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Posts posted by JustHereForFood

  1. I finally decided to watch this and I like it so far. I really liked the animated sequence explaining the TVA and all those bureaucracy jokes, like the tiket and that airport-like queue. 

  2. Regarding the BIPOC acronym, I have seen it used, but I am a bit lost - what happened to POC? I mean, black and indigenous people count as people of color, right? So why not use just POC, as seemed to be the case before? Or am I missing something here? 

    @Lady Whistleup - thanks for clarifying that it is an adjective. As someone with English as a  second language, I know I often mix nouns and adjectives, especially when it comes to acronyms or words that are derived from other words.

    • Love 2
  3. 38 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

    Does anybody read Harlan Cobin books?  I see one 'Caught' I might be interested in.

    I used to read all his books then he got a bit strange writing under a different name.  So I stopped.

    But this one caught my eye.

    I like his Myron Bolitar novels, but with his standalone novels I stopped caring after a few of them. He basically uses two types of twist over and over again, so it got a bit uninteresting for me. With Myron Bolitar series I keep reading just for those characters that I like, not for the plot.

    But if you haven't read many of his books, you might like Caught, it wasn't bad, it just wasn't particularly surprising or clever. JMO of course. 

    Also, I was not aware he also writes under a different name. Can you specify?

    • Love 2
  4. 20 hours ago, Bastet said:

    Yeah, I love how everyone who claims to have had a past life was something fabulous.  You never hear, "I was a leech collector in a previous life."

    My aunt who believes in reincarnation went once under some sort of hypnosis to experience previous lives. I try not to judge, but I think people who offer these things are frauds. Anyway, she apparently had some boring experiences in past lives, no epic adventures, just various boring jobs.

    2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

    Peeve:  I don't like the hot weather, the Fall can't get here fast enough.

    It is so hot and uncomfortable when clothes stick to the body.

    I hate summers. May to August is a hell for me and I am getting more and more scared of climate change, because I can feel that each years is hotter. I dream of one day moving to Scotland, or some Scandinavian country.

    • Love 6
  5. Favorite:

    Nine: Practically all of season 1, but especially Dalek, The Empty Child, The Doctor Dances, Boom Town, Bad Wolf and The Parting of the Ways.

    Ten: School Reunion, The Shakespeare Code, Human Nature, The Family of Blood, Silence in the Library, Forest of the Dead, Midnight, Turn Left, The Waters of Mars, The End of Time 1&2.

    Eleven: The Doctor's Wife, The Snowmen, The Name of the Doctor, The Night of the Doctor (not starring Eleven, but from that era), The Time of the Doctor.

    Twelve: Robot of Sherwood, Listen (the first half of the episode), The Magician's Apprentice, The Witch's Familiar, Heaven Sent, The Husbands of River Song. Twelve was my most favorite Doctor, but he didn't have that many episodes that would stand out for me. 

    Thirteen: The Woman Who Fell to Earth, It Takes You Away, Spyfall 1&2, Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror, first half of The Haunting of Villa Diodati (before the cyberman showed up). A bit similar to Twelve - I like her and I like both seasons in general, but there aren't many episodes that would stand out for me. 


    Least favorite:

    Ten: season 2 in general, especially The Impossible Planet, The Satan Pit, Love & Monsters, then 42 (I don't think I remember a single thing from it).

    Eleven: not much of a fan of Amy Pond era, but I especially didn't like the second part of season 6: Night Terrors, The Girl Who Waited, The God Complex and the first part of season 7: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, A Town Called Mercy, The Angels Take Manhattan - the departure of Amy and Rory was drawn longer than Ten's departure and that is saying something.

    Twelve: Kill the Moon (WTF was that?), Sleep No More, The Return of Doctor Mysterio.

    Thirteen: Arachnids in the UK, Ascension of the Cybermen, The Timeless Children. I am not making any judgement on that reveal yet, but I am so tired of Cybermen hijacking season finales, especially now that there are less episodes in total and they took 3 of them! And especially considering how many of the finales with Master/Missy they were in (Yes, Master is my favorite villain and Cybermen the least favorite, so season 8, 10 and 12 finales were especially frustrating for me).

    • Love 1
  6. Nine is my second favorite Doctor, just after Twelve. Well, I really like all of them so far, so the difference is really minimal, but still. And season 1 is my most favorite by far, I loved the Nine, Rose and Jack dynamic from the last few episodes.

    I don't follow any of the audio stories, but I like that Christopher Eccleston has apparently made his peace with the show and returned for a new story. And I really liked this interview, it's refreshing that he admits it's a job to him and doesn't pretend he kept up with all of the episodes.


    • Love 2
  7. 9th Doctor: "Everything has its time and everything dies."

    12th Doctor: I liked all of his bigger speeches, especially the one about war from The Zygon Inversion and the one said to Master and Missy from The Doctor Falls, this part in particular: "Who I am is where I stand. Where I stand, is where I fall."

    And from The Witch's Familiar: 

    "Davros: Compassion, then.
    The Doctor: Always.
    Davros: It will kill you in the end.
    The Doctor: I wouldn't die of anything else."


  8. I didn't exactly love her books, but I read a few series from V.C. Andrews (and her ghostwriter) and sort of liked them. And that was in my late teens/early 20's. Now I feel ashamed of myself for not caring enough about how toxic all relationships in them were and how much nonconsensual stuff was glossed over. Gross.

