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Everything posted by Tooch

  1. I think it's just that soooo many people have died on this show. I get that it's a soap, but damn. I have known maybe five or six people in my 34 years who have died. On Grey's, it seems like someone dies in a horrible tragedy every other week. When they kill off doctors so frequently it completely loses its shock value. By my count they've killed SIX doctors on this show. Six! If I ever worked at a place where six of my co workers died horribly...I would probably quit. And of the other characters, I think at least 8 have had at least one near death experience requiring major surgeries. I'm pretty sure Bailey is the only original main character who hasn't nearly died at least once. It's insane, and to me shows that Shonda is totally out of ideas.
  2. I'm so glad there's a thread for this, I've been watching them early all season too, I can't help myself on Monday mornings! I enjoyed this episode because they had her sponsor calling her out on her ridiculous lies--an "old" stash? Please. Interesting we didn't get to see that scene with Frank because if he, a COP who hears all manner of bullshit about drugs from people on a regular basis (It's not mine! These aren't my pants!), actually believed that shit, then I'm gonna have to go along with Antoinette and say he has got to go. C'mon, Frank. It's also telling that literally no one Jackie works with except Dr. Roman has thought maybe Jackie is the one who stole the DEA number. These people are medical professionals (drink!), do they not know the massive rates of relapse among drug addicts? Does Jackie not have to submit to random drug testing, considering she's only a year out of rehab? I know there's not much realistic about All Saints as a work place, but again. C'mon.
  3. This is starting to bug me--have they ever figured out or revealed how it's possible that all three kids in the family would develop the same type of heart problems at the same time and all need transplants? I remember them saying something about a gene, did they ever explain it? This is probably the only time in history I miss the horrid Grey's writers' blog--sometimes on that they would explain the medical stuff a little better and talk about their consultants who insist that such and such weird medical thing is possible.
  4. Did I miss that? How old did they say she was? I'm also trying to figure out how much time has passed since the show began. Liam's lack of aging has made that next to impossible. Fiona did at one point last season say she had known Stimmy for "two years". But I still can't seem to figure it out. I'm pretty sure it was winter for this whole season despite V and her mama both carrying a pregnancy to term. As for the episode, I haaated the ending with Frank. Were we supposed to be rooting for his triumph at the lake? This is a show where I very frequently root for people who have done very bad things--I am probably one of the few who still likes Mandy, despite her attempted murder of Karen, and I'm pretty sure Mickey has been party to a murder or two. But at this point I despise Frank so much that I was just incredibly grossed out that the show decided to save him.
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