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Everything posted by queenanne

  1. Sorry to report, ‘Agape love’ is totally Pentecostal-fundie thing. Every born again stripe of minister I’ve ever known has used it repeatedly in sermon giving, because there’s something in the New Testament about ‘God loving his church with agape love’, I.e. not sexual. in other words, if it’s Greek, and appears in the NT, Pentecostals will claim it.
  2. I thought she was giving us a Betty Boop, lol, but I like your comparison too.
  3. Well, sure, but probably she’s thinking since she’s credulous and has no memory, that we don’t remember either.
  4. I took that more as faux-disingenuity on her part, though. It would be sadder if she hasn't noticed or worked it out; but maybe they've been told the "rule" is to be eighteen, or something, Jana and John-David are too "busy", etc. I myself feel like "as Jessa", there's no way Jessa didn't know this because there's no way non-courting headstrong Jessa didn't want her own freedom on Instagram, etc.; but we all know how important maintaining "the Duggar brand" is to Jessa, so I see it as perfectly congruent that she'd lie.
  5. I think everyone should understand how to run up a replacement seam without its looking bad, as whenever new clothes come recently, they seem to have a lot of potential flaws at the seam area. I understand it's difficult for some although it's not for me; but I definitely think that if you have a sewing machine convenient to you, you should know how to fix a seam. I think a lot of people are intimidated by the thought of doing that by hand; but as someone who took home ec, it's not that hard. All it is, is picking a thread that looks good with the original; making an effort to take your stitches in the same place far enough from the edge; and periodic gentle stretching/smoothing of the fabric between your fingers, to make sure the thread/stitches aren't puckering.
  6. What I'm most struck by is, Jessa calls her sister Jana "Aunt"? Jana isn't Jackson's aunt, either. I don't necessarily think there's anything "wrong" with that, I'm just always struck by the thought processes behind, who adopts the phrasing of someone else's family role (i.e., what Jessa would tell Spurgeon and Henry to call Jana)? If I'm talking to a first cousin, do I write "Dad" for my father? Do I call him "Uncle With Same-Name-as-Your-Dad" (true story, my mother and aunt both married men with the same name, which makes it even more confusing), because my father = my cousin's uncle? Do I refer to my own father as, "your Uncle Same-Name"? Is this one, simply "Jessa working on manners for Spurgeon and Henry" mode? Is it "Jessa identifies so little with Jana that she thinks the primary relationship, is the relationship Jana has with Jessa's children?"
  7. I dunno, I wouldn't be surprised if IBLP "got" Laura because her family was already friends with the Duggars (though that in itself requires a certain sameness of worldview, I suppose), or similar young teen girl, and the girl invited her. I bet people inviting other people to church youth group functions is even more prevalent in the South.
  8. I was blaming the fashion on Phyllis Diller in my mind, :) but of course I think you've nailed it.
  9. I dunno, that phrasing on the part of the OP kind of sounds like InTouch or similar, though I suppose it could be an attempt at a fellow student doxxing.
  10. Maybe the awkward waiters think you look too sophisticated for it to be your first time eating fondue, thus you don't need the speech! :)
  11. Agreed! Look at that oversized striped shirt gapping around her wee neck.
  12. These are reasons why I think Derick likes having a clingy succubus, because one thinks at some point, he otherwise would have noticed that instead of getting a wife, he's basically got himself a third (first) child. How did she ever manage to increase her attention span long enough to study for a GED on her own? Or pass any kind of test, even a paper midwife test?
  13. I imagine her roaring, "Success!!" Felicity looks like she's holding her breath in her picture, lol.
  14. Yeah, I have some OT that's not covered by insurance, and it's $225/session. If I showed up every week but vacations (I haven't yet), I'd shell out $11,250/year. Some people would probably even see it as "frivolous" - it's the sort of thing that doesn't "need to" be done at XYZ time, but my quality of life would go way down without it, and realistically speaking I know of no way that I'm going to have a year where I can pre-save that amount of money; so, credit cards it is. When people need to do it and have no choice and no money, I've no idea what they do. My plan is supposedly top of the line, but I have to pay $7,500 out of my own pocket for out-of-network before the insurance company kicked in, and I can't imagine them running slower than they do already. I don't think I've ever been caught up with their explanation of benefits in real time.
  15. Isn't there something about stuff like Proactiv, where people say half of what makes the difference is the fact that they've successfully drummed into the users that all of "it" must be used daily in order to work? The sneakiness of the principle being that, anything you were to do daily in respect of your face would have some type of salubrious effect, even if it were St. Ives; but having shelled out for the Proactiv, parents are motivated to keep nagging their kids to use it? I point this out primarily because if we've seen the Duggars fall asleep in their clothes, it seems logical that not every one of the Duggars washes their face nightly either, which could certainly also be a factor.
  16. OK, that's sweet. I like their little wee backs together.
  17. To be fair, we’ve seen Izzy have both those things in his life, ?
  18. I can't swear to it, but on cooking shows they often make a big deal out of people chucking the tasting spoon directly in the sink, and never using the same one twice, and I figure there has to be a reason. I will generally taste a family member's if they ask me, and not be too fussy as to if they are eating after me, or me eating after them. As for the fondue, I think you could get around that by pairing up people and having double pots, like in romantic fondue restaurants, which would be easier for the Duggars, but they probably don't have that many individual heating elements. I've only had the cheese type once communally at a party, and I don't remember how people got around the double dipping issue, honestly.
  19. LOL, I'll share drinks and food from different places (i.e, 180 away from me on the rim of the cup, or they can drink off the edge if I'm using a stirrer, or vice versa) with people I like and trust; and/as I tend to fork things up in quadrants anyway, there's always an untouched area on my food. However, I'm with you on the tasting spoon (goes in the sink, please!), and I once stood in horror as an unappealing classmate in community college showed me how to "keep a soda from overflowing" the vending machine by (and I apologize for this in advance) - sticking his index finger into the carbon dioxide bubbles.
  20. Is Manhattan the only place that has the below? Asking seriously because I've seen it on shelves for years; yet whenever the discussion comes up people always/only say Kraft. It happened on TWOP too.
  21. That's assuming Amy actually knows. The facility might assign "prestige and/or vanity titles" in order to entice job candidates through the doors for their entry level positions. There's nothing that even guarantees her position as RT is FT and not PT.
  22. I'm with you @Normades, I always thought it was Jessa with the GED which then qualified her to be "head teacher", though I don't know one way or another if Jinger eventually equaled her.
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