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  1. I do not understand starting a relationship with someone who called the wrong number. FROM JAIL. Isn’t that a collect call?
  2. That whole scene was great. Daphne is adorable. The “with who?” bit at the beginning was great too. Also “well, was he clean?” I admit I don’t really see a problem with hosing down a kid, assuming the water pressure wasn’t high, but I’m not a parent. It’s not that different than using the nozzle on the sink, or detaching the shower head. I do not care about Grover’s high school application process.
  3. Barbara knows about it because Ava made her over with clothes from that closet - it’s next to her office.
  4. Dana asking a security guard if he’d taken Myrna’s cuffs off and him replying “Hell no. I’m scared of her, she keeps trying to bite me” without breaking stride was one of my favorite moments of the episode.
  5. Can any docs or nurses on the board share what’s supposed to happen? Is there a protocol when clinical staff are suspected of using/stealing drugs? Robby sent Langdon home but I’m sure there are formal procedures in place that he hasn’t followed (yet?).
  6. She also clearly does not live solely on the money she makes as a principal; she’s a hustler with more than one source of income. She said her favorite thing to do was take her money to the bank, so I think she’ll be fine.
  7. Yup. “… Okay.” Very pointed. She’s going to hear about that. I’m sure it felt good for her to say, though. That episode flew by. Loved seeing the next shift - I want to know more about the Black doc who said “put me in, Coach.” And I love men who are skilled, so Robby and … Shawn Hatosy (I don’t know his character’s name) stepping up and leading, explaining the protocols, was sexy. The woman who was shot through the arm conveyed so much with her tears. Those tears said “I just wanted to go to a festival, and …” Very affecting.
  8. Well, she DID come around in the end.
  9. The mopping, Jacob falling in the parachute, the librarian saying “This isn’t my first raid!” and Mr. Johnson going full Grandpa Simpson to distract the district cracked me completely up. Me too. Taking away the contraband and firing Ava, OK, but pulling funding? Loved the little boy saying he was so happy to have Barbara as a teacher again. And my mind went to Sister Act 2 when I saw Sheryl Lee Ralph and a ragtag music class.
  10. Simon hollering “Let’s go!” when “Last Resort” kicked in was hilarious. All the reactions to that song were. Yeah, I think he was attracted to her and wanted to see if there was more there. He’s gotten glimpses of her with the students, and she’s come a long way with them. He didn’t let her rudeness fly, and when she let her guard down he thought “okay, I can deal with this.” I could see that. Ava was rude enough (her lack of curiosity about him would be a deal-breaker - I hate dates with men who don’t try to get to know me) that I personally would have said “I’m glad you told me that but I still don’t think we should see each other again,” but I can see people who think differently than I taking the chance.
  11. Someone born and raised in Kensington would have a strong Philly accent. It’s very noticeable to me that Amanda Seyfried isn’t trying it.
  12. I was okay with the crowning, although it startled me. Everything else, I had to look away. I couldn’t watch the needle in the eye either.
  13. I know every word. 😂 That song is catchy AF but if you listen to the lyrics, yeah, it’s depressing.
  14. I kept thinking “stop sending people home! You need people! You can’t do it all!”
  15. I knew a red-headed white guy who is fluent in Spanish because his dad is Mexican - they spoke Spanish at home. White mom, Mexican dad, biracial kids. He loved pulling stuff like that. (He had his dad’s features but his mom’s coloring. Genetics are fascinating. His brother looked more Mexican - darker skin and black hair.) I have a friend from Germany married to Chinese-American man and the kids’ primary language is German. Her kids are all clearly half-Asian so people do double takes when they hear them speaking German. I loved when Garcia looked at Santos with contempt and called her trouble. What was Santos trying to do? Brag? She called Garcia down to tell her and then said she couldn’t tell her? Shut up, Santos. I wondered about that too. I’m a woman so I can’t be in Robby’s position, but I think if I could be, I’d be hurt if my partner didn’t tell me. I’d wonder if I’d done something to make them feel unsafe, that they couldn’t come to me. I really was not ready for that birth. Whew! I think we all saw the Pittfest shooting coming. Robby’s “son” and the GF were so cute. McKay’s ex’s GF needed that smack down. I loved McKay’s line about the prefrontal cortex and then the Gf’s retort of “I’m almost 25” had me going “oh, McKay is totally right then!” It’s very 24-years-old of her to assume she knows more than she does, but that smug attitude has got to go.
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