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Everything posted by queenanne

  1. Actually, I thought she looked like she'd slimmed down to a good weight at last without eating her feelings, but maybe that's all camera trickery. Her midsection looks smaller to me than the last round of "is that or is that not Anna in the group picture"; and her face is thinner. Love Meredith's winsome look, lol.
  2. The part that worried me was, I thought the Rodriguii quite famously grifted braces for free from some source? This is the end result?
  3. I thought that came along with a disclaimer that Jessa grew out of it, though...?
  4. Yup, he's a cutie!! Cute hat, cute face, super-cute onesie... so far so good.
  5. They have a church less than 100 feet from my home in the Bronx, lol. I also had a lot of Jehovah's Witnesses. I am pretty sure the latter had more success than the former, because I used to see the blond kids walking the street in pairs but they weren't going (or getting) into the buildings; whereas the JWs got in all the time, and sometimes on a weekly basis. What I heard was, Mormons and JW's tend to do better amongst Black and Hispanic communities, because they're closer-knit and more family-oriented. Not like us chilly white people who emigrate hundreds of miles away from family and friends at the drop of a hat, and often live alone, without so much as a roommate; which always reminds me of the story of Gloria Estefan, whose mother wouldn't even let her go to rehearsals with her now-husband and the Miami Sound Machine, unless her sister was also in the band 🤣.
  6. I dunno if I think it's crazy; at least they're appropriately grateful guests responding well to hospitality, which seems a rare credit to Jill's account.
  7. Music has lots of benefits one doesn't ordinarily think of, it seems:
  8. True, but in this scenario, I'm pretty sure the horse would be trucked in from somewhere; held offsite penned up in some sort of trailer or equivalent (whatever does not run afoul of the ASPCA); and led onto the scene by a trained trainer at the perfect moment of readiness, as a perfectly blow-dried model skipped out of her trailer and in front of the wind machine for 5 minutes next to the horse. (I mean, maybe someone they know *did* trailer them in a horse from offsite; and thus there's no poop in the pasture.)
  9. 🙄🤣 the D-man really has gone full Duggar, hasn't he? It's enough to have the Duggars espousing this idiocy... remember when folks were hoping and thinking that he had enough awareness to know that "Jill teaching the kids at Playskool" was going to lead to grown-up morons? On the other hand, if Barnacle Jill really does accompany him to every class and outing, you can see where he's getting the impression that she'll know everything he does... Well, thanks to @ginger90's post we now know the answer to this question, though to that I say; What in the world? (For my own part, I was about to guess that Jill doesn't know about composition, because for about 5 years now she's had to worry about fitting 45 people in a picture; and she probably doesn't understand Burst mode or whatever its successor is.) We saw Sammy using his Rube Goldberg creation to surmount and crawl around on the table; and them laughing about it. We've also seen and/or heard about countless cases of young folks crawling around on furniture at the TTH. They really expect us to believe now that disrespecting furniture was a "special Duggar treat"? I'm waiting to see Jessa, Jinger, et al weighing in on the comments section, because gurl, really?
  10. Except for Sammy's cute growling face, lol. (Sorry Izzy, I do think you're cute as a general rule, but that's not a particularly stellar picture.)
  11. And her baby blue jeans!! Though they're under a dress, so we're not out of the woods yet... and the head flowers are particularly hideous IMO, sorry to see she's got them in two colors. It looks like she's heading for the enclosure at Ascot.
  12. Aw, testing her stance... what a sweetie full of innocent joy. I remember doing that with a friend's child in a restaurant, until all of a sudden I realized that I had very little to do with the process and was pretty much simply "spotting him" by keeping my hands under his little squeezed fists. I love visibly seeing "learning". It was a magical moment.
  13. Yeah, that was... ill-advised, especially for the Parents of the Year. If JB &M wanted to write all that plonk in a card, then go ahead; but nobody is fooled. It couldn't be more obvious that inexplicably Josh continues to be their favourite, and that they will continue to make myriads of excuses for him until they die.
  14. She's got a writing "tip jar", as it were, if you like what you read you can give her some money: https://www.patreon.com/cynthiajeub
  15. That ship has sailed, Jessa! To be fair, while I like Kendra,she’s not that far in age from Jenni... for fundies.
  16. She did a pretty good job IMO, though I could live without the mailbox-type thing stuffed full of yellow flowers on the front wall.
  17. Abso-frickin'-lutely! I had my toe stepped on by a horse whilst wearing my sneakers when I was a preteen. Took years for my toenail to grow back and "stay grown back" (i.e., attach to the nail bed/skin). He's clearly got a good disposition! Also, someone in the family other than Jinger gets credit for paying attention to appropriate and stylish photographic backgrounds - I've seen better but I've also seen worse, and they're clearly going for the "woodland maenad/farmgirl" trope. Maybe Joy has been reading high fashion magazines. (Yes, I know what that looked like as soon as I wrote it; but attributing it to Austin seems a little wrong.)
  18. Hey, good-lookin'! Nice to see you, cutie! I think he looks very Kendra, in some undefinable way (maybe the shape of his head?)
  19. They have said they watch Netflix (Great British Bake-off and the Crown, iirc) so I’m not surprised.
  20. Yeah, I myself have always had just that problem with "jumpsuits" and "rompers". Me: "You're a grown-ass woman, why do you want to wear something that children wear?" You know how some people hate to see grown-ass women in those little winter animal hats with ears? That's me with jumpsuits and rompers.
  21. Jill could benefit hugely from, at minimum, bangs and some face framing layers, IMO.
  22. Uncle Jim is no fool, and knows where his money shot photo-op bread is buttered - in with the laughing baby!
  23. Fun OT and probably apocryphal story... but I like it anyway: Once upon a time in his younger years, there was a guy who wanted to be CP's agent. So every night they would go out together drinking and chasing women. CP's capacity for both was such that the would-be agent found himself close to physical collapse. Finally he got comfortable enough to suggest that he represent CP. But the actor turned him down flat. Later he heard the reason from one of CP's friends. CP had said that while the guy was terrific company there was no way he would hire him as an agent. All he ever did was drink and f***.
  24. On the plus side, Ben strikes me as book-smarter than most Duggars (maybe all; I haven't spent a lot of time ranking them); so this is a step up for the lost girls and howlers, IMO.
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