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Everything posted by HawaiiTVGuy

  1. The deal was made beforehand so that they (both teams) would be running and fighting to get there. If TeamDouche didn't want to go along with the deal they shouldn't have agreed to it, but once they agree, they should have followed through and just done the coin flip. And as mentioned below, Vanck mentioned that was the reason for his preference, he realizes there are sometimes social aspects to TAR that he probably wouldn't shine at (remember all those sales tasks that teams needed to do in past seasons?). Personally, I think he should have thought about the physical tasks first and thought about finding someone strong, but I guess they really haven't faltered at physical stuff, so maybe he knew himself best and knew his worst limitations.
  2. I thought the solution was going to be cracking the container and letting the molten flow out? Or finding whatever heatsource is keeping the metal hot and shutting it off? But the idea of bringing a portable exit device works too. Regarding the ratings and future of the show, Disney owns ABC right? Not the other way around? And Disney owns Marvel? So wouldn't Disney tell ABC to keep the show until it hits the syndication point? Plus they get revenues from Netflix etc. Unless Agents is really expensive (which it could be) then I would think it is in Disney's best interests to keep pumping out Agents episodes, especially with more MCU movies coming out that they can tie in.
  3. I never said that Hetty was absolved of blame for what has been going on, if you read what I read I said she has bred this kind of environment. I guess we will have to just agree to disagree as to the relative amounts of blame and if it makes you feel any better, I have been multi tasking while watching the past season or so, so you can easily claim to have more detailed knowledge than I have. However, this type of statement is exactly what I am talking about, Callen did something "without authorization", how can you say it doesn't' bring scrutiny on NCIS? Him doing something "without authorization" and then coming back to the unit without any repercussions is exactly the type of thing that bring scrutiny on the unit as to how exactly is Hetty running the office. But like I said, you are probably right, Sam and Callen et al are saints and above reproach, and it is all Hetty. Like I said above, the blurring of the lines of NCIS: LA as to whether this is the type of show that is supposed to be a procedural crime/COTW show or a random action show like MacGyver is probably why I have the feelings I do about Sam and Callen.
  4. I normally agree, but the only people who actually said specific negative things about Vanck and Ashton were Brooke, Liz and Michael (and TeamDouche). Overall though, it was like, people don't like them and want to U-Turn them, OK we are going along with it. Better them than us.
  5. A couple questions...why did they need to scan Madame Hydra's body in the framework in order to get the template for AIDA's human body? Because AIDA's body is robotic? Oh and anyone else thought it would have been HILARIOUS if the new body in the real world came out with multiple compound fractures...because isn't that what Madame Hydra's body had when it was scanned? I was personally thinking that and thought it would have been a funny yet theoretically scientifically accurate way of ending AIDA haha. So...if they needed to scan Madame Hydra versus AIDA to get a "human" template, then how could they get a body for the Superior? He is currently an android too right? My guess is that AIDA can't be defeated, the only way to neutralize her is to trap her in the Framework as well. Maybe after Fitz somehow deceives her and betrays her, and thus she will have her one big regret, not being able to have Fitz. My guess is going to be this, there is going to be a full-blown revolution now, HYDRA is in disarray now that Fitz is no longer around, the populace is being exposed to the truth and now Inhumans will be coming out and pretty much leading the revolution against HYDRA minions. Radcliffe is still alive in the Framework, my guess is he will go to find Mac and Ward etc and tell them about the body copying machine in HYDRA. Mac and Ward will find it and Mac will try to create a body for Hope but Hope will convince him that it isn't right and send Mac on his way. Oh and can someone help me out, I think I missed it, but how exactly did Fitz and Simmons locate a quinjet with Framework network computers installed?
  6. Another "campaign rally"? WTF? He has to be the only President to have started going on official "campaign rallies" within a couple weeks of taking the oath of office right? Where is the outrage over that? Didn't he tweet about how irresponsible it was for Obama to go out and campaign, for small windows during his administration stint? So...it is bad to do it during a window, but over the entire administration term it is A-OK?
  7. Yet she never seems to carry through. The off-the-books nature of how Callen and sometimes Sam operates is pretty much why the unit has come under so much scrutiny. I don't have any problem hand-waving it away because I know this is an action show and not supposed to be a true realistic procedural, but I think that it is legitimate to question whether Hetty is part of the problem, and not the solution, vis-a-vis the off-the-books nature of Callen and Sam specifically. Personally I feel this show has long had an issue of having like a multiple personality disorder. Like it can't figure out whether NCIS: LA unit is supposed to be an elite task force to do covert/high-risk type of operations, or a run-of-the-mill NCIS field office, like NOLA (which I haven't seen much of, but that is my impression) and the mothership. I kind of wish they would just do high risk/covert stuff rather than trying to throw in random COTWs.
  8. Not sure why Callen was surprised that Owen was badass, he has shown to be more than capable and some edge in prior situations. It was again an example of how Callen just let his initial distrust of Granger blind him from his value to the unit.
  9. Has she ever really gotten THAT upset. The most upset I have ever seen is the ongoing joke about making sure their undercover outfits come back in usable condition. But as much as she "scolds" them about being insubordinate and off the book, there are zero repercussions.
  10. Their recap came out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XOttgrnCms Seems like everyone supposedly bonded in Norway. Interesting reasoning regarding why they decided to participate in the conspiracy, not sure I agree with the idea that Vanck and Ashton were a threat, but it seems like it was a purely strategic play on their part, at least to go along with it. Their reasoning for not U-Turning someone else makes sense, especially if they really felt Brooke and Scott and Team Lolo were weak.
