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Everything posted by meep.meep

  1. No - there have been many teams who used their language skills and others who tried to learn hello and thank you in the local language - just not this season. Free Blair! (I should have trademarked that) Did any of the male singers get the bucket of water? I didn't see any. Jackie sang well enough the first time to not have gotten it. Plus, she was the only one to get on top of the stack of crates.
  2. Really? This would be more suspenseful if I understood any of the rules.I hope the Essene guy takes Avram and Red to Euro Disney.
  3. I can't figure any of it out. Was the dead driver the boyfriend of the Israeli cop? At least Red is still OK. I must be a terrible person because I hate that song so much, I figured it was fitting that the people singing it were both dead. Hooray for Charlie the rescuing ex boyfriend!
  4. Had she moved on to another married man, it would be one thing. And no one refers to Mark as her tart.
  5. But this is Broadchurch! It's a magical distance-altering land. I don't see why the priest visiting a member of his congregation in prison is such a big whup either. I think that's part of his job. And, in 2015, when two unmarried people are depicted in a relationship, and presumably having sex, I think it's a pity that the woman has to be referred to as a "tart." Why isn't Father Paul called a name?
  6. It's a nifty trap, but what do they get out of it? I loved the shot of Rick leaving his house, strolling along the sidewalk, passing the three Alexandrian men, and he's about half their height!
  7. Elaine Benes tried to get one of those to "change teams." His reply - "but I'm the starting shortstop!"
  8. So who was the hairless guy who showed up near the end, doing the purification rite, and then hovering over the cow? I did like the parallel scenes of the two groups figuring out the tablet. We're they deliberately obscuring the Israeli cop's (when you can't remember the name of the second lead, it's bad) boyfriend's face, or do we know who he is?
  9. I am way behind in watching these. But didn't Boyd say that he shot the first hog of the season? And then the next shot is of him cooking something in a small frying pan over a campfire? You can't just shoot the hog and cut off a little piece of meat to cook. It's not a fish. You have to hang it up and drain out all the blood and get the intestines and bowels out so that the meat isn't spoiled. And they weigh hundreds of pounds and are usually hauled up with a block and tackle. Certainly skinny little Boyd Crowder and Ava couldn't do it by themselves without being covered in blood. Why didn't they have him shoot a rabbit? Sorry if this is nit picking, but a show that prides itself on getting those "country" details correct shouldn't have missed something this big.
  10. Buffy - I tried once but it was so stupid. And people are always bringing it up. The Jersey Shore and those Housewives shows. And nobody really watches golf on TV do they? Like watching paint dry. TV needs more war elephants! I bet they're expensive though. And he did lose most of them on his way to Rome.
  11. Loaves and Fishes! Sign me up.
  12. Well, some of us aren't nearly that shallow! :-) So the mystery of the stake/stump remains? Will he build a fence? A tiny may pole? Maybe it's a relaxation technique he developed in France. The whole time Mark was talking to the baby, I was thinking, wrap that kid up! Everyone else is in their coats, Father Paul showed up with his blue sweater, and the newborn baby isn't even wrapped in a blanket.
  13. And on national television! I would have kept him and voted Shirin out, but then I don't have to be around them 24/7. As much as I loathed the manly men session of Women's Problems that the Blue Collar dudes alliance was running, one of them was smart enough to figure out a vote split that would accomplish their goal. And, it indicated that they knew there must be an idol near their camp. Since Joaquin got the clue to the one at White Collar camp, he should be able to figure out where this one is.
  14. And that's why you have babies in the hospital! Why was Lee out in a field (presumably someone else's field) pounding a giant stake into the ground? Aside from showing off his manly figure that is....
  15. I think she looks more like Otis than anyone else who's ever been on the show. She has his roundness of face, pale skin, and lack of hair. If we have to make up a Rick+Jessie name, my votes on Jeck. Much better than Rissie.
  16. Isn't his new church just a garage? Where are the people of Alexandria who have been deprived of spiritual guidance and are now flocking to him? Just the strawberry lady? I may be an atheist now, but if I was living through the zombie apocalypse, God might start looking pretty attractive. People really thought Pete was creepy about saying he'd give the kids check ups? If I was a parent, that's the first thing I'd want. Vaccinations! As soon as possible because you don't know how long the good times will last. Judith needs DPT, measles, polio, rubella, smallpox, etc. Check their hearing, eyesight, and teeth. The run - they get to the big warehouse and there are clearly many many walkers there already. Do they think about going elsewhere? Apparently not. Do they think about setting up a distraction so they can get in and out safely? Also, apparently not. All they had to do was what Eugene did - drive slowly and honk the horn, and every walker in half a mile would come running. Drive in a big circle. Or build a big fire at one end of the parking lot where the walkers were. Just something to distract them. Why why why do they never learn anything?
  17. So there's no divorce in the zombie apocalypse? There are apparently lots of empty houses; Jessie and her kids could just move. That's what Carol should be advocating, not killing the guy. Who, even as the town drunk, is apparently the only trained medical professional.
  18. I admit that I watch this mostly for the real estate prices because it's like a fantasy world compared to the ones near me ( San Francisco Bay area). Look, these folks are going to buy a 5 bedroom, 3 bath house with a pool for $250K! Has anyone ever encountered as many houses infested with bees as these two? If you're making up a drinking game, it's got to be one drink if Joanna says "cool new" and chug the thing if she says she doesn't want to repeat her designs. Because every one is the same thing!
  19. I see this year's gimmick coming from the accidental pairing of Mark and Mallory two (?) seasons ago. They were both pretty good racers who had gotten almost to the end of their original races, but paired together, they were a disaster. I can see the producers thinking: what if we pair two strangers with an incentive to get along? And the incentive (other than the money) is the potential romantic relationship. Random query: wouldn't you think the guy named Harley would be the one to do the mechanic task?
  20. No, it just means they didn't cast anyone. Since the majority of people cast for this season are in their 20s, and modern cars are more complex and electronic, that fewer "younger generation" folks work on cars. But in other seasons, you could always count on a few parents being cast who were more likely to have worked on cars. Think of Ian in Season 3, realizing that he's put regular gas into his diesel engine and draining it out. Free Blair!
  21. You can't help yourself. It's also the cheezy art and the smiles. Oh the horror of the smiles.
  22. I know she didn't, but she knew something was up when So and Joaquin came back and went through their incredibly convincing discussion of what their choice had been. And they had the clue. The other tribes ought to suspect, but apparently don't.
  23. Was Hugh's last appearance when he told the story about wearing the leather X-Men suits for the first time and how they couldn't get over the curb in the parking lot? My favorite show was the Monuments Men one from last season.
  24. They never got the clues so may not realize that there are idols. Only White Collar went with the small bag of beans. Three weeks in, and my daughter's prediction is coming true: these tribe names are so jacked up that no one will ever use them.
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