    • Love 2
  9. 4 hours ago, Wiendish Fitch said:

    I am so, so, so glad I never read any of Danielle Steele's stuff, and am absolutely fine that I never will. 

    My mother read a lot of them and I once tried to read one to see what the appeal was, but I just didn't get it.

    • Love 7
  10. 22 hours ago, ahisma said:

    And I 100% saw it this way. They are colleagues with shared experiences, and show biz creates even closer relationships than most colleagues. I think Christine put a tiny bit of emphasis on how “naughty” it would be for him to go to a show with someone else as a joke, with the understanding that everybody on planet Earth knows how devoted Stephen is to Evie.

    I agree. And I will take this as another confirmation that I am oblivious to some human interactions, because I did not see any flirting there and was surprised what everyone here is talking about 😄.

    • Love 8
  11. I haven't seen that one, but I was utterly disappointed in the 2010 version with Russell Crowe. I don't even remember anything of the plot, just how completely bored I was. And the cast was likewise promising, but wasted.

  12. 27 minutes ago, Rootbeer said:

    There are way too many cases.  Gary Coleman, who, like the Olsens, was working before he was old enough to go to school, eventually had to go to court to try to get an accounting of what happened to his money.  Turns out, mom and dad paid themselves well, lived lavishly, and there was virtually nothing left for him as an adult.

    The original child star tragedy was Jackie Coogan, who starred in silent films as a child with stars like Charlie Chaplin.  He's probably best remembered today for playing Uncle Fester on the Addams Family TV show in the 60's.  As a child, he did film after film, earning a fortune.  Turns out his mother and stepfather spent every dime and he was left with nothing but debt as an adult.  California passed a law requiring parents of minor children to set aside part of their income for them after that, known as Coogan's Law.  Obviously, it isn't enough, but it was a start.

    That's horrible.

    • Love 6
  13. 5 hours ago, gesundheit said:

    And, I might add, Jane got sued for defamation shortly after she started writing for Scarlet. Then later quit for a different job, then got fired from that job (quite publicly) before begging her way back in.

    And Jacqueline was almost fired too, so I find it hard to believe that she has this much say in choosing her successor.

    The whole story with Jane was one giant facepalm, but my main concern is Sutton and her reunion with Richard. I really hope that she does not decide to compromise on the kids question to get a happy ending in the last episode. I can hardly imagine anything that would upset me more, than this show that is supposedly about female empowerment joining the vast majority of TV shows that think that marriage and children are the only acceptable happy ending for women.

    • Love 3
  14. 16 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    I feel like this might be an extreme opinion, considering the popularity of child acting in Hollywood, but I see it just like any other kind of child labour.  Maybe people were ignorant "back then" but seeing as how so many former child actors/entertainers/stars are now dead because of drugs or suicide I think you'd really have to be scum to put your kids into acting (or music).  There can't be any more excuses anymore.  There's no ignorance about this anymore.  This is why I can't trust any parent who would do this.

    I think there were also some cases of parents deliberately profiting from their children's careers, to the point they no longer had jobs on their own. I don't remember any specifics, but I think some sitcom child actor was a subject to this.

    • Love 5
  15. Ugh, no Spike for me, please. That whole storyline was degrading to Buffy, IMO. She really got the raw deal when it came to love interests. 

    And speaking of Spike, I really dislike the trope of the "bad boy" falling in "love" with the good girl. I am using the word love loosely here, because it usually is just attraction/wanting something you can't have, with an unhealthy dose of stalking or creepy behavior. I find it especially gross, when the character apparently wants to change for the better, but only because of the love interest, so his whole redemption arc is based on the "love" storyline and as a result, the love interest is often presented as responsible for his behavior. I like a good redemption story, don't get me wrong, but if the character doesn't want to change for themself, but only because they want a relationship with someone, it is not a good start. The worst case of this IMO was Damon from The Vampire Diaries and I still feel ashamed for initially shipping that. I am eternally grateful that I only watched Buffy a few years ago in my late 20's, because if I watched it as a teenager, I just know I would have been all over both Angel and then Spike, because I used to eat that BS up all the time (for example, Cole and Phoebe from Charmed). Now it sort of makes me nauseous.

    • Love 8
  16. 7 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

    He was bisexual in the comics, and most of the LGBTQ community are happy to finally have an openly out main character in the MCU.

    As a bisexual myself, I fully agree. It is a fucking shame that we haven't had any LGBT+ characters in MCU until now, considering how long it has been going. There are many characters in the comics, some of which have already been used on screen, but without any confirmation of their sexuality, like Valkyrie, or Loki before now.

    • Love 6
  17. On 6/22/2021 at 11:47 PM, GussieK said:

    I have a confession to make.  I skipped all of LOTR period.  Just doesn't appeal to me.

    I loved it when I first read it, but when I tried to read it again years later (this was in college, when I still had the time to reread books 😃), I just couldn't get past the first few chapters. I don't think I will ever try again. I can rewatch the movies over and over though and I sort of consider them to be better than the books (my sincere apologies for anyone who is horrified by that).

    • Love 5
  18. 18 hours ago, DanaK said:

    It cracks me up that Stephen won't say Trump's actual name and they mask it when they show some print (or use an alternative)

    I got so used to it that I almost expected something bad to happen when Christine Baranski mentioned him few times. I thought Stephen would tell her that one more time and she summons him, or something like that.

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