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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I caught Sharon's promotion scene during halftime tonight, and I'm glad as I could never tire of watching that. She joined IA - doing a job that left her "disliked and mistrusted by my fellow officers every day of my life" - because it was the quickest way to achieve rank, which she wanted for herself (and the kids she was raising on her own) and because she also "thought it would be good for the department to see a woman in a captain's uniform". And then she saw men like Taylor get promoted while she stalled, and then had Pope and Taylor renege on an explicit promise to make her a commander, even after she got put in charge of the Department's elite division. Her work as the LAPD's Women's Coordinator succeeded in making things a bit better for the women coming up behind her, so younger women like McGinnis outrank her. But she remained stuck at Captain. As she tells Mason, she'd "completely let go of this". She'd resigned herself to the fact it was never going to happen (because if Taylor wouldn't do it when she took over Major Crimes, or when four years later he congratulated her on solving "the biggest outstanding case in LAPD history" [the murders of Officer Reese and DDA Gray], he was never going to do it, and she didn't fathom he'd be gone before her), and, for her own mental health, let go of hoping for it and thinking about the unfairness of not getting it, instead concentrating on the fact she was nonetheless the happiest she'd ever been professionally. When she finally gets her due, it's a fantastic moment that I feel in a special way beyond happiness for this one fictional character I love so much -- it resonates with me as a woman. There's much I like in season six, but given how it ends, there's an alternate universe I like to live in sometimes, where "Shockwave" is the end of the series.
  2. Archive game for me since I'll be watching football, so I had to guess on a couple whether seeing the visual within the clues would have led me to the answer. I missed all but one in Arthur Conan Doyle characters (I've never read any of his books, and I hadn't picked any of those up by cultural osmosis, but blackmail was easy to figure out as the evil deed involving imprudent letters, so I got that one). Other than that, I did okay in the first round; I only ran bands and prefixes, but I only missed one or two each in the others. In DJ, I was terrible in palaces, missing all but Versailles. Other than that, I did well; I ran words, documentaries, and food & drink and only missed two illustrators and the Mercury TS. FJ was an instaget (more accurately, as is often the case, an instaguess that I figured to be right after more deliberation), so if I could have swapped out those two categories for topics in my wheelhouse, I'd have had a fantastic game.
  3. If you Google Betty White's name today, you'll see a lovely message temporarily take over your screen.
  4. I didn't watch either show, but that video with everyone laughing at the juxtaposition in the promo is hilarious!
  5. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    It's ridiculous to blame the official for how the game ended; dumbass QB handed the ball to his center instead, so the ump had to sprint down, plow through the line, and spot the ball like he is required to do. He was clearly doing so as quickly as he could. Even Tony Romo immediately admitted Prescott screwed up. And, yes, fuck Prescott for his "Credit to them, then" about face when he finds out the fans - in whom he was disappointed - weren't throwing things at the Cowboys, but at the officials. But good on him asking his teammates to chip in for the practice squad players, who don't get the same check for playoff games.
  6. Yes, every pre-schooler is taught that. But given the discrepancy between the harmless act of what was only even partly a publicity stunt to begin with and the toxic, career-defining behavior to which she was subjected, engaging in a false equivalency perpetuates the very system she was a victim of twice over (in being subjected to it, and then being retaliated against for speaking about it). When the greatest takeaway from Sean Young's career trajectory is she made a fool of herself in campaigning for the Catwoman role and is otherwise "crazy", something is very wrong with the entertainment industry, its media, and its consumers.
  7. Interviews in which she says she should have handled herself differently are not hard to come by; it's there in the linked article, and here's another good example. She's freely admitted she did not conduct herself well, but she's also right that the fundamental points her shenanigans overshadowed were quite deliberately ignored by an industry who benefited from "she's crazy" misdirection. And that's even before getting into the deplorable James Woods gaslighting. One of the many reasons I like Carl Reiner is his standing up for how horribly she was misrepresented. Here's a good interview with Young, talking about her blacklisting.
