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Everything posted by MSquared

  1. I saw jsbt comment on this in the TFGH thread, but there is a rumor that Tommy Hardy Jr. is coming back to the show. Last week, Maxie taped a few days with an actor, Jamil Walker Smith, AA who is in the right age bracket for the character. To be fair, Helena would scare me if I disobeyed her. And she's not that easy to kill. Ask her stepdaughter and real Luke.
  2. These are all the alleged newbie: Tyler Peterson (Trevor) http://www.magweb.com/picts/nm2202818.jpg Hannah Nordberg (New Josslyn) -confirmed http://www.imdb.com/name/nm6288651/ Kristen Devine (Christina Collins/Baldwin) http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2201032/ Quinn Hunchar (Kailey Cassadine) http://www.imdb.com/media/rm2728373504/nm2727304?r.... Marina Jankowska/i (new Anna Donely) Model Barnett O'Hara (Rafe's dealer) http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3171567 Also, rumor has it they have halted casting Serena to get Carly Schroder back. As always with info from DD, take with a grain of salt. I'm just passing it along.
  3. Woah, I completely forgot that! But they were the brand that Jason and Dillon used, right? Keeping it in the family.
  4. The list of people who need to buy clues on this show could go on forever and ever.
  5. It was the name of the faulty condoms that ended up in Jake and Lulu and Dillons's aborted fetus. They were made by an ELQ controlled company.
  6. But there's no Jason to fight over! Okay, here it goes. I was actually fairly die-hard for Liason through that whole mess. And I was strung along on other boards with "Liason is the story!" I fell hard for the five second engagement. Then, it all went to hell and the next time I saw a lot of PC was when I was strung along again with "The Mannings are coming to PC!" That was the only real time I liked Liz. I could not, could not, absolutely COULD NOT stand Lizzie when she first hit PC. I hated the whole "Liz chasing Luke, chasing Sarah, chasing Nik" dynamic they had going then. Now, I felt terrible for her with the rape storyline, but, as rape storylines tend to go on soaps (see Sayebrooke, Marty), they deified her and she was untouchable for a long time. Now, with regard to Liz, i am like LiRic a whole lot more than I should, can't stand the thought of Niz that may be upon us and am generally back to annoyed by her.
  7. I actually see a little of the Julie Devlin (bio-mom) actress in her.
  8. It was a little goofy, way to rushed, but I have to say, there's something about Tina and Cord's last wedding that I loved. Clint's constant eyerolling and bitching about his son getting back with Tina and Viki's admonishing of him was good, but he stepped up when Cord asked him to be the best man. I also loved the Lord sisters together and smirked at Viki calling Dorian for an assist. And the heartfelt proposal by Cord, Tina's vows and even Nora and Shawn's bet were all lovely touches. I'm in the same boat as Dandesun with the Gold Balloons Wedding. A little too much for my taste. But I think it was great how we were shown, not told (yeah, dig at Ronnie) that they had become Mr. and Mrs. again on PP. Subtle, elegant, romantic and sexy as hell. Really, after all they'd been through, I just needed to see the end result.
  9. Dear god, they're here! The kiddie quad! {runs screaming from her computer} I just can't...I can't even handle the thought of RoHo and NB in scenes together. And, it seems, another Cassadine has arrived. If it were any other writing team, I'd be over the moon. But, it's Ron and he'll fuck it up six ways to Sunday.
  10. I was going to make my own comment on this comparison to Cazale, but yuggapukka said it already. And, as a fan of "The Godfather", please cease from any further parallels between that amazing film trilogy and this tripe. Hell, I'm being generous so no comparisons to "The Sopranos" either. You're really asking this? How many times has her MOTHER been caught in criminal acts and be able to still be running the whole hospital? This is wht drive me up the wall with crime and this show.
