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Everything posted by peacheslatour

  1. Especially if he still has a mortgage or two.
  2. Same with Seattle, San Francisco or Atlanta. Hell, near Seattle it would go for two.
  3. Yes! Oh, what I could do with that house. And not the insipid pastel nightmare that Kathy Bowman came up with either.
  4. You and me both, Sister. I've seen these kind of lubbers in the wild. Attention whores, every one of them.
  5. Have any of the noobs won an Emmy? If so, what show would they be contacting to return to?
  6. It always killed me that they referred to their house as a dump or a hovel. Shit, they've got a three bedroom house, a huge kitchen, two full baths, a finished basement, a detached garage and a sun porch. As a designer all I could think about is what they could have done with all that space. And Dan a contractor!
  7. And Dan and Roseanne decided to be "spontaneous" on.
  8. D is for David, who's real name is Kevin.
  9. That was me. I worked with the guy's partner so I just quietly pushed around my plate and ate the side dishes. We used to get a boxed pizza kit made by Appian Way. I really miss that sauce, it was not too sweet. Unlike everything today. That's another peeve! Why is everything so fucking sweet? Pizza sauce, tortillas, bread, etc. Just everything. I hates it, precious.
  10. Thanks, Snap. I believe we're all part of The Great Energy and when we pass we go back into it and our energy goes on.
  11. Z is for Ziggy, just because I can't think of anything else and just to get Z out of the way.
  12. V is for Veronica, the doll who didn't like Jackie's hair.
  13. Roams around GC like an out of control velociraptor leaving a path of destruction everywhere she goes. I hope Drinki shoots her.
  14. Crosby, I lost my mom to cancer in 2017. I was with her at the end. She chose to end her life and she did. Our mothers are wise and we relied on their wisdom all our lives and we will continue to remember what they taught us and be thankful for them. She loved you and was with you and is still with you forever. Think of the good times and know that she is watching over you and loving you still. ((((hugs))))
  15. Q is for Q-Tips. Darlene bought DJ a gross of for Christmas.
  16. What the hell happened to the notbillyinamillionyears's redemption arc? "I've grown, I'm a new man, I've learned and I've changed and I'll never, ever fuck you over again Victoria. I swear on all that is holy and good that all I want is the love and respect of my fambly and friends...."
  17. I was once invited to a dinner party and the host asked if there was anything I didn't like. I told him mayonnaise. So we sit down to eat and I take one bite of the fish and I could tell it was cooked with that awful white condiment. I kind of picked at it and he said "pretty good, right?' and so of course I said"oh, yes very nice" and practically jumps out of his chair "aha! I knew it! there is mayonnaise in it, ha ha ha!" Like, just wow dude, way to be a dick.
  18. As a picky eater, I think I speak for all picky eaters when I say, don't tell me what to eat, don't comment on how much I didn't eat or bug me about "oh, you'll change your mind when you've had my (insert disgusting side dish here) it's got more (names horrific condiment) you'll love it!":
  19. Jungles, maybe? Third world countries? I don't know. p.s. meep.meep, is that your tuxie?
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