  8. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    It was absolutely hilarious to be proud of that this year, when it was about as big an accomplishment as being the top-rated public access show in Weeki Wachee.
  9. Oh, yes, that looks like a very tasty quick meal. Thank you; I have bookmarked the link, and will make that the next time I pick up some prosciutto.
  10. I make chicken cordon bleu with prosciutto, and have seared scallops that were wrapped in prosciutto, so I've eaten it hot, but I don't think I've ever cooked it crispy like bacon in anything. Sounds delicious.
  11. It's a shame that, as stated in this article last year, all anyone wanted to talk about was her infamous skit on Joan Rivers's show, while completely ignoring that:
  12. You posted it in another thread (the "Say What?" one for commercials that don't make sense).
  13. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Oh, I am still laughing. So very hard. If I must endure the Cowboys in wildcard weekend, I sure enjoy watching them shit the bed. Jerry Jones's disappointments fuel my soul.
  14. I liked Love, Simon more than I expected to, and that cafeteria scene is a big part of why.
  15. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Good grief, the Eagles suck. Which would normally please me, but not when it will mean a Tom Brady victory.
  16. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    I generally have not one shit to give about the Bills, but even with Brady removed from my trifecta of Patriots hatred, seeing Kraft and Belichick lose in such spectacular fashion makes me happy.
  17. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    I was rooting for the Raiders to pull it out in the end, but good for long-suffering Cincinnati fans finally having something to smile about in the post-season. But, yeah, totally unacceptable to have those kind of officiating errors in a playoff game.
  18. Cocktail was a romantic comedy-drama, but had less comedy than Jerry Maguire (and was terrible; what a waste of Elisabeth Shue).
  19. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    I think a good 50% of the people paid very well to talk about football pronounce Bengals as "bangles" and Jaguars as "jagwires".
  20. I have no idea if my bank would take loose coins; I just assume they want them rolled, but have never actually asked. I keep a wrapper for each denomination in a dresser drawer, and any time I wind up with change I drop it in to the appropriate wrappers when I get home, and update the total on a piece of paper. When I have a full roll of each, I take them to the bank. That way, I never have to sort and count a bunch of coins at once; doing it as I go means it's never a project for me to put off.
  21. Absolutely. It's one of those thankless supportive wife roles, but she's such a force she makes it interesting. When she's watching from home as Tidwell gets injured, and Jerry calls to tell Marcee he's unconscious but being tended to by good doctors so stayed tuned and stay calm, because her family needs that, and she says, "I know, but my whole life is this family, and it does not work without him!" it's oodles better than anything in the Jerry/Dorothy romance.
  22. Wow. Not only was a FJ an instaget for me, I found it a truly surprising TS. As others have said, they must have thought a FJ clue wouldn't be that obvious. I laughed at Ken's glee at Amy tying, and then surpassing, James's record. I also enjoyed Rachel's laugh at her "carolology" guess for the study of bells. I only ran oats and words & phrases in the first round, but I only missed one each in the rest. I was cocky that I was going to run the songs category, but then they got to the last one and I didn't recognize it at all. I looked it up during the break, and still don't recognize it; I don't know that I've ever even heard it. (I really don't know much by ELO other than "Don't Bring Me Down".) I had a good DJ round, too. I ran organizations and actors - the latter only because the category spotted me the Robert, so I could correctly guess Redford as the legend, since I know nothing about the film. I missed three in World History (if it had been titled War History, I'd have known going in it was not going to be a good category for me), but other than that I did well, missing two each in centenarians and characters, and just one in C-Y (the campanology TS; I would never in a million years have come up with that).
  23. That link is to an article about a Justified sequel. Here's an article about Haddish:
  24. Every scene of 9 to 5 is my favorite. I can't find Violet's terrific "I'm no girl, I'm a woman" scene on YouTube, but here's Doralee's legendary "change you from a rooster to a hen with one shot" threat:
  25. Yeah, she's preparing two cups of coffee while the other woman is toasting the waffle, so I assume they're a family.
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