  11. I actually liked KA as Starr. Even when she came to GH, I didn't see her in a bad light. I know that a lot of the reason why she was brought along was a sense of loyalty FV had to her. And, as they were bringing RoHo, it made sense to bring Todd's daughter along with him. Together on GH, there were still awesome to me until just about the end. Todd was still Todd around his Shorty. But after Blair left that summer, Todd and Starr were slowly separated into Just Carly/Johnny for Todd and the Young Set Hell for Starr. I didn't even mind MiStarr. I love legacy stuff and the idea of a Quartermaine, without the name and a Lord, also without the name, was a great crossover tool. Now, that it not to say that over the last few years of OL and her tenure on GH, KA's acting skills have, shall we say, diminished. Her six year old self could act circles around her now in her twenties. I also think they threw too much her way (pregnancy storyline, an actually interesting twist of Langston and Cole tossed aside for more Cole). Around RoHo and KdP, I think she was fine. I think the three of them never lost their chemistry. But the minute she was out of their sights, she got lazy and bad. And it's gotten worse since Keeks showed up. The one probably good scene I saw of her was when she first met Franco. RH was still giving off the daddy/daughter chem but she played it right with "Who the fuck are you?" attitude. For the most part, she still has a job because she is still beloved by the EP, who she calls "Uncle Frank". And he still babies her to an extent, when she really needs a swift kick with the realities of being an actress.
  12. To be fair, look at his parents and it's not so great a leap that he turned out this way.
  13. No, because, if they were going by normal lines of succession, the eldest son of the eldest son inherit. Mikkos' son is Stavros, whose son is Nikolas. Victor is Mikkos' younger brother. That is, if they are doing it true to form. But, this is Ron, so all bets are off and they could go your way.
  14. Oh, yes, Cole! Never made sense (Marty and Patrick were having a girl, right? And the whole age thing. Plus the roid rage, the Marty Achilles Heel shit. Happy to see him go off the cliff in Port Charles. Though Hope, no). Also, as much as I loved Starr, even on GH, kid!Starr rocked and adult Starr sucked.
  15. Favorites: Todd Blair Viki Clint Bo And the reasons are all in their interconnectedness. I love Todd and am a die-hard TnBer. Todd and Viki are my super siblings. I miss them almost as much as I miss Todd and Blair. And yeah, I was a Cliki fan. Theirs was the relationship that lasted the longest on the show and I always believed they were a OTP. As for the Buchanan brothers, I loved their relationship as well, especially when JvD came on and they were more often than not on opposite sides. Dislikes: Ford brothers (They seem to be all the same characters and I wished Chandy took them out in one shot.) Dani (Sorry, but no amount of Ron Retconning and PP re-enforcement will make me buy her as Todd's daughter. My story is when Tea came back to defend "Todd", she found a guy she thought was the man she wanted all those years ago finally wanting her and she sprung the kid on him when she got Victor's devotion at last.) Tea/Victor (They're more of a love/hate relationship. I actually love them together, but find them annoying and/or psycho on their own. Add in that Tea had to be propped to high heaven, to even making her besties with Blair, which never made sense to me. The one caveat I have for Victor is, I love him in any scene with Todd and Viki, even when he's psycho and annoying.) Rex/Gigi (Again, the propping. And the fact that Mannings got sacrificed at the altar built to them. Hell, Viki never had a scene with her nephew and godson Jack alone through the end of ABC OLTL, yet she was there for Shane and Rex.) Mitch (He was amusing the first few time, but Ron's sick fascination with Mitch and Jessica was just that...sick. The best thing Ron did in the end was make Jessica a Buchanan again.)
  16. According to this dropper, they've recast the role of Anna Donnelly. And they also mentioned in another posting that KeMo wants out of Sam/Silas/Nina and to be paired with Patrick. Again, I stress, large, large grain of salt here. While amusing and interesting sounding, this person's record is spotty at best. Oh, they also said that Rafe, Ric and Julian would be out, as well as two other males and a female. Still hoping one of the men going is Franco!
