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Everything posted by ZoqFotPik

  1. Did we really need another episode going over Alluka's rules? They were basically repeating themselves this week. Also, the election grinds on. Really pointless episode.
  2. I guess it makes sense that it would be small, it just seems like the way they present it, the Association would larger. Their headquarters is a skyscraper. It has to be mostly empty. Most hunters seem to be doing their own thing, they can't need that large of a support staff. I guess that might be the point though. Present itself as much more powerful than it really is. There were episodes about compound interest and antique forgery, so who knows.
  3. That was quite the "Hey, It's that guy!" episode. I'm surprised that there are only 600 some odd Hunters in the world. I always was thought it was a larger organization. If the HxH world is comparable to ours, that would mean there is 1 Hunter for every 13 million people.
  4. Yeah, I gave it two episodes. I'm done.
  5. ZoqFotPik

    Us (2019)

    No. It's called protein poisoning or rabbit starvation. I learned that watching "Survivorman" Thanks for making me feel old. Regarding the Jason/Pluto switch, those scars on Pluto's face were way older than a year. This will be a "Just don't think about it too hard" movie for me. It was good, but the explanation regarding the Tethers and a fairly obvious switch prevented it from being great. I was really hoping that Peele would subvert expectations and not do the doppelganger replacement. It is such a cliche. The acting was all around excellent.
  6. Yes they are all dead. Pouf and Youpi died of radiation poisoning and Pitou got her head smashed in. Almost a year and half.
  7. From last week: I never would have expected this show to make a reference to the Execution of Nguyễn Văn Lém. So I guess Gyro is supposed to be an important figure in future arcs of the manga. This week: I kind of figured that Meruem knew he was dying when basically gave up last week. I guess it was kind of nice to see him spend his final moments playing gungi with Komugi. It still doesn't change the fact the he was a monster that thought nothing of killing and was preparing to wipe out large portions of human life. Also, the real leader of East Gorteau retired 30 years ago and the other guy was a body double. I'm not really sure what the point of that was, but okay. One more wrap up episode before moving on to the final arc.
  8. I agree. The only thing I can think of is that they pulled the trigger on calling them back the second they heard the report was in and by the time they realized that they wouldn't have much, things were already too far in motion. And for all we know, this could be what they wanted and everything was prearranged. Rachel probably would have never forgiven herself if serious Mueller info dropped while she was fishing.
  9. Season 4 episode 3. She shoots him in the leg because he was being used as a human shield.
  10. Mixing gefilte fish and pork just seems wrong.
  11. Most of the Arcs have ended in unexpected ways. Gon was unconscious for the end of the Hunter Exam. Gon loses his fight with Hisoka and he and Killua just leave Heaven's Arena. Greed Island ends with a multiple choice test. Only Yorknew City ended in a more or less straight forward way. The King has always been shown to much, much, more powerful than any of the Guards, so he might be able to hold the sickness back better than Youpi and Pouf. Pouf may just be more powerful than Youpi. Also, Pouf hasn't done as much fighting as Youpi. Youpi has fought Shoot and Knuckle, and Knuckle, Morel and Killua. Those fight have weakened him enough to make him more susceptible to radiation . Also, radiation and illnesses affect people differently, so maybe Youpi was just unlucky.
  12. I took as he didn't quite grasp the seriousness at first. He was still saying it was feeling better later at dinner. "Celebrity Skin" is a really dark song though. Read the lyrics. "Just a Girl" fit the scene better. I thought the movie was okay to good. It had its moments of comedy and action, and was well made, but it was really nothing ground breaking. I was surprised that Ben Mendelsohn turned out to not be the bad guy. Having grown up in the 90s I loved all the little touches, with technology and especially the soundtrack. Things that bugged were what happened to the other three Starforce Kree? They were just sort of left on the ship and never mentioned again. We know from GotG that Djimon Hounsou's character survives. Also, weren't there four Skrull? Talos, the Science Guy, "Coulson", and one other?
  13. Have they ever shown an ant cough before? It was a quick thing, but Youpi coughed while talking to Meruem. I wonder if this is a sign he absorbed radiation from the bomb while rescuing the King. It's always cool seeing how Meruem is just completely on a different level than everybody else. He leaves, takes out Knuckle and Meleoron, and returns before either Youpi and Pouf even notice he's gone. Also knows that they are hiding something from him. Well if there was ever any doubt Pitou was dead. Also, Gon seems to have dehulked. Where's Morel? Is he trying to find his pipe?
  14. I think I would have felt more for Gon if they hadn't shown Pitou with Kite's severed head. I am looking forward to the two of them finally throwing down though. Only 6 more episodes in this arc.
  15. If you can find it in your area, Shamier Anderson has a small role in the movie "Destroyer" starring Nicole Kidman. He only has 2 scenes, but it is a very good movie.
  16. Yeah no Not sure what you mean. Are you doubting me? August 10, 2017 In his teens, he was working at McDonalds or something and cut it really badly. It became infected so they had to amputate.
  17. That girlfriend list has been floating around reddit for at least a year and half.
  18. I was expecting this too. So glad that they didn't. I even liked that they made Holt so much better than her that he could have won earlier, but didn't to make a point. I'm glad Gina is gone. I remember last season, I didn't even notice she was gone until she came back.
  19. And we're back. Single threaded too. Can't say I'm surprised. Palm is also back. Only 30 minutes has passed since the start of the attack. Still seems a little low considering all that has happened in the last 14 episodes. Palm, unsurprisingly returns converted to an Ant. One that is supposed to be the perfect warrior. Of course that goes according to plan. She also channels her inner Bayonetta or Bayonetta was channeling Palm. I'm not sure which came first. It's good that she back because the Hunters could definitely use more backup.
  20. Are you referring to the two traffic cops? Other than Northern Ireland and some special units, British Police are unarmed. I was wondering about that too, assuming there was a camera in the police car that she stole when the Dalek was controlling her. I guess she’s on her own for this ... Everyone is wearing different clothes during the scene at the end, so a little bit of time has passed. Hopefully the Doctor was able to clear up what happened. She presumably still has some friends in the British Government and there would be some video surveillance of the attack on the military and GCHQ. She is clearly shown to be loading the police car with multiple boxes and crates, so it was definitely more than just the weapon. You can hear the body dragging so at the very least she didn't rip off the poor guy's arm. Overall, I thought the episode was good. My big issue with it was that the other two guardians served no purpose. They could have been completely removed from the episode and nothing would have changed. I expected that the sword and axe were going to be special somehow and the Doctor would need to use them to defeat the Dalek, but that would have added to an already crowded cast. Also, the scene with the family complaining about the internet was dumb and unnecessary. I wouldn't mind seeing Polly or the two archaeologists return as guest stars.
  21. I'm going to guess Dark Matter cost more than this show. It had way more cgi and special effects.
  22. Renewed for a fourth season. I have to say I'm more than a little surprised. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/van-helsing-renewed-season-4-syfy-showrunner-neil-labute-1170205
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