  11. I have a feeling that if they left everything they say in the clips it would have taken up like 1 hour. Notice London has a "journal" to refer to when talking, yet it seems like she only uses it once. IOW, I think tons of entries get sent to the cutting room floor.
  12. Thanks for the clarification, makes sense...and maybe this was an example of how Vanck and Ashton "felt they were better than everyone else" and "shouldn't be trusted"? Oh well. Allowing for W-Turn blocking was a huge production mistake, the whole premise of moving from U-Turn to W-Turn was to make sure the episodes would still have intrigue as to who would be eliminated. However, once teams could gang up and W-Turn-block to only have one team have to U-Turn, it effectively ruins the entire episode. If TAR has another season, I think the U-Turn and W-Turn is going to have to go away, or have the rules changed. I think doing a "Speed Bump" is a much more reasonable "penalty" and brings out intrigue. Or pretty much make any leg with W-Turn or U-Turn a continuation leg or elimination leg, it will allow a team to use it to win a leg but then still face the potential "consequences" so there is some downside to using it. yeah not sure how that comment is consistent with the idea that he is someone that has the personality like the type of co-worker that @Martyqui worked with, and IMO, I don't see anything about what Vanck did that would reinforce the idea that he is "lazy, lazy, lazy" like the co-worker. Becca and Floyd had this to say about the big Conspiracy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XOttgrnCms Interesting reasoning regarding why they decided to participate in the conspiracy, not sure I agree with the idea that Vanck and Ashton were a threat, but it seems like it was a purely strategic play on their part, at least to go along with it. Their reasoning for not U-Turning someone else makes sense, especially if they really felt Brooke and Scott and Team Lolo were weak. Another interesting tidbit, everyone (no one specifically mentioned as not participating) bonded in Norway during camping.
  13. Ironic because it looks like she voluntarily had dinner with Vanck (among others). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEHEauSOsDU Right around :50. It makes me think that Brooke really only had an issue with Ashton. Michael and Liz had issues with both Vanck and Ashton. Matt and Redmond had the collective revenge factor. The other teams were like, whatever as long as it isn't us.
  14. It helps they are normally only 10 minutes. :-)
  15. I think TeamLolo is my favorite, primarily because of London. Anyway here is her recap with BTS insight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEHEauSOsDU London says that Ashton got them up into first class...I thought it was not allowed? Or can they just not buy first class tickets, and if they get a better class upgrade for free...lucky you?
  16. London just makes me like TeamLolo even more...and her sister doesn't hurt either: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEHEauSOsDU
  17. Me too, I thought they were a good underdog story, someone other teams would under-estimate by not being generically from Central Casting.
  18. Oh I know, I was just adding to it.
  19. Naw...because he is "too calculated" and he is a "scrawny old chicken" and he has the "air of superiority" and has his head in a book and "acts like he knows something we don't". Vanck tries to "over-calculate" everything and everything is a "competition". Funny coming from Michael who just smack talked about how Vanck and Ashton suck and can't survive without a U-turn (and again rich coming from the team that couldn't survive without the pseudo-NEL). Taking what they are saying and taking what Team Lolo said about Vanck and Ashton and how they researched stuff and were sharing information (which caused Team Lolo to quickly say they were the team they would give a favor to) my conclusion is Vanck did read a lot to try to learn stuff about the areas they were in or were going and were more than happy to share what he learned with other people. Of course people like Liz and Michael thought he was trying to "act like he knew everything" or had an "air of superiority", yet...somehow him sharing information was him being "calculating" and "cutt-throat". In other words, the problem wasn't what Vanck was doing, but their own feelings Vanck had some sort of negative agenda in sharing the information he provided, or wanted to "act superior".
  20. I think I am going to root for them and Team Lolo now.
  21. Wow...that is a lot of words from a honk that lasted a split second. And again, it wasn't like the other teams were ridiculing the Vanck and Ashton for taking the car and were not gleeful in passing them as well. If those teams are going to hold it against them for the honking they really need to look in the mirror. And IIRC, the two teams were Brooke and Scott and Team Lolo? Team Lolo again seemed to have no problems with Vanck and Ashton and were just going along with the conspiracy to avoid getting targeted themselves and in fact had professed their like of Vanck and Ashton at the mat of the previous leg. And Brooke was clearly shit-talking about Ashton before the driving incident happened. Yeah that is the issue with the placement of the W-Turn which sucks. They should have made it immediately after the Roadblock. I think it is a fact of modern medical technology that makes it at best a minimal impediment in the race.
  22. So what does that make one if they are part of a conspiracy to U-Turn?
  23. Huh? How is it any different than honking and waving when you pass others in taxis or driving? It was a choice that the two groups of teams made, one group decided to walk to the tasks, one decided to drive, and when passing, they honked. It wasn't like the group walking wasn't talking crap about how Vanck and Ashton drove. Watch the clip posted in the media thread where Liz and Michael are shit-talking Ashton and Vanck, and you will have all the reasons you want about why not to care for Michael.
  24. Aww...in the online clip, the hostess actually looks moved by their exit mat interview.
  25. Curious if there was another alliance that was looking to U-Turn other people based on the interview, it sounds like they were approached with two offers. Tara and Joey are obviously strategic, they went after Seth and Olive from the start, and it looks like they didn't have an issue with Vanck and Ashton and didn't think they were worth U-Turning. Their question was whether to U-Turn someone else. I think Vanck and Ashton came to them possibly with the plan to U-Turn #TeamDouche which was appealing to Tara and Joey because they recognized them as a big threat. But then the other alliance came and they decided to drop out because the odds of them accomplishing their goals with everyone else targeting Vanck and Ashton dropped significantly.
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