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Posts posted by JustHereForFood

  1. On 8/31/2024 at 10:31 AM, Harvey said:

    Sauron was in that goo form for 1000 years. I don't think it was his "choice" per se, it was just that when he was murdered he sustained huge wounds which drained his energy and it took a long time to regain his power. The showrunners did something really cool here, which they explained in an interview:


    Do you see that rock that becomes big? It is meant to symbolize the passage of time. They grow very slowly and a fan calculated that for 1 to grow that much it takes about 1000 years.

    The interview where the showrunners talk about it:


    I didn't realize that. Does that mean that Adar is also thousand years old? Could he not have chilled a bit during that time? 

  2. 18 hours ago, Affogato said:

    Anout the gender thing the question is why are people so focused and defensive about rhe guys on the show? There was a largely female cast and some of their characters did bad things.  

    They all took responsibility for their actions and were called out on them when appropriate. The show was actually pretty good IMO for showing how female characters can also make mistakes and learn from them.

    (Anya being the exception, but that is often pointed out, at least here.)

    • Like 4
  3. Just two weeks ago, I was still complaining about how warm it still is and where's my Autumn weather. Then we went from over 30 °C (should be around 86 °F according to online calculator) to just around 10-11 °C (around 50 °F) in like two days and we were hit with non-stop rain several days in a row that resulted in massive floods all over Central Europe.

    Why can't we have normal weather? Why does it have to be just extremes? 

    (Not sure if this belongs here or to Pet Peeves as per the last rule there.)

    • Sad 4
  4. I don't listen to any rap because I just don't like that kind of music, so I barely know who he is (yes, I know, I am a huge racist because of that, according to a part of the internet, lol). But I recently went through a similar stages of denial and grief with Neil Gaiman, so I kind of get it. And before that, Harry Potter and Mists of Avalon are some of my most favorite books, Buffy is one of my favorite shows ... yes, there are some different levels of terrible things that the people behind them did. Bottom line is, I had to come to some level of separating art from the artist, otherwise I am afraid that we will end up not being able to enjoy anything eventually. Sometimes, I can do it, other times not and it's all pretty inconsistent, but we all should do what is best for us at the end of the day. And since I am seeing people who get very mad at others who still enjoy the art and remain part of a fandom, I think we should remember to be mad at the people who did the wrong/illegal acts, not at other fans who are dealing with the same as us, just maybe in different ways.

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  5. On 9/15/2024 at 7:31 PM, Cobalt Stargazer said:

    Why do Xander Harris' flaws make fans so angry? Because that's the pinnacle of it, what I see as way overstating the case of how bad he is, and you don't even have to compare him to a soulless killer. His 'crimes' are: cheating on his girlfriend, not handling the aftermath particularly well, and I guess not telling Buffy the truth at the end of the second season. There might be other stuff, but those are the big three. Even in the show, it's never addressed that Xander turns out to be right about Buffy only wanting her stupid boyfriend back, since she hides Angel and lies to everyone's faces about what's going on, and then she gets caught and everyone was mad for five minutes and then we never hear about it again. Not even from Xander. She at best disregards their emotional well-being and at worst puts their safety at risk, but Xander's the bad guy, because Buffy should be allowed to do whatever she wants.

    I would posit that as entertaining as a character like Homelander might be, he's not relatable, again not in the way we usually define it. Viewers are comfortable enjoying watching him, because even though he's damaged and homicidal and just generally a piece of crap, his flaws are so outsized that there's nothing to compare it to in 'the real world'. It's not just the Sad Wet Cat face, although that's a piece of it.

    I think you answered your own question here. Xander creates such a reaction with some fans (especially women) because they've known so many people like him in real life. Meanwhile, we don't actually encounter murdering vampires, so Spike probably doesn't bring up quite as much personal feelings. Apart from the attempted rape, which sadly looks like something out of real life and man, do I hate how that is often swept under the rug with "But he had no soul yet" or some variation of "Buffy was already using him for sex so what" which I don't even know where to begin with.

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  6. 8 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

    I wasn't thrilled with S2 so I don't care all that much about If/When S3 happens. That being said, I'll never understand the attitude on Social Media of calling to cancel S3 to punish Gaimen for his alledged actions. There are so many people involved in a production and just fire them all because of 1 bad apple? 🙄

    It's the problem with people who are perpetually online and lose their grip on reality. They look for something to vent their righteous anger at, instead of doing something positive, like help the victims. There are several other examples of this behavior, usually political.

    • Like 2
  7. 6 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

    Patton Oswalt had a good monologue on this. I had this nerd discussion on another show thread, where I was trying to explain that nerds are not incels and the two were being conflated. Nerd culture *is* basically the culture. This is why shows like Dancing with the Stars or Master Chef, as well as 400 Marvel movies, Wheel of Time, all that. You're not regularly posting on a web site about tv shows if you're not at some level of nerd. 

