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Posts posted by JustHereForFood

  1. I watched the series during last Christmas and absolutely loved it. But my reaction to seeing this was "Please, no." I'm just too afraid it would not be good enough and somehow ruin it for me.

    If it is indeed true, I wonder if the success of Staged may have helped, showing that Tennant and Sheen have so much comedic potential left...

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    10 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

    Riley getting all upset when Dawn told him how Buffy didn’t cry as much with him as she did with Angel. Uh, that’s a GOOD thing, dumbass!

    Buffy: (about Riley) ... I just feel like something's missing.

    Willow: He's not making you miserable?

    Me, watching a second time: Don't worry, Buffy. He will, eventually.

    • LOL 11
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  3. 2 hours ago, biakbiak said:

    Every single procreation storyline on that show was fucked up in so many ways!

    The only thing that made me happy regarding any of those was when Bernadette was out with I think it was Penny and drank juice from a wine glass, saying that she enjoys winding people up seemingly drinking alcohol while visibly pregnant. That made me laugh, because even though I don't want to have children, it irritates me when some people think that pregnant women are some sort of public property for the duration of the pregnancy and get into their business.

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  4. Xander was the opposite of a good friend to Buffy here. A good friend would ask her first if she is ready to talk to him and then ask for her perspective, since it is, you know, about her relationship. Instead, he came with an already formed, biased opinion and patronizing attitude. Like, I'm sorry, but if even my best friend talked to me like that when I'm already justifiably pissed, I would not have replied in a nice way.

    The same with Riley's ultimatum. If I was in Buffy's place here, even if I was inclined to give Riley a second chance (not likely, but let's pretend for a moment), if he gave me a fucking ultimatum, I would have sent him straight to hell. After which I would probably be called a bitch, cold, hysterical and too emotional (yes, cold and too emotional at the same time) by Riley, Xander and a portion of the fandom.

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  5. I'm not gonna lie, when Jacqueline told Jane that she is responsible for Sage's new vertical with her great speech, I burst out laughing! It would be satisfying if Jane loses both Addison and Scott, but it seems that next week she gets a quick course on how to become Jacqueline in a week, which is totally reasonable, because it didn't take Jacqueline 20+ years to get where she is.

    4 hours ago, Pallida said:

    @ZeeEnnui, I agree with you that Kat's activism is performative. She hears one snippet of someone's experience in a system and reacts rather than trying to understand the system that creates the circumstances and the cogs that need to be shifted to change the system. It's like she has this "privileged savior" (like white savior) complex. Changing Zuri's life is great, but there is also so much work to be done upstream.

    Changing the public stigma (and employment-sector stigma) against the formerly incarcerated is absolutely important, but you'd think that the organizations who have been advocating on this for decades might know a bit more about what's going on than someone who has listened to a couple people's experiences. 

    Exactly, it is like it has to be all or nothing for Kat. You either agree with how things should be solved with her, or she burns all the bridges with you. Never mind that the actual change takes time. I wonder if it is in part because of her social media job. With social media it seems you have to react immediately and scream the loudest, because a thought-out, nuanced approach doesn't count.

    I liked how Adena called her out on her motivation, that she was supposed to help her friend, not make a statement. I liked a lot of what Adena said in this episode, but it was sort of nullified by the show suggesting that she was wrong and only said that because she was influenced by her mother.

    Between Kat's actions here and Callie's in Good Trouble, I wonder if Freeform's writers have some subconcious beef with activists, as they are presenting them in a negative, stereotypical light.

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  6. Czech actress Libuše Šafránková has died today, just two days after her 68th birthday.


    She has not been internationally famous, but one of her earliest roles and arguably the most famous one was the main character in the movie Three Nuts for Cinderella (orig. Tři oříšky pro Popelku/Drei Haselnüsse für Aschenbrödel), a Czechoslovak/East German coproduction from 1973. It is an ultimate Christmas classic in Czech Republic and Slovakia and as I understand is also known in several other countries, so I thought perhaps someone here might know her from that. Over four decades, she has played numerous roles in movies, TV and on stage, including an Oscar winning movie Kolja (for Best Foreign Language Film). She has retired in 2010's after being diagnosed with cancer, which seems to be the cause of her death.

    Thank you, Libuše, for many amazing performances. RIP my favorite Cinderella.

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  7. 6 minutes ago, BlackberryJam said:

    Vanity Fair says Armie Hammer has gone into treatment.

