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Posts posted by JustHereForFood

  1. I consider myself a feminist. I admit that I am not familiar with all the history and specific waves as I probably should, but that doesn't keep me from understanding that feminism is about equal rights for everyone, not about hating men, as some people who don't like us proclaim.

    Regarding some individuals who make a bad name for the rest of us, it is sad, but I don't think that it should make the rest of us ashamed to call ourselves feminists out of fear to be associated with them, but on the contrary, we should all be proud of the term, to show everyone what it really represents.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

    Omg you guys I just thought of something!

    Classic Loki followed the MCU timeline down to a T except for faking his death by Thanos. And Loki’s faked his death before, it wouldn’t have been completely out of character to do it again. He was completely under the TVA’s radar until he tried to go find Thor, which was when he got caught. But if he hadn’t done that, the TVA would never have known. Which gives us two possibilities:

    Classic Loki was our Loki (from the future)

    Or (and I’m grasping at straws here)…

    Our Loki might still be alive!!!!

    You mean the one who died in Infinity War?

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  3. 13 hours ago, Stats Queen said:

    I personally don’t hold that tweet against him. The wording was wrong, but IMO I don’t think he was wishing bad things on anyone, but rather his concern that we seem to be so increasingly divided as a nation and is concerned about this divide growing wider.
    Something to unify us based upon leveraging what we have in common versus focusing what divides us is how we get to a better place. 

    I completely understand the reasoning behind that idea, but I am too sceptical that it would work, the reality would IMO be more like in last season of Game of Thrones - deal with the problem, then back to our regularly scheduled squabbles.

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  4. 12 hours ago, WinnieWinkle said:

    I don't think they race horses per se - Equestrian sports at the Olympics - but I suspect you wouldn't like what they do do either.

    Fair enough, I used the term "horse racing" loosely, meaning equestrian sports in general, but my point still applies. I don't get this desire to compete and win, that so many people seem to have to an absurd degree, in my opinion sports should be fun for people doing it. But if people decide to do this on their own free will, whatever, knock yourself out, I'm just no going to watch it. But I don't like it when people involve animals in that stuff, since they cannot technically consent and I very much doubt that they care about winning over other animals.

    And now that I think about it, this sort of applies to children as well (as I understand, in some disciplines they have to start training very young), since the question whether they decide themselves that they want to compete, as opposed to being persuaded (or forced) by their parents, can be hard to answer. And I don't mean just sports now, but also all sorts of competitions, like beauty pageants. To me, when parents enter their kids into such things, it just perpetuates this toxic idea of competition.

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  5. My new UO: I don't care for the Olympics. Not just this year when I think it is a huge risk because of covid, but in general, I don't give a single fuck about people competing in sports. And since I just learned that there is also horse racing in Olympics, which I didn't know as I don't watch it, I would like to expand on that: I don't care if consenting adults decide to dedicate all their lives to a specific sport, but please leave the animals out of it. The same goes to any dog shows, or any other competition that involves animals. 

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  6. On 7/2/2021 at 9:39 PM, Luckylyn said:

    Jessie Gender on YouTube discusses the controversy over Anthony Mackie’s comments regarding Sam/Bucky shipping.  I wasn’t sure if I should post this here or the shipping thread because there’s some commentary on shipping in general included.  I think there’s a valid point to be made that we need more platonic male friendships that don’t buy into toxic masculinity tropes.  There’s this idea that to men can’t be emotionally intimate with friends.  So I support showing same sex friends being close without romantic subtext.

    But when show runners insert certain breadcrumbs (romantic subtext) in their media knowing how some groups will interpret it, they can’t act surprised when fans start thinking in that direction. In Falcon and The Winter Solider,  I do think the cliche falling on top of each other scene and the couples therapy eye gazing scenes were designed to signal to people who ship Sam/Bucky.  They want to have their cake and eat it to.  They want to draw in people who support same sex pairings while also catering to homophobic people at the same time.  Hint and imply but never make the romance explicit so they have deniability. 

    She is right about how same sex pairings have been subtext instead of explicit for so long on tv and in movies that fans are just used to looking for the subtext.  Sometimes the subtext is an accident in that two actors just happen to have chemistry, but the writers aren’t intending romance.   Sometimes the subtext is there because the show runners want to a same sex romance but the network won’t allow it.  So all they can do is push boundaries with subtext, and those show runners I won’t criticize since their hands are tied by those in charge.   But many times it’s intentional to bait the audience with no real interest in having a same sex pairing be canon which is a game showrunners need to stop. Either go there with the same sex romance or don’t.  Stop teasing and then not following through.  It’s especially annoying when they tease and then treat fans like they are crazy for believing the things the show runners themselves implied (ex: Sherlock).