    Yes, back in the 80s, nerd meant something completely and entirely different. *That's* what incel is now. They're the ones screeching about 'woke' or 'the lore' and trying to ruin everything and spewing all over social media about it. 

    First, people are often switching up the terms geek and nerd. Geek is what we mean when we talk about people being very passionate about stuff, often sci-fi or fantasy (proud geek here!). Nerd means more someone into physics, science, etc. (thought meny people can be both). Both are often made fun of, with often using neurodivergent stereotypes, which is even more shitty because many geeks are neurodivergent to some extent. Hopefully we can start treating people as people at some point and let others enjoy the things they like in peace.

    As for incels/anti-woke people, ouch that is some nasty stuff, I hope you didn't really mean it. Yes, there are some people like that in fandoms, usually very toxic in debates, but these are minority. In fact, people like to point out that most of the so called "nerdy shit" used to be the most progressive and diverse stories, so seeing people who either completely missed the point of those stories or just jumped on the bandwagon when they became popular now complaining about "wokeness" is hilarious. 

    • Like 5
  8. On 9/9/2024 at 2:49 AM, Cobalt Stargazer said:

    Then again, this is why we can watch Saving Private Ryan with its many scenes of battle related gore without issue, but women on TV have sex with their bras on.

    Honestly, I'm fine if fewer actresses are pressed into being naked on camera.

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  9. 8 hours ago, proserpina65 said:

    Conversely, as much as I hate when a show I like gets cancelled, I don't believe any network/streaming service is obligated to keep ordering new seasons of shows which are not getting enough viewership to justify the cost.  Because ultimately it is a business.  And I think that's probably the far more unpopular opinion.

    I agree in general, but then they should be more transparent about their numbers so that we know what to expect, and if we can do anything about it (like doing most of their promotion as some fans do in some cases). Or just plan the budget so they can make three seasons (and not in span of 6 years) to see how many fans can get around it. Shows I was talking about gather very passionate fanbases and get new fans over time. I just started watching Our Flag Means Death few weeks ago and paid Max membership to watch it. Plus, they will then use that money on new sometimes similar shows that are IMO less likely to get views because as I was saying, people will become vary of trying new shows and it becomes a cursed circle.

    On one hand, there are always sequels, prequels, spinoffs and reboots because people understand the power of existing fanbase, on the other hand they don't trust some fanbases to grow and will rather throw money elsewhere.

    • Like 3
  10. 13 minutes ago, Affogato said:

    You end up with reality shows and contests. I don’t watch any of those. 

    I want comfort TV shows with good writing and LGBTQ+ main characters that don't get cancelled before getting a proper ending. Is that so much to ask?

    • Like 8
  11. All of this shit with cancelling shows after one or two seasons and leaving people constantly on the edge with cliffhanger endings will just achieve that many folks will tire of it and stop watching new shows and watch them only after they end and they can confirm it had satisfying conclusion (which will probably happen less often, because fewer people watching will just mean that more shows will get cancelled.


    • Like 9
  12. On 8/16/2024 at 3:07 AM, fairffaxx said:

    A homicide victim was "funeralized" today, according to a local TV reporter.  By the way, we're in the San Francisco Bay Area, where people are generally well-educated (whatever you may think of our politics).  🙀

    At least I hope they said that the victim was killed and not "unalived". Self-censorship is driving me mental.

    • Like 3
  13. 11 hours ago, HawkeyeLo said:


    To summarize: it’s all a bit far-fetched, but possible. Hope that answers your questions!

    Honestly, I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that law school or med school only comes apparently after some other university study. I have heard about it before in other TV shows, but it still sounds weird, like a scam to get more money out of people or something.

  14. On 8/21/2024 at 9:51 PM, Palimelon said:

    Sense8 kind of did come out during the GOT boom, though, it was around the time of seasons 5 through 7 when the show was hitting a new ratings high each season.

    And I don't see any similarities between those two shows anyway. I think that Sense8 was cancelled because it was very expensive, they shot it in several countries. (I do love it though and wish they could have done 5 seasons of it.)

    • Like 2
  15. On 8/14/2024 at 11:51 PM, Chaser said:

    Paris should have been a Lawyer. Being a physician made no sense. She doesn’t want to help people; she wants to destroy them. 

    I know there is a lot about American education system that I really don't understand, but ... I thought she was studying to be a journalist like Rory? I understand that they don't need to be in the same program to share a room, but she ran the paper. Why would she do that if she was not studying journalism? Also, how was she deciding that so late??? You guys don't pick the program you study before you start? 

  16. I didn't hate April or Anna in the original show. Why? They were quite a lot like Rory and Lorelai (which just shows that Luke has a type). I didn't like the custody battle in season 7 which just looks like a conflict for the sake of conflict, but then I didn't like most of the season 7 plotlines anyway.

    Now, April in the revival is another matter, I hate what they turned her into, basically the sum of everything that is to dislike about that age group mixed together. I wouldn't last 10 minutes in the room with her.

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