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Happy to be here

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Everything posted by Happy to be here

  1. Margot couldn't really go to a Sperm bank because Mason controls the family assets. He pays for EVERYTHING, including her therapy. If she went to a sperm bank he would know because they aren't free. The second reason she couldn't go to a sperm bank is because they take time and they ask pesky persona questions. They don't have drive through windows where you order what you want and they hand you sperm. The third....is more storyline. We would have missed the creepy as all hell and therefore the best ever sex scene. I have no problem with Margot a lesbian having sex with a man if it makes sense and there is no magic penis involved. (She is not suddenly loving the boys) This was an act born out a fear, we did just witness first hand what she was afraid of and she wants a baby ASAP. Will is a good choice.
  2. Well I'll say one thing about Freddie, she looked yummy. What was all that sex....Including the stag...was that a five way? Margot plan for killing her brother. Sex with Will. Have a boy baby. Kill brother. Get inheritance. I've heard worse plans. Hope the baby's a boy. Line of the episode "This is my becoming and it's yours."
  3. Not really. Not during the Res Scare and not when they are actual communist. Elizabeth is a true believer and having a real discussion brings up a whole can of worms they do not want to bring up. As much as it would be riveting TV it would not be true to the era or their personalities. As for Paige it is not her religious beliefs that bother me. It is the sudden onset of teenage rebellion. Giving $600, forging your mother signature, going away to camp not for weeks (which is the norm) but for months. That smells fishy to me.
  4. Is it me or did Paige Dress like Nancy Reagan this episode? That alone give me pause. When a teenager changes their dress that much there might be a problem.
  5. I have a cigarette after both sex and murder too. Paige continues on her way to becoming the most insufferable and therefore the most interesting teenager in memory. I mean really....religious summer camp. I know there is such a thing but this one sound sketchy to me. The whole thing sounds sketchy to me. I totally forgot about Annelise. So what is the plan with her. Have her be new sexspy for MiddleEast guy who is now head Middle East guy. Oh yeah what could possibly go wrong with that? Stan gets closer and closer to the truth. Too bad he is sleeping with the enemy.
  6. Well my Aunt (who now lives in Australia) never grew out of her hippy faze. Gave her kids some what hippy names (I forget what they are at the moment lost touch with her over the years) anyway I can see the ones who never grew out of their liberal artsy hippy ideals becoming like Karma's parents. It does happen and I love when it happens realistically on television. I love big world television.
  7. And the show has veered away from train wreck and is speeding towards my new favorite thing. Amy has officially become my hero. Karma is an idiot. Are we supposed to LIKE Karma because I am not sure I do. Maybe because every time she kisses Liam all I can think is "YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!" I am NOT a 30 min comedy person, but this seems to hit all the right notes with me. So far. Ha! Glee slam!
  8. Well if everyone in town is as breakable as Nick Ford then Dylan should just grab a gun and hop on the nearest horse (motorcycle) and head over to zane's Hideout. He'll be controlling the entire marijuana biz in no time at all. At least now we know for sure who killed Miss Watson (I miss Miss Watson.) It was a real shame that she died so soon. I honestly wouldn't have minded having her around for a little longer. I am sick and twisted that way. HI Mother! Best sight visual of the episode was watching Norma jump up and down frantically on camera (with no sound) trying to get inside Dylan's drug office. THat was just funny as hell. I am starting to really freak out about Emma. I am not really sure what to make of her anymore. On any other show I would just think she is a nice girl who has had enough of the constant crazy but this last episode she has frightened me a little. (Does she even have a family of her own?) There is just something off about her lately. Question of the night: Would Norma have asked Norman to commit murder to save Dylan's life?
  9. Rules. Light obeys the rules. Dark doesn't. Look at what Snow and Charming have to be willing to do to get back to Storybrooke. They have to enact the dark curse which means Snow has to crush the heart of her one true love. I am not sure light magic could have done the same thing and not sure how believable it would have been to do it. Now stoping Zelinda that is different. I can see Emma being the Savior being born of "TWU WUV" having enough light magic to counter act the dark. She was able to stop "Who was it again" from taking out her heart. However as magic goes; black magic tends to be cooler then white magic. (At least in theory)
  10. I am liking this season alot. At least alot more then last season. What I liked most: 1. That it was Snow and Charming that actually cast the dark curse this time. 2. That Regina was the one to actually break the curse. The deep irony in the relationship between the two families is always amusing. 3. I actually found Henry bareable in this episode. He was season 1 uhhh charming. I like him when he is like this. 4. I am started to really ship Regina and Robin Hood (Sorry SwanQueen Shippers) 5. The Comedy was fun. "I'm helping!" 6. Neil was the one who sent the remembering potion to Emma. What I found Meh 1. The conversation between Snow and Emma. It has been done over and over. We get it. Emma's life was good in NY and she didn't actually want to come back. 2. The heart thing was necessary but weird. I love the pairing of Charming and Snow but this time it was a little too over the top for me.
  11. So is GoT telling an Oedipus story with demons now? Because a baby left out in the cold is kinda how that story began. My favorite storyline is always the Dany storyline and again it did not disappoint. Slave rebellion and crucifiction. Its funny the only person who actually ever thought Tyrion killed Jeoffrey is Cersei. Sansa is finally getting smart. Wonder how long that will last.
