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This still pisses me off. Heaven forbid they appear to favor one side over the other, yes, let's poke fun at both sides because that appears to be even-handed. Yes, let's keep mocking ambitious women and painting them as shrill, grasping harpies out of touch with "real" women who want to be pretty, avoid contention and don't challenge the status quo in any way. By all means, continue to shame Clinton for stepping outside the boundaries of what is deemed acceptable for ladies to do. Because "feelings" have more value than facts in this new nightmare. Fuck them.
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I admit, when I read "SoS", my brain supplied "Sack of Shit…"
And that's pretty awful, IMO. The fact that it doesn't seem to bother people is yet another example of how women are systematically mistreated and degraded, over and over and over, until no one fucking cares anymore. "Get over it." "You're too sensitive." "You're such a crybaby - why don't you go to your safe place?" "It's just locker room talk. Boys will be boys." I had so many people do this to me when I was finally brave enough to speak up about my own assault and it just fills me with rage. No - boys should be raised to be decent human beings who respect other people and their personal boundaries. Just like everybody else. And I have no doubt there are many parents doing just that. But we need to call others out when line are crossed and not let it slide because it's uncomfortable and we don't want to make a scene.
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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect
Menrva replied to Notwisconsin's topic in Current Events & Politics
There is nothing Trump supporters can say that will ever make me be okay with their vote. Nothing. And I do not want to take the high road here. I want blood. I will call that repulsive liar every insulting name I feel like using. This is for every birther claim, every false report that Obama was a secret homosexual Muslim working to overthrow the US government, every disgusting comment about Michelle Obama. I don't need to convince those people by taking the high road because nothing I do will ever convince them to change their minds or realize that our country is in real serious danger. I get upset when I hear about people paying for bigots' coffees or meals, to show how noble and nonjudgmental they are; you know what those bigots are thinking? Those bigots are thinking "Suckers! I just got a free meal from those stupid libtards!" No one is going to suddenly realize that they were so wrong about everything. Tang the Conqueror's slavering sycophants are beyond truth, beyond facts and beyond compassion. I don't feel like cutting them slack or trying to meet them halfway. I'm tired of the Democrats rolling over and showing their bellies, hoping that by cooperating, they might get a bone. Drumpf's supporters voted for a sexual predator who lies as much as he breathes. A tax cheat and a philanderer and a racist and a misogynist who lusts after his own daughter. I can't explain why these things don't seem to matter to his supporters but it turns my stomach and I will not apologize for my feelings. I am not going to tone it down to make his voters feel better about themselves. This is not being a sore loser - my children's future is at stake. My family members' health and safety is in real jeopardy. Our civil liberties are in actual danger. The only ones who need a "safe space" and live in a bubble are the Republicans who support Twitler. They scream about intolerance whenever his lies are fact checked, whenever anyone pushes back against his racism and bigotry. Why do we have to accommodate this outrage? He and his followers offend me to my very core and I cannot stand back and just watch my country being stolen from me. So no, I'm not okay with this and I'm not going to stop pointing out every insult, every speck of corruption, every lie. The Republicans lied and obstructed and cheated for the past 8 years. Time for them to see what it feels like.- 8.1k replies
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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect
Menrva replied to Notwisconsin's topic in Current Events & Politics
Ladies and gentlemen, here is your explanation for Comrade Trumpkin and his sycophants: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning–Kruger_effect -
De-lurking just to say, yes, someone other than me has read that book! Yay! And it's very good. Perhaps time for a re-read… And we now return to my regularly scheduled lurking. I might have to watch the past few episodes of Arrow I have accumulating on my DVR.
Rumored Presidential Appointments
Menrva replied to mythoughtis's topic in Current Events & Politics
For those of you who are Marvel fans, my husband, upon hearing about Tillerson's appointment, grunted in disgust and said, "Great. That schmuck just appointed Roxxon as our new Secretary of State." -
What Duke Silver said.
I'd like to add that Bolton is hardly respected; indeed, he's a bully and a hot head with no nuance or empathy. On paper, he looks great, but in reality, he's no diplomat. This is from way back in 2005. His rudeness and lack of grace are well documented. http://www.cnn.com/2005/POLITICS/04/18/bullies/ I actually came to post this article; apologies if someone else already has. And don't laugh or sneer because it's in Teen Vogue (yes, you read that correctly). It's unflinching and honest and I'm glad that things like this are out there to keep young women and girls informed and motivated. http://www.teenvogue.com/story/donald-trump-is-gaslighting-america
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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect
Menrva replied to Notwisconsin's topic in Current Events & Politics
The double standards of this whole mess are so disgusting. As a woman, I'm filled with despair for my daughters. The DNC is painted as corrupt, HRC is irrevocably tainted by 30 years of bias and vendettas, liberals are smeared as whiny babies that can't handle reality…meanwhile, it's the RNC who lies to its base and they swallow them, hook, line and sinker; it's plain that Wikileaks is now merely a tool for the actually corrupt Russians and Putin, who is a real-life fucking Bond villain; the woefully incompetent and thoroughly repulsive Republican candidate is now the president-elect. I could go on and on, the insults and atrocities are seemingly endless. But yeah, the Democrats are the problem. Right. The irony is that Humpty Trumpty ran on a platform of fear mongering, racism and bigotry and his voters ate it up. They think every Muslim is a terrorist sleeper agent and they threatened us with insurrection and civil war if HRC were elected. Who's the terrorist now? When a small, outspoken group uses violence and hateful rhetoric to get its way, isn't that terrorism? The majority of Americans did not vote for that blighted nectarine. Dylan Roof is a terrorist. The real sleeper agents are all the racist assholes who now think they have permission from Hair Gropenfuhrer to abuse and assault anyone they deem "unAmerican".- 8.1k replies
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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect
Menrva replied to Notwisconsin's topic in Current Events & Politics
But even supposing tampering from Russia is proven, can they really throw out the results of the election? And let's face it, the electoral college are not going to suddenly change their votes from Prince TinyHands Thimbledick to someone else. They're just not. We're stuck with this gilded turdblossom and we have to watch our country go down in flames. Possibly quite literally. I'm just feeling so helpless tonight. I just can't stop hating him. -
But ultimately, will it matter? It's not like the electoral college will suddenly change their minds and vote for HRC. And Tang the Conqueror will just suppress everything, since the FBI is in his pocket, courtesy of Comey and Giuliani. But maybe I'm just being paranoid…
Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect
Menrva replied to Notwisconsin's topic in Current Events & Politics
In light of this statement, I found this to be quite funny: http://www.bkmag.com/2015/02/10/name-a-cockroach-after-your-ex-for-just-10-at-the-bronx-zoo/ I can think of more than a few that deserve a cockroach named for them… -
I made this a while back, before the election. I think this should be the official portrait of Hair Gropenfuhrer.