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Everything posted by Tooch

  1. I think she would remember Mereddith because Derek was also a pretty famous surgeon and Meredith is the daughter of another famous surgeon. And is pretty well known herself I imagine at least in the greater Seattle area--medical professionals in the area would've all heard about the plane crash and subsequent hospital rebrand. Which is actually why I didn't like the ending. I don't buy her shock. If Callie is her girlfriend and not just a date, then she would know where she works and probably would've known whose house they were going to! I hate contrivance. Heck she probably would've already asked Callie if she knew Derek when she found out that Callie is on the board of the damn hospital where he worked and (arrrrr my brain). Sigh.
  2. Yes! I wish they'd mentioned that in the podcast, it was the only non-annoying thing Donna did all episode. I actually enjoyed the idea of Donna feeling insecure around Kelly and thinking she can't "pull off" a sexy showgirl costume. They never really delved into the idea that of the core four girls, Donna was the least traditionally attractive (well I suppose her and Andrea were about equal, but that's only because Andrea was 75 years old). But the whole thing got undermined when she wore an outfit twice as skimpy as Kelly's lingerie look. One thing that always bugs me is that in a couple years when Kelly is the victim-blaming one who knows for SURE that Steve could NEVER rape anyone, she names him as the one who "saved" her from the Halloween date rapist, when in reality aside from bleating about how he loves her and punching the guy after the fact, he categorically did not do.
  3. I think there were a few Grandma Roses during the years but this one was the best!! I still die inside at fucking Andrea trying to compare lying about your address to go to a fancy school to HIDING FROM NAZIS during THE HOLOCAUST. It is why the phrase "I can't even" was invented.
  4. This episode was bleh for me, but I did notice that Callie seems to have lost quite a bit of weight. I actually think Sara Ramirez looks better with more curves, but regardless, I noticed it. Is it just me? Also would prefer her and Owen dating, I think it would be cute, though I may be alone. I despise Owen and Amelia together, yuck.
  5. Three! Meredith has THREE children, including an infant who is maybe 5-6 months old. <br /><br />As for the profitability of the hospital, it's true owning a hospital probably doesn't make you as rich as owning an oil company, but GSMH is obviously doing incredibly well, with their fancy brain holograms and shit, so there must be some profits. I figure if Alex could afford to buy Mer's huge-ass house as a single doctor with far less experience than Arizona, she can probably afford to buy herself a small condo. It's just a silly way to get the new intern main character inserted into the mix, in my opinion.
  6. I am so not on board with mid-to-late thirtysomethings with highly lucrative jobs and CHILDREN having roommates and all-night tequila parties. Arizona is a top-level surgeon who owns her own fucking hospital, even with a crazy real estate market in Seattle, she could afford to rent a decent 2 br apartment for her and Sofia. Give me a damn break with that contrivance, they should have just had her say that she's lonely since her divorce, has no time or interest in dating, and would like someone to have around the house and hang out with when she doesn't have Sofia. How hard is that? At least with Mer they framed it like that: her husband died and she didn't want to be alone. So she's living with family. Although I still side-eye the all night tequila and sledge hammer parties. Especially at her age. I have a 1 and 2 year old and they run me fucking ragged. At 36 if I drink too much I am laid out for days, I kind of don't think I could perform as a top tier surgeon with DT shakes and barfy beer burps. Edited a little to sound less unhinged, this show just makes me crazy!
  7. Brenda's hair looks incredible in this ep. That gif of her and Ohhndrea creaming themselves at the teacher (ew, I just grossed myself out)? I would literally die for hair that silky and shiny. Amaze. Why does everyone always wear sweaters on the beach in Southern California on this show? I know it's night but does it get that cold? I've never been. Brenda also spent all these summer episodes wearing jeans and long sleeve shirts. Man, the 90's were weird.
  8. Is that a jar of pickled eggs on the counter next to Brandon at the Pit? I didn't think those actually existed outside of Moe's Tavern. Also, thank you for reminding me of my deep love for Henry, and his love for Y&R, which was a character note that always made me laugh. I'm also highly disappointed about how long we have to wait to get to Brandon's Racist Mom-Hair Girlfriend. Who was not only racist, but also an asshole in a hundred different ways. She also complained to Brandon when he didn't seem interested in her that "normally I have to pry guys away from me with a crowbar!" Ew. And also got all "Ew, totally clean, totally white homeless people are watching me roller blade, let's get out of here!" I thought that was THIS summer. Sigh.