    I don't care if he's getting treatment. I don't care about his past trauma. I don't care if he ever feels good about himself. I save all of my sympathy and caring for his victims.

    But, I'm going to acknowledge that the dude is seriously fucked up. His mother contacted VF after the first article with this, 


    It’s Dru Hammer and I want you to know I forgive you for writing such a scathing article on my family. I don’t understand the position of destroying families in the press.

    I know it’s your job, but it is very upsetting that you are writing yet another article about Armie and our family and I know it’s not to vindicate our family by all the calls you are making to former alleged mistresses, their former husbands, etc…

    It doesn’t seem you want to find the good that God has done in our family. Michael, Misty and I are all very good friends and share our wonderful sons and grandchildren. We love and protect each other. So it is very hurtful the negative way you portrayed my former husband, being a “ne’er do well” when he is a Columbia MBA graduate and has invested the foundation very wisely so he can make a bigger difference in this world.

    Not to mention the way you printed “alleged” false accusations against my son.

    Every family has “something,” but what I know is these Jewish Hammer men you tore apart in your article have all come to know Jesus as their Messiah. I believe that is why I was placed in that family.

    I am asking for mercy and Grace, as Jesus gives all of us and asking you to please stop degrading my family.

    Thank you and may God bless your life. Dru

    Starting off with new agey denial speak then taking a hard right into anti-Semitism. 

    She gives forgiveness that no one asked for, but no apology because "Every family has “something".” A model Christian.

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  8. I hope it is OK to leave this here, because it touches on a lot of problems that BtVS had with gender. For context, this guy does review of every BtVS and Angel episode and tends to touch on a lot of interesting points, parallels, etc. He has always been critical of the way Buffy and Riley's relationship ended and makes IMO a lot of great points here about Riley's and Xander's actions in this episode, as well as how the episode itself takes a bias against Buffy.


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  9. 12 hours ago, andromeda331 said:

    Ah, Gilmore Girls, that show was really bad when it came to having kids on that show. Sookie and Jackson were one of the most stable couples on the show and they really messed it up when it came to kids. They never really talk to each other and decided how many kids they want. Jackson tells her after their married that he wants four kids and four years which freaks Sookie out. After calming down Sookie tells Lorelai she doesn't know what she wants. Fast forward to season five where Sookie has their second kid and tells Jackson their done having kids. She had two in two years which she thinks is fair. Which might be if she had actually talked to Jackson instead of surprising him after the birth of baby number two and telling him he's going to get a vascetomy. He gets dragged off to presumely get that done. The actress who played Sookie was pregnant during the final season and the idiot writers or who ever decided to write it in. They throw Jackson under a bus for no reason. 

    And it really doesn't get better. Christopher learns his girlfriend is pregnant just as he and Lorelai are getting back together and he was going to tell Sherry they were done. Instead he runs off to marry and raise the kid. Breaking his promise to Lorelai and his daughter Rory who he hadn't bothered to be dad to once in her childhood. She gets to see him run off to do that with his second daughter. 

    Luke's idiot sister Liz who already was a bad mom to Jess gets pregnant but her idiot husband TJ. Those two shouldn't be around kids at all. Although she does supposely want to be better to this kid. Luke learns his ex-girlfriend Anna had his kid and didn't tell him until his daughter shows up to grab his hair for a DNA test.

    Then the show decides next up is Lane. Who knows if she ever wanted kids because it never came up. What she did want was to be in a band and go as far she could in that dream. She had already spent 18 years forced to live a life she didn't want to. They marry her off to Zach who's an idiot and they have a surprise pregnancy from their honeymoon and its twins. 

    Then comes the Revival which ends with Rory surprised pregnant. All of these surprise pregnancies never need to happen and make zero sense for any of the characters. The only stable couple they can't even get right by having them talk about kids. Nope they just throw kids at everyone. 

    Yes to all of this. I loved that show, but the one thing that I have to sideeye is that almost all of the pregnancies were unplanned. And it ended with Rory being unexpectedly pregnant, because it was the only way to bring the story full-circle apparently. Not as if they could have contrasted her with Lorelai with this and have her be pregnant by choice. With Lorelai I can buy completely that she ended up pregnant by mistake at 16, because that is in line with how she is characterized throughout the show. But Rory was always more careful in certain things and liked things organized, not to mention she previously said she is careful having sex, so it would make much more sense to me if she ended up pregnant in a way that is obvious to the viewer that she wanted to, whether or not she was in a relationship. Just one tiny little change. And it would be a fine contrast with Lorelai, that she got to have a child in her own way. JMO.

