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Everything posted by janeyjay

  1. Hank is the MacGuyver of Medicine. And agreed -- Emma's looking for Eddie. Which works for me as long as with Eddie comes Ms. Newberg.
  2. janeyjay

    MLB Thread

    He was a legend the likes of which we won't see again. As a Rays fan, I can say that he was an integral part of the team as the senior advisor and will be missed greatly. Baseball has lost a giant.
  3. She's just one step away from calling Kristen "Dingbat," Luann "Meathead" and going off to the terlet to power her nose.
  4. Please tell me (a newbie) that there is a giant portrait of Victor someplace to go along with the giant portrait of Stefano. Because if there's not, there needs to be.
  5. Man, I hope there's a "told you so" dance that goes along with this. Abby's weird Photoshop thing made me wonder how whacked our her Instagram account is.
  6. Did they run out of lipstick in the makeup room today? Everyone looks so beige. I find it distracting.
  7. Marcus looks like an actor from my soap whose character was just murdered, so I keep doing a double take when he appears on screen. Andi may have lips for many of these gents, but I think she only has eyes for Josh. The lab of love is about to blow up from all their chemistry.
  8. I appreciated the Gabi confession and the Jennifer blabs to Eric both taking place off-screen. It moved the action, such as it is, along quicker than if we'd seen it happen. Now it's fallout time, which is usually more interesting.
  9. I like Theresa as the resident bad girl -- and think the actress is simply stunning -- but I'm hoping there are more layers to her than just being the BAD GIRL. Don't *hate* Abby yet (probably because I'm new and she physically resembles a good friend of mine) but I can see where she and Jennifer who seems completely humourless ("Daniel, blah blah blah. Yada yada yada, Daniel. Daniel!"), are going to get old quickly. And I laughed immediately upon seeing John Black for the first time... because Smell The Fart is true! It's true!
  10. Now that I think about it, if that picture of EJ and Abby got whipped out one more time, it was going to need its own agent and a contract. And thanks for the welcome!
  11. TWoP refugee and brand new Days viewer... I was a lifelong ATWT (RIP) watcher and found myself missing the soap experience. Y&R didn't do it for me and so I turned to Days, which I'm enjoying very much, both for the soapy goodness and snarkability. I do have one question: it seems that many characters -- Nicole especially -- spend a lot of time talking to themselves. Is this pretty usual and should I just get used to it? Looking forward to chiming in when I get more comfortable with who's who and such...
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