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Everything posted by HawaiiTVGuy

  1. Well, if it wasn't clear before, Walter is officially less mature than my 4 year old. Can't even lose graciously and acknowledge that Sylvester is better than him at something.
  2. Loved how the reporter expected Trump to actually READ something.
  3. Late to the party but there is still another leak in SHIELD right? Or is it automatically fake-May's spy-eye and Radcliffe giving up the goods to Nadeera to ingratiate himself with her? Like he said, he needed to get out of SHIELD because he knew he would be found out soon after AIDA 2.0 didn't get the Darkhold.
  4. Hmm...if the passport is required, I am thinking there still would be a "paper" trail. I am thinking customs needs to scan the passport to verify the authenticity even if they don't stamp a formal visa.
  5. This is my take at the end of it all, and it turned out to be very fortuitous, but if I recall, it did not seem like the assaulter had any of his rights violated in the investigation so it is possible for the arrest to still stand. Remember, no DIRECT evidence that was a fruit of the alleged illegal search would have been used against him. The only evidence of the assault would have been his prior arrest and the photos of the victim. Also, IIRC, the warehouse was foreclosed on (which I heard was something Holmes mentioned) and supposedly vacant, the bank or whoever actually owns the property has the expected right to privacy, not any illegal squatters. Even if the gang had permission to be in the warehouse and thus had the expectation, then that would protect prosecution of them but not the assaulter.
  6. I don't know exactly how they "should have" treated him, but they are only two people, each time he approached them they were in the middle of a case, so it wasn't like Holmes was in the middle of one of his random experiments or thought exercises to avoid boredom or Joan was having brunch dates with her family. It seems unreasonable to expect them to drop everything they are doing (especially since it was work for someone else) to solve an assault that had a long shot at success, even for a duo like Holmes and Watson. I think the problem with tying it to the maple syrup being sold is that the only gang member that directly tied the assaulter to the smuggling was dead in the car crash, everything else they heard establishing the assaulter as the partner is hearsay. So pretty much you would have the assaulter having assaulted the boy, and a gang smuggling maple syrup on the same night. There might be a connection, but can you say it is "beyond a reasonable doubt"? Tolling is much more certain of a plot point, and one that is actually realistic. Don't you need to have your passport stamped to enter Canada now? I know the cross-border transit is relatively lax, but I thought you needed a passport now.
  7. Yeah...New Hampshire and its 4 electoral votes were so important to the democrats, just like winning California's votes by an extra 3 million in votes (when a mere 400K would have been enough) instead of you know, all those swing states with double-digit electoral votes that they lost by mere thousands of votes.
  8. Man, it still boggles my mind that Trumpers go the "fake news" to complain about news they don't agree with. They really don't know what "fake news" is do they? The whole Russian dossier thing was not "fake news" because the reports were that there were reports of the existence of a dossier. NO ONE was saying that the contents of the dossier existed or was true, they were just saying that Trump and Obama WERE BRIEFED that there could be a dossier. Next time Spicer or another surrogate says "fake news", if I am a reporter asking about the question, ask him specifically, WHAT DID WE JUST SAY IS FAKE?! Corner them into trying to categorically deny stuff. And it pisses me off that they are claiming the stuff is "fake news" when "real" "fake news" can be harmful and was peddled by anti-Clinton sites (ie sex-ring pizza parlor). Again, next time Spicer dismisses something as being "fake news" ask him, how exactly is this report the same as the pizza sex ring story that caused a Trump supporter to shoot up a pizza parlor? Letting the administration parrot "fake news" all the time does a disservice to those actually hurt my "real" "fake news". I have a feeling the only way to find those is to first find out who voted for Trump, and then figure out if the post about politics on social media. If they do the latter, then they are lost causes, if not, there is still hope.
  9. Except for the fact Thiel specifically mentioned ban and wall, and yet...here we are Thiel, are we not to take him literally still? Hyperbole is one thing (I am not even going to dignify whatever Trump says ever as being metaphors or analogies because he has proven he has no idea what they are or how to properly use them in speeches) but to continually making blatantly false personal attack statements while continually discrediting fact-checkers is a huge threat to democracy.
  10. Did they say that Chidi's torture was supposed to be the choice between Tahani and Eleanor? I thought it was just all the ethical dilemmas that Eleanor would present to Chidi by being someone who admits to him that she is not supposed to be in "The Good Place".
  11. I think he suspects...thus his long gaze when he recovered the Darkhold from Aida's decapitated body.
  12. It was a bit of a rhetorical question, just adds one more layer to my incredulity at an entire segment of the US population. I am thinking fake-May will end up teaming up with real-May. Fake-May is actually doing what real-May did when she was "infected" by the ghosts, she hid the issues from everyone and tried to deal with it on her own. Fake-May is probably trying to process how to process her discovery and how to make the most of an un-enviable situation. IIRC, Aida's personality construct started from scratch, while Fake-May contains a lot of May's personal information and personality traits, and one trait of real-May, loyalty to Coulson and SHIELD.
  13. Some people in that crowd did carry signs saying they want Daisy and Mace to run for president and VP (with her as VP). Okay, now if the same rules for who can and can't run for US President and VP are to assume the same as the rule found her, Daisy being born in China would be, IMO, moot since she wouldn' even be able to meet the age qualifications for being VP (it's the same age as the president, which is 35 years of age). If Daisy was really born in 1988, then she would only be 32 in 2020- so she will be 3 years too young to be even legally on the ballot. https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/articleii Now, the issue of what it is meant to be a "natural born citizen" and also resided in the US for at least 14 consecutive years (and btw, this phrase is actually found in the Constitution and also applies to the VP- basically both the VP and president qualifications are the same) since some have argued that it literally means being born in the US. Although, I do believe that if you are born on a military base, embassy, and/or US ship then you are also considered to be a US natural born citizen (meaning your citizenship of the US is given to you at birth). Now, I have heard a law stating if you are married to a foreigner and have a child, overseas, then by legal definition (and through this law) your child can be given US citizenship as well (although it gets sticky once you start to run for US president- IMO, Ted Cruz who was born in Canada to a US citizen mother and a Cuban citizen father can tell you- people can still question if you have met or not met the legal requirement of running for president) Wait...so why was there even a birther issue? Obama's mom was a US citizen.
  14. Too bad someone at CNN didn't play "fake or not fake" with Trump regarding Breitbart headlines after that asshole question the Breitbart "reporter" asked. At this point, I think the only way to possibly breakthrough to the not completely brainwashed Trumpers is for the media to start being petty, they seem to be only able to react off of how Trump reacts to things, not actual fact-checking. Or maybe they are all lost causes anyway.
  15. Exactly, hey, you tweet it so it must be the truth right? In all seriousness, for the Trumpers who believe this crap, why are they not asking why was this fraud happening in California that was going to be blue anyway? And seriously, it is more likely that there was fraud in the swing states FOR Trump because of the sheer numbers and the importance of those states than there would be the 3 million illegal vote for Hillary in California. Anyone else find it peculiar that Bannon chose to vote in New York (a loser blue state) and NOT vote in Florida (a supposed swing state)?
  16. Have to love how on one hand, it is unfair the Nordstrom is treating Ivanka so unfairly even though she constantly pushes Trump to do the "right thing", yet, it is unfair for Nordstrom to punish Ivanka for disagreeing with Trump's policy decisions (assuming it is true). So...is Trump now admitting that he is not doing the "right thing" and thus not doing what Ivanka is "pushing" him to do? Or is it that Trump is doing the "right thing" which is "pushed" by Ivanka, and thus by extension, Trump's policies are Ivanka's, and then why is it unfair for Nordstrom to divorce itself from Ivanka if they disagree with the policies? And maybe the complaint about how Ivanka shouldn't be affected by Trump policies wouldn't seem so empty if she didn't spend so much time in White House meetings.
  17. Yeah what tipped me off about the airport footage is the bright blue hat that seemed to have been illuminated like a halo in the first run through. It was obviously designed to attract the eye of the camera and not look at anything else (along with covering facial details). The thing is, it probably would not have been hard for NCIS to figure out who the accomplice is, they know the flight number, do a ID check on all the passengers and find the person that looks the most like the suspect. I actually don't mind Senior, he brings a bit of levity to the scenes, and he does provide certain insights. I remember he provided a theory to a crime in one episode based on his experience grifting. Also, he had some connections in another episode that proved useful. And in this episode, he thought of something about the video that sent NCIS on the right path.
  18. Liked the episode. I understand, this is TV, and it is a plot device that was necessary to get Jessica to call Connie about her traveling and Connie to travel to Florida to then reveal her hidden passion to Jessica, but I almost feel that if the reveal had happened with Jessica and Louis in DC visiting Connie and her family and Jessica saw Connie leaving the family at night to go to night school and then find out it was only art, it would have actually rang better because in all honesty, if Connie was serious about an out of state art school, then Jessica is in the right about the adult responsibilities etc, even though Connie should pursue a hobby.
  19. I am WAY late to the party, but man...this show is really hitting hate-watch territory for me. Seriously, Cooper saying that Keen deserved to be reinstated for everything that she has "done"? Umm...besides break a bunch of laws and pout and whine about losing her baby, what exactly has she done? And in what way does it supersede the fact that she murdered someone in cold blood? Sure he was a bad guy, but come on the optics is HORRIBLE! Especially for someone who is supposed to ARREST people, not just execute them. Other than that, nice to see Mossad in it to win it, except for the stupid thing of just deciding to hang around on US soil instead of taking the first FREAKING EL AL FLIGHT BACK TO ISRAEL! If this chip is SOOO important, DESTROY IT ASAP. And why were they speaking in English? "Fire in the Hole"? And as many have mentioned, what was the point of the fish smuggling? It wasn't like the parts were coming in from overseas right? I mean the defense contractor was in the same city, did they have a open sewer line to send the fish down the pipes so that the fish could go out into the sea to get caught and processed by the Lipets?
  20. I just saw the last episode and I want to say I will miss it. It was a great fluffy show, and peripheral characters were nice and quirky, and of course the leading lady was likable.
  21. Again, I am hate-watching simply because I happened to screen it in Las Vegas in the Studio Walk at MGM, and unfortunately, the ratings are not doing us any favors. It is having NO PROBLEMS getting renewed year after year...kind of makes me depressed thinking much better acted and better shows like Elementary are struggling. But with the lack of any postings for last night's episode...maybe there is hope that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
  22. It was definitely a choked-up type of episode. I had a feeling it was the cut-off that happened at the intersection that triggered things, but geezus, it is kind of a leap from being a road-rage harasser to being a cold-blooded murderer who was pretty much a sociopath the way he completely didn't bother hiding the damages to his car (doesn't he work at a body shop) and was just driving around with the evidence. And I definitely do not think that the son should feel guilty about the death, but I am not sure if the fact the hit and run driver was someone that got cut off earlier would have assuaged his guilt, because if he hadn't gotten into the argument with his dad, his dad wouldn't have been distracted and missed the Stop Sign (assuming dad in the wrong considering two cars almost hit him) and caused the psycho to rage. Could someone explain how they tracked the car down? I thought the videos didn't have any usable license plates views. I caught that the car was from a rental company right and then they turned on the GPS to track him. Of course, one would have thought the BOLO of a mini-SUV with extensive recent front-end damage, would have gotten some hits from local law enforcement.
  23. You are right, real crab would probably be something they would use on Top Chef, not at the local chinese takeout place. But IIRC imitation crab (as used in California rolls) are made out of a type of fish right? So yeah, even if she was a fan of creamy texture fillings (which I don't think my sister is), the fish would make it a no-no. Yeah, definitely her loss living in New England. Hmm...I don't think I have had Rangoon with scallions, that might help with the taste for me.
  24. You are right, most of the dumplings that you get for dim sum have the translucent wrapper (such as the shrimp dumplings), however, at least here, you can get "pot-stickers" as well as the steamed dumplings at some dim sum places. It isn't common and present every place, but some places do offer it. Yikes...Crab Rangoon personally makes me shudder. :-) If you are near Boston I can ask my sister about places if you are interested for ideas, but she is not much of a foodie, and won't eat seafood so no Crab Rangoon suggestions from her!
  25. Yeah...I always wondered about those "LOC" deals. Although the LOC always seemed to be based on ready-to-go POs, so the risk would be really low for a stakeholder that they wouldn't get their money back along with profiting from the newly fulfilled orders. Oh well, I am not a business guy so if any more people have input, I would love to learn more!
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