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  10. 7 minutes ago, kariyaki said:

    That’s the thing, though, they did. I watch the reruns all the time, Leonard and Penny had several conversations about future children, to which Penny had zero reservations about having them. So my only problem with the final season’s “Penny doesn’t want to have kids” arc is that it was a manufactured plot contrivance to kill some time.

    They did? Well, I watched all the episodes just once, so I guess I must have forgotten it. But from the way they talked in the last season it seemed as if they never did. 

    I only remember the pilot episode when Leonard said that their children will be both smart and beautiful and Sheldon replied "Not to mention imaginary." If only Sheldon had been right on that one! 

    5 minutes ago, BlackberryJam said:

    Oh oh...this reminds me of endings I hate.

    HIMYM, not just because HOLY FUCK, that ending was stupid, but because Barney, who never ever wanted kids, ends up a parent and the Mother ends up just being Ted's baby factory before she can die and he can end up with his twu wuv Robin, who never wanted kids until she couldn't have them, then she did.

    I found it absolutely enraging that Robin wasn't allowed to just be completely happy and satisfied with her career, she had to get teary with longing over total asshole Ted.

    I've never watched that series, but from what I keep hearing about it I am sure I would hate it.

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  11. 28 minutes ago, BlackberryJam said:

    As someone who never, ever wanted children, I agree so hard. I get that in fiction, a baby tends to be part of the Happily Ever After. I respect that as a trope. But I hate that, "Oh when it's your baby, you'll feel differently." Or "you'll change your mind once you're pregnant." What the FUCK?

    Exactly. And while I respect the trope as well, it gets frustrating when it is the only Happy ending that all female characters get in a show/movie/etc. with multiple characters. Or if the one woman who doesn't end up with a man and a family on the way isn't considered to be as "satisfied" with how things ended for her.

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  12. My most hated moments seem to be about pregnancy and women's agency in that story. Doesn't really surprise me.

    If I may vent about Big Bang Theory for a moment: I liked the show, it wasn't perfect, but a lot of the geeky stuff was funny to me, since I am a fan of comics and some other genre stuff. The writing for female characters was hit and miss, but whatever, it was what it was... I even liked the last season, while some people that I know were complaining how it lost something and was just crawling along... Then the topic of children came around with Leonard and Penny. Now, every time a woman on TV expresses the opinion that she doesn't want to have children, I start shrinking a little, because I already know what is coming and 9 times out of 10 I am not surprised: she gets to change her mind by the end of the story. Don't get me wrong, I had little sympathy for either Leonard or Penny here, because this is one of the things you are supposed to discuss before the wedding! I'm 100% sure I will never ever want to have a child and I would never even move in with someone before being sure we are on the same page. But of course, women on TV just don't know they will eventualy change their mind! And just as expected, in the finale (which I liked until that point), Penny reveals that she is pregnant and because her storyline was shit for a long time by that point, this is apparently her Happy ending. Ugh! It might not have been as infuriating, if they already haven't pulled this shit with Bernadette few seasons ago. So out of three women on the show, two (that didn't want to have children) end up either pregnant or already with children, while Amy who was the only one who wanted them ends without one, which is ok, because we already knew she wants them, so she will definitely have them in future. And they say the GoT finale was dissapointing...

    But this is nothing compared to what happened in the last season of Gilmore Girls to Sookie. I guess people here are familiar with that story, but I will summarize to get my blood pressure up: Sookie previously pressured Jackson to get a vasectomy, after their second child was born. Which was a shitty thing to do, because it is his body, but if he had a problem with it he should have taken it up with her then and find some compromise. As is revealed, he did not end up getting it, but failed to inform her, so she ends up pregnant once again, without even realising it was a possibility. What. The. Actual. Fuck?!!! How could anyone at any point think this was ok? And to make it worse, of course she fucking keeps it! No, just no. The appropriate action in this situation would be as follows:

    Step 1: Kick Jackson as hard as possible in the balls, so that he won't need that vasectomy after all. Step 2: Get an abortion ASAP. Step 3: Get a divorce ASAP. Step 4: Find the best lawyer she can afford and sue Jackson, because if that shit is not illegal, it fucking should be. Besides every other reason it is wrong, it leads to a situation that should never happen: that a woman is pregnant and is not even aware it is a possibility. And to make it worse, two people know she is pregnant before her, which should never happen either, because it takes her agency completely out. God, this was infuriating. Fuck Jackson! In fact, I shouldn't say that, because as much as I didn't like Jackson before, this was completely OOC for him. So fuck who ever wrote that story instead.

