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Happy to be here

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Everything posted by Happy to be here

  1. So Piper and Larry are ove. We find out the beginnings of Vee and Red. Oh Boo you traitor you. Piper's scenes with her family were interesting. They all want her to be the person she was and Piper knows she is no longer that person for better or for worse.
  2. From the beginning we see Lorna as a woman in love planning her wedding to her fiancee for when she gets out of prison. It seems nice and happy and normal. She had the occasional sex with Nicky but that is more out of a sense of loneliness then anything else. She is gay for the stay and calls it off when things get too intense and it is then that Nicky brings up the first red flag that Christopher has never been their to visit her. Nicky thinks that Christopher is a figment of Lorna's imagination and it is a good assumption that a good portion of the inmate population believes the same thing. Lorna keeps talking about a man no one has ever seen. However this episode brings the truth which is far darker and interesting. Christopher does exist and Lorna has been stalking him for months...maybe even years but is probably in prison for credit card fraud. I don't think she would be in a minimum security federal prison for stalking....the bomb making maybe. Credit card fraud is a federal crime though and because of the stalking she got a stiffer then usual sentence. It is her first offense so I can see her having a good lawyer and getting put in minimum security instead of max. I am just letting that one go for story sake. No one in Litchfield knows about Lorna's stalking because if they did they would know about Christopher and why he never comes to visit and the conversations she has with people and the looks she gets from them would be very different. Despite a few flaws. The van in front of the house...etc. I thought this was one of the more fascinating episodes of the season. Plus I love the scene between Piper, Big Boo. and Soso when Piper tries to sell Soso for a blanket. A whole other hole indeed. <---Edited for typos
  3. I don't think Morello is a racist. I think she is more ignorant then racist. She is ignorant to the fact that what she is saying is racist. I know people like that.
  4. Pornstache ia back in the building. I Genuinely enjoyed the conversation between Nicky and Fischer. So Cancer lady's name is Rosa. I never knew that....and we get to see her story, Bank Robber and the boy she was talking to lives. Litchfield really is falling apart isn't it?
  5. So are we thinking Fig doesn't know that the prison is leaking money like a sieve...and her husband is gay? Wanda Bell and Scott (what is his last name) two guards in love...good for them Black Cindy story was interesting. Polly and Larry?....ok. I liked the advise Nicky gave Poussey. Compassionate leave...that doesn't seem too compassionate to me when there is no one to take care of you and nowhere to go. Can I get a copy of that newsletter? The bad thing about Netflix system...is that I am trucking through season 2 so damn fast.
  6. Its interesting that the blacks and hispanics are banding together while the two white groups are falling apart. Red has lost her grip on power of her group and they refuse (with good reason) to forgive her and the same with Pennsatuckey and her group. Leanne likes the quiet and her new power and their is no one to lead Red's group which leaves a pretty big power vacuum among the whites. I wonder who is going to grab for it?
  7. Good villians are hard to find. Plus we still don't know what Vee really wants. Is it just power or is it something else? I am really enjoying her scense plus I am liking anything with her and Red. Nice to see the older actresses getting some meaty stuff.
  8. Does it make me a bad person that this episode made me love Morello? I liked her before but now I actually love her. I was afraid that she wouldn't make it back in time for pick up and she would be in real trouble. Episode does explain why Christopher was never there for visitor's day.
  9. I never thought Piper was annoying. I thought Piper just asked questions that probably we all wanted to be asked that really shouldn't have been asked because really...prison but yeah Soso is so Piper's Piper.
  10. I love you Netflix. Lesbian sex scene that goes on for more then a second that is actually kinda hot. A broken hearted Poussey just ain't right. I want my own Moppet! ITs actually a pretty good description of Larry and Piper. The Moon and the Sun. The moon doesn't have its own light but you can walk on it. The sun is bright as fuck but you burn if you get too close. And also a good description of Alex and Larry. Manipulative, gorgeous psychopath ex and the sweet, kind, unfocused fiancee. Say what you will about Red but she is resourcefull.
  11. Then we have people like Taystee who spent her entire life looking for a family. Is she better off never having one and being left to the streets and someone like Vee who pretends to love her but only uses her? Suzzanne's mother tried to love her but failed not because she didn't try but only because she was unable to understand her needs.
  12. Lorna's n obsessed stalker...I love it! But yeah I think her actual sentence was for mail fraud or everyone would know that Christopher was not real...or really hers. That is not something you can hide in a prison full of women. I think the stalking just got her a heavier sentence then what she would have received. Although technically you can receive a stiff sentence for mail fraud (I think up to 20 years) that tends to be given to those who are already criminal. If not for the stalking she probably would have been given some serious probation. Probably but you can fanwank it to say that Morello had the job for awhile and that Figueroa is cheap and dipping into the till herself so she saves a little money by budgeting for a single guard for these types of things and since Morello is soooo trustworthy..... I felt really sorry for Poussey. Did Piper just try to sell a girl to Big Boo for a blanket? Welcome to the dark side of the force Chapman. What is Red up to? Is she trying to sneak out or get something in? The vagina scenes were funny.