    I appreciate her bringing up the intersectionality of race whether Mackie where a narrative about him is being pushed which perpetuates stereotypes.

    Also the finding romance in the subtext isn’t just a same sex shipper thing.  I have definitely seen heterosexual pairings build upon subtext too.  

    Thanks for the video, it was quite informative. BTW, this topic was also recently discussed in the "Stan culture" thread.

    I do agree with the points she made about why exactly Mackie's comments are problematic, but personally, it is Marvel who got on my shitlist here, not Mackie, because they are the ones who decided to queerbait their audience in the first place, which is IMO the problem. In general, I think that actors often get a raw deal with how they have to promote the stuff they have not written and, as has been pointed out in the video, often have to cover quite heavy topics. 

    Personally, I would be glad if the whole queerbaiting trope could crawl under the sofa and die, in favor of some actual representation in all these major franchises. I totally get the importance of queercoding in the past and I am grateful for it, because it was at times the only representation available, but it is 21st century now and these are western productions, so it is time to change course.

    • Love 13
  7. 59 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

    They still make those!?!??!!

    Sure! To be fair, I'm not sure if they make new ones or just sell the oldies, because I haven't been listening to anything from the last decade or so 😃.

    1 hour ago, Mabinogia said:

    I just can't with podcasts. Same with audiobooks. I don't have the auditory attention span for it. I am strongly visual, especially when talking to people. I even hate talking on the phone because I can't see the other person so I can't really pay attention to what is being said. 

    I'm similar to that. The only podcast I listen to is on youtube, with the guys shown talking and no matter how much I try to do other stuff during listening, I always end up just watching them, if I want to pay attention. 

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  8. What a great episode. I didn't even miss the TVA characters, the interactions between Loki and Sylvie were great. Loved their conversation on the train and the show finally acknowledging Loki's sexuality. I know I talk big about how we shouldn't accept just scraps of representation from Marvel at this point, but I admit I almost teared up at that scene. And they did bisexual lighting as well. I loved it.

    The scene of Loki singing that Asgardian song reminded me of WandaVision and Wanda singing a Sokovian lullaby. And I loved the callback to Thor smashing the glass after drinking. It shows that their brotherly connection is strong even without shared blood.

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  9. 5 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

    I will be corrected probably, but I believe they are found in the same places as one can download music (also, never), and that some are free of cost and others are not.  So iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, etc.

    I have never been on any of those apps. I listen to everything I want on youtube and if I want to own some music, I buy the CD.

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  10. 14 hours ago, Wiendish Fitch said:

    All right, I'm wading into choppy waters, but I have to get this off my chest...

    Even if he were 100% innocent, I think that Bill Cosby is absolutely nothing special as a performer. I thought Fat Albert was dreary and preachy AF, with horrendous animation. The Cosby Show was boring and unfunny. Cosby's stand-ups were, at best, only sporadically amusing, but in the most vanilla way possible. Cosby isn't even a very good actor (leave the mugging to Stan Laurel, you annoying hack!).

    My confession: I have never seen a single episode of his show, or I think anything he ever was in.

    And speaking of said show, I always found it strange that some shows were called XY show, where XY is the name of the main actor and not the character. As a child, it confused me a lot and as an adult, I just think that everyone with such a show must have a giant ego, which is repulsive to me. Ugh.

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  11. Well, that turned out better than I expected, though I really didn't expect much.

    Yay for Jane not being editor in chief in the end. It would have been better if she wasn't even considered or if she realized she is not qualified, instead of just being unable to give up writing, but I will take it. I didn't care much for her random hookup or Pinstripe cameo, but I liked the callback to her parents.

    Kat becoming editor in chief instead was a bit random, like it just has to be one of them, they don't have any other employees at Scarlet. I agree that she is a better option than Jane and from a perspective of someone who doesn't know anything about running a magazine, I wouldn't say it is that big of a problem that she isn't a writer, the social media part of the job seems to be a future after all - didn't they make Scarlet web exclusive in previous season or something? Anyway, the biggest issue with this for me is that I find it unbelievable that the board or whoever has to approve this was OK with this change in such a short time, especially since they fired Kat not that long ago. But the whole season was rushed anyway, so this is something that I have to take as part of that. I liked her getting together with Adena.