  17. Take it with a grain of salt. The IMDB "dropper" posted this. Supposed summer romance shakeups: - Sam / Patrick ( + Robin / Jason in the Fall) - Nina / Silas / Ava (Nina will also show some interest in Patrick) - Serena / Morgan / Kiki - Franco / Carly / Jax - Liz / Nik (sorry Britt and Ric!) - Maxie / Nathan / Anna Donely - Christina / TJ / Molly - Ned / Alexis - Jordan / Shawn - Don't be surprised if, after Maurice Benard returns from vacation in Nov / Dec, Brenda shows up in town. Now, IMO, I am perfectly happy, over the moon at even the glimmer of a Nexis re-pairing. And, if Carly has a quarter of a brain in head, she'd dump the untalented, broke, reformer SERIAL KILLER for the charming, suave, playful billionaire ex-husband. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0056758/board/thread/230628627?p=1
  18. They shared scenes during Franco's whole, "Back from the dead with DVD's exonerating me from any wrongdoing that happened to Michael" party. She was pregnant at the time and he snarked about her getting fat.
  19. I think you're right there, OnceSane. And she has been kissing up to FrankenRon since they go there. She probably realize, if RH goes, there ain't much left keeping her on the show, since she barely interacts with her kids, her mother or her brother.
  20. There was an actor, Jamil Walker Smith, who taped Thursday, ending with Maxie, so it is possible. And they continued on Friday.
  21. If you are thinking of the same board I am thinking of, ignore them, They are all delusional crackpots. They've been on the Cranco baby kick from the minute Franco came to PC. And that was when Carly was still in character and wanting to kill him for what he did to Jason and Michael. This year, for Emmy consideration, there were six Daytime Dramas: AMC, B&B, DAYS, GH, OLTL and Y&R. But the fact that one of those online soaps took the fourth nomination spot over one of the broadcast ones should tell the creative team behind that one that they need to do some changes. And I am not digging on OL. It was far more deserving of that spot that GH. (And I hope and pray that it wins next weekend.) The greatest disaster this writing team has visited on one single character on the whole pre-them GH canvas is Carly. What they have turned her into is beyond character destruction, it is abominable. Like, when I was watching yesterday, I couldn't even comprehend that that was the same woman I saw the day before go toe to toe with Ava Jerome. I almost feel bad that they've brought the character so low (the actress, not so much. She pimped and cheered anything to get herself hooked up to RH. Now, she looks more and more foolish and stupid. See: the Logan exchange from last night.) The soon to be new head of ABCD is the former head of ABC News, who has been eying a daytime slot since the fall of the Revolution and the short-lived GAA in the summer of 2012. I remember reading somewhere that they were testing for a Kathy Lee/Hoda type show for Lara Spencer and Maria Menunos and, IIRC, they worked well together. It was said the show wouldn't be ready for at least twelve months, but that would bring it up around Sept. 2015. I am at the point with GH that cancelling it would be a mercy killing. It has gotten too big cast-wise, has lost what little cohesive storytelling it had and Ron really needs to be canned from the WGA. I also feel the suits are letting them dig their own grave. MHO, anyway.
  22. Funny enough, Ron and SID were getting into it on this very topic today, mundane everyday life vs Ron's usual shit.
  23. Bishop, you make some good points but I'd like to address one: The only reason RH and KA were made Franco and Kiki was they wanted to mine the chem those two have built up over years, having played Todd and Starr. And they only reason they had to put Kiki and Michael together is because KA and CD are a couple in real life. Then, yes, they went through the whole, stupid convoluted process of de-Qing the both of them. But they made them those characters with the past in mind. Though I agree with whoever it is that part of the reason RH is Franco is punishment for going back and doing OL.
  24. I was never a big fan of LW (although I did enjoy Cassie and, was it Richard on GL? But I can't stand her right now as the lobotimized slagbeast. And I am rapidly not becoming a fan of RH's. From what I saw on ATWT, he was tolerable there, but he's shit under Ron's pen. And as Franco, the worst.
  25. What are your feelings on Levi? Solivia? Keeks and Morgan? Cranco?
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