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Everything posted by MSquared

  1. Okay, I saw this on another board and I am taking it with a grain of salt, but, being that it is ReRon, I can totally see it: I can absolutely see them reRonning "The 2 Todds" if they can ever get SBu back (which I see the chances of as 1 in a 1,000,000,000,000,000) especially because Ron seemed obsessed with finishing it. But, hell, 2 Todds, 2 Jasons, what's the diff?
  2. While it is nice that GH got the cast award, I saw it said elsewhere that it was really FV who does the casting, control freak that he is. They could have been joking, but I can see it too, especially with the number of male underwear models they seem to look for (though RP is getting better.)
  3. A question I ask myself almost every day.
  4. I think they lost me somewhere, or I reeaallyyyyyy haven't been paying attention to anything Siam related. Was there a time his apartment was trashed? And add me to the "OMGOMGOMG I AM JUST SOOOOOOOOOOOOO SHOCKED NINA CAN WALK!" club. Isn't the crazy eye, like, an MSt thing?
  5. You know, it happened to me again today,. but when I look at Levi, all I can think of is young Roger Howarth, with the hair-commercial ready head of luscious locks. He even swept his hair away from his face the same way.
  6. Is this a rhetorical question or are you enjoying your rant, because, I am. The worst part of all of this is...the fucking head writer is a lawyer himself. Really there is no excuse for the legal stuff to be this unrealistic. I really want to know where he got his law degree from. Then, I want the NY State Bar to toss his ass out. And the WGA. And I want a unicorn.
  7. And I second that recommendation. Plus, Sierra Rose makes a few appearances as well.
  8. I remember hearing Roy Thinnes' (ex-Sloan) own mother was not happy he was breaking up Cliki!
  9. That place needs to be firebombed to clean it up. I wouldn't even give it to her, and I don't give a shit about Nina.
  10. I actually enjoyed this episode! Dante giving Sonny hell and Sonny acting like the ass we all know he is. Morgan giving Franco the 411 that Carly will always run back to Sonny, if for no other reason than to wipe his nose. Would have been nice if Michael didn't listen to Kiki and did call Jax. Still not paying attention to the Nina/Silas/ Sam shit. Aww, Sonny may lose his entire family, but he will always have his slagbeast! My two predictions: Levi is the one that ratted out Nathan to the judge (reason #666 for him to die in a fire) and Franco's going to oust Sonny killing AJ because he's feeling threatened by Sonny and Carly's bond. Which could be the best thing I may like about him. It would at the very least pause or maybe even wnth the nonsensicalness of Cranco and land Sonny in jail.
  11. Soap time is always wonky, but Ron takes it to the Nth degree.
  12. Honestly, I haven't seen the real Carly since a certain newspaper publisher jumped bail for his brother's murder and headed to PC after his daughter was in an accident. And she total disappeared with a certain serial killer's tumah. But, hey, LW and RoHo have THE GREATEST CHEMISTRY TO EVER CHEM!!!!! so, there you have it,
  13. I think you can leave reviews as a guest. I get a load of anon reviews for my stories.
  14. This is Ron. He fucks up history like no one I can remember, so it totally buy that he has Ned in on the deal when Bobbie still owns the place. But thank you for clearing something up for me. I thought that he said "Dad". I didn't realize it was Ned.
  15. Man, I loved Ned snark, in anyone, especially Katherine.
  16. Well, Emma still has the didgeridoo her fucking awesome grandfather gave her, as well as the koala's mama. It's something... No, you're right. Fucking bastards.
  17. Personally, I found Joss adorable. And tough. Either that, or Franco is a big wimp besides being a no-talent, jobless, mooching gigolo. It is still my hope that they are writing the asshat as being revealed to be just with Carly to leech off of her. Doubtful, of course, but still. The rest of the show...meh.
  18. Can anyone explain to me like I'm Sonny why Lulu and Olivia were at the funeral? I mean, yes, a number of them make sense (Duke, Anna, Maxie) but really when have the other two ever even shared more than the obligatory crowd scene with Purina? And did I feel an anvil drop when Duke was talking to Anna about their baby?
  19. I at least got my obligatory MS/BH scene before I pop a vein. It's something. Oh, and when the fuck did Sonny give a fuckity fuck about Ric? How many times has he wanted to put a bullet in his head over the years? The stupid, it burns.
  20. They had had a friendship off and on since Lucky's "death". In fact, it was Carly seeing him comforting her that sent the Slagbeast onto Sonny's peen, another time he slept with a woman he loathe (but I digress). I do remember a number of false starts over the years (she was even nice to TB's Carly and Carly seemed at least okay with the idea of whatever they had together.) I believe it was her not being let in on the plan to fake Sonny's death that broke their budding romance up that time. And she was set up as the center of a triangle with Jason and Zander during those year. If it was a mutual attraction, it's been too many years, but I do have to say, I do resent the idea that it was wham! bang! they were in love with no history to back it up. But then again, the only time I have really been able to tolerate her was with Jason during the "walk up X flight of stairs" era.
  21. Another bit of the Best of OLTL: Asa's funeral. I admit, it brought me back to OLTL just to see NF as Joey (and that was a whole lotta treats right there! Joey with Viki and Kevin at Joe's grave, Joey and Dorian, Joey and his sibs!) but I still go back and watch the whole things for it's lovely touches. From Nigel discovering the body and having to tell Renee, et al, to the word spreading to the Buchanan stables, Llanfair, and the world (Max came back! Alex was fishing for money! I know it was Ron's first assignment as head writer and yes, he opened with a bang. The worst thing about it is, he's skated on it ever since. He has rarely had a good story in the years since.
  22. That works. Just ReRon Todd Manning's origin story. Raised by a relative who never really wanted them (or relative's spouse, in this case.)
  23. Look, this being Ron, I really wouldn't be surprised if they doubled back and all that played out. Especially with Sobby going loco and heading to PR.
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