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Everything posted by MSquared

  1. For Sobby, more likely PR. Remember, primo Juan taped just before she began her leave and I think it was even said that he was there to usher her off. I would have wished it was off the show permanently but... As for Rafe, I wouldn't be surprised if they told us what has been up with him via flashbacks.
  2. Like Carly was "pushed" down the stairs by AJ? Is it wrong for me to want Morgan to be the father of Ava's kid? Cause I wanna see Carly's head explode at the idea of being a grandmother.
  3. They should have done Samtrick from the beginning. First, with Robin's "death" and Jason's feelings of betrayal that she didn't tell him about Robin, then moved it on with Jason getting kicked into the harbor maybe bringing them closer. And then add in the complications of Robin's return and Patrick's knowledge of Jaosn being alive. Hell, I'd have even taken a solid friendship, but no, it had to be ignored in favor of Purina and Sambian.
  4. Who was the announcer? I'd love to here someone call out Ron for this shit. And my question is, what is the parents' reactions to this? Do they not see that their children are being given lines that are beyond their age? What 8 year old worries about spending the rest of their lives with some else and that their live will be ruined if they don't get that person? Me personally, I I think I was still in the "boys had cooties" stage at that age. I will say, the kid that places Spencer is cute. And he works well off of TC as father and son. In fact, the only time I can tolerate him now is when he is with Nikolas and Nikolas is doing a modicum of parenting. When the were talking about a story for him, I was hoping it would involve the Cassadines. Maybe Stefan lurking around in the catacombs ore, hell, even interacting with the supposedly coming daughter of Stefan and Katherine. I never imagined the kiddie tri that will be a quad all too soon.
  5. Yes, because I need a three-peat of RH and a dead baby/babyswitch story!
  6. In my mind, they are together and sneaking around PC doing it. And maybe have been found out by, say, Morgan. Not that Morgan's going to squeal on her, but he's holding it over her head and tormenting his brother with it. It is still criminal how they did not tap the chemistry that SK and LW had, because they had it in spades compared to the crap they have Carly with now. But, alas, it was a story with too much GH history and, of course, the head writer for GH is Ron "I love to shit on GH history" Carlivati.
  7. And still first in my hear with this show. The greatest story was that one with the revelation of her being Mikkos' daughter. Her and TG, on the docks, as he told her her tragic history...it still gets me.
  8. Ya beat me. Yeah, that's the rumor. Of course, if it's true, check logic at the door.
  9. Was that write-up a press release from ABC? If so, I will believe it as far as I can throw it.
  10. I have loved Alexis for as long as I've watched the show, going back to 1996 Her and Ned=my first ship. Her in a room with Stefan, Nikolas, Helena and, hell, big Kristina, golden. Her and Jax, something that needs to be gone to. I even love her with Molly and original recipe daughter Kristina (LA). But I do agree that since she was thrown at Sonny's peen, yeah, I see that displeasure. And her and Sam is still something I have a hard time swallowing, especially with the Jerome twist. Much prefer the idea, if they really needed to go there, of having Stavros be the father via rape (as disgusting as the idea is). I am still having a hard time with Julexis because I hate the pattern they threw her in (bad boys--Sonny, Ric, Jerry, Julian). I miss Stefan (but no way in hell would I want them to bring him back with this regime. Thank you, Ron, "I love to shit on GH history" Carlivati.
  11. Is it bad that I want the first one to be true? Let me guess, Franco's going to get a job as a babysitter for Joss, thereby putting him in the line of fire for the kiddie quad. And if Rafe is going to go psycho, he needs to unleash it near Franco and take him out.
  12. I think that, once upon a time, PP was lined up to take GH when and if ABC cancelled it. And if not for their crash, I think I would have loved their vision for the show. What they did with OLTL (I on;y watched a little bit of AMC, never my favorite ABC soap) was so good, they could have done so much great with GH. Alas, we are stuck with Frank, Ron and their brand of idiocy for now.
  13. No, Lillybee, that won't happen because she has her twu wuv, Franco. I am still waiting, hopeful that when the truth does come out (and it will, eventually) Michael will be done with both his "parents", Sonny for killing AJ and Carly for covering for Sonny. I also have to laugh when the two of them keep thinking (along with seemingly everyone else in town) that Michael needs to be protected. Fucking admit you are protecting YOURSELVES from Michael's wrath, not that the kid is a delicate little thing. He's a Quartermaine and a Spencer. Neither was ever accused of being fragile.
  14. Women in general? No. Women they don't create? Yes. Look at who they seem to heap the love on..Sabrina, Dr. O, and, coming soon, Nina. They aren't written like idiots. Sabrina is the bestest thing to hit Port Charles, Dr O had an unlimited supply of get out of jail free cards and Nina, without appearing on (and then waking up) has eaten the show. Meanwhile, Anna, who they were doing a fine job with a two years ago, is an incompetent hypocrite, Tracy is either in denial of or outright can't tell something is up with Luke (and throwing her son out the door for questioning it all) and Carly has morphed into a swooning teenager who doesn't give a fuck for her family. They did this on OL, with having Blair chose the man who held her husband captive for years over said soulmate, wrote Dorian camp to the hilt before throwing her out of town, and even made Viki look stupid. Meanwhile, they forcefed the wonderfulness of Gigi, had the quippy stripper Kim, and had the perfect Manning daughter Dani.
