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Posts posted by JustHereForFood

  1. I liked it when I saw it in cinema as a kid, but was pretty horrified when we later had to read the book in high school and I found out it was so much more depressing. I never liked the book as a result, or any other movie adaptation. I do love the stage musical version though, it is a nice mix of the book and the Disney version. And I have high hopes for the upcoming live version. (I am apparently only able to consume Victor Hugo in musical form, because the musical version of Les Miserables is also the only version that I love, while I pretty much dislike all others.)


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  2. 4 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

    When I read a who done it book I like to read the last chapter first!

    Then I can follow the actions of the killer throughout the book!

    Just wondered if anybody else does this.

    Not necessarily with who done it books, but for a few years I had a system that I would skip passages of the book I was reading to check the general plot, while I was also slowly reading the full book. This was mostly when I started reading in English (as a second language) and it took me longer to read it than I would like. Now that I read at about the same pace as in my first language, I try not to do it too often, but I still sometimes do when I get stuck at some passage I find boring. 

    • Love 4
  3. While there is no science behind it, I generally consider the "half your age plus 7"rule to be a good indicator of what should be a minimal age for a partner, because it keeps the age range smaller when people are young and larger for older people.

    As was already said, another factor is a possible power dynamic, when it comes to teacher/student, boss/employee, or doctor/patient. Another thing is, how old were the people when they met for the first time - a difference of for example 23 and 30 is ok, but if the people in question met 10 years earlier, because the younger person is a sibling of the older person's friend and they were frequently around each other, it becomes a bit weird to me.

    • Love 7
  4. Meh, people on TV can take all the time they want in the morning, even if they don't eat much they can just sit at the table and talk to their roommates about last night's date or whatever and then stop for a coffee on their way to work and chat to someone else at the coffeeshop or on the street. If their job is not the focus of the story, like detectives or doctors, then their work schedule is 4 hours a day at most, during which they can get visits from all their friends or family and chat with them at work, or go to a lunch that lasts at least an hour.

    If the show is about the characters' job, however, they spend all their days and often nights at work, and if they ever need to take a sickday, they need to be persuaded by everyone around them and then have no clue what to do at home, because they have no hobbies outside of work.

    • LOL 1
    • Love 7
  5. A trope I really dislike is a character dying suddenly and unexpectedly, shortly after having a huge fight with a close person (usually their child, sibling, or best friend), when they threw the worst at each other, including stuff they don't really mean. One of them afterwards tries to reach the other to talk it out, but they are avoiding them and once they are ready to apologize or forgive the other person, they find out they just died, thus the surviving person doesn't get any closure and will presumably feel bad for the rest of their life, because of that fight. Bonus negative points from me, if they actually said to the now dead person something like "I wish you were dead". Extra bonus negative points, if the fight was over something insignificant in the first place, or if one of them acted way out of character, so you just know it was just for the sake of drama.

    • Love 11
  6. I don't think that Sutton sneaked that bottle in her bag, so I would expect that it is some company wine that was there for taking? I remember they already mentioned free tampons, fruit and sandwiches at various points, so maybe they also have free alcohol? Though I wonder why are they buying coffee in the lobby then, I never got any freee food in any job, but coffee was always available. Or maybe the company coffee sucks.

    • Love 3
  7. 7 hours ago, larapu2000 said:

    It's also good to know which gins are better for what kind of application.  I have found, for example, that some gins are just not as good in a gin and tonic but amazing with fruit/citrus flavors.  I think Sipsmith is my favorite "all around" gin, but I also love Hendricks for G&T and general mixing as well.  My fiance insists Haysmith is the best for Tom Collins.

    Best Gin Brands for Gin Drinks

    Thanks, I didn't even think of that. When it comes to wine, I always have a favorite brand, but with any hard liquor I sort of assumed it is all the same 😏. I have always used Beefeater so far.

  8. I feel almost bad, because I wanted a Batfamily show with all the Robins and Batgirls for such a long time, but it is unfair to fans of Teen Titans to get it here. I wish they would split the show into two, so that Titans could focus more on Starfire, Donna, or Beast Boy. Hawk and Dove could gueststar, or get their own pilot to determine whether they deserve a separate show as well.

  9. 2 hours ago, Aulty said:

    The thing that bugs me most about Addison, and please correct me if I am wrong, is the implied notion of a Gen Z person looking up to and for guidance in a millenial.
    Aren't they supposed to roll their eyes at each other?

    I am not into the whole "judge a person by the generation they belong to" thing in general, but I wouldn't make any comparison between these two anyway, because they have what, 2-3 years age difference? That's not a generational difference. Sutton said she is 27 this episode, so there must be some sliding timeline in effect, because they were at least 25 at the beginning.

