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Everything posted by Tooch

  1. Oh god, you guys are right. Season 2 was the end of Cool Kelly. She is literally fucking insufferable from here on out. First there's the Summer of Deception, which was such horrific form I can't even begin (still outraged at 36, imagine my impotent rage watching it at age 12 when 90210 was my everything). Then there's the tortured moping that goes on for like 8 - 12 episodes before her and Dylan FINALLY get together. And then once they do there's the goddamn eating disorder. And then they get to college and it's St. Kelly of Gigantic Hypocrisy for the next SEVEN years. Bye, Cool Kelly. RIP. (I was so outraged by the Summer of Deception that years later when Dawson's Creek put Joey and Pacey together I was completely and totally against it just on principle even though Pacey was obviously ten times more interesting a boyfriend choice for Joey.)
  2. I still love those bridesmaid dresses. They were adorable and age appropriate and I could totally see like, Arianna Grande or someone the kids love wearing them to a Teen Choice awards or something even today. I'll see myself out.
  3. That is a really, really cute look on Brenda! I loved this episode. I hated agreeing with Brandon though--it's ridiculous that they were ever going to even let Brenda go. There's a big difference between trying not to judge your daughter's sexuality and sending her off for a weekend love shack getaway with her studly stick figure boyfriend.
  4. Pasty Jason Segel! Thank you. In each subsequent picture I was like "who is this guy why does he look so familiar". I remember really liking this episode as a teen, and I sitll think Shannen was pretty good in it. I've always thought she was a decent cryer (crier?). I remember actually feeling something when she's sobbing in Jim's arms (the only time he was all that nice to her) after Dylan dumps her for Kelly. Oh god you guys, we are getting so close to the Triangle of Drama and I cannot waaaaait!
  5. Riggs being trans didn't even occur to me. I was thinking brother in law too. I mean, owen is a massive dickhead, but I'm not sure shonda would have him viciously beating a transgender sibling -- that shit would be pretty dark.
  6. This just makes me super giddy in anticipation of creative cursing out of Bray-don in all the upcoming "Brandon is Such a Fucking Shit to Grown Adults" goodness, particularly his "Superintendent EP-HARDT" snotting when Donny is being RIGHTFULLY PUNISHED for getting WASTED to the point of vomiting at a HIGH SCHOOL PROM. To say nothing of his bitching out a homeless veteran for not taking a job interview at the stupid as beach club.
  7. Normally I;d find Kelly's expressions on point and hilarious, but I just know that in the back of her mind, Kelly later uses Brenda's excessive extra-relationship flirting to justify the SUMMER OF BETRAYAL, and then I go towards sending some of the side-eye right back to her.
  8. My poor parents gave me a gold ring for my high school graduation (in the 90s of course) that was a similar sort of abomination, just without the diamond. Like a thick, gold curved swirl with grooves in it. This thing was awful but I was 17 and they were so happy to give it to me and I was just like "greeeeat". I still have it and have contemplated selling it at one of those "sell your old gold jewelry" parties people throw. I'm now having traumatic flashbacks. Barf.
  9. PREACH. I've said it before and I'll say it again: in season 1 or 2 when Karev killed a guy far more explicitly than Penny did (he called the wrong meds order in and shushed a nurse who tried to correct him), Bailey gave all the interns a tremendous Bailey lecture about how every one of them will kill someone with a mistake at some point in their careers, and the point is to learn from it and grow and be better, not to make jokes about how they are "killers". These dopes are like 10 years into their surgical careers and they're running around claiming Penny is a danger to patients and that she literally killed Derek? It's SO ANNOYING. I almost want to return to the Ghost Denny days of yore, and have Ghost Derek come around and tell them all they're being fucking idiots.
  10. Manny getting hot chicks enrages me. 1) It seems to me they were telegraphing from pre-puberty that Manny was gay. I always thought that's where the show was heading by introducing a 10 year-old who sips espresso and cares about pocket squares. It would have been way more interesting. 2) He's a chubby dork who cares about pocket squares and baking. As a 36 year old, this is the type of man I would date in two seconds. But hot teen girls would not. Except in TV land. Andy being back enrages me: 1) This has been dragging on for more than TWO YEARS. Who do the show runners think this pairing is? Ross and Rachel? That didn't even drag on for two years, and people actually GAVE A SHIT about Ross and Rachel. 2) Hayley making a weird circus fat joke about Andy. Fuck off, Hayley.
  11. I think I've firmly settled on the idea that he's only had sex that one time with Cheryl. But no matter how much sex he's had, I'm glad we all agree he's definitely still a butthole. I hate to defend Dylan because he acted like a jerk to Brenda, but if the point was to use real names, I totally understand why he would be pissed that she didn't even ask him before she was going to publish that.
  12. I always thought Brandon and Emily did NOT do it (until Thanksgiving 1993, of course), actually, because of the night she sneaks into his bed and begs him to do it with her, promising that he won't want to break up with her if they do it (gross). But I suppose the Dead Scott episode and her speech about living life makes a compelling argument... I never got the sense that he was boning any of his one-episode girlfriends.
  13. Aha, this episode brings relevance to my mentions on previous threads: for someone who acts like such a goddamn casanova and walks like he has an eight-pound dick, Brandon has, at the time of his tearing a strip off Andrea for talking about sex when she's never had any, had sex exactly ONE time.
