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Everything posted by meep.meep

  1. Coach's name is Ernie. When he finally went to see his family at Christmas, his adorable niece calls him "Uncle Ernie" Winston was great! I was so sure he was going to pull out a pair of shoes at the end.
  2. Poor Elizabeth Falkner! Let's hope that red hots never appear on this show. I loved Kate's rambling explanation of how long it might be before she baked anything. "I probably won't bake tomorrow. Or the next day, probably not. And the day after, I don't think I'll bake........"
  3. Guess I'm secretly British. Mary was beyond horrid. Who was Edith making her super secret telephone call to at the end of the last episode?
  4. That's exactly what is done now days. And it seems like just a chat in a coffee shop with an alum, but it gets factored into the application. Back in the olden days when I was applying to college, you went to their home, but everyone is so nervous these days that first date rules apply. And since someone mentioned it, the "local school" that Alex visited last season was Cal Tech. As hard to get into as Princeton, except they don't care if you do music. I liked the line about the Downton Abbey marathon, and that the young lovely at the Closet store got the exact same shirt as Claire, but it didn't fit the same way.
  5. Adam Scott does the best drunk! He was great in this, he was incredible in The Fight. Is Joe an orphan? It was all the Meagle's at the wedding, right?
  6. I'm just hate watching to see the season out at this point. Seriously, Dmitri won? For that crappy thing? No one would ever wear that on a red carpet. It looks homemade and oatmeal won't photograph well. Wasn't Kate sent home for making a dress the exact same color as Helen's? In addition to Hilary Swank wearing it, I swear that I've seen Jennifer Lopez in Michelle's gown. Why couldn't they just say, Sanjia, you were the only person to actually design something, Congratulations, you win the season by default! And everybody go home.
  7. I prefer people who want to win for themselves. You don't have to represent all the time.
  8. I find all of them to be creative and passionate. If Doug didn't like the ingredients, he should have spoken up right then. There must have been some fruit in the quickfire garden. He could have made fruit with chocolate sauce or fruit dipped in chocolate. Anything but just put together two kinds of melted chocolate and throw in some mescal. That's the kind of creativity that gets you into the finale? It all gets factored in.
  9. IKEA has a grocery section? The Internet is so educational. I don't like marzipan so probably won't go check it out.
  10. God knows every other elderly aristo is!
  11. Let's all hope that it was his confession to having pushed the rapist valet under the bus (of Justice). Having Cora reject him, and engaging in some vigorous wrestling with Donk, has finally opened his eyes to how badly he has behaved and he just has to get it all off his chest. These things practically write themselves! :-) It's getting so bad that we settle down on the couch wondering: "what else will go wrong in Lady Edith's life this time?"
  12. I like Luis! He's my favorite. He's just as humble as everyone else. This was the first time that his flavors weren't on. I spotted Kate wearing the star in this episode, I assumed that it was from the show, so good on Luis. Babka isn't supposed to be cooked in a tin, that's probably what did in Kate's signature bake.
  13. I liked the episode - lots of pirating and not lots of talking strategy in Nassau. And Billy Bones! The English captain seemed to know it was Flint's ship - he asked Dufresne "are you him?" So, the flag must be recognizable as Flint's flag, even when it's flying on a Spanish Man o'War. Which, in terms of fire power, is like bringing a tank to a joust.
  14. My first thought when I saw the wedding "guests" was, guess their parents are all in prison. Definitely FAKE, FAKE, FAKE, FAKE! It actually was Helen who made the comment about Dmitry making the same dress that the bride had worn when she met with them. It was Michelle who called his fabric "pretty" and then made puking faces.
  15. Well, to move Tom a little off the racist and misogynistic tower you've placed him on, for the winner of LCK he could only pick a white guy, because both of the contenders were white guys. I think that Doug got the easiest artist as well. I think Gregory got the hardest one to communicate with since he seemed to speak the least English. I would have sent Mei home. Her "interpretation" was lots of blank canvas and that was the opposite of her artist's style. She made her food like she always does. I bet it tastes great, but it didn't express the exuberance that you saw in the art. She could have layed it out like a mask at the very least.
  16. One of the best things about Birdman is how it points out the craziness about comic book movies. And if you really want to see Kevin Costner act, watch A Perfect World.
  17. Dave/Leslie were awesome, that's not a UO. My UO is that Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman are actors who cannot actually portray the emotion of anger. They both do it by putting on toddler angry faces and talking really loud. Which makes most of the last episode utterly unwatchable. Other than the saxophone fart, not something I'll ever want to see again. My other UO is that Billy Eichner is one note and we've all heard it over and over again and it's time to make it stop. My final UO is that the Councilman Jamm character is one of the worst ideas they've ever had on the show.
  18. I don't mind the ending. It's not like there's a mystery to be solved (aka The Killing) - if they don't tell me what happens with Gal and King Dick, I can make it up myself. The lesson of Into the Woods is that there's not really any happy ever after. I'm looking forward to personally busting out This is my Moment in the Sun whenever it seems appropriate.
  19. I do love the joyous round of "Well done!" when the star baker is announced. Nothing anybody made this episode looked good to me. Doesn't help that I hate pears. Who would want to eat a soft cooked pear with crunchy pie crust wound all around it? Nobody baked a custard tart on a baking sheet? That's how you keep it from sloshing excessively.
  20. Zauber in German means magic. Like Die Zauberflote, the opera. My concern with Wu in the trailer was condensation from his drink dripping onto the fragile elderly pages. I thought the whole corridor walk and the trial were wildly cheesy, but I don't expect much else.
  21. They don't seem to notice people doing the same garment over and over on the current show either. Sonjia has done a lace or eyelet or cutout pencil skirt repeatedly. She's won with it twice. I don't know why Michelle didn't do the exact same thing that nearly got her aufed in her original season: emerald green trousers with a fancy white T shirt. It was gorgeous but they'd been told specifically not to do pants and a T shirt.
  22. Gregory gets major points over George in my book, just because he's been through so many more challenges. George got back after Restaurant Wars, right? So he missed something like 8 shows, each with 2 different challenges. To make the finale, he really needs to pull out a perfectly executed show stopper. Melissa kind of phoned it in during the first half of the competition. Mei's been consistent all the way through. Gregory was brilliant in the first half, and has been levelling out since then, but not bottoming out. George was resting. I hope Doug comes back from LCK. I haven't even watched it this season.
  23. If there's going to be a drinking game, better include "a cool new ---". Tonight's episode was a cool new pendant light.
  24. Martha used peanut butter! And Paul didn't seem concerned during the discussion of her concept. Does he only freak out about Americans using peanut butter? The whole Baked Alaska thing was ill conceived. Why? #1=the stupid tent. If they were indoors, they could have decent freezers. #2=the producers. If the freezers die, bring in new ones. You're asking people to bake in a tent. #3=the timing. Let them have the ice cream set up over night. Split up the challenge, even if you have to pay overtime for the crew.
  25. Zanna is the senior fashion editor for Marie Claire. Isn't one of the prizes, a year working as a fashion editor at the magazine? (After they drone through them week after week, you'd think I'd have it memorized by now.) If so, the winner is probably going to be working closely wth, if not under, Zanna. What Dmitry is doing is make someone look bad who he may end up working for. At the least, she's not going to be rooting for him or doing him favors in the fashion world. And, she is in a position to do so. Dmitry won the regular show and his career hasn't gone anywhere. Maybe he should try a different attitude towards those who might be able to help him.
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