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Everything posted by janeyjay

  1. This is PERFECT. And Show, please give Nicole a friend. Just one will do so she doesn't have to spend her time talking to herself since she doesn't have anyone else talk to.
  2. Jennifer jumping on Eve like a crazed howler monkey and JJ trying to pull her off was pure unintentional hilarity.
  3. Aly, please please please grow a backbone. Rick needed a swift smack with one of your shoes after the way he was treating you. At least Maya had the decency to be embarrassed by his Napoleonic antics -- until he threw some compliments her way and then she just sat there, preening.
  4. Surprised that there wasn't a massive disaster at TBD today with all the anvils falling indicating that John is Paul's father. JJ needs to issue a restraining order for Eve. Also his mother, now that I think about it. Hopefully there will be progress in the Will/Sonny/Paul storyline instead of the major players just rehashing the details over and over. And over. Roxanne, please don't leave us! You can act! You seem interesting! Come back, come back! Lucas and Adrianne. Eh.
  5. I'm about thisclose to sending Eve's picture to Salem University Campus Police so they know what she looks like and therefore escort her off campus when she shows up to stalk Paige. She and Jennifer put the mother in smother. GET A HOBBY, ladies.
  6. Out of sight, out of mind -- we hadn't seen Chad or Abigail or Ben or Jordan for a while. And I'd forgotten about them. Happily. But there they were back again today. Taking up screen time and boring me to tears. I couldn't tell you one thing they talked about since I hit the FF button like it was my accelerator and I was heading for the checkered flag in Daytona. Make them all stop.
  7. Ivy is now pretty much my favorite character on this show. And maybe it's me (quite possibly) but it seems like Rick and Maya have the same conversation anytime they're alone together -- not word for word, but the themes are the same. Maya is supportive, Rick is The Man, Maya is overwhelmed with being a fancy-pants Forrester, Rick is The Man. We get it. Now please find something else to talk about. If that's possible.
  8. As the World Turns was *my* soap -- I started watching at a terribly young age (thanks Nana!) and tuned in up until the very last episode when Bob turned off the light in his office. It's what actually brought me to Days, as I missed having a soap in my life and Days reminded me a bit of ATWT, essence-wise. And PS about Oscar winner Julianne Moore -- she recreated her role as Frannie during the last week of ATWT. That alone will forever endear her to me. Back to the matter at hand -- call me crazy, but I liked the Melanie/Nicole scenes. It was refreshing to give Nicole air time when someone was nice to her, rather than ripping her a new one.
  9. PS from the shallow end of the pool: So refreshing for this woman of a certain age to see men -- Casey Moss and Greg Vaughn -- who have not manscaped to within an inch of their lives. Chest hair FTW!
  10. Jennifer, screeching at Eve: "Finally. I finally found out the disgusting thing you did to my son." Me: *howling with laughter* "I'm not sure JJ would classify that thing Eve did to him as 'disgusting'." These women are seriously too invested in the lives of their children. They need a hobby like knitting or bridge or zumba.
  11. Agreed -- Van Hansis would have made a terrific Will Horton. And we've come a long way since the days of agonizing over Luke and Noah (long long longtime ATWT viewer here) not because of compelling story but because of terrible story.
  12. This just in... per this article, Rosie O is leaving her wife -- and The View. http://pagesix.com/2015/02/06/rosie-odonnell-leaves-the-view-and-her-wife/
  13. Yes, there are problems with this story and yes, there are some things that stretch even soap credibility. But I have to say that it was good to see real soapy soap moments today with the Sonny-in-peril story. The right people (give or take) were involved, the story wasn't in a bubble and there were flashes of good old-fashioned drama. It wasn't perfect, but I actually paid attention for the duration of the whole show -- and I cannot remember the last time that happened.
  14. My kingdom for the scarf Theresa was wearing today. I loved it!
  15. The one thing that I'm digging about the JJ/Eve/Paige broohaha is that Theresa is getting involved -- characters get pigeon-holed into one storyline on this show and integrating Theresa, who's got other stuff going on, into this mess is expanding things. Or perhaps I'm giving the writers too much credit.
  16. Rosie O is sick (get well soon, please!), so Whoopi has no counterpoint/check and balance today. My head hurts already.
  17. Between the way she's treated and the way the show dresses her (today she looked like she was an extra on one of the Real Housewives shows and not in a good way), Nicole just cannot catch a break. However, she deserves better than Daniel, although I'm not sure who that might be at the moment.
  18. And they'd name their blend the Longworth, after Miss Emily's beau, dontcha know.
  19. I didn't realize how much I didn't miss Whoopi lecturing me through my TV screen until just now. Roll it down several notches and take a seat in one of those new fancy office chairs, please and thank you.
  20. Nicole's Big Bird jacket has made a reappearance -- along with some new highlights. And if I look hard enough, I can find a picture of me wearing a sweater/belt combo much like Melanie's -- from The Limited's 1986 collection. Some days, this show's wardrobe department just never disappoints.
  21. Serena and the Papers in the Safe = the new Nicole and the Papers in Her Purse. At least Serena is looking at the mystery documents in (relative) privacy rather than Nicole looking at her documents in the middle of the busiest park in the midwest.
  22. I'm kind of a boho hippie at heart, so I loved Paige's dress. I also really liked the style of Eve's bra -- which is what I focused on while that whole nonsense on the couch was happening. Hoping that Santa will bring Nicole a new jacket, since i'm past tired of the monochromatic Big Bird special.
  23. I like KdP and think she, with the right material, could be a real asset to this show. But you can see her teethmarks all over that doctor's office from where she'd chewed up the scenery trying to sell this wretched wrench-in-a-teen-romance story. Which is both annoying and a waste of talent. I vote send Paige to Stanford for a while and let Eve and JJ explore a Mrs. Robinson/Benjamin relationship.
  24. Whoopi is putting the bully in the bully pulpit. With a subject as volatile as racism, there are no absolutes other than it exists. Invalidating someone else's opinion and, more importantly, someone else's experiences because they don't match up with your beliefs is counterproductive and frankly, it's arrogant. I don't know whether it's a huge chip on her shoulder, a feeling of entitlement or a combination of both -- but whatever it is, Whoopi is not wearing it well. At all. And it's worn very very thin. I don't think TPTB intended for that table to be a place where the majority of people sitting there are uncomfortable at the expense of the attitude of one. At least I hope not.
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