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Everything posted by meep.meep

  1. On the other hand, I find it kind of sweet that so many people are voting for Alexander. It's the one direct action they can take to help him on the show, and bless their hearts, they are doing it. But it did seem strange for him to win *again* this week. Korina doesn't have a leg to stand on in the Tim Gunn Save-gate. It's his choice, it's not supposed to be fair or even defensible. The person he wants to get it, gets the save. It turned out to be Char, not Korina. And if she had a problem with the extra time to fix the zipper, Korina should have said something. But she didn't. So, she should stop harping on how Tim "saved Char twice." She still could have gone home last episode. It was delightful to see Amanda and Kini's teamwork - the moment they knew they had to rework the garment, they started figuring out ways to do so. No deep sighs or bitter tears. Nary a "woe is me."
  2. Korina has missed the entire point of the show for the contestants. It's not necessarily to win, but to present themselves as someone who could succeed in the fashion industry. To do that, you need connections. What would be better than to have a top designer, a top editor, and well known model on your side? She's burned her bridges pretty successfully at this point. She signed up for a game show, complete with producer shenanigans, and that's what she got. But that's what they all got, no one was out to especially get Korina. Interesting how Tim's critiques worked this episode - he talked Kini into a winning design, and tried to talk Emily out of a design that the judges loved.
  3. The "experiment" was Sartre's No Exit - three characters trapped in a room and they don't know why. I actually liked Manny's acting.
  4. Are we supposed to think that all the trucks were driving around with suitcases filled with $50K? Throughout the entire race? Did we know that the Texas guy was named Lance? Or that he was married to one of the women? Or that her name was Rachel? Or that they gave up their wedding to go on the race? If you're going to tug at the heartstrings, you have to start before the finale. Yeah Middle Feast!
  5. Do they deliberately cast people who are overly emotional? Cause, watching a bunch of overweight people sit around and cry, is not my definition of destination TV.
  6. It's giving us a reason to tune in next week! I thought Amanda's time was up - that was one big pile of ugly. And if this is "nothing but the season of the vagina" (T. Gunn, some previous episode), why wasn't she called out for the V's pointing to the model's vagina? I also disliked Kini's. She looked like she stepped out of Hans Brinker. I kept waiting for her to skate down the runway.
  7. Watch Probst at the initial assembly - he's got about 15 flies circling him constantly. The bugs may be the reason why so many players look like they have rosacia. I don't mind blood vs water, but it was easier last time when only one of each pair was a new face. I still don't know who is partnered with the guy who said his father was terminal.
  8. It would seem to make sense with the colors. If I ran the Maple Leafs, their color would be red.
  9. I'm glad it's not the Dreaded Pressure Test on this show. The hockey players were hunky, glad they didn't zoom in on their teeth! Fish and pasta are easy to chew. Random questions: How does Kailie get her eyes so wide? I think you can see white all around. Does no one in the entire country know how to pronounce "pasta?" How lucky is Danny? No one noticed that one team was all men (picked by the bitchy queen) and one team was primarily women? Hockey players don't eat dessert? Totale Or the Canucks, or the Oilers, or the Canadiens.... But, wasn't it the Maple Leafs? The Blue Jays play baseball.
  10. The Big Bang Theory guys all have some medical disability - Leonard is lactose intolerant, Howard has severe allergies, Raj has social anxiety disorder, and Sheldon is an asshole. ABay I know this is from the way back machine, but this is my all time pet peeve. I hate it. I don't care if it's technically Historic Tense - that's just a whitewashing excuse to be incorrect. Everyone should know better!
  11. Wait until he wears his grandpa sweater! Loved Gwen and Pharrell. Especially Adam dramatically writing his poem, and then Pharrell just rhymed his out. So glad that pink hair girl didn't make it. The Ariana Grande wanna be is going to be cannon fodder.
  12. It's my new favorite! "Just keep waiting and waiting for hours and hours!" I'm tempted to try it if they put me on hold at the pizza parlor.
  13. I think one thread is fine. It's not really a show you can get spoiled about. And it's coming back!!! Running off to do happy dance!
  14. I think her name is Merida. How can that one blonde woman keep her eyes open so wide? Is this botox? She put an entire scotch bonnet into her dish? Is this botoxed madness? I would have made fish tacos, but then I think we Americans generally refer to smelts as bait.
  15. WearyTraveler: Petitions are so last century! Why don't you start a twitter campaign instead? Get everyone to tweet to Heidi and Tim (since they are EPs) that the show is better when the designers get more time. #Love2daychallenges (I don't tweet so I assume that's what you do). Alexander clearly has a boat load of people logging into Lifetime and saying he's the favorite. That's the only reason he's fan favorite.
  16. We just call it Redemption Island at our house. But we'd also be packing Hidden Immunity Idols that we would claim to have found in the drawers on set.
  17. I watched. The Chinese judge is going to get old fast. If all the contestants are Canadian, then there won't be any interpersonal drama, right? :-)
  18. So underneath that tattered brown bathrobe was a giant wearing the worst makeup ever. Ooooh scary! I watched on demand. When the episode ended, I was startled to hear a clear voice say, "We'll, now that we've seen The Master ....." Until I realized that I'd been watching HDTV.
  19. Patti very specifically did choose a place so far away from Mapleton that they would not be recognized. She wanted to have Laurie and Gladys feel free to speak if they wanted to. So it is the same place. We saw the dolls of Norah's family, the Down Syndrome boy, and the father with the shopping cart. And I'm sorry but I've never heard of Santos and Johnny much less some "famous" piece of music they put out.
  20. Since they were in the same diner that Patti and Laurie stopped at, and before that Patti and Gladys, I figured it's the only restaurant in the greater Mapleton coming and going area. The only place to stop. I loved the symmetry of the guy in the parking lot asking Tom if he needed help with Kevin realizing that he needed help and calling Matt. The whole burial scene was really moving.
  21. Fuck this! Did the buyers think they got to keep the staging?
  22. And it was the only memorable dress produced that entire season. I don't think there's anything wrong with Nina saying that Samantha's dress looked like one for an intern and "not the important person." Interns are playing a supporting role. This gala dress was supposed to be a focal point and highlight the gems. You don't know who would be wearing it - could be star, could be a star's wife, could be the old lady who's given millions to the opera, could be a senator, or a judge, or a businesswoman. That person needs to shine. Samantha's dress was not going to make anyone shine.
  23. I think Korina deserved her win, if only for the under dress that she made in about 30 minutes and actually was faboo. With me, she earned her mean girl reputation with the nasty talking heads in the first few episodes. I know they're goaded into them, but .... I couldn't understand the love for Sean's. To me the velvet looked sad, except for the part in the back. He did have a lot of jewelry to show off.
  24. Yam is the funniest short word ever! I think Mountain Yams are a kind of sweet potato, that is pretty gelatinous when cooked. On the original Iron Chef (you know, the Japanese one), they did an episode with natto as the secret ingredient. One of the judges refused to taste dishes after a while. Natto is made from soybeans, not mountain yam. I disagree vehemently with Gail on this one.
  25. Sorry - since I brought it up. Madres are serving Mexican food. Lone Star BBQ is serving primarily Tex-Mex (tacos, quesadillas), despite their name. They don't serve any barbeque. The surfers truck is getting by on fish tacos, which are also Mexican food. I have yet to see anyone eating one of their fried avocados. Because, frankly, yuck. If I saw all these trucks lined up, I'd go check out Middle Feast first. Because they might have some food that I don't have at home. It's the show's epic fail that having picked these contestants out, they haven't told us what makes their food great. I assume that there was something unique about the MM's peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but we will never know.
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