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Everything posted by MSquared

  1. Damn it, no! There was a news break in NYC and I only caught the GH at the end.
  2. I'm not seeing that. All I see with Ned is Alexis with him. I hate that shirt on her. Hate hate hate.
  3. I actually didn't mind Liv today. Point for trying to kick Sonny out of his office. He really doesn't need the extra space (or set.) And, whiny spoiled child, he pulled the Carly card. Hell, Olivia even gets extra point for Monday's preview alone, calling Carly on her undying love of the moobster in front of Franco. I love anyone who will shine a light on it to him.
  4. Duh! Of course. {Slinks away in shame} I loved her as Em. And her and JJ were great together. I never felt skeeved with the thought of them worry about them being soul mates, them in triangles, etc.
  5. First, who is AT. All I'm coming up with is Andrew Trichetta (Jack, OLTL) and I know you're not talking about him! KA's six year old self could act RINGS around her now. I loved demon child Starr. She was a spoiled brat, but she used those powers for good: trying to get her parents back together. And it was rarely ever OTT (okay, animated Starr was) but she acted liked a kid! And while I have never seen more than scenes of KMc, again, great kid actor with having to be made to sound like an adult, Ron, let the kids be kids.
  6. Okay, fine on the first ones, but David was no where near as smart or brave as Jack though, at times, his morality may have been better than Jack's. And thinking of it now, they could both camp it up with the best of them.
  7. That's my hope too, but it dwindles a little bit more, day after day, as we get further away from AJ's death.
  8. Seriously, I'm going to just follow you around all day, liking your posts, throwing down a path of rose petals at your feet. I agree with you so much, re: Guza liking the soap genre. He could tell stories and story arc. Were a lot of them awful? Absolutely. But he wrote them the way they should be written. Ron writes one offs and writes them badly. One day a month--Bobbie and Scotty have been hooking up! But Lucy wants him back! And then, no follow-up for however long after that. All the while, filling the screen with characters we could care less about. And even with those stories, they play for a week or two, disappear for three or four weeks and then reappear as if it was the next day. Drive me batty. Sadly, sunflower, those are not mutally exclusive.
  9. You'd have to be flexible in the first place, which Ron has rarely seemed to have been. And you're right, they could have had the reveal instead of Fluke's lame ass "You'd love to know" when he confronted real Luke at Miscavage.
  10. Still in meltdown mode, I'l be back with the popcorn. See, this is where I get ragey. Yes, asshat, there are supposed to be story arc on SOAPS. If a 10-22 episode season can do arc, why the hell can't a, what, 250+ a day soap do them? That is how most television is written! It's SERIALIZED. Goes back to Dickens. It really is times like this that I do actually miss Guza. Yeah, his stories were repetitive, revolved around three people, and he could be an ass to the press. But I don't remember him being so combative with fans via social media. What does Ron have to say for ABCD to can his ass? Okay, I could see Nik/Robin/Lucky once they had GV. But, my first love with Lucky was young JJ and I loved his friendship with Em, so I saw that growing into more with the added spice of Nikolas.
  11. Robin? Or Emily with Lucky with Nikolas as the spoiler? Robin was kinda aged out of that one for me. (I can see Robin and Nik and Lucky and Em.)
  12. It was said elsewhere that they were going to begin whitewashing Nina, so...guess they had to start someplace. And I'm guess Franco needs a fresh coat himself, because, well, RoHo is soooo good with kids. But, hey, Count Chocula offscreen for two weeks? I'll take it.
  13. What, you don't think it was a brilliant move to make RoHo a reformed SERIAL KILLER? Don't think ANY OTHER CHOICE in the fifty plus year history of this show wasn't "dynamic" enough for an Emmy winner?
  14. Three hots and cot! Thanks, BestestAuntEver! And on that subject, we need to add to the list of those things that are liked that Ron has destroyed...Robin's return. Which, of course, had to be about everyone...but Robin.
  15. In recent years (yes, even under Ronnie!) I loved him matching wits with Helena Cassadine. I don't know if he ever shared a scene with Elizabeth Taylor, but his playfulness with Constance Towers ("Mrs C!") was just the awesomest awesome to evah awesome.
  16. Fylaki, I want to shoot this post in the head! So much right about it, but I have one small point of disagreement, sadly. Soaps are a communal experience with the fans, many who have watched longer than Nimnuts has been around. But I don't really see it as a collaborative effort with the fans, as much as I would like to. Believe me, if I did, I'd be sending off outlines to him about how to better the show myself. Sadly, soap characters have been screwed with by regime after regime on all the shows (though, I have to say, Ron's really giving the GH ones a run for their money right about now.) To an extent, it's his sandbox and he currently has possession of the toys therein (which is another reason why I am so glad he can't get his paws on Todd, Starr, et al). We, as the fans, have a choice of sucking and dealing or taking off for the barge. And a part of me hopes that more do so, and send this show to it's sunset. Sorry, but the last part is just how I've come to feel for the past year.
  17. I don't like Carly and I try to pretend she not fucking the SERIAL KILLER that screwed with her son and best friend. Much rather imagine her and undead!AJ screwing all around town.
  18. HEY! Don't you go comparing that clown to my Captain Jack! I do like David and loved that he wasn't played so much the annoying clod he was under Ron, but Jack Harkness. No...just no.
  19. The scene at the hospital, after Luke got out from Heather's damage, was one of the best. Two notorious citizens, one of whom was responsible for holding the other captive (and feeling guilty about it! Always love Todd guilt),, two powerhouse actors (when they choose to bring it)...it simmered greatly and than...poof. I do think they were going to make something of Todd's encounter with Jason-mask-wearing Luke from that Halloween. I was betting that Todd was being drugged (see PP OLTL Clint) and he was hallucinating, especially because Luke went from the MetroCourt to Louis XVI with Tracy at the Haunted Star in a beat. But GH lost the character (for which I am grateful) and Ron lost his way (even more.)
  20. Oh you saw that writer's...work. Yeah, she has an interesting take on that whole mess. Never seems to have given up on Malone's fantasy.
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