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Everything posted by queenanne

  1. I personally find it very tough to do anything else while waiting for the wash/dry cycles to end, lol. It's clearly some sort of flaw I'm trying to be OK with, as Alexa is there to tell me when it's time to pull things out; I don't know what I'm scared of getting into. (Though admittedly, my laundry is in the apartment basement and not right there next to me, which is a bit different than Jill's setup.)
  2. I think Lauren needs to adjust her logic. Both she and new baby are "covered" under the umbrella of the pregnant woman emoji. She doesn't need to be there in the message again as a disembodied head. Just as you go to a baby shower and don't say "man, I wish the baby were here", because the baby is "there", albeit in the mother's womb. Except, this is narcissist Lauren, so she wants to make sure to blurb herself twice.
  3. Gabby was probably "talent-advised" into wearing more revealing/modern clothing. A few of her outfits I found on a Google Image search were low cut; but plenty were not.
  4. Have you tried telling the denizens of Rochester, Syracuse, Buffalo etc., that they don't have "New York Style Pizza", however? In my experience, they very much think they do; in fact, they may even think it a competition between them and NYC. I remember seeing that claim all the time upstate in pizzeria slogans, phone book ads, etc., back in the day. I thought Jill and David do know NYC a little and should know better; but maybe they don't.
  5. There's plenty on the topic (I searched "Josh Duggar Danica Dillon alibi"), although these aren't great sources, they might be as good as this type of a story gets: https://www.cosmopolitan.com/entertainment/tv/news/a53278/porn-star-danica-dillon-drops-duggar-rough-sex-lawsuit/
  6. Yeah, I was gonna say, don't young children have a classic history of grabbing onto any bit of a squirmy younger sibling that they can muster to hold them in place? It is rather inelegant as a pose though... couldn't they be rubbing noses or something similar?
  7. Dig that Garrett's pudgy little tummy... he looks so adorably stout in that white tee shirt
  8. People need to STFU with their opinions sometimes. I legit don't understand why anybody cares how somebody else's baby comes out, as long as it does come out. I grant I am childless and thus don't have personal experience forming my opinion; but in this case, I think it only helps!
  9. I agree it's a combination of good old pioneer-preached "fresh air and exercise".
  10. Maybe the fashion industry is just making things up in order to sell more jeans more often? Personally, the last thing I need or want with my thunder thighs is for tacky-looking friction holes to appear in the inseam; after which I can't throw them in the garbage fast enough. I've never owned jeans long enough to "distress" them in any way, shape, or form on the front of leg (and barely on the back, except maybe if it's the butt); and I'm theoretically fascinated with finding out if skinny women with thigh gaps can keep jeans long enough for the jeans to "distress themselves".
  11. Someone on Twitter should ask him that at an opportune time, make him think a little.
  12. At least R&F has got some utility. C&L, not so much...
  13. Does that work, though?? I am questioning it because they also tell you dark rinse jeans are supposed to make you look slimmer; thus fading the thighs, seems like it would in turn call attention to the size of your thighs...?
  14. Well, he does seem a bright boy and thus I wouldn't be surprised he could graduate kindergarten lickety-split, considering what kids have to learn there. I myself was sent out to read with the third graders in kindergarten, because I came into that grade already reading the newspaper. Eventually this skill lost a bit of its luster as everyone else caught up with me; but it strikes me as easier to skip/expedite grades for younger students, and is in fact the way they seem to do things in public school. This isn't the same as saying that Izzy won't eventually require help; but I can easily see him not needing 9 months to learn the curriculum of kindergarten.
  15. Poor Jill, she doesn't understand GrubHub... that's because she herself has never had any desire for a job, or a job to escape from a day job she hates, thus knows zero about the gig economy. Explaining it to her would be only slightly easier than Derick explaining it to someone who lives in the Himalayas!
  16. I dunno though, if there was a plan, don't you think she'd have avoided sitting in something while the plan was being essayed? I spy a quarter-sized dark spot/stain on the right buttock...
  17. That's the way I've always heard it handled, also. That Communion is the same except for the belief in transubstantiation. As the purported Christian you're definitely supposed to take it seriously, as it is a sacrament in both Protestant and Catholic eyes... the Protestant ministers, at least, see it as a thing which is self governed. They warn you that it's a sacrament that should not be entered into lightly, and that you should be sure inwardly that you are in a fit mental and spiritual state in your relationship with God before you take those steps forward to the altar; but yes, after the warning they leave it up to you, because your relationship with God is nobody's business but you and God's. I myself usually do go, because I have not lost my belief that God exists and thus I don't think I am disqualified. Another person in my same situation might feel differently. Basically, it's an honor system counting on your honor. If you know for a certainty you're embroiled in some sin like an extramarital affair, and still go up to ingest the body and blood or its figurative representation, then God probably will not deal well with you in the afterlife.
  18. Like Zsa Zsa Gabor? (I swear I'm forty not eighty years old, lol, despite the reference)
  19. "Willowy", heh. Also, I'm wondering if it's possible the kids gave David that place setting in hopes that it would inspire him to diet? You know, like they advise people to serve things on smaller plates and bowls; and use chopsticks to eat all their meals, in order to allow yourself time to slow down and realize you're full?
  20. The "Rebel Duggar" clearly is, or at least was, Deanna. She was just being kind and loving all those years, instead of telling Amy to cram it as she tried to grab her credit, lol.
  21. I have always said, I was super lucky growing up, insofar as my mother cherished this ridiculous idea that the librarians were monitoring the books I checked out of the library for appropriateness. Granted, lurid covers wouldn't have worked out well for me, but secreting two in a stack of twelve if they had tame or nonexistent dust jackets was easy.
  22. That's because he's JimBob's twin, poor thing. Garrett looks good and tidy in his little outfit.
  23. it's Felicity with a nice big regular even bow, no? I'm extremely skeptical that I could draw anything on a cup in foam involving eyes, lol.
  24. I always thought it was having heeled shoes/boots that stopped your foot from going right through the stirrup, at which point you could get hung up by your ankle and dragged (ballet slipper style shoes, for example, wouldn't have anything to stop anyone's foot sliding straight through up to the ankle)? Either way, I'm always shocked when riding rental places don't insist upon proper footwear... I can understand it a little if they're only expecting to walk the horses; but even so, the horse can spook and go careening off someplace.
  25. I thought Marielle, or maybe Mariella. (Not both though, lol.)
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