  13. Nobody smokes anymore. Most of the time I can fanwank it but in prison shows it gets kinda glaring. Suzanne has always been fun and it was nice to see her back story and seeing the last few moments of the EPICFIGHT does explain a few things. I guess Suzanne's mother wanting her to fit in so much and trying so hard did have a weird reverse effect of Suzanne's personality. I loved all of Piper's scenes. LoneWolfPiper. I felt sorry for Lorna. Lorna isn't a racist, at least not an overt one. And yes this is so going to be the season of race and tribe now that Vee is in Lichfield the blacks have someone to lead them which have been lacking until now.
  14. The whole point of the opener was is Piper going down for Pensatucky's death. I know most of us knew ahead of time that Taryn Manning was a regular for season 2 but still the point of the plane ride and most of Piper's stay in max was not knowing if she had killed someone. As for this episode I found a good deal of it disappointing mostly because Taysee was my least favorite of the original cast. I however like the Diaz stuff which I usually find blah. This episode however was interesting and entertaining. Red has always been one of my favorites and I like her storyline and that it is following along a logical progression from losing the food truck for the Russians. That cannot be good for her.
  15. Wow that was intense but still kinda funny in the sad/funny way this show sometimes is. I liked that Piper was a "good girl" at one point in her life. The littlePiper flashbacks were well done. Now I see how they are going to have Alex absent for much of the season and NOT have Piper be lovelorn over her. She's going to be PISSED which give Larry a chance gain some ground; not that I like him or anything. I liked the male inmate and Piper's reaction to finding out he was a hitman. "Oh good I thought he was a rapist." Hi Lori Petty. Bye Lori Petty.
  16. Ooops typo on my part. I keep mixing up Amy and Lauren's names for some reason. Anyway my point still stands. i like the story better if AMY is gay and Karma is straight.
  17. I know there are alot of people who want Karma and Amy to end up together but the show actually works better if Karma is straight and Lauren is gay. It is more true to life. How many lesbians have fallen in love with their straight best friend and had to pick up the pieces when they didn't feel the same?
  18. From Season 1 Finale: The Colonel Arkady: Besides, if you are wrong we would be giving up the greatest intelligence success since we got the atom bomb. Claudia: That's what we always say right before our people die for nothing. The next thing we say is, "It was so obvious."
  19. Ahhh but do they? Helena is back with the Proletheans and back to baby making duties. The show wouldn't be Orphan Black unless Alison was getting spied on. I loved the scene with Rachel's father (Dr. Duncan) I love the idea that yes he and his wife loved his daughter and were going to raise her as a functional child but were stopped by Leekie. It is Leekie who is once again the bad guy. I am still trying to figure out Leekie''s play here. Is he trying to play both sides against the middle so he can have all the marbles? Is that it?
  20. Who ever said any of it was about getting arrested with her? She might actually love Hannibal. She has a history with him that has yet to be explored . My guess season 3 will explore it.
  21. Old expression. There is a thin line between love and hate. Hannibal asked Will. Do you think you will change me. Will responded. I already have. I think Hannibal loved Will which is why he felt so betrayed by will and I think Will loved Hannibal which is why he went to such extremes to catch him but still gave him a chance to run.
  22. Alana did manage to call 911 and whoever the the 911 operator sends is going to walk into a bloodbath. Cynthia Nixon's character (I forget the character's name) is seriously going to be eating her words when she finds out what happened during the last supper. She really should have listened to poor blind Alana. For once she was right. I actually enjoyed that conversation. My guess (and this is just a guess); between the cops chasing both Will and Jack and the the 911 call made by Alana, it's not long after Hannibal leaves that the police show up at Hannibal's home of blood and horror which means at least Will and Jack survive. Alana and Abigail's fates are up for grabs. Serious water imagery. Best was when Hannibal walked out of his ouse into the rain. I guess the rain washed away his sins (and the blood).
  23. I thought that was awesome. I loved the cameo by Gillian Anderson and I hope she gets to appear in season 3. I loved the beginning of the episode and the end of it. The middle dragged at parts but the front and back ends more then made up for it. The final conversation between Will and Hannibal when Hannibal finally let his mask fall and WIll saw the full extent of him was chilling. I loved it. Poor blind Alana. Finally you see and you are brave and you die. Abigail! I am so glad this show got renewed. It is way to good to be overlooked the way it is.
  24. But that's the thing. That's not what they want to use her for. Its the next generation of spycraft. Elizabeth and Philip have to go through people like an ambassador and Poor Martha to get information. They would never ever ever pass the background checks themselves.....buuttttt Paige would. Paige is an American citizen born on American soil who went to American schools. She is the wet dream for Mother Russia. She could quite literally be Stan's boss. Be CIA, FBI or a future President's press secretary or hell a future President. The Centre doesn't want a spy they want a double agent. <----Edited just because.
  25. Its the exact opposite for me. I thought it was a bad call because I wanted to feel an emotional connection to the final episode and because i had no emotional connection to any of the teams "defining moment" the final episode felt empty to me. It felt random.
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