  12. I think Delphine and Cosima have super chemistry but they are in an odd place right now. Delphine is trying to get Cosima to trust DYAD and Leekie. The scene where the three of them were together came off as awkward as all hell; but I think it was meant to. I thought the brief time when Delphine and Cosima were alone they had super chemistry but then Rachel had to come in an ruin it and dismissed Delphine (who couldn't get out of their fast enough.) I think right not Delphine is in a difficult place but that doesn't mean she doesn't love Cosima and doesn't have chemistry with her.
  13. I agree that Donnie didn't really have to be that good in the past. What did he really have to do to an unsuspecting (alcoholic/Drug addict) wife? All he had to do was give an occasional report and let an occasional creepy scientist in to take a blood sample. easy peasy. Now that Allison has become self aware (hell she is more aware of what is going on then he is) it is become more evident how incompetent Donnie really is. Its rather fun.
  14. Kissing interuptus. Not cool Rachel. I was hoping Cosima and Delphine would make crazy science together in the lab. I guess I have to settle for you being vaguely menacing. So we continue with our theme of science v religion with Darth Vader on both sides. It is a new day indeed. Oh Alison. You are on the verge of completly falling apart, aren't you. That sober thing you were trying didn't last long. Still figuring out your husband was your monitor plus. Might be a minus that you kinda sorta killed an innocent woman....ooops. Still you are the lead in a play that I would pay real money to see, if you can hold it together but with Felix out of the picture not holding my breath. Mrs. S. Is a badass.
  15. Well Crawford's wife (I forget her name) could technically be considered a patient. She was dying and basically committed suicide right in front of him and he let her only to "save" her life the very next second just to keep Crawford loyal.. Honestly if he had a sex addict or a drug addict they would need to be interesting (or so far out of control that controlling them would make it worth it for Hannibal) and he would tell them to have the sex act and do that drug. I haven't read the books and although I have seen the movies I am not really that versed in the stories so I don't really know all that much about Hannibal's actual Diagnosis except the obvious one but this version on Hannibal might actually be a hedonist. Do whatever you like as long as you get pleasure out of it. Hannibal gets the most pleasure out of manipulation.
  16. Martha is one of the truly good people on the show. One of the few people without a secondary agenda. She wants "Clarke" to be happy. She wants a happy marriage. She wants to go to work and be recognized for her job. She doesn't understand why she is getting none of these things. Its funny; I didn't particularly care for her in season 1 but now the more she is on my screen the more I am liking her and the more I am wanting her to get all the things she wants; but this is not really the show for that. It is more likely that she will outlive her usefulness and Phillip will have to kill her. Whether he will or not is the question and where I come up with weird little scenerios on how to keep her or.....lose her.
  17. Hannibal is a collecter of psychopaths. By curing them he allows them to fulfill their potential and become the fully formed killers they were always meant to be.
  18. Sooo we've veered completely from the books then? Even Steven As got to be the two greatest words Will has ever said. Loved the conversation between Will and Margot when they were talking about their "private carnage". Margot trying to kill her brother and Will trying to kill Dr. Lecter and then Margot saying to Will that he probably didn't get her advise ,"If at first you don't succeed." The look on Will's face was priceless. I now officially ship those crazy kids. Wait! Did she say she was gay? Oh well.
  19. I am torn. I like the main character; actually I really like the main character. her shrink and her niece/daughter. Everything else is trite and predictable. Not sure about this one. Honestly I would have liked it better if the show was more about the woman's mental illness and less a soap opera about her family and another House Hybrid. May give it another episode but I don't think I will stick with it for long. Pity. I really like the main character.
  20. Also, if Mary is the top Witch if you will, why is she still listening to Tituba? From the beginning, the latter was telling her what to do and urging and persuading her...why isn't Tituba the head Witch? My guess...she is black. Also my guess there is some other evil (IE I Once Upon a time shit) going on that Tituba doesn't want to do. It is easier to lead from the shadows and disappear when the shit hits the fan and point at the evil evil witch who made you do those bad bad things.
  21. The pilot just appeared on Hulu. Not sure how long it will do that but for now I am enjoying the show. It is just twisted enough to make it interesting. It has a nice American Horror Story vibe. I like enough of the characters. I will keep with it for as long as Hulu keeps it on.
  22. I didn't watch this show right away because the idea for the show kinda scared me a little but now that I did I have come to the conclusion that it will either be the best thing ever or the trainwreckiest train wreck in the history of train wrecks. Either way, I am in for at least a few more episodes before I decide which one it is.
  23. I am not sure why her personality came off as annoying at first but now it comes off as sympathetic. She is one of the few truly good people on the show. One of the few people without a secondary agenda. She loves Clarke . She wants Clarke to be happy and she doesn't understand why he isn't. I am actually finding their storyline incredibly fascinating.
  24. Poor Martha. She actually really really loves Clarke. I feel really really bad for her. She is a good woman being used in a really bad way. Poor poor Martha. Sandra is cheating on Stan. I'd feel bad for Stan but he's been cheating on Sandra...oh hell and his country for awhile now. Speaking of...the entire speech with the other guy about betraying his country. I mean once you hear the words "I will never betray my country." You can pretty much gaurentee the person is gonna betray their county. But Stan's was the perfect reply and perfect for him, "No one ever imagines they will." Paige continues to act like a unruly teenager. I liked both her parents responses to the money thing. I actually thought Phillip was going to kill the Priest their for a minute. I was surprised at Elizabeth's response. It was rather....parental of her. Poor Henry is being ignored again. Maybe he should start breaking into houses as a career choice. It is the only way he gets any attention.
  25. Mary-Sue Poots? Did Joss Whedon just pull a season long funny on us all? Good one Joss Whedon. Good one.
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