Yeah, I didn't even think about the public safety vs. commerce way An Enemy of the People fit in (as Joe explained after Matt got it right), as I know almost nothing of that play, but maybe that helped - immediately dismissing that part of the clue as a fruitless path for me to go down, the year plus blockbuster plus comparison to a story about a whale's attack made Jaws an instaget that I didn't have any reason to second guess.
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