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Everything posted by Addlepated

  1. Still desperately searching for this commercial. I've watched hours of commercial breaks on Youtube.
  2. I've been trying to figure this one out for over 10 years. Commercial around 1997-2000. A creepy old man is walking around his house, looking at pictures of his family taped to the wall. He's happy to be alone, and points out the pictures. There's a vague insinuation that he has made it so that they will never come home again; somehow they came to a bad end. He'd end a thought in a satisfied, sighing "Yah... yah... yahhhhhh." This is what he sounded like: https://vocaroo.com/i/s0obM4TNeOZx I'm thinking it was usually aired on a basic cable channel, like VH1 or Comedy Central. Possibly a commercial for a multifunction printer, which he used to print the pictures? Maybe something like WebTV or Hotmail? Someone else remembered the commercial and says,
  3. I thought it was windburn/sunburn. Most of the men with very rosy cheeks have white circles around their eyes where sun goggles would have gone.
  4. I like to think of Mr. Blanky as a forkupine.
  5. What the heck? They made it a major plot point a couple of episodes ago and then just dropped it.
  6. Did I miss something? Did they ever say what was wrong with Keith?
  7. The only two characters that I thought were remotely sympathetic this season were Max and the other special-op team woman. Everyone else pissed me the hell off.
  8. We are 7 episodes in and I still am not sure what the plot is this season.
  9. I didn't understand a lot of what they were saying even with the captions on. How does one gull around the world? I read the book and, while I was reading it, thought it was boring and dragged on, but after I was done I couldn't stop thinking about it. I've been thinking about giving it another try.
  10. Did we really just spend an hour watching Carrie and her Wacky Mixed-Up Bugs?
  11. I don't trust Bob. Not even a little bit. That scene where Nancy calls Barb's mom and there's a shot of someone listening in? I think that's Bob. He's also the one who gave Will the 100% wrong advice about how to deal with his visions.
  12. Did anyone notice that just before Donna had the epiphany, she saw a lens flare similar to what Gordon saw when he died? I've been thinking of it as a little help from beyond by Gordon.
  13. My husband is complaining that this season has turned into Supernatural and keeps calling the priests "Sammy" and "Dean." I'm more on board with it, but the way they're getting the exorcists to the island seems a bit contrived to me. The showrunners are still the masters of the creepy atmo!
  14. The bit with Bos asking Joe to test the chili because he KNEW Joe hadn't been eating. And quietly hovering until he saw that Joe ate more than just a bite. Bos has his flaws, but I loved him more in that moment because it was so true. Then the part with Joe and Haley in the car, bursting into laughter and then slowly slipping into silence, while wondering if they were bad people for laughing like that with so much grief around them. And I thought Joe was going to lose it at the dinner table, but he managed to hold himself together. Hopefully it doesn't come out in the wrong way later. Donna and Cam talking about the fake things you say just to make the conversation stop - "Hanging in there" - and Cam being nearly incoherent in her grief. Nobody has wanted to break down in front of anyone else and this was the first moment we saw where anyone let it out. This plot with Gordon has been the best since Buffy and Six Feet Under in showing what it's really like to lose someone.
  15. I was choking back sobs so hard I saw spots. I didn't want my husband to worry about my mental health. Man, that was rough. And speaking from experience, Haley is going to have it pretty rough for a few years for not having left off with her dad on a good note.
  16. Does anyone else think that Cameron's going to come up with an MMO? Ultima Online started development in 1995, so it's about the right time.
  17. It looks like they turn over so you can shield the face or show it. So was she showing the face during meetings because she wanted to make sure she only gave them 5 minutes (or whatever)? Or shielding the face?
  18. They played "Doll Parts" by Hole, which came out in 1994. What was up with that watch Donna was wearing?
  19. Couple of things - First, when Chuck ripped his house apart (the bookshelves, not the bookshelves!), it was very reminiscent of when Mike ripped the car apart. Both seemed like insane, methodical activities. Only we know that one of them had purpose and one was a compulsion. Second, I was almost positive that we would find out Chuck was staging the house every time he had a visitor. That's why it took him so long to answer the door, because he had to turn on the breakers and lights. But the scene of him alone, waking up and turning on the light, put an end to that.
  20. The actor who plays the husband looks just like someone to me. Who am I thinking of?
  21. Of all the Bauhaus songs they could have chosen for that ending scene (and I love that they played Bauhaus at all!), this was an amazing one.
  22. Is Dar just feeling schmoopy about Quinn because he diddled him years ago? Is that why Quinn hates, fears, and loves Dar?
  23. Even though she's insanely naive and easily led, I did like the little moment in the scene between Keane and Adal where she sat back in her chair and took a man stance with her legs, instead of sitting like a lady.
  24. Right, like that part in season one where Doing the same plot over and over would be boring. I'm glad they don't.
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