    Not sure how to feel about Sutton and Richard. They took quite some time to show Sutton coming to terms with the divorce and even in this episode with accepting that it is for the better, only to end with them back together anyway... But I get the decision, they were the main ship of this show since the beginning and from what I saw in various comments they are quite popular, so it is not a surprise if the writers wanted a happy ending. I was so afraid that they would make Sutton change her mind about kids, so I am glad that it was Richard instead. And hey, with how often the female characters are bullied into changing their minds about kids (which is a big peeve of mine), I don't mind at all that the man gets to compromise once. He is an adult and if he decides that he wants to have Sutton more than kids, good for him, because she is great! If he regrets it later, that is on him. I felt bad for Sutton in the previous episode with her therapist, when she confessed how she felt that she is just not enough, so I was glad for her when Richard told her that she is.

    I liked the last part of the episode and got a bit emotional with Jacqueline's speech, Kat's speech and then Jacqueline watching the trio in the fashion closet (where else would the ending be?) Since the show is ending, I would like to take a moment to appreciate how glad I am for this show, despite the recent drop in quality of the writing. The gave us four strong female characters, with the relationships among them at the forefront, along with some great supporting characters in Oliver, Alex, Sage, Adena and even Andrew and Richard to some extent. I was initially hesitant to watch it, because from the previews with them screaming in the subway I though it would be some superficial feminism, but I'm glad I eventually did. I hope we will have some similar show in the near future.

    • Love 9
  12. 6 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    While Caviezel did a great job, that whole movie was a fucking insult. Making Valentine, Villefort's WIFE? When she was his daughter in the book? And also changing the paternity of Albert to be Edmond's? And the director didn't give a fuck. He said so in the dvd special features, that he didn't care and changed what he did because he wanted to, and who cares if it deviated from the book?

    But I still watch it for the yummiliciousness of Caviezel and a very young Henry Cavill (Albert).

    Honestly, I couldn't even finish that one. A fucking tragedy of an attempt.

  13. My favorite adaptations of a book are the 1935 and 1958 versions of A Tale of Two Cities. I strongly prefer both of them to the book, even though the 1958 version in particular made some big changes. While I liked the book, my main criticism is that most of it felt like just a setup for the ending and not that much happened and this is somehow fixed in those movies, by cutting some of those chunks of nothing out.

    Another adaptations that I prefer to the book are the 1995 version of Sense and Sensibility and the TV adaptation of Good Omens, but in those cases, I saw the adaptations first, so that may have an influence.

    On the other end, I have not yet been satisfied by any adaptation of either The Three Musketeers or The Count of Monte Cristo. The most tolerable for me were the 1961 version of The Three Musketeers with Gérard Barray and the 1975 version of The Count of Monte Cristo with Richard Chamberlain, but I had a lot of nitpicking in those as well.

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  14. On 6/17/2021 at 2:26 AM, Morrigan2575 said:

    I'm convinced that the Time Keepers don't exist, if they ever did. The discussion with Mobius and Ravonna plus the Mobius/Loki discussion have me in the Equilibrium mindset. 

    I agree. They got mentioned too many times by now, there has to be some "surprise reveal" at the end.

  15. 4 hours ago, madmax said:

    One day, after the 20th or so rejection, I just thought why not?  I saw some of the not-so-great stuff that was being self-published and thought I could do better.  I wouldn't have done anything if it wasn't for my friend that kept encouraging me to write at all.  He was kinda like my muse.

    You should try it.  If you do your own cover and editing, you can e-publish for free.  

    I never really told anyone outside of my husband and sons that I was writing.  When the rest of the family found out, they were all very happy and most of them purchased the books.  My brother-in-law took one of my ARCs out of my bag at lunch where we work and showed it to some of my office mates.  I don't know if it inspired them to go out and buy it.  I'd like to think so.

    Congratulations, that sounds great!

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  16. 3 hours ago, Lady Whistleup said:

    Speaking of acronyms, I've seen the use of "LGBTNBGNC2SQQIPAA" -- lesbian gay bi transgender, non-binary, non-gender conforming, two spirit, queer, questioning, intersex, pansexual, asexual, and agender. I have a hard time remembering this one.

    Hence why I use simply LGBT+. With so many letters added (understandably), there would always be something missing, so the + is inevitable anyway. And I dislike using "queer" as an umbrella term. If someone wants to identify that way, fine, but don't force it on people who may still view it negatively.

    And a new pet peeve, since PTSD was mentioned: I don't like it when people act as if PTSD is an issue affecting veterans exclusively. It affects many people, and is much too often caused by those f***ing veterans, so forgive me if I have much more sympathy for all the other people suffering from it and almost none left for veterans, especially those who volunteered and weren't forcibly conscripted.

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