    It feels better, getting this off my chest after such a log time.

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  13. 3 hours ago, paulvdb said:

    I guess i'm the only person who doesn't have lots of personal items at work. The only things I have at the office are the clothes I'm wearing, my lunch and the stuff in my pockets like wallet, keys and phone. So if I ever had to leave I would not need to pack a box. I could just walk out.

    Then you could do the epic slow walk to a rap music, when everyone either quietly looks at you or highfives you.

    • LOL 17
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  14. 52 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

    No one has apologized to The Chicks, but their careers were not as affected as Sinead's.  The Chicks never really were cancelled to the extent of Sinead.  The podcast You're Wrong About did an episode on The Chicks that talked about them being "cancelled."  They lost gigs and some radio stations stopped playing their music, but this happened when streaming became a thing.  They still had outlets for their music that Sinead did not.  They may have only released 2 full albums since that concert in London, but part of that is their life getting into the way.  The women married, had kids, got divorced, got remarried, etc., and Natalie Maines's messy divorce caused the band some issues.  Her husband tried to get the courts to stop her from writing songs about his cheating instead of, you know, not cheating on his songwriter wife.  

    It may not have been as bad, but we don't have to measure by the worst examples. My point was that there has been an enormous outrage directed at them as well as blacklisting, by some of the same groups of people that are now crying about "cancel culture" sometimes on almost daily basis.

    • Love 21
  15. Every woman on TV will always have smoothly shaved armpits and legs. Doesn't matter if she has worked on the most important case of her career and barely slept and eaten for days, or wears long sleeves and trousers and viewers only see her when she changes in private. Or if she has been trapped on a deserted island for weeks with no shaving supplies, or is in a period drama from a time in history when shaving was not common in that area. Women on TV don't grow body hair.

    • Love 19
  16. 4 hours ago, Wiendish Fitch said:

    For all the whinging about "cancel culture", I've yet to see anyone suggest we apologize to Sinead O'Connor for turning against her for that extremely minor thing she did nearly 30 years ago... which was in protest of something that was very real, but was being covered up. Hell, the truth about the Catholic priests was revealed a decade after the SNL incident, and we still didn't apologize. It makes my head spin that rapists, thugs, and outright killers are defended as "promising young men" whose "lives shouldn't be ruined", but we fed O'Connor to the wolves for telling the cold, hard truth and her career never recovered.

    We all know that cancel culture is only bad when it targets some actions, words, etc. 

    I don't think anyone apologized to The Chicks (previously Dixie Chicks) either.

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  17. Do main characters that just happen to be pets count? Because I would like to add Duchess and her kittens from The Aristocats. And even though foxes are not usually kept as pets, Tod from The Fox and the Hound was sort of one, since he was adopted shortly after birth. And how cute was he:



    The scene when he was left in the forest breaks my heart every time.



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  18. I didn't want to post any negative comment in the Fashion thread, so I will put this here: I don't like the iconic green dress from Atonement. I love the color, it is my favorite shade of green and one of my favorite colors for outfits, but I dislike everything else about it, the cut of the dress, the lower back, how it just hangs on Keira Knightley, making her look even thinner than usual.

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  19. 4 hours ago, Annber03 said:

    Sounds a lot like some of the politicians here who are now speaking out against the previous administration, despite similar blunders and bad actions. And yeah, you agree with their criticisms in and of themselves, but you're also sitting here going, "Gosh, way to finally catch up with the rest of us." It's very disingenuous, indeed. 

    It shows that for some people the handling of pandemic is a political issue rather than medical and they will say whatever they think is the popular position at the moment. I also noticed that some people on youtube were applauding Piers Morgan when he criticized the government's handling of pandemic, because he was apparently so enlightened he could see past his political preference! GTFO!

    The story of that murder and the judge's ruling was horrific. They are not the type of people you send to jail?!!! I guess murderers would stand out among all the recreational drug users and people jailed for resisting arrest when they were bullied by policemen.

    Was this the first time that John was without the mask in opening credits, or did I miss it before? The last I remember he still had it on.

    WTF is a Hot wax summer?

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