    Next episode promo:

    I am not a fan of Jane' story here and I am starting to fear for what they might do with Sutton. 

    • Love 1
  10. 12 hours ago, possibilities said:

    It would help explain his anger and hard line about family acceptance, if his backstory is that previously he was sneaking into gay bars to meet other gay people because his family was not accepting, and that's how he became an alcoholic and that's why he's super angry and super-confrontational about Isabel. But it would not justify his unwillingness to talk to Victor about his history, and about how the current situation with the secrecy and avoidance affects his sobriety. It would be more in character for him to be explaining himself rather than accusing others, but they seem to have wanted to create conflict, instead of portraying Victor and Benji as the perfect fantasy soulmate kind of relationship that starts in high school and lasts forever with no hiccups.

    I really like this point. It would make more sense, because as it is, we don't have a clear explanation on why he was so confrontational at times. And while I would like more communication between them, I agree with the bolded, that that might be too much of a perfect situation and this seems to be maybe more realistic.

  11. 2 hours ago, larapu2000 said:

    I LOVE GIN.  My favorite gin drink is the French 75, which I recommend making with Meyer Lemon Juice and rosemary simple syrup.  However.  I just made the best cocktail where I put strawberries in a blender, then strained out the seeds.  I added some fresh lemon juice, simple syrup, and the strawberry mix with the gin.  The best part is you can do with any berry and it's great!  You can also use the strawberry mix to make a berry lemonade (1 cup sugar, 1 cup lemon juice, strawberry mix, fill water to 2 quarts) that makes it easy to mix.  It's a little sweeter that way, but you can reduce sugar probably by half!

    French 75 sounds interesting, I will have to try it. So far, I tried adding fresh lemon and grapefruit juice to gin and tonic and both have tasted much better than without. I have also been using citrus tonic instead of regular.

    1 hour ago, MargeGunderson said:

    @JustHereForFood, last summer I made frozen Tom Collins which were so nice when it was hot. If the link doesn’t work (it may be behind a paywall), let me know and I’ll post it.

    The link didn't work, but I googled the name. It looks interesting, although I'm afraid it has too much ice for me, I'm not really used to drink anything with it, even in summer.

  12. 15 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

    I have to say, if I had a boss tell me they couldn't manage me that day because they were tripping from taking mushrooms I would either take the other job offer or report them to HR. What is with Jane telling people how awful she is and them liking her for it? 

    It's the boldness and being real, I guess. 

    2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    Hardly. I get your larger point (and agree with it), but Oliver expresses concern for Sutton and sends her home. She's lucky he didn't fire her on the spot for the drinking during work hours, especially after she got so hammered at the retreat. He also could have insisted that she go to rehab or face consequences, and he didn't do that, either.

    Oliver is the boss everyone should be striving to emulate, not Jacqueline, IMO.

    2 hours ago, Aulty said:

    Question because I missed it: which of those morons was the one that added more mushrooms to the tea?

    Sutton, because Kat said she thinks it might be too weak.


    I thought this episode was a complete waste of time, until Oliver talked to Sutton the day after. I hope she at least goes to that therapy.

    I want to work at a place where one big gesture or speech makes all the difference in company policy, like with Scarlet and that fashion brand, or Belle and their policy on hiring convicts. And I guess Belle must be paying very good if Kat managed to save up for her next project on a bartender salary.

    • Love 5
  13. I have been thinking about all of these charactes' ages. When Benji said that he and Victor are both 16, I was a bit surprised. I know Victor celebrated birtday last season, but I thought it was 17, not 16. And I thought Benji was maybe older than him. The actor doesn't look like he belongs still at high school (which I know applies to most teenage characters on TV), but also the storyline about his addiction seems a bit off to me, if he is 16 and a year sober, it means he started AA at 15. Now, I have zero knowledge about AA, but it seems a bit early to me, like how does someone even know at that age that they have an addiction, as opposed to just getting drunk and not handling it well. I guess I should have rewatched last season before this one, as I don't even remember anything about Benji having problems with alcohol. But it would work better for me if he was 18 now.

    Then, if Victor is 16, Pilar must be 14 or 15 at most, so Rahim is probably the same age as her, yet he is on dating apps with adult men, claiming he is 22. Did none of the writers thought this was a bit problematic? I guess I just don't get why can't they all be 1-2 years older. Sure, Mia's and Felix's storylines only work if they are not 18 yet, but they could be the youngest of the group. It doesn't help that they are all usually acting much more mature than 16. And since I am apparently thinking about this too much at this point, Lucy should probably be 18 if she is serving alcohol at the wedding, but she said she was in Mia's class, so the same as 16-year old Victor...