  14. She was! This was aftter the Summer of Betrayal, but it also included one of the last moments of Dylan being correct/funny, when he says to Brenda "I can't believe they're talking abou their sex lives on television!" Like, seriously, Dylan. Word. On topic: I can kind of see Brandon having such fond memories of Tricia. They had a nice ending and as much as a 18 year old would think such things, I can see him thinking of her as "the one that got away". Heck, I'm old and married now, but I still sometimes think fondly about this guy that I met on vacation when I was 24, had a 3-day fling with and then didn't see again, despite emailing for a few months. We had a connection, but he lived 3,000 miles away so it wasn't going to work. It's easy to idealize something like that.
  15. I can't believe I remember this, but I remember Rosie Odonnell does a cameo at some safe sex event, and Brandon and Nikki are there and she gets them to admit (on TV!!) that they've had sex...but not with each other. Rosie, you're creepy. Nikki was supposed to be like 15 years old right, a sophomore? Bleh! So that really only leaves Racist Mom Hair. Poor Brandon.
  16. What I remember, fondly, was the episode where Karev fucked shit up in a far more profound manner than Penny did with Derek and killed that guy by frying his brain with sodium or whatever because he ordered the wrong dose of meds and acted like an arrogant prick to the nurse who questioned him. And when the other interns started in with the "007," fucking Bailey told them all to cram it, and talked about how every one of them will probably make a mistake that kills someone someday because it happens. Ok it was Mer's husband and love of her life and father to her kids so she's not going to be reasonable about it. Except for the fact that she WAS. Maybe it was shock, but she was 100 times more reasonable with Penny, practically holding her hand the night Derek died than she was at any point in the last two episodes. And don't even get me started on Amelia. I wanted to smack the smug off her face.
  17. Important question: of The Many High School Loves of Brandon Walsh, does he ever actually have sex again before he goes to college? I wonder if it bummed him out that his sister (who he is constantly condescending to) was having consistent sex for like 2 years before Dylan dumps her, and he can't get a piece to save his life. I think they make it a point to show he doesn't have sex with Emily and I'm pretty certain he never does it with Nikki either (ech, Nikki, I wish we skip all her gross episodes). Does he do it with the Mom Hair Racist from the beach club?
  18. At the very least, I do give this episode credit for having him say "maybe I could have been a speed skater" rather than "pro hockey player". Because he's approximately half as tall as the shortest pro hockey player, and that would be RIDICULOUS.
  19. One thing I never understood was why they pushed the whole "Steve is an incompetent athlete" thing so hard. There’s this, the track episode with the steroids (which is next, yay!), the ill-fated basketball tryouts, etc etc. The character of Steve doesn’t even necessarily seem like he’d be into being a “jock”, anyway. And as barf-worthy as all his half-shirt nipple-exposing workout shirts are, they do reveal that he’s got an athletic body. I don’t see how he’d have such a hard time being a jock if it was what he really wanted? Stupid show.
  20. Oh god, I remember LOVING this one because of Cindy's hilarious "rich Beverly Hills lady" act. Is this basically the one and only time she ever showed up for Brenda? Shit, she and Jim never even told Kelly and Dylan to pound sand after they cheated on and betrayed their only daughter. Poor Brenda. As much as I enjoyed her two-episode work ethic, I also feel like Brenda never would have gotten this job. Working on commission at a high-end shop where you can make $500 (!!!) in just an hour's work is something that requires, oh, sales experience. And they probably don't hire many part timers, it's not like my after school job at Sears.
  21. My favorite cognitive dissonance moment for Felice was when she's putting her fugly-ass cross on Donna for prom. To remind her of Jesus and chastity. While she's wearing a snug as a suntan "gown" with her big fake tits on FULL display. Oh, Donna. I forgot how shitty this Christmas episode is, I am always a fan of Christmas episodes!
  22. I haven't listened yet, so maybe you get into this. But Brandon's car is RUINED and in the very next episode it's back good as new. Do you know how much it would cost to restore that thing? What the HELL!? Who paid for that!? Also this is the second time in one year that Brandon has used the old "someone spiked my drink!" excuse. Granted, in this instance it's true. Actually it was mostly true in the last instance too. What's with this guy? He better never hang out with anyone from The Hangover or he's screwed.
  23. I haven't listened yet, so maybe you get into this. But that car is RUINED and in the very next episode it's back good as new. Do you know how much it would cost to restore that thing? What the HELL!? Who paid for that!? Also this is the second time in one year that Brandon has used the old "someone spiked my drink!" excuse. Granted, in this instance it's true. Actually it was mostly true in the last instance too. What's with this guy? He better never hang out with anyone from The Hangover or he's screwed.
  24. Honestly, one year--most of which was spent dealing with the unbelievable heart wrenching aspect of carrying and giving birth his son who he will never meet--is not even necessarily such a long time in terms of grieving the love of your life, husband, and father of your children. I mean, Mer is a bit more used to tragedy than many, so maybe her coping skills are amazing and she does have a good support network. But I wouldn't really buy them introducing a new love for her this season. It's just too soon.
  25. TeeVee329 - it was George (RIP, along with everyone else from that show with the highest death rate evar) who told her to shut up and it was quite beautiful! That actress excels at "annoying ass harpy". This episode was necessary (the Scott character was going nowhere), and I thought it was excellent at the time. David played his conflicted grief pretty well--they grew up together, he loved him, but they weren't really friends anymore. What a combination of survivors guilt and guilt over how he treated him for the poor kid to live with. I wish they didn't act as if Scott never existed after this, because I imagine it's something that would have stayed with David for a while.
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