  15. Will have to agree to disagree on Nexis, but my god, what a waste with Jaxis! My second favorite pairing for her, and with the loving family she never got! Though I do admit liking her with Jerry and Rexis until Ram. I just hate that she tends to fall for the psychos (Sonny, Jerry, Julian). But then again, it probably goes back to Stefan.
  16. Though I was residing on the barge at the time, I do believe that Faith was Justus' sister and therefore a granddaughter of Edward. But she never appeared on GH, as far as I know.
  17. Yes he did. And he didn't seem to care until Lila died, because it led him to girlchild.
  18. With the way they treated GF, I don't expect to see her back, with the exception of a GH cancellation. And they didn't do much better by VM. A lot of those read as just repeating what has been said for the past six months: Jax coming with NuNuJoss, Stefan and Katherine's daughter coming, Collins girls coming. I guess we'll just see.
  19. Yes, Lila was the name for baby girl McCall. Sam was pregnant with her when Lila Q died. Liz and Jason...okay, they had been friends since Lucky died and had tried to be together, but something always got in the way. Then, after Sam found out that she was Alexis' daughter and had been seriously injured, Alexis tried to break up Sam and Jason. It worked but Jason decided to try to get back with Sam, only to find her rolling around with her stepfather, Ric. That same night, Liz found Lucky and Maxie the same way. Jason went to his penthouse and Liz ended up there, sharing their sorrows (and a few drinks) and, bang, Jake. As for the Wards, after the death of Mary Mae, there was still Justus and Keesha. After Jason's accident, Keesha and AJ were together but I think she left in the mess with AJ finding out Michael was his and then Carly scheming to totally screw over AJ. Justus stuck around the longest, only to be gunned down in the middle of the neverending mob war. (He was Jason's lawyer.)
  20. My only objection to David/Bo was David got to fucking annoying with all the Pa shit. And I know they were writing David full on camp, but I really wanted to shoot him half the time. And Bo and Nora's wedding? Too much ham. Too, too much.
  21. Makes me so miss her and Ned together. I nearly threw something at my TV when she turned down his dinner invite a few weeks ago. Sorry, Nexis was my very first soap opera ship. And I still haven't let go of it, even fifteen years after they broke up.
  22. With Kate, yes, they did bring it up. (And it was well done. One of the very well written and well acted scenes from the whole OL to GH debacle). I think Todd may have referenced it to Carly as well. But I do specifically remember Viki's case being referred to in the middle of Alexis' mess. And it was one of those tips of the hat that would have been interesting top drop in, especially as Todd had stolen Alexis' grandson. I'm by no means saying it was a good story for Alexis, but if you have the chance to tie in the two shows, do your research and do them. Another tie that was never explored: Robin and Jason met Todd once before. It was brief but they mentioned being picked up in PA by a man in a limo with a scar. It was when they were trying to get back to PC for Brenda and Jax's wedding. Thought Robin wasn't around, it would have been good to have Jason, the brain damaged, but with an excellent memory borg to make that connection.
  23. Wasn't it though, that TSJ didn't really want to be a regular, just come in to finish cleaning up from the last ABC episode? I can understand what we got from him if that was the case. I actually didn't really mind the whole poisoning thing though. It made sense in a way and kept up the theme the two of them at each other's throats (Todd "shooting" Victor, Victor poisoning Todd). Maybe they also hoped to entice him back from the brief return with more story.. And Jase, word, word, WORD! to all the questions you posed about who was Victor. Throw in Todd and Viki to help him look into/explore those questions and again, years of story.
  24. I hated the DID story, but the best part of it was, Alexis using her legal brain to remember a case in Llanview PA as her precedent: Commonwealth V. Lord (or was it Carpenter by then?) The little tip of the hat and something else FrankenRon also ignored when they brought the OL3 over. And two DID fakers shared at least ONE scene together (Todd and Alexis, after the "death" of Sam'd baby.)
  25. Roger Howarth...hands down. TSJ was good for a short time there, but I have a feeling he was getting hamstrung with RH's interpretation of the role. And then, RH showed an interest an coming back (though it took a few years) and TSJ was out of there mentally. RH played the mix of self-loathing, woobie, singleminded and ferocious that was needed for the role. He always brought it with KdP, ES, FL (when it was called for to not be romantic) and KA. He worked well with PJG and made AT tolerable to good. With PP, I didn't even mind him with KM. I have always said, the difference between Todd and Victor was self-loathing sociopath vs. self-congratulatory sociopath. RH got that Todd was a screwed up mess, but he tried to make him a better person. TSJ seemed to revel in Victor screwed-upness. Just watch the night the truth about the identical DNA was played out. Todd was appalled at the very idea that his family would accept he'd do to Marty what Victor did. Vic laughed it off and tried to play the "I thought if she loved me, she'd forgive me" card, which just pissed Todd off more. They could have run a show for YEARS on Todd vs, Victor. And we got a stupid murder mystery instead. And then they tried to tie that into GH. I will forever be grateful for PP, for saving OLTL from FrankenRon. And I got a lot of fantastic Todd vs. Victor, head on, scenes with it!
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