    • Love 2
  14. On 6/13/2021 at 4:06 AM, possibilities said:

    I love the suggestion that maybe Lake and Andrew's ex (who I really like) might be interested in each other. Good, subtle acting from both actresses there. The breathlessness, the nerves... I liked it.

    I'm glad I wasn't the only one seeing that. I'm always for more bi representation, so I would be ok with that, even though I am not much of a fan of TV characters moving on to a next person the second they end one relationship. It is ok to be single for a while, especially if you are not over the previous relationship. But with Felix and Pilar and probably Victor and Rahim, I guess I shouldn't expect that from this series. But if that is my biggest complaint, it means the series is still one of the better ones currently on TV.

    On 6/15/2021 at 7:48 PM, dmeets said:

    I wonder if Nick Robinson wants to be done with playing Simon Spier, or if TPTB suspected this might be the end. Because I'd have expected Victor's "break up" with Simon to be saved for the series finale. I hope this show has one more year in it. It'd be nice to see their senior year and there were way too many cliffhangers.

    I suspect they are not sure if they get a next season, so they are covering their bases. And it makes sense, with how much progress Victor made this season regarding his sexual identity, that he doesn't need a sort of outside mentor anymore, since he can now discuss things openly with other people who are in the middle of the story.

    Mia's father continues to be a disappointment. Telling her right before the wedding seems sort of manipulative, as if she should not be mad at him on his big day. I don't like it when people drop stuff that needs a long talk on a day like this, ruining it for other people. It wasn't fair to his wife either, this was her day too. I liked how Andrew told him off. If someone told me at the beginning that I would come to really like Andrew, I would laugh, yet here we are. I was a bit worried that Mia would do something to harm herself, so I am glad that did not happen, although I'm afraid she is setting herself up for another disappointment with her mother.

    Not a fan of the cliffhanger. I don't like Rahim much, but I'm not sure if Victor and Benji are in a good place to be together now either, after all that happened this season. Maybe Victor should take a cue from his parents and take a break to figure it out on his own.

    I hope we get another season.

  15. Victor finally behaving like a teenager, after being so polite and perfect for two seasons was nice, although I probably felt more judgemental about him skipping school than I would have with any other character, since it was such a contrast.

  16. 6 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

    Blame social media. As I often say, social media is a breeding ground for stan culture and trolls. People become more emboldened by the anonymity of it and become detached from the reality of these are real people. 

    This is what I don't really get though. It's not really anonymous. I'm not on Twitter and was on Facebook for a few weeks over ten years ago, but from what I understand, most people have accounts in their own names and I know from some people who work in HR that they occasionally check people before hiring them. There have even been some examples in the news of people losing their jobs over old tweets, so one would think that people would learn how to behave by now. Forums like this one are practically anonymous in the sense that we don't post under our names and we are all able to be civil here. The contrast somehow confuses me.

    • Love 9
  17. 9 hours ago, Vermicious Knid said:

    There are lots of stories about celebrities who have a good public persona but are asses behind the scenes, mean to waitstaff, etc. Which makes me think, who is genuinely a good guy or girl. I get Tom Hanks, uh Michael J Fox? Who isn't very prominent nowadays. Who else?

    I've only ever heard good things about Hugh Jackman, Michael Sheen and David Tennant.

    I agree that we shouldn't put anyone on pedestal for being a decent person, but it seems to be the result of decades when a lot of celebrities were acting as douchebags and it was tolerated, especially in the film industry. Some people still justify a lot of bad behavior by saying it is a tough business, with lot of pressure, etc.

    And of course, men are usually the ones being singled out as being nice, because it is more expected of women. Even my examples prove that, because I couldn't remember any woman that was ever singled out as being nice, it is more like that's the norm and the ones we can name are those who are the exception, i.e. the not-so-nice.

    • Love 9
  18. 12 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

    It was precious!! I want to watch Love, Victor now. I recognized Keiynan Lonsdale (Blue), from the show Dance Academy about a decade ago. 

    I loved this movie and personally find the books even better. And I definitely recommend Love, Victor.

    • Love 2
  19. 12 hours ago, Trini said:

    Because "heroes" and they have to "sell toys"? Sure, Jan. Not with all the other stuff that's been approved for Batman in other mediums.

    Like the sex with Barbara in the Killing Joke? Hooking up with someone you have been a mentor to and who dated your son is fine, despite the power imbalance, but oral sex? Think of the little kids! (who have no business watching Harley Quinn in the first place)

    11 hours ago, starri said:

    I mean, they attempted to put his naked…Batarang in a Black Label graphic novel. 

    If only that was among the top 5 most disturbing things in that comic.

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