  9. Being a TV nerd and a 90210-aholic, I'm not sure how I never knew that Brenda's big pregnancy scare and Dylan breakup was a result of people complaining about her totally normal sex experience. This pisses me off big time now. I also couldn't even begin to watch this episode without Losing My Religion. It's been 24 (gulp) years, and I still remember sitting at my BFF Laura's house watching this episode. If you think the tweens today are melodramatic about One Direction's possible breakup, you did not witness 11 year old Tooch going apeshit about Brenda and Dylan. I was beside myself.
  10. Is re-po something that even actually happens outside of TV? In my experience with defaulting on two credit cards after being a DISASTROUSLY irresponsible college student (yes, it took 8 years to fix my credit, oy), no one ever came looking for my hip Gap and Old Navy fashions or all the beers I bought. Or are we talking like financing through the furniture store? This episode is soooo cringe-worthy, and I love it! I never realized how snide and snotty these kids were all the time when I was a pre-teen. I just thought they were so very cool. Also, was Luke Perry originally supposed to be recurring but then they realized they struck gold with him? Because I feel like he's barely in season one at all. He's had very minor roles in at least half of these episodes so far, right? Odd.
  11. Just to clarify, I totally meant in my initial post that BOTH Ellen and Patrick were the stars, and that if she wanted to do one more year and he didn't they should just have had a reason for him to be gone, and then had them reunite. He could have just been in DC, with lip service paid to visiting with Mer and the kids offscreen, and maybe a dramatic near-affair for Meredith to keep things spicy. And I'm sure PD would have come back for the requisite finale episode to bring them back together for the end of the show. But that's not "OMG" enough for fucking Shonda.
  12. That argument would make sense if it weren't season 11. And come on, he and EP are the stars of the show--yes it would suck for the crew and other actors, but that's Hollywood. Shows end all the time because the stars don't want to commit to more seasons. Seinfeld, for one--that show was hugely popular but Jerry didn't want to do it anymore. I'm sure the crew have survived in the years since.
  13. I respect what Shonda has done. She's a black woman in Hollywood and she's managed to become an entertainment powerhouse. That IS really cool. But frankly I think she's more invested in the brand of Shondaland now than in creating good stories. Look at the first five seasons of Greys. The show was about relationships. Up until George's death, Shonda never relied on killing people off. Sure there were big "shocking" traumas and catastrophes all the time, Denny's death was rough (but earned and expected, not used as a sucker punch), but the biggest emotional moments didn't rely on cheap unrealistic over the top deaths. First season finale? Addison returns and throws MerDer for a loop. Second? Denny dies--but the real focus and drama for me was Meredith having to choose between Derek and Finn. Third? Cristina and Burke's aborted wedding (that was the pinnacle of the show imho, Meredith hugging Cristina in Burke's apartment). Fourth? House of candles. The "big" events used to be about emotions and relationships. Since then it's just been death, death, death. It's NOT good writing. The bigger shocker would have been Derek living, because all Shonda ever does anymore is kill characters off. If PD wanted off the show, the show should have ended. It's been 11 seasons, just end it with them happy. Maybe have a final season where he doesn't appear but have him come back at the very end for a cameo, like Clooney did with ER. There was no reason to kill him, it's cheap and, yes, totally hacky. Shonda is not what she once was.
  14. I wish a reporter would have the balls to ask Shonda why she has so little creativity. All she ever does is kill characters off. She's basically the TV writer version of Mr. Brady in the Brady Bunch Movie, when all his architect designs are of the same house. No one knows THAT many people in real life who have died young and tragically. I have lost one friend to a car accident in high school 20 years ago, and one other friend to cancer. People on Grey's have lost like, double digits of close friends and colleagues. Seattle Grace Mercy Death indeed. A terminal illness would be realistic/touching. But no, on this show, people with terminal cancer are miraculously cured but perfectly healthy people are hit by buses, shot in the head, crashed in planes, electrocuted (lol, poor Mousey RIP), and done in by negligent doctors. It's ridiculous. And worst of all, it's boring. Shonda is the worst, and I'm very glad I have never watched Scandal or HTGAWM.
  15. That would only make sense if they'd had any interest in keeping this death a secret. Sure it wasn't officially leaked, but I'll be pulling anvils out of my front yard for the next 100 years. Pretty much every episode all season long has had big dramatic flashbacks to MerDer's greatest hits, then we had Stupid Amelia's big speech to Meredith about how she doesn't know shit until she's cried over the love of her life's dead body. They telegraphed this for months, and then dragged it out over three pathetic episodes. You know it's bad when Chasing Cars doesn't even get a tear out of me. I thought Denny was annoying as shit, and I still sobbed until my eyes were shriveled, sunken pits over his death. It was that well done. This? This was bullshit.
  16. I can't even with this show anymore, because even with a relatively strong episode like this one, all I can do is be distracted by the fact that it's a miracle anyone survives in a hospital where all the surgeons are OPERATING IN THE DARK. Seriously why is this hospital so dark, I can't take it anymore. If you watch the first season, the ORs are all normal and well lit. Now they're pitch black. It's so freaking weird.
  17. Where's Meredith??? Why does Alex get about three lines per episode??? I'm glad Arizona had a nice storyline lately but what's Callie doing besides complaining about not having sex? Who takes care of any of their children!? Why hasn't derek even visited his children since he's been gone for months and months?? And the most important question: why can't I quit this shit show? Here I thought Maggie would be the new character I hated for sucking up screen time, but no, it's Mega Megalomaniac Monotone Amelia. I wish Geena Davis would stay--even blind they could have her doing something in the hospital couldn't they? Research or something and then she'd be there to be interesting while everyone else hangs out in Dullsville.
  18. Why isn't this episode on demand yet, I really want to see it and I'm so annoyed! Sounds like a good one too, sigh.
  19. If we don't see Cashew, it means she's probably still alive. So I'll take it. I worry about her getting killed all the time!
  20. Thank you! Vee went from wanting kids so badly that she was willing to let her husband fuck her own mother to have them, and now she hates them and acknowledges them only when complaining about her husband loving them more than her (OMG SERIOUSLY VEE? Who wouldn't love adorable babies more than your bitchy ass right now?) and is completely flummoxed that babies are so challenging when she's lived next door to chaos central for years. In season 1 she was like an aunt to the Gallagher kids and Kev was the one complaining about them disrupting his life, and she told him to just get over it. Now she has their own biological babies and she's like "kids whaaaat? I just want to fuck and party!" I would understand Vee's rants about needing to preserve their coupledom and sex life, that side of things IS important when you have kids and it takes work. Kev should be willing to do the work. But she's torpedoed my sympathy for her by acting like such a giant bitch and being such a terrible neglectufl mother. Svetlana, who apparently hauled baby Yvgeny around in just a onesie during a Chicago winter last season, is a better mother than Vee by a country mile.
  21. You'd think they would try this more often for the media attention alone--there was that ONE episode where Hannah gets with the super hot guy and the whole Internet lost its shit because apparently a smoking hot guy would NEVER have a two-day affair with a woman who looks like Lena Dunham. (eye roll)
  22. This show gives me so much second hand embarassment. Mostly for these sad, sad ladies but also for myself. I'm a fat woman (yes, we can call ourselves that, it's okay Jenn! It's just true! It's just like saying you're short, or tall, or blonde, or brunette--it's descriptive!) and I've overcome all my issues surrounding it, but oh were they plentiful. I am now mid-thirties and married with kids, so I'm so far removed from all this. But the show is so bringing back horrific memories. I was the overly outgoing and loud party girl like Kristi. I lost my virginity at 22 to a one night stand like Jenn. I was mega-slutty in my twenties, racking up one nighter after one nighter and being way overly sexual in my behavior, like Mar. I was even in a bit of denial about my own hotness like Jessica at one point, having lost a ton of weight and then was shocked (shocked!) when I found that going from a size 22 to a 14 did absolutely nothing to solve my love life problems because I hadn't changed a bit on the inside (cue after school special music). So I am hooked on this show...it's like watching an awful highlight reel of every embarassing thing from my twenty-something life. I thank my lucky stars I worked out my issues and met my husband. Of all these hot messes, Jenn definitely needs the most help. I want to take her under my big fat wing and give her a stack of fat acceptance literature to read.
  23. Easily the best episode since the first season, and that breakup scene gutted me. I'm a happily married 35 year old with two kids and I was suddenly flashing back to the painful breakup of my only other long term relationship, when I was 26. Just brutal. One thing confused me: did Adam and Hannah not actually break up before she left for Iowa? I've been confused about that since before this episode. It seemed like they never did officially break up and that it was only kind of implied. So that does make Adam a pretty huge douchebag if you ask me. They hadn't officially broken up and she's been gone for ONE MONTH, and he's taken over her apartment, moved out all her shit and moved in a new girlfriend? What the ever loving fuck!? I don't blame her for having a meltdown. The furniture thing alone would piss me off like no other--even if they were 100% over he couldn't call her to tell her he was putting her stuff in storage and ask her if that was ok?
  24. So, I know that we know Meredith is not a touchy-feely, hands on mother. And that's fine, there are a lot of different ways to be a good mother. But please tell me the show will not act like she went away, leaving her kids with a virtual stranger for 48 hours, and DID NOT CALL THEM!? Sure, Bailey is probably still too young but she could not have called Zola? Good Lord. She is the absolute worst. Also, I am very much getting a "promo monkey misdirection" feeling from this.
  25. (Clears throat) Well, I'm feeling kind of obligated to check it out now. It would be awkward not to.
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