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Happy to be here

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Everything posted by Happy to be here

  1. This one actually made me really like Lauren. You could really see the Karma and Amy friendship in this one. I like Liam despite the Karma and Liam thing. It isn't Liam chasing Karma it is the other way around. I felt really bad for Amy in this even though I knew she was making a mistake when she confronted Lauren.
  2. Cross post from TWOP I have come to a decision. Although I have felt this season has been written by monkeys who have not watched this show at all; the series finale was by no means awful. I hated the Pete and Myka ship and the show picked all the wrong memories. I would have wanted to see memories I remember for god sake. Each character had defining moments on the show and it would have been cool to see them again but the show wanted to end with the stupid Pyka thing so....oh well. I did like seeing Leena again.... And HG. Hey was HG in a room with anyone of the gang? I think she shot all her scenes at a seperate location being as busy as she is. On the other sci-fi show she is on. I loved Artie's apple scene. This was not a great finale or even a good one...it just wasn't a bad one either.
  3. I agree about the son to a point but I think part of the reason the show never did and just put him in was to show Claudia that she could have the best of both worlds. The show had mentioned a coupe times how an agent was allowed to tell one person about the Warehouse it makes sense that Artie would tell someone close to him like a son but never let him get to close. Let him live a normal life so he could have some kind of normal himself and yet he still has Claudia. The best of both worlds. As for the apple. The smell off apples is that of acceptance. It was gesture by the warehouse. The thank you that Artie was asking for. When The warehouse got blown up and HG saved it that one time her last words were"I smell apples." The Warehouse had finally accepted her or more likely forgiven her.
  4. Stupid writing monkeys and their obvious Pete and Myka ship. OK fine I get why they did it but still. It wasn't enough to ruin the episode or the show for that matter but I still think it was the most obvious thing they writers could have done. I loved the scene where Artie was yelling at the Warehouse and called it a whore. That scene was beautiful and sweet and the kind of writing the show is capable of. I love how Claudia does end up as the Caretaker...eventually just not right now. Of course Myka's moment would have ninjas. And of course Pete's moment would be all the moments because.....well I guess it does kind of make sense because he was a mess before and well the Warehouse made him less of a mess. Hey HG captured Jack the Ripper. Hi HG! Ok Despite my extreme Hatred of the Pyka I still think the show is one of the better light weight fantasy shows out there so I will not be too hard on it. Sitll booooo Pyka. <----Edited for grammar and spelling
  5. The push was kinda obvious but I did like the lines, "I loved only one person in my life, your sister." Was that the first person Arya killed herself on purpose? Because that was a pretty cool killing. "Is he on your list." "I don't know his name." :What is your name." "Gives name." "Thank you?" Sabbby Arya. The talk about Tyrion as a a baby was both very sad and very telling. Cersei really has hated him from the moment he was born and blamed him for their mother's death. It is good to see he has found a champion.
  6. Same here. Though it's funny, I'm normally not a fan of fictional romantic relationships involving lies and deception. I blame my love for Tatiana Maslany and Evelyne Brochu. The fucked up relationships are the fun ones. I love these two because they so clearly have feelings for each other but neither know where they stand with each other. Cosima knows she is sleeping with her Monitor and Cosima is between a rock and a hard place with Dyad. I am pretty sure she knows more then she is saying but does actually love Cosima. This is so going to end in tears....probably mine.
  7. I think alot of it has to do with self awareness at an early age. All (or most) children are told by their parents that they are special, unique. What it must have been like to be raised by the Duncans and told the exact opposite. Parents are supposed to protect their children and i am almost positive that The Duncans had no problem running tests on Rachel, The line about her not being exempt from the project made that pretty clear. I am not sure what her endgame is and that is actually what makes her interesting. I know power comes into it but is it just Power or does Sarah and Kira play into it somehow? Kira the daughter of a clone someone who actually is special, unique.
  8. Well everyone has been lying to her and daddy is the one person who hasn't lied and her big thing this season is "don't lie to me." So it makes sense and better then that it is interesting, I really loved the Oliver/Felicity stuff and was kinda heart broken at the swichero. Still think Felicity is the one he loves.
  9. I was bound and determined to hate this show and it has become my favorite thing...and I hate sitcoms. I am loving Amy's storyline right now. I rings so real to me. I think MTV's marketing was brilliant. People watched to see the trainwreck. That's why I watched. Like I said, I don't usually watch 1/2 hour comedies. I watched this because it sounded awful and offensive and I didn't want to miss it but instead what I got was insightful, beautiful and bordering on brilliant. There are a few things I would change. I am not sure where the show is going with the Karma and Liam storyline and where it can go with that. I would hate the show forever if Amy is not gay. Karma's sexuality is up for grabs. Honestly a part of me would like her to be a heterosexual and in love with Liam who is in love with her and break Amy's heart because that would be true to live as well. Oh yeah and I liked the girl Amy went on a date with and I liked their conversation, Anyway good episode in a string of good episodes.
  10. Yes Emma is saving an innocent woman from death and I would have actually been ok with her leaving the woman in the Enchanted Forest to her own devices but that is NOT what she did. She brought her to the FUTURE wherewe aren't actually dealing with the Evil Queen anymore. And yes she has done some awful things but if we are talking about the kind of justice some of you are looking for we might as well execute her in the middle of town right now and end the show because that is all you will be satisfied with or seeing her suffer pain and sorrow and more pain. The truth is that Emma had no reason to bring the woman into the future and shouldn't have done it. She had been told several times not to by people who knew better that there was bound to be consiquences. Honestly I am not sure there was a right move here and that is the problem and kinda why I like the show. I don't think Regina is a bad guy anymore and don;t want her to backslide into bad guy territory which is why I am not liking the story. Honestly I am hoping the show doesn't take the easy road and does something a little more clever with the storyline. I just didn't like the way it ended but I did like the parallels with the conversation with The evil Queen having the conversation outlaw Snow about consiquences and then Emma and the same thing.
  11. Enough good Whedon moments to keep me entertained. I loved the FitzSimmons scenes and the stuff with Coulson and Fury. The May/Ward fight was fun. Skye doesn't bug me like she does others so I am ok with her impending storyline. I will be back next year.
  12. One thing that I found interesting. The Evil Queen told Outlaw Snow White when Snow told her that she was just a child that Snow had not learned the basic lesson of life that actions had consequences. I think that is a theme of the episode because it seems neither did her daughter. Even being told several times that changing the past is a bad bad thing and maybe letting the nameless stranger die was the right thing to do but Emma just had to do "the right thing" and save her. That is the weird thing about the Charming in general. They will do "the right thing" no matter who it hurts. Anyway Emma was warned...Emma was warned alot not to mess with the past but of course she had to and of course their actions are going to have consequences. I actually don't blame Regina for being angry at all.
  13. I am going to say it once and then let it go. The one thing I didn't like about the episode was the Marion thing. I honestly like the Robin/Regina pairing and I liked the story arc Regina this season. THere was just something about the ending the just didn't feel right to me. I get the parallells with Snow and Emma and how they both messed up Regina's happy ending. I get how Regina was technically going to execute Marion so this is kinda her fault anyway but Emma was warned about messing with the past so I can see how all this will bring about the Evil Queen again, Is that the intentent or are we just adding a road block in the Regina/Robin Hood storyline. Because really Emma you were warned several times and I like Regina as a good guy. Ok I will let it go now. I said my peace.
  14. I enjoyed myself. I liked all the scenes with Snow and Charming and I actually like Emma and Hook as a pairing so I was ok with their stuff as well. I liked how the some things chanced but some things didn't how Emma couldn't help but recognize people and how they were like "Who are you." Poor Regina. Just her luck that she finally gets her heart back and her true love and then Emma just happens to bring Robim's wife from the past. Does this mean we will be getting the Evil Queen back? Elsa from Frozen? Of course Elsa from Frozen. Ok I have already seen the movie so at least I will know what is going on. All in all not a bad season finale.....but Emma seriously you are from this Realm have you never seen Back to the Future. Do not mess with the past. Bad Bad things happen You were warned. Several times.
  15. And a very good title for the thread because as much as I love the pairing and I ship them the description is very fitting and unfortunately true.
  16. Because of course the Duncans would want to raise at least one of the "original" clones which I am assuming Sarah and Helena are. Then shite went down the child got replaced with Rachel and it explains the style of childhood rearing because if they knew they were no longer in possession of an original and "A' being scientist they would of course raise the child differently and "B" being heartbroken parents not being able to show love to the wrong child. It makes senses in a twisted Orphan Black sort of way, I love you show. Never change. He improvised rather well though.
  17. I think its about time we dust off Donnie's torture chair.
  18. Every so often she does say something smart. I liked her during the Star Wars episode when she kept spouting out Star War trivia and say what you will about the pairing but she does still have chemistry with Leonard it isn't hot to trot chemistry but it is old married couple chemistry which is....interesting. Plus even now her scenes with Sheldon are usually still worth the price of admission.
  19. I like Laurel. It doesn't mean I ship her with Oliver but I don't outright hate the character, I thought her storyline this season was fascinating and I liked her this episode. I thought it was realistic that she would give a "go get um" speech to both Oliver and Sarah two people she has a long and complicated history with; two people who she loves and love her. Again I am not sure I want her paired off with Oliver (I am so much for Felicity and Oliver) but I do not get the outright hatred of her character either.
  20. Remind me not to buy any property in Starling City. Property values must be hell. Seriously dude after that speech by Felicity if Oliver doesn't pick her he is an idiot. So if Thea shot Malcolm do you think he will be proud of her?
  21. I like that the pace is fast. It fits with the 1/2 hour comedy. I would have gotten annoyed pretty quick if the show stuck with the whole Fake lesbians" story for a whole season. It looks like it is going for more the who is faking what with who angle. The is a whole lot more interesting. Karma may be faking being gay but Amy sure isn't. Liam may be faking some things of his own as well. (I think that tech company lady may be his mother or a relative of his) I actually really liked Oliver and would like to see more of him. If this was a different show....oh hell I like him on this show. He would make a good double tripple secret beard for Amy.....or just a good friend. I mean he is one of the few boys she doesn't want to poke his eyes out with scissors.
  22. I kinda get it. Ward and Fitz had a couple bonding/bros moments and Fitz strikes me as the kind of guy who when he bonds with you it is forever. He is a bit like a puppy that way.
  23. How to build a Ward. "Looks like the jokes on you." I have never been more proud of Fitz. So Skye's parents are monsters.. <Enter joke here>
  24. I like NotEvil Queen Regina. I really like her storyline this season. If evil is made and not born then so is good. Hey looky here. The Charmings may actually get to raise a kid. Good for them. Considering the main story was about Dorothy I thought she was not used very well. Is she even in Storybrook? Maybe next week? Don't really care about Rumpy and Belle. One way or another don't really care.
  25. I don't think it's necessarily thin, but I do think it's the most direct/clear cut plot: Find A Cure. So, there's not a whole lot of twisty ZOMG stuff that's going on. This tends to be an actiony show. (Well except for Allison which is usually comedy) and Cosima's storyline right now is being used to explain the science aspect of it. I am not sure if it will spend the entire season that way but either way I kinda like the